Esempio n. 1
        private static byte[] DecodeRgb5A3(byte[] fileData, uint dataOffset, uint width, uint height)
            uint numBlocksW = width / 4;  //4 byte block width
            uint numBlocksH = height / 4; //4 byte block height

            byte[] decodedData = new byte[width * height * 4];

            for (int yBlock = 0; yBlock < numBlocksH; yBlock++)
                for (int xBlock = 0; xBlock < numBlocksW; xBlock++)
                    //For each block, we're going to examine block width / block height number of 'pixels'
                    for (int pY = 0; pY < 4; pY++)
                        for (int pX = 0; pX < 4; pX++)
                            //Ensure the pixel we're checking is within bounds of the image.
                            if ((xBlock * 4 + pX >= width) || (yBlock * 4 + pY >= height))

                            ushort sourcePixel = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(fileData, (int)dataOffset);
                            RGB5A3ToRGBA8(sourcePixel, ref decodedData,
                                          (int)(4 * (width * ((yBlock * 4) + pY) + (xBlock * 4) + pX)));

                            dataOffset += 2;

Esempio n. 2
            public override void Load(byte[] data, ref int offset)
                base.Load(data, ref offset);
                _textureCount        = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 0x08);
                _textureHeaderOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0xC);
                _stringTableOffset   = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x10);

                offset += ChunkSize;
Esempio n. 3
            public override void Load(byte[] data, ref int offset)
                base.Load(data, ref offset);

                _sectionCount     = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 0x8);
                _isWeightedOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0xC);
                _dataOffset       = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x10);

                offset += ChunkSize;
Esempio n. 4
            public StringTableEntry GetStringTableEntry(ushort index)
                var ste = new StringTableEntry();

                /* String Table Header */
                ste.UnknownIndex = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)_stringTableOffset + 0x4 + (index * 0x4));
                ste.StringOffset = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)_stringTableOffset + 0x6 + (index * 0x4));

Esempio n. 5
            public void Load(byte[] data, ref int offset)
                Vertices[0] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset);
                Vertices[1] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 2);
                Vertices[2] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 4);
                Unknown1    = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 6);
                Unknown2    = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 8);

                offset += Size;
Esempio n. 6
            public override void Load(byte[] data, ref int offset)
                base.Load(data, ref offset);

                _unknown             = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 8);
                _packetCount         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 12); //2 bytes padding after _unusedEntryCount
                _vertexCount         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 16);
                _hierarchyDataOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 20);

                offset += ChunkSize;
Esempio n. 7
            public override void Load(byte[] data, ref int offset)
                base.Load(data, ref offset);

                _jointCount          = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 0x8);
                _entryOffset         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0xC);
                _stringIdTableOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x10);
                _stringTableOffset   = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x14);

                offset += ChunkSize;
Esempio n. 8
            public Vector2 GetTex0(int index, int decimalPlace)
                Vector2 newTexCoord = new Vector2();
                float   scaleFactor = (float)Math.Pow(0.5, decimalPlace);

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    newTexCoord[i] = FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)_tex0DataOffset + (index * 4) + (i * 0x2)) * scaleFactor;

Esempio n. 9
            private uint _matrixDataOffset;  //3x4 float array. Indeded into by something else. 15 in BST

            public override void Load(byte[] data, ref int offset)
                base.Load(data, ref offset);

                _sectionCount      = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 0x8);
                _countsArrayOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0xC);
                _indicesOffset     = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x10);
                _weightsOffset     = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x14);
                _matrixDataOffset  = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x18);

                offset += ChunkSize;
Esempio n. 10
            public Vector3 GetNormal(uint index, int decimalPlace)
                Vector3 newNormal   = new Vector3();
                float   scaleFactor = (float)Math.Pow(0.5, decimalPlace);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    newNormal[i] = FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy,
                                                    (int)(_normalDataOffset + (index * 6) + (i * 2))) * scaleFactor;

Esempio n. 11
 public void Load(byte[] data, uint offset)
     _unknown1 = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x0);
     //One byte padding.
     _unknown2 = (byte)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x3);
     _scale    = FSHelpers.ReadVector3(data, (int)offset + 0x4);
     _rotation = FSHelpers.ReadHalfRot(data, offset + 0x10);
     //2 bytes padding
     _translation    = FSHelpers.ReadVector3(data, (int)offset + 0x18);
     _unknown3       = FSHelpers.ReadFloat(data, (int)offset + 0x24);
     _boundingBoxMin = FSHelpers.ReadVector3(data, (int)offset + 0x28);
     _boundingBoxMax = FSHelpers.ReadVector3(data, (int)offset + 0x34);
Esempio n. 12
            public void Load(byte[] data, uint offset)
                MatrixType       = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset);
                Unknown0         = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 1);
                PacketCount      = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x2);
                AttribOffset     = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x4);
                FirstMatrixIndex = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x6);
                PacketIndex      = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x8);

                Unknown        = FSHelpers.ReadFloat(data, (int)offset + 0xC);
                BoundingBoxMin = FSHelpers.ReadVector3(data, (int)offset + 0x10);
                BoundingBoxMax = FSHelpers.ReadVector3(data, (int)offset + 0x1C);
Esempio n. 13
            public ushort GetPrimitiveIndex(uint offset, BatchAttribute primitiveAttrib)
                switch (primitiveAttrib.DataType)
                case DataTypes.Signed16:
                    return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)(_primitiveDataOffset + offset)));

                case DataTypes.Signed8:
                    return(FSHelpers.Read8(_dataCopy, (int)(_primitiveDataOffset + offset)));

                    throw new Exception("Unknown datatype index.");
Esempio n. 14
            public override void Load(byte[] data, ref int offset)
                base.Load(data, ref offset);

                //Load information from header
                _batchCount         = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 0x8);
                _batchDataOffset    = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0xC);
                _unknownTableOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x10);
                _zero                 = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x14);
                _attributeOffset      = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x18);
                _matrixTableOffset    = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x1C);
                _primitiveDataOffset  = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x20);
                _matrixDataOffset     = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x24);
                _packetLocationOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x28);

                offset += ChunkSize;
Esempio n. 15
        private static void UnpackPixelFromPalette(int paletteIndex, ref byte[] dest, int offset, byte[] paletteData, PaletteFormat format)
            switch (format)
            case PaletteFormat.IA8:
                dest[0] = paletteData[2 * paletteIndex + 1];
                dest[1] = paletteData[2 * paletteIndex + 0];

            case PaletteFormat.RGB565:
                RGB565ToRGBA8((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(paletteData, 2 * paletteIndex), ref dest, offset);

            case PaletteFormat.RGB5A3:
                RGB5A3ToRGBA8((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(paletteData, 2 * paletteIndex), ref dest, offset);
Esempio n. 16
            public override void Load(byte[] data, ref int offset)
                base.Load(data, ref offset);

                _materialCount = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, offset + 0x8);
                //Two bytes padding
                _materialInitDataOffset     = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0xC);
                _materialIndexOffset        = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x10);
                _stringTableOffset          = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x14);
                _indirectTextureOffset      = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x18);
                _gxCullModeOffset           = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x1C);
                _gxColorOffset              = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x20);
                _colorChannelNumOffset      = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x24);
                _colorChannelInfoOffset     = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x28);
                _gxColor2Offset             = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x2C);
                _lightInfoOffset            = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x30);
                _texGenNumberOffset         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x34);
                _texCoordInfoOffset         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x38);
                _texCoordInfo2Offset        = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x3C);
                _texMatrixInfoOffset        = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x40);
                _texMatrix2InfoOffset       = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x44);
                _textureIndex               = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x48);
                _tevOrderInfoOffset         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x4C);
                _gxColorS10Offset           = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x50);
                _gxColor3Offset             = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x54);
                _tevStageNumInfoOffset      = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x58);
                _tevStageInfoOffset         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x5C);
                _tevSwapModeInfoOffset      = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x60);
                _tevSwapModeTableInfoOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x64);
                _fogInfoOffset              = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x68);
                _alphaCompareInfoOffset     = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x6C);
                _blendInfoOffset            = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x70);
                _zModeInfoOffset            = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x74);
                _zCompareInfoOffset         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x78);
                _ditherINfoOffset           = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x7C);
                _nbtScaleInfoOffset         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, offset + 0x80);

                offset += ChunkSize;

Esempio n. 17
            }                                                 //Relative to file header

            public void Load(byte[] data, uint offset)
                Format = (TextureFormat)FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x00);
                _alphaUnknownSetting = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x01);
                Width             = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x02);
                Height            = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x04);
                WrapS             = (WrapMode)FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x06);
                WrapT             = (WrapMode)FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x07);
                PaletteFormat     = (PaletteFormat)FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x8);
                _unknown1         = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x09);
                PaletteEntryCount = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0xA);
                PaletteDataOffset = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, (int)offset + 0xC);
                _unknown2         = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, (int)offset + 0x10);
                FilterSettingMin  = (FilterMode)FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x14);
                FilterSettingMag  = (FilterMode)FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x15);
                _padding1         = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x16);
                _imageCount       = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x18);
                _padding2         = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x19);
                _padding3         = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x1A);
                ImageDataOffset   = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, (int)offset + 0x1C);
Esempio n. 18
        private static byte[] DecodeRgb565(byte[] fileData, uint dataOffset, uint width, uint height)
            //16 bpp, 4 block width/height, block size 32 bytes, color.
            uint numBlocksW = width / 4;
            uint numBlocksH = height / 4;

            byte[] decodedData = new byte[width * height * 4];

            //Read the indexes from the file
            for (int yBlock = 0; yBlock < numBlocksH; yBlock++)
                for (int xBlock = 0; xBlock < numBlocksW; xBlock++)
                    //Inner Loop for pixels
                    for (int pY = 0; pY < 4; pY++)
                        for (int pX = 0; pX < 4; pX++)
                            //Ensure we're not reading past the end of the image.
                            if ((xBlock * 4 + pX >= width) || (yBlock * 4 + pY >= height))

                            ushort sourcePixel = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(fileData, (int)dataOffset);
                            RGB565ToRGBA8(sourcePixel, ref decodedData,
                                          (int)(4 * (width * ((yBlock * 4) + pY) + (xBlock * 4) + pX)));

                            dataOffset += 2;

Esempio n. 19
 public ushort GetIndex(ushort index)
     return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)_dataOffset + (index * 0x2)));
Esempio n. 20
 public void Load(byte[] data, uint offset)
     Unknown    = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)(offset + 0x0));
     Count      = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)(offset + 0x2));
     FirstIndex = (uint)FSHelpers.Read32(data, (int)(offset + 0x4));
Esempio n. 21
 public void Load(byte[] data, uint offset)
     Type        = (PrimitiveTypes)FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset);
     VertexCount = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x1);
Esempio n. 22
 public ushort GetMaterialIndex(uint index)
     return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)(_textureIndex + (index * 0x2))));
Esempio n. 23
 public ushort GetMaterialRemapTable(ushort index)
     return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)(_materialIndexOffset + (index * 0x2))));
Esempio n. 24
 public ushort GetUnknown(uint index)
     return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)(_unknownTableOffset + (index * 0x2))));
Esempio n. 25
 public ushort GetMatrixTableIndex(ushort index)
     return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)(_matrixTableOffset + (index * 0x2))));
Esempio n. 26
            private ushort[] _unconfirmedIndexes        = new ushort[16]; //16 of them!

            public void Load(byte[] data, uint offset)
                _unknown1 = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x0);
                _unknown2 = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x1);
                _padding1 = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x2);
                _indirectTexturingIndex = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x4);
                _cullModeIndex          = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x6);
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    _ambientColorIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x8 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    _colorChannelIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0xC + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    _materialColorIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x14 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    _lightingIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x18 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    _texCoordIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x28 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    _texCoord2Index[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x38 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    _texMatrixIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x48 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    _texMatrix2Index[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x58 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    _textureIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x84 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    _tevConstantColorIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x94 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    _constColorSel[i] = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0x9C + (i * 0x1));
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    _constAlphaSel[i] = FSHelpers.Read8(data, (int)offset + 0xAC + (i * 0x1));
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    _tevOrderIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0xBC + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    _tevColorIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0xDC + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    _tevStageInfoIndex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0xE4 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    _tevSwapModeInfoindex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x104 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    _tevSwapModeTableInfoindex[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x124 + (i * 0x2));
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    _unconfirmedIndexes[i] = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x12C + (i * 0x2));
Esempio n. 27
 public void Load(byte[] data, uint offset)
     Type  = (HierarchyDataTypes)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset);
     Index = (ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(data, (int)offset + 0x2);
Esempio n. 28
 public ushort GetIndexOffset(ushort offset)
     return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)_indicesOffset + offset));
Esempio n. 29
 public ushort GetStringTableSize()
     return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)_stringTableOffset));
Esempio n. 30
 public ushort GetStringIndex(ushort index)
     return((ushort)FSHelpers.Read16(_dataCopy, (int)_stringIdTableOffset + (index * 0x2)));