private string GetUniqueName() { return(GetUniqueString(FRandom.Next(2, 10), true, FExistingDefinitions.Select(x => x.Name).Union(FNewlyInsertedDefinitions.Select(x => x.Name)))); }
public static FList <Particles.Particle> GenerateListOfParticlesWithRandomVelocity <T>(T particle, int numberOfInputParticles, FRandom Rand) where T : Particle { return(numberOfInputParticles != 1 ? FList.New(GenerateParticleWithRandomVelocity(particle, Rand), GenerateListOfParticlesWithRandomVelocity(GenerateParticleWithRandomVelocity(particle, FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 100)), numberOfInputParticles - 1, FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 100))) : FList.New(GenerateParticleWithRandomVelocity(particle, Rand))); }
public static FRandom RandomiseVelocity(FRandom Rand) { return(FRandom.Next(Rand, Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(1, 3)), Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2.9, 8)))); }
public static Tuple <Photon, Photon> OppositeEjections(Photon P1, Photon P2, FRandom Rand) { Vector3D v = new Vector3D(Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 360).Number), Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(Rand, -90, 90).Number), Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 360), 0, 360).Number)); // Dirty need to look into for a better solution return(new Tuple <Photon, Photon>(new Photon(P1.Wavelength, P1.Frequency, v), new Photon(P2.Wavelength, P2.Frequency, CreateOpposite(v).Item2))); }
//Dirty public static Tuple <Particle, Particle> OppositeEjections <T> (T P1, T P2, FRandom Rand) where T : Particle { Vector3D v = new Vector3D(Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 360).Number), Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(Rand, -90, 90).Number), Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 360), 0, 360).Number)); // Dirty need to look into for a better solution return(new Tuple <Particle, Particle>((T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), P1.Velocity, v), (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), P2.Velocity, CreateOpposite(v).Item2))); }
//Pure public static Photon SingularEjection(Photon p, FRandom Rand) //Overloded function for photons { return(new Photon(p.Wavelength, p.Frequency, new Vector3D(Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 360).Number), Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(Rand, -90, 90).Number), Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 360), 0, 360).Number)))); }
//Pure public static Particle SingularEjection <T>(T p, FRandom Rand) where T : Particle { return((T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), p.Velocity, new Vector3D(Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 360).Number), Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(Rand, -90, 90).Number), Convert.ToDouble(FRandom.Next(FRandom.Next(Rand, 0, 360), 0, 360).Number)))); // The values for x,y,z will be replaced by the random function to find a vector and then calculate the relative position of it from (0,0,0) }
protected override async Task TestPost() { FNewlyInsertedOLAMarks = new List <OlaMark>(); Uri uri = new Uri(FBaseUri, "OLAStaging"); int numIters = FRandom.Next(4, 10); for (int n = 0; n < numIters; ++n) { var newDefn = new OlaMark { Session = FRandom.Next(), MarkStamp = GetRandomDate(), MarkAbbrev = GetRandomString(1, false), MarkingUserId = FRandom.Next(), MarkId = FRandom.Next(), Student = GetRandomString(FRandom.Next(1, 129), true), StudentContext = 1, Room = GetRandomString(FRandom.Next(1, 129), true), RoomContext = 1, Status = FRandom.Next(), Uploaded = DateTime.Now, Processed = FRandom.Next(0, 100) }; if (FRandom.Next(0, 2) == 1) { newDefn.StudentId = FRandom.Next(); } if (FRandom.Next(0, 2) == 1) { newDefn.RoomId = FRandom.Next(); } if (FRandom.Next(0, 2) == 1) { newDefn.EventId = FRandom.Next(); } if (FRandom.Next(0, 2) == 1) { newDefn.Week = FRandom.Next(); } var response = await FClient.PostAsJsonAsync(uri.ToString(), newDefn); await CheckStatusCodeIs(response, HttpStatusCode.Created); var md = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <OlaMark>(); md.CheckSameValues(newDefn); FNewlyInsertedOLAMarks.Add(md); } // perform the GETItem check here... foreach (var m in FNewlyInsertedOLAMarks) { uri = new Uri(FBaseUri, string.Format("OLAStaging/{0}", m.Id)); var response = await FClient.GetAsync(uri); await CheckSuccessStatusCode(response); var md = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <OlaMark>(); md.CheckSameValues(m); } }