     * @brief Instantiates a new prefab in a deterministic way.
     * @param prefab GameObject's prefab to instantiate.
     * @param position Position to place the new GameObject.
     * @param rotation Rotation to set in the new GameObject.

    public static GameObject SyncedInstantiate(GameObject prefab, FPVector position, FPQuaternion rotation)
        if (instance != null /*&& instance.lockstep != null*/)
            GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, position.ToVector(), rotation.ToQuaternion()) as GameObject;

            MonoBehaviour[] monoBehaviours = go.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>();
            for (int index = 0, length = monoBehaviours.Length; index < length; index++)
                MonoBehaviour bh = monoBehaviours[index];

                if (bh is IFrameSyncBehaviour)
                    instance.mapManagedBehaviors.Add(new KeyValuePair <IFrameSyncBehaviour, FrameSyncManagedBehaviour>(
                                                         (IFrameSyncBehaviour)bh, instance.NewManagedBehavior((IFrameSyncBehaviour)bh)

            InitializeGameObject(go, position, rotation);


Esempio n. 2
    public static Quaternion ToUnityQuaternion(this FPQuaternion r)
        Quaternion q;

        q.x = r.X.AsFloat;
        q.y = r.Y.AsFloat;
        q.z = r.Z.AsFloat;
        q.w = r.W.AsFloat;

        // calculate square magnitude
        var sqr = (q.x * q.x) + (q.y * q.y) + (q.z + q.z) + (q.w * q.w);

        if (Mathf.Approximately(sqr, 0))

        // re-normalize quaternion
        var fac = 1f / sqr;

        q.x *= fac;
        q.y *= fac;
        q.z *= fac;
        q.w *= fac;

        public static FPMatrix4x4 TRS(FPVector translation, FPQuaternion rotation, FPVector scale)
            FPMatrix4x4 result;

            TRS(translation, rotation, scale, out result);
        public static FPMatrix4x4 Rotate(FPQuaternion quaternion)
            FPMatrix4x4 result;

            FPMatrix4x4.Rotate(ref quaternion, out result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a JMatrix representing an orientation from a quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quaternion">The quaternion the matrix should be created from.</param>
        /// <param name="result">JMatrix representing an orientation.</param>
        public static void Rotate(ref FPQuaternion quaternion, out FPMatrix4x4 result)
            // Precalculate coordinate products
            FP x  = quaternion.x * 2;
            FP y  = quaternion.y * 2;
            FP z  = quaternion.z * 2;
            FP xx = quaternion.x * x;
            FP yy = quaternion.y * y;
            FP zz = quaternion.z * z;
            FP xy = quaternion.x * y;
            FP xz = quaternion.x * z;
            FP yz = quaternion.y * z;
            FP wx = quaternion.w * x;
            FP wy = quaternion.w * y;
            FP wz = quaternion.w * z;

            // Calculate 3x3 matrix from orthonormal basis
            result.M11 = FP.One - (yy + zz);
            result.M21 = xy + wz;
            result.M31 = xz - wy;
            result.M41 = FP.Zero;
            result.M12 = xy - wz;
            result.M22 = FP.One - (xx + zz);
            result.M32 = yz + wx;
            result.M42 = FP.Zero;
            result.M13 = xz + wy;
            result.M23 = yz - wx;
            result.M33 = FP.One - (xx + yy);
            result.M43 = FP.Zero;
            result.M14 = FP.Zero;
            result.M24 = FP.Zero;
            result.M34 = FP.Zero;
            result.M44 = FP.One;
Esempio n. 6
        public static FPMatrix CreateFromQuaternion(FPQuaternion quaternion)
            FPMatrix result;

            FPMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(ref quaternion, out result);
Esempio n. 7
    private static void InitializeGameObject(GameObject go, FPVector position, FPQuaternion rotation)
        ICollider[] tsColliders = go.GetComponentsInChildren <ICollider>();
        if (tsColliders != null)
            for (int index = 0, length = tsColliders.Length; index < length; index++)

        FPTransform rootFPTransform = go.GetComponent <FPTransform>();

        if (rootFPTransform != null)

            rootFPTransform.position = position;
            rootFPTransform.rotation = rotation;

        FPTransform[] FPTransforms = go.GetComponentsInChildren <FPTransform>();
        if (FPTransforms != null)
            for (int index = 0, length = FPTransforms.Length; index < length; index++)
                FPTransform FPTransform = FPTransforms[index];

                if (FPTransform != rootFPTransform)

        FPTransform2D rootFPTransform2D = go.GetComponent <FPTransform2D>();

        if (rootFPTransform2D != null)

            rootFPTransform2D.position = new FPVector2(position.x, position.y);
            rootFPTransform2D.rotation = rotation.ToQuaternion().eulerAngles.z;

        FPTransform2D[] FPTransforms2D = go.GetComponentsInChildren <FPTransform2D>();
        if (FPTransforms2D != null)
            for (int index = 0, length = FPTransforms2D.Length; index < length; index++)
                FPTransform2D FPTransform2D = FPTransforms2D[index];

                if (FPTransform2D != rootFPTransform2D)
Esempio n. 8
        public static FPMatrix CreateFromYawPitchRoll(Fix64 yaw, Fix64 pitch, Fix64 roll)
            FPMatrix     matrix;
            FPQuaternion quaternion;

            FPQuaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll, out quaternion);
            CreateFromQuaternion(ref quaternion, out matrix);
        public void Clone(RigidBody rb)
            this.marker            = rb.marker;
            this.affectedByGravity = rb.affectedByGravity;
            this.boundingBox       = rb.boundingBox;
            this.internalIndex     = rb.internalIndex;
            this.inverseMass       = rb.inverseMass;
            this.isColliderOnly    = rb.isColliderOnly;
            this.isStatic          = rb.isStatic;
            this.isKinematic       = rb.isKinematic;
            this.sweptDirection    = rb.sweptDirection;

            this.position        = rb.Position;
            this.orientation     = rb.Orientation;
            this.linearVelocity  = rb.LinearVelocity;
            this.angularVelocity = rb.AngularVelocity;
            this.inertia         = rb.Inertia;
            this.invInertia      = rb.InverseInertia;
            this.invInertiaWorld = rb.InverseInertiaWorld;
            this.invOrientation  = rb.invOrientation;
            this.force           = rb.Force;
            this.torque          = rb.Torque;

            this.shapeClone = poolGenericShapeClone.GetNew();

            for (index = 0, length = rb.connections.Count; index < length; index++)
            for (index = 0, length = rb.constraints.Count; index < length; index++)

            this.isActive = rb.IsActive;

            this.inactiveTime = rb.inactiveTime;

            this.marker = rb.marker;

            this.disabled = rb.disabled;

            this.freezeConstraint     = rb._freezeConstraints;
            this._freezePosition      = rb._freezePosition;
            this._freezeRotation      = rb._freezeRotation;
            this._freezeRotationQuat  = rb._freezeRotationQuat;
            this.prevKinematicGravity = rb.prevKinematicGravity;
            this.linearDrag           = rb.linearDrag;
            this.angularDrag          = rb.angularDrag;
            this.staticFriction       = rb.staticFriction;
            this.restitution          = rb.restitution;
Esempio n. 10
     * @brief Instantiates a new prefab in a deterministic way.
     * @param prefab GameObject's prefab to instantiate.
     * @param position Position to place the new GameObject.
     * @param rotation Rotation to set in the new GameObject.

    public static GameObject SyncedInstantiate(GameObject prefab, FPVector position, FPQuaternion rotation)
        if (instance != null /*&& instance.lockstep != null*/)
            GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, position.ToVector(), rotation.ToQuaternion()) as GameObject;
            InitializeGameObject(go, position, rotation);
Esempio n. 11
        internal void PostStep()
            if (_freezeConstraints > 0)
                bool freezePosX = (_freezeConstraints & FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezePositionX) == FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezePositionX;
                bool freezePosY = (_freezeConstraints & FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezePositionY) == FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezePositionY;
                bool freezePosZ = (_freezeConstraints & FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ) == FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ;

                if (freezePosX)
                    position.x = _freezePosition.x;

                if (freezePosY)
                    position.y = _freezePosition.y;

                if (freezePosZ)
                    position.z = _freezePosition.z;

                bool freezeRotX = (_freezeConstraints & FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX) == FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX;
                bool freezeRotY = (_freezeConstraints & FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezeRotationY) == FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezeRotationY;
                bool freezeRotZ = (_freezeConstraints & FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ) == FPRigidBodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ;

                if (freezeRotX || freezeRotY || freezeRotZ)
                    FPQuaternion q = FPQuaternion.CreateFromMatrix(Orientation);

                    if (freezeRotX)
                        q.x = _freezeRotationQuat.x;

                    if (freezeRotY)
                        q.y = _freezeRotationQuat.y;

                    if (freezeRotZ)
                        q.z = _freezeRotationQuat.z;


                    Orientation = FPMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(q);
        private void IntegrateCallback(object obj)
            RigidBody body = obj as RigidBody;

            FPVector temp;

            FPVector.Multiply(ref body.linearVelocity, timestep, out temp);
            FPVector.Add(ref temp, ref body.position, out body.position);

            if (!(body.isParticle))
                //exponential map
                FPVector axis;
                FP       angle = body.angularVelocity.magnitude;

                if (angle < FP.EN3)
                    // use Taylor's expansions of sync function
                    // axis = body.angularVelocity * (FP.Half * timestep - (timestep * timestep * timestep) * (0.020833333333f) * angle * angle);
                    FPVector.Multiply(ref body.angularVelocity, (FP.Half * timestep - (timestep * timestep * timestep) * (2082 * FP.EN6) * angle * angle), out axis);
                    // sync(fAngle) = sin(c*fAngle)/t
                    FPVector.Multiply(ref body.angularVelocity, (FP.Sin(FP.Half * angle * timestep) / angle), out axis);

                FPQuaternion dorn = new FPQuaternion(axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, FP.Cos(angle * timestep * FP.Half));
                FPQuaternion ornA; FPQuaternion.CreateFromMatrix(ref body.orientation, out ornA);

                FPQuaternion.Multiply(ref dorn, ref ornA, out dorn);

                dorn.Normalize(); FPMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(ref dorn, out body.orientation);

            body.linearVelocity  *= 1 / (1 + timestep * body.linearDrag);
            body.angularVelocity *= 1 / (1 + timestep * body.angularDrag);

            /*if ((body.Damping & RigidBody.DampingType.Linear) != 0)
             *  FPVector.Multiply(ref body.linearVelocity, currentLinearDampFactor, out body.linearVelocity);
             * if ((body.Damping & RigidBody.DampingType.Angular) != 0)
             *  FPVector.Multiply(ref body.angularVelocity, currentAngularDampFactor, out body.angularVelocity);*/


            if (CollisionSystem.EnableSpeculativeContacts || body.EnableSpeculativeContacts)
    /// <summary>
    /// 改变朝向,改变forward的朝向跟摄像机的朝向一样
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forward"></param>
    public void ChangeAvatarForward(FPVector toForward)
        JoystickAngle = 90;
        if (AvatarForm == E_AvatarForm.PERSON_STATE)

        RaycastHit _groundHit;

        _characterMotionObj.RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit);
        FPVector _fpNormal = _ufpTransformChildObj.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_groundHit.normal);

        if (_groundHit.normal == Vector3.up)

            // _childObj.forward = toForward;
            JoystickAngle = 90;
            FPVector left       = FPVector.Cross(toForward, _fpNormal); //切线
            FPVector newForward = FPVector.Cross(_fpNormal, left);

            if (_fpNormal == FPVector.zero)
                Debug.Log("forward:::" + toForward);
            FPQuaternion  newRotation      = FPQuaternion.LookRotation(newForward, _fpNormal);
            U_FPTransform ComMoveTransform = ComMoveFollowObj.GetFPTransform();
            FPQuaternion  comObject        = new FPQuaternion(ComMoveTransform.rotation.x, ComMoveTransform.rotation.y,
                                                              ComMoveTransform.rotation.z, ComMoveTransform.rotation.w);

            // ComMoveFollowObj.transform.rotation = newRotation;

            FPVector comForward   = ComMoveTransform.forward;
            FPVector childForward = _ufpTransformChildObj.forward;
            FP       DragAngle    = FPVector.Angle(comForward, childForward);
            DragAngle = FPMath.Sign(FPVector.Cross(childForward, comForward).y) * DragAngle;
            ChangeAvaterForward(DragAngle);          //改变对象的旋转数值
            ComMoveTransform.SetRotation(comObject); //恢复摄像机原来的rotation数值
Esempio n. 14
    /// <summary>
    /// 跨面操作
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forward"></param>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <param name="normal"></param>
    public void FitSurfaceParent(FPVector forward, FPVector position, FPVector normal)
        FPVector left       = FPVector.Cross(forward, normal); //切线
        FPVector newForward = FPVector.Cross(normal, left);

        if (normal == FPVector.zero)
            Debug.Log("forward:::" + forward);
        FPQuaternion newRotation = FPQuaternion.LookRotation(newForward, normal);

        //Debug.Log("  _ufpTransform.up::" + _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + "newRotation::" + newRotation.ToQuaternion()
        //    + ",forward::" + forward.ToVector() + ",normal:::" + normal.ToVector() + ",newForward::" + newForward.ToVector());
        public override void PostStep()
            FPVector pos = Body1.Position;

            pos.z          = 0;
            Body1.Position = pos;

            FPQuaternion q = FPQuaternion.CreateFromMatrix(Body1.Orientation);

            q.x = 0;
            q.y = 0;

            if (freezeZAxis)
                q.z = 0;

            Body1.Orientation = FPMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(q);

            if (Body1.isStatic)

            FPVector vel = Body1.LinearVelocity;

            vel.z = 0;
            Body1.LinearVelocity = vel;

            FPVector av = Body1.AngularVelocity;

            av.x = 0;
            av.y = 0;

            if (freezeZAxis)
                av.z = 0;

            Body1.AngularVelocity = av;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a JMatrix representing an orientation from a quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quaternion">The quaternion the matrix should be created from.</param>
        /// <param name="result">JMatrix representing an orientation.</param>
        public static void CreateFromQuaternion(ref FPQuaternion quaternion, out FPMatrix result)
            Fix64 num9 = quaternion.x * quaternion.x;
            Fix64 num8 = quaternion.y * quaternion.y;
            Fix64 num7 = quaternion.z * quaternion.z;
            Fix64 num6 = quaternion.x * quaternion.y;
            Fix64 num5 = quaternion.z * quaternion.w;
            Fix64 num4 = quaternion.z * quaternion.x;
            Fix64 num3 = quaternion.y * quaternion.w;
            Fix64 num2 = quaternion.y * quaternion.z;
            Fix64 num  = quaternion.x * quaternion.w;

            result.M11 = Fix64.One - (2 * (num8 + num7));
            result.M12 = 2 * (num6 + num5);
            result.M13 = 2 * (num4 - num3);
            result.M21 = 2 * (num6 - num5);
            result.M22 = Fix64.One - (2 * (num7 + num9));
            result.M23 = 2 * (num2 + num);
            result.M31 = 2 * (num4 + num3);
            result.M32 = 2 * (num2 - num);
            result.M33 = Fix64.One - (2 * (num8 + num9));
Esempio n. 17
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (!bMoveFlag && _ufpTransform)
            RaycastHit _groundHit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(RayPointObj.transform.position, -Vector3.up, out _groundHit, GroundRayLength)) //悬空
                FPVector fpNormal = _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_groundHit.normal);
                if (_ufpTransform.up == fpNormal)

                FP       angle        = FPVector.Angle(_ufpTransform.up, fpNormal);
                FPVector fpPoint      = _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_groundHit.point);
                FPVector newCrossVec3 = FPVector.Cross(_ufpTransform.up, fpNormal);
                if (_childObj)
                    FPVector forward = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angle, newCrossVec3) * (_ufpTransform.forward);
                    FitSurfaceParent(forward, fpPoint, fpNormal);
Esempio n. 18
  * @brief Instantiates a new prefab in a deterministic way.
  * @param prefab GameObject's prefab to instantiate.
  * @param position Position to place the new GameObject.
  * @param rotation Rotation to set in the new GameObject.
 public static GameObject SyncedInstantiate(GameObject prefab, FPVector2 position, FPQuaternion rotation)
     return(SyncedInstantiate(prefab, new FPVector(position.x, position.y, 0), rotation));
Esempio n. 19
 public static Quaternion ToQuaternion(this FPMatrix jMatrix)
Esempio n. 20
 public static Quaternion ToQuaternion(this FPQuaternion rot)
     return(new Quaternion((float)rot.x, (float)rot.y, (float)rot.z, (float)rot.w));
Esempio n. 21
    public void Update()
        if (_destVector != FPVector.zero)
            float disData   = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _ufpTransform.position.ToVector());
            FP    fixDistan = MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            if (disData <= fixDistan)
                //   Debug.Log("======>arrived_____arrived_____arrived_____arrived_____arrived:::" + _ufpTransform.position);
                transform.position += (_childObj.forward * fixDistan).ToVector();
                // Debug.Log("======>_ufpTransform.position_OnLine:::"+ _ufpTransform.position);

        if (_destRoundData != 0)
            FP angleData = _destRoundData - _roundData;
            FP _tempData = RotationSpeed * MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            //Debug.Log("======>angleData:::" + angleData.AsFloat()
            //      + ",_tempData::" + _tempData.AsFloat() + ",_destRoundData::"+ _destRoundData);
            if (FPMath.Abs(angleData) <= FPMath.Abs(_tempData))
                _roundData = _destRoundData;
                //Debug.Log("======>arrived_____round_____arrived_____round_____arrived:::" + _ufpTransform.position
                //      + ",childObj.forward::" + _childObj.forward + ",childObj.forward.toVector3::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector());

                transform.RotateAround(_center.ToVector(), transform.up, _tempData.AsFloat());
                _roundData += _tempData;
                Debug.Log("======>_ufpTransform.round_round_OnLine:::" + _ufpTransform.position + ",_ufpTransform.position.toVector3::" + _ufpTransform.position
                          //    + ", ufpTransform.rotation:::" + _ufpTransform.rotation
                          //    + ",_ufpTransform.rotation.toVector()::" + _ufpTransform.rotation.ToQuaternion()
                          + ",childObj.forward::" + _childObj.forward + ",childObj.forward.toVector3::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector());

        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        bool       bExitBarrier = (RayBarrierInfo(_childObj.forward.ToVector(), out hitInfo));

        RaycastHit _groundHit;
        RaycastHit _hitInfo;

        if (bJumpFlag)         //处理跳跃
            if (!bJumpArtFlag) //表示第一次开始跳跃
                if (!RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true))
                    bJumpArtFlag = true;
                if (RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true))
                    bJumpFlag    = false;
                    bJumpArtFlag = false;
            _jumpSpeed = _jumpSpeed - g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime;                                    //垂直上的初速度随时间的改变
            _ufpTransform.Translate(FPVector.up * _jumpSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World); //垂直上的运动
            //transform.Translate(Vector3.up * _jumpSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);//垂直上的运动

            //if (_jumpSpeed < 0 && RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit, true))   //增加防止坠落的操作
            //    transform/*.parent*/.position = new Vector3(transform/*.parent*/.position.x, _groundHit.point.y, transform/*.parent*/.position.z);
            //    bJumpFlag = false;
            //    bJumpArtFlag = false;
            //    return;

            if (bMoveFlag)
                _ufpTransform.Translate(_childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动
                //  transform.Translate(_childObj.forward.ToVector() * (MoveSpeed/** _frameEntityObj.SpeedRate*/).AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动
        else if (!RayGroundInfo(out _groundHit) && !RayBarrierInfo(_childObj.forward.ToVector(), out _hitInfo) && _bHasSpeed)//空中调整角度
            //Debug.Log("_childObj.forward.ToVector():::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector()
            //    + ",,,,data__ufpTransform.up::" + _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ",,,,,fff::"+ _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector());
            _verCurSpeed = _verCurSpeed - g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime;                                     //垂直上的初速度随时间的改变
            _ufpTransform.Translate(_childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World); //水平上的运动
            _ufpTransform.Translate(FPVector.up * _verCurSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);    //垂直上的运动

            //  transform.Translate(_childObj.forward.ToVector() * (MoveSpeed/** _frameEntityObj.SpeedRate*/).AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//水平上的运动
            //  transform.Translate(Vector3.up * _verCurSpeed.AsFloat() * Time.fixedDeltaTime, Space.World);//垂直上的运动

            FP angleForward = FPVector.Angle(_ufpTransform.up, FPVector.up);
            if (angleForward == 0)

            FPVector normal = FPVector.Cross(_ufpTransform.up, FPVector.up);
            // int DirctData = FPMath.Sign(FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up));
            float DirctData = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(normal.ToVector(), _ufpTransform.up.ToVector()));

            //Debug.Log(" angleForward::" + angleForward.AsFloat() + ",DirctData::"+ DirctData + ",_ufpTransform.up::"+ _ufpTransform.up + "  ,"+  _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ",FPVector.up::"+ FPVector.up.ToVector()
            //    + ",normal::" + normal + "," + normal.ToVector()  + ", FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up)::" + FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up).AsFloat());
            //if (DirctData == 0) DirctData = 1;
            angleForward = angleForward * DirctData;

            //   Debug.Log(" FPMath.Sign(FPVector.Dot(normal, _ufpTransform.up)::" + FPVector.Dot(new FPVector(0,0,1), new FPVector(1, 0, 0)));
            FPVector forwardVec3    = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angleForward, normal) * _ufpTransform.up;
            FPVector forwardForward = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angleForward, normal) * _ufpTransform.forward;

            FPQuaternion qur = FPQuaternion.LookRotation(forwardForward, forwardVec3);
            //Debug.Log("forwardForward:::" + forwardForward.ToVector() + ",,forwardVec3::" + forwardVec3.ToVector()
            //    + ",angleForward::"+ angleForward.AsFloat()
            //    + ",_ufpTransform.up::" + _ufpTransform.up.ToVector() + ", _ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector()
            //    + ",normal::" + normal.ToVector());
            UpdateRotation(FPQuaternion.Slerp(_ufpTransform.rotation, qur, 0.1f));
            //transform.rotation = FPQuaternion.Slerp(_ufpTransform.rotation, qur, 0.1f);

            FP angle = FPVector.Angle(FPVector.up, _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_groundHit.normal));
            if (angle > SlopeAngle)
                if (!bMoveFlag)
                    _ufpTransform.Translate(-1 * (FPVector.up) * g * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime, Space.World);
                // transform.position = new Vector3(transform/*.parent*/.position.x, _groundHit.point.y, transform/*.parent*/.position.z);
                UpdatePosition(new FPVector(_ufpTransform.position.x, (FP)(_groundHit.point.y), _ufpTransform.position.z));
Esempio n. 22
    public void Move()
        if (bJumpFlag)
        FPVector   groundNormal = FPVector.zero;
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        if (!RayGroundInfo(out hitInfo))
            if (!bJumpFlag)
                bMoveFlag = false;
            return;  //如果离地,直接返回
            groundNormal = new FPVector(hitInfo.normal.x, hitInfo.normal.y, hitInfo.normal.z);

        if (!bMoveFlag)
            bMoveFlag = true;
        FPVector forward  = _ufpTransform.forward;
        FPVector fpNormal = _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(hitInfo.normal);

        RaycastHit barrierInfo;
        bool       bExitBarrier = (RayBarrierInfo(_childObj.forward.ToVector(), out barrierInfo)); //表示前方检测到物体,暂时把检测到的物体都称之为障碍物
        bool       bSlope       = false;                                                           //默认不是为斜坡标志

        if (bExitBarrier)
            hitInfo = barrierInfo;
            bSlope  = (Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal) > SlopeAngle) ? true : false;

            if (ForWardMode == E_ForWardMode.FM_ON_FORWARD)
                forward = _ufpTransform.forward;
                FP angle = 0;
                fpNormal = _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(hitInfo.normal);
                if (groundNormal != FPVector.zero)
                    angle = FPVector.Angle(groundNormal, fpNormal);
                    angle = -angle;

                if (_childObj)
                    //Vector3 newCrossVec3 = Vector3.Cross(hitInfo.normal, transform.up);
                    //forward = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, newCrossVec3) * (transform.forward);
                    FPVector newCrossVec3 = FPVector.Cross(fpNormal, _ufpTransform.up);
                    forward = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(angle, newCrossVec3) * _ufpTransform.forward;
            bSlope = ((FPVector.Angle(FPVector.up, fpNormal)) > SlopeAngle) ? true : false;

        if (SurfaceMode == E_SurfaceMode.SM_ON_GROUND)   //非跨面模式:供人型和乌贼模式下使用
            if (bExitBarrier && bSlope)
        else if (SurfaceMode == E_SurfaceMode.SM_ON_SURFACE) //跨面模式:供乌贼下潜模式下使用
            if (bSlope)
                MotionMode = E_MotionMode.MM_ON_LINE;
                bool flag = CanMoveByInk(ref hitInfo);  //上墙后到边角的处理 ==>TODO
                flag = true;
                if (!flag)
                    FPVector position        = _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(hitInfo.point) + (_childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * 0.1f);
                    FPVector currentPosition = _ufpTransform.position;
                    //_ufpTransform.position = position;
                    //transform.position     = position.ToVector();
                    RayGroundInfo(out barrierInfo);
                    flag = CanMoveByInk(ref barrierInfo);
                    // transform.position = currentPosition.ToVector();
                    if (bExitBarrier || !flag)
        if (hitInfo.transform != null && ForWardMode == E_ForWardMode.FM_ON_NORMAL)
            FitSurfaceParent(forward, _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(hitInfo.point), fpNormal);  //调整贴面
        else if (hitInfo.transform != null && ForWardMode == E_ForWardMode.FM_ON_FORWARD)
            if (transform.up != Vector3.up)
                FP           quaternionSpeed = 0.09f;
                FPQuaternion data            = new FPQuaternion(0, _ufpTransform.rotation.y, 0, _ufpTransform.rotation.w);
                _ufpTransform.SetRotation(FPQuaternion.Slerp(_ufpTransform.rotation, data, quaternionSpeed));
        if (MotionMode == E_MotionMode.MM_ON_ROUND) //画圆模式:按照圆的弧度来行走
            _destRoundData = RotationSpeed * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime;
            _ufpTransform.RotateAround(_center, _ufpTransform.up, _destRoundData);
            //_destUfpTransform.position = _ufpTransform.position;
            //_destUfpTransform.rotation = _ufpTransform.rotation;
            //_destUfpTransform.RotateAround(_center, _ufpTransform.up, _destRoundData);

            Debug.Log("----------------->_characterMotion:::" + _destRoundData + ",_destRoundData::" + _destRoundData.AsFloat()
                      + ",childObj.forward::" + _childObj.forward + ",childObj.forward.toVector3::" + _childObj.forward.ToVector());
        else if (MotionMode == E_MotionMode.MM_ON_LINE)//直走模式:按照其forward的方向行走
            _destVector = _childObj.forward * MoveSpeed * FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime;
            _ufpTransform.Translate(_destVector, Space.World);
            //_destUfpTransform.position = _ufpTransform.position;
            //_destUfpTransform.rotation = _ufpTransform.rotation;
            //_destUfpTransform.Translate(_destVector, Space.World);

        // if (Physics.Raycast(RayPointObj.position + (_destUfpTransform.position - _ufpTransform.position).ToVector(), -transform.up, GroundRayLength))
        if (Physics.Raycast(RayPointObj.position + (_ufpTransform.position.ToVector() - transform.position), -transform.up, GroundRayLength))
            _bHasSpeed = false;
            _bHasSpeed = true;
        _verCurSpeed = MoveSpeed / 2;
 public static void TRS(FPVector translation, FPQuaternion rotation, FPVector scale, out FPMatrix4x4 matrix)
     matrix = FPMatrix4x4.Translate(translation) * FPMatrix4x4.Rotate(rotation) * FPMatrix4x4.Scale(scale);
Esempio n. 24
    public static AnimatorData Extract(AnimationClip clip)
        AnimatorData animationData = new AnimatorData();

        animationData.clipName = clip.name;

        EditorCurveBinding[]  curveBindings = AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip);
        AnimationClipSettings settings      = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clip);

        float usedTime = settings.stopTime - settings.startTime;

        animationData.frameRate  = Mathf.RoundToInt(clip.frameRate);
        animationData.length     = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(usedTime);
        animationData.frameCount = Mathf.RoundToInt(clip.frameRate * usedTime);
        animationData.frames     = new AnimatorFrame[animationData.frameCount];
        animationData.looped     = clip.isLooping && settings.loopTime;
        animationData.mirror     = settings.mirror;

        //Read the curves of animation
        int frameCount          = animationData.frameCount;
        int curveBindingsLength = curveBindings.Length;

        if (curveBindingsLength == 0)

        AnimationCurve curveTx = null, curveTy = null, curveTz = null, curveRx = null, curveRy = null, curveRz = null, curveRw = null;

        for (int c = 0; c < curveBindingsLength; c++)
            string propertyName = curveBindings[c].propertyName;
            if (propertyName == "m_LocalPosition.x" || propertyName == "RootT.x")
                curveTx = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[c]);
            if (propertyName == "m_LocalPosition.y" || propertyName == "RootT.y")
                curveTy = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[c]);
            if (propertyName == "m_LocalPosition.z" || propertyName == "RootT.z")
                curveTz = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[c]);

            if (propertyName == "m_LocalRotation.x" || propertyName == "RootQ.x")
                curveRx = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[c]);
            if (propertyName == "m_LocalRotation.y" || propertyName == "RootQ.y")
                curveRy = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[c]);
            if (propertyName == "m_LocalRotation.z" || propertyName == "RootQ.z")
                curveRz = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[c]);
            if (propertyName == "m_LocalRotation.w" || propertyName == "RootQ.w")
                curveRw = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[c]);

        //        if (curveBindingsLength >= 7)
        //        {
        //            //Position Curves
        //            curveTx = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[0]);
        //            curveTy = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[1]);
        //            curveTz = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[2]);
        //            //Rotation Curves
        //            curveRx = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[3]);
        //            curveRy = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[4]);
        //            curveRz = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[5]);
        //            curveRw = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, curveBindings[6]);
        //        }

        bool hasPosition = curveTx != null && curveTy != null && curveTz != null;
        bool hasRotation = curveRx != null && curveRy != null && curveRz != null && curveRw != null;

        if (!hasPosition)
            Debug.LogWarning("No movement data was found in the animation: " + clip.name);
        if (!hasRotation)
            Debug.LogWarning("No rotation data was found in the animation: " + clip.name);

        //The initial pose might not be the first frame and might not face foward
        //calculate the initial direction and create an offset Quaternion to apply to transforms;

        Quaternion   startRotUq = Quaternion.identity;
        FPQuaternion startRot   = FPQuaternion.Identity;

        if (hasRotation)
            float srotxu = curveRx.Evaluate(settings.startTime);
            float srotyu = curveRy.Evaluate(settings.startTime);
            float srotzu = curveRz.Evaluate(settings.startTime);
            float srotwu = curveRw.Evaluate(settings.startTime);

            FP srotx = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(srotxu);
            FP sroty = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(srotyu);
            FP srotz = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(srotzu);
            FP srotw = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(srotwu);

            startRotUq = new Quaternion(srotxu, srotyu, srotzu, srotwu);
            startRot   = new FPQuaternion(srotx, sroty, srotz, srotw);

        Quaternion   offsetRotUq = Quaternion.Inverse(startRotUq);
        FPQuaternion offsetRot   = FPQuaternion.Inverse(startRot);

        for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
            var frameData = new AnimatorFrame();
            frameData.id = i;
            float percent   = i / (frameCount - 1f);
            float frameTime = usedTime * percent;
            frameData.time = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(frameTime);
            float clipTIme = settings.startTime + percent * (settings.stopTime - settings.startTime);

            if (hasPosition)
                FP        posx        = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(i > 0 ? curveTx.Evaluate(clipTIme) - curveTx.Evaluate(settings.startTime) : 0);
                FP        posy        = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(i > 0 ? curveTy.Evaluate(clipTIme) - curveTy.Evaluate(settings.startTime) : 0);
                FP        posz        = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(i > 0 ? curveTz.Evaluate(clipTIme) - curveTz.Evaluate(settings.startTime) : 0);
                FPVector3 newPosition = offsetRot * new FPVector3(posx, posy, posz);
                if (settings.mirror)
                    newPosition.X = -newPosition.X;
                frameData.position = newPosition;

            if (hasRotation)
                float      curveRxEval   = curveRx.Evaluate(clipTIme);
                float      curveRyEval   = curveRy.Evaluate(clipTIme);
                float      curveRzEval   = curveRz.Evaluate(clipTIme);
                float      curveRwEval   = curveRw.Evaluate(clipTIme);
                Quaternion curveRotation = offsetRotUq * new Quaternion(curveRxEval, curveRyEval, curveRzEval, curveRwEval);
                if (settings.mirror)//mirror the Y axis rotation
                    Quaternion mirrorRotation = new Quaternion(curveRotation.x, -curveRotation.y, -curveRotation.z, curveRotation.w);

                    if (Quaternion.Dot(curveRotation, mirrorRotation) < 0)
                        mirrorRotation = new Quaternion(-mirrorRotation.x, -mirrorRotation.y, -mirrorRotation.z, -mirrorRotation.w);

                    curveRotation = mirrorRotation;

                FP           rotx        = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(curveRotation.x);
                FP           roty        = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(curveRotation.y);
                FP           rotz        = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(curveRotation.z);
                FP           rotw        = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(curveRotation.w);
                FPQuaternion newRotation = new FPQuaternion(rotx, roty, rotz, rotw);
                frameData.rotation = newRotation * offsetRot;

                float rotY = curveRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                while (rotY < -Mathf.PI)
                    rotY += Mathf.PI * 2;
                while (rotY > Mathf.PI)
                    rotY += -Mathf.PI * 2;
                frameData.rotationY = FP.FromFloat_UNSAFE(rotY);

            animationData.frames[i] = frameData;

Esempio n. 25
    private void UpdateRotation(FPQuaternion rotation)

        _childObj.UpdateFpRotation(new FPQuaternion(_childObj.transform.rotation.x, _childObj.transform.rotation.y, _childObj.transform.rotation.z, _childObj.transform.rotation.w));
Esempio n. 26
    private void AnimationClipGui(AnimatorClip clip)
        EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("box", GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - 20));
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Animator Clip");
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Name: {0}", clip.clipName));
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Length: {0}", clip.data.length.AsFloat));
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Frame Rate: {0}", clip.data.frameRate));
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Frame Count: {0}", clip.data.frameCount));
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Looped: {0}", clip.data.looped));
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Mirrored: {0}", clip.data.mirror));

        int frameCount = clip.data.frameCount;

        Vector3[]    positions  = new Vector3[frameCount];
        Quaternion[] rotationsQ = new Quaternion[frameCount];
        Vector3[]    rotations  = new Vector3[frameCount];
        float[]      times      = new float[frameCount];
        for (int f = 0; f < frameCount; f++)
            AnimatorFrame frame     = clip.data.frames[f];
            float         frameTime = frame.time.AsFloat;
            FPVector3     position  = frame.position;
            FPQuaternion  rotation  = frame.rotation;

            Vector3    pV3 = new Vector3(position.X.AsFloat, position.Y.AsFloat, position.Z.AsFloat);
            Quaternion rQ  = new Quaternion(rotation.X.AsFloat, rotation.Y.AsFloat, rotation.Z.AsFloat, rotation.W.AsFloat);
            Vector3    rV3 = rQ.eulerAngles;

            positions[f]  = pV3;
            rotationsQ[f] = rQ;
            rotations[f]  = rV3;
            times[f]      = frameTime;


        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Delta Movement: {0}", (positions[frameCount - 1] - positions[0]).ToString("F3")));
        Quaternion deltaQ  = Quaternion.FromToRotation(rotationsQ[0] * Vector3.forward, rotationsQ[frameCount - 1] * Vector3.forward);
        Vector3    deltaQV = deltaQ.eulerAngles;

        if (deltaQV.x > 180)
            deltaQV.x += -360;
        if (deltaQV.y > 180)
            deltaQV.y += -360;
        if (deltaQV.z > 180)
            deltaQV.z += -360;
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Delta Rotation: {0}", deltaQV.ToString("F3")));


        if (showMovementData = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showMovementData, "Movement Data"))

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Times", GUILayout.Width(75));
            for (int f = 0; f < frameCount; f++)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(times[f].ToString("F3"), GUILayout.Width(75));

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Positions", GUILayout.Width(160));
            for (int f = 0; f < frameCount; f++)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(positions[f].ToString("F2"), GUILayout.Width(160));

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Rotations", GUILayout.Width(160));
            for (int f = 0; f < frameCount; f++)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(rotations[f].ToString("F2"), GUILayout.Width(160));


Esempio n. 27
    public void Update()
        if (Target == null)
        //  ChangeDirectionByDragging();
        //if (_dragging && _directorToLeft && !_bTouchMouse)  //左遥感
        //    _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.LeftControl;
        //    _ufpTransform.RotateAround(_playerTransformObj.position, FPVector.up, FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime * RockerSpeed);
        //    _ufpTransform.UpdateAllData();
        //    Debug.Log("_ufpTransform:::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector());
        //    //transform.RotateAround(_childObj.position, Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime * RockerSpeed);
        //    return;
        //else if (_dragging && _directorToRight && !_bTouchMouse) //右遥感
        //    _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.RightControl;
        //    _ufpTransform.RotateAround(_playerTransformObj.position, FPVector.up, FrameSyncManager.DeltaTime * -RockerSpeed);
        //    _ufpTransform.UpdateAllData();

        //    // transform.RotateAround(_childObj.position, Vector3.up, Time.deltaTime * -RockerSpeed);
        //    return;

        //Debug.Log("_currentAngle:::" + _currentAngle + ",_childObj.eulerAngles.y::" + _childObj.eulerAngles.y
        //    + ",transform.rotation::"+ transform.rotation);

        RaycastHit GroundHitInfo;
        RaycastHit BarrieHitrInfo;
        bool       bGroundInfoFlag  = _motionObj.RayGroundInfo(out GroundHitInfo);
        bool       bBarrierInfoFlag = _motionObj.RayBarrierInfo(_childTransformObj.forward.ToVector(), out BarrieHitrInfo);

        FPVector fpGroundInfoNormal = FPVector.zero;

        if (bGroundInfoFlag)
            fpGroundInfoNormal = GroundHitInfo.normal.ToFPVector();

        if (!_dragging && !_bTouchMouse && _bBeforeDragging)
            _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.None;
        else if (!_dragging)
            if (_bBeforeDragging)  //在这里设置值,为了保证childObj的forward朝向跟摄像机的一致,防止先后差值
                _bBeforeDragging = false;

            if (!bGroundInfoFlag)  //在空中
                _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.AirControl;
                if (_motionObj.bJumpFlag && false)  //这是处理不跟随着对象跳跃的逻辑部分
                    Distance = FPMath.Clamp(Distance - (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseScrollWheelSensitivity), DistanceMin, DistanceMax);
                    FPVector DataVec3 = new FPVector(_playerTransformObj.position.x, transform.position.y - Height, _playerTransformObj.position.z);
                    _ufpTransform.position = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance)) + DataVec3;
            else if (!bBarrierInfoFlag || !_motionObj.JudgetGroundSlope(BarrieHitrInfo.normal))  //有地面接触但前方没有障碍物
                if (!_motionObj.JudgetGroundSlope(GroundHitInfo.normal))
                    _rockerControl  = ComMoveController.RockerControl.OtherControl;
                    _climbOtherWall = false;
                    if (_climbOtherWall && _beforeWallNormalVec3 != fpGroundInfoNormal)  //表示从一面墙跨到另外一面墙
                        _beforeGroundNormalVec3 = _beforeWallNormalVec3;
                        _beforeWallNormalVec3   = fpGroundInfoNormal;
                    _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.ClimbControl;
            else //有地面接触且前方有障碍物
                _rockerControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.None;
                _beforeControl = ComMoveController.RockerControl.OtherControl;
                if (!_motionObj.JudgetGroundSlope(GroundHitInfo.normal)) //从地面跨到墙上的情况
                    _beforeGroundNormalVec3 = fpGroundInfoNormal;
                else                                                   //从一面墙跨到另外一面墙的情况
                    _climbOtherWall       = true;
                    _beforeWallNormalVec3 = fpGroundInfoNormal;   //设置这个变量的原因是:有可能检测到障碍物,但是玩家并没有跨越过去

        if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.AirControl)
            Distance = FPMath.Clamp(Distance - (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseScrollWheelSensitivity), DistanceMin, DistanceMax);
            _ufpTransform.position = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance)) + _playerTransformObj.position;
        else if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.OtherControl)
            var quaternion = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis((_currentAngle) + _childTransformObj.transform.eulerAngles.y, FPVector.up);
            Distance = FPMath.Clamp(Distance - (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseScrollWheelSensitivity), DistanceMin, DistanceMax);
            // transform.rotation = quaternion;
            FPVector data = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance));

            _ufpTransform.position = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance)) + _playerTransformObj.position;
            //Debug.Log("data::"+ data.ToVector()+ ", _ufpTransform.position::::" + _ufpTransform.position.ToVector()
            //    + ",transform::" + transform.position + "::_playerTransformObj.position:" + _playerTransformObj.position.ToVector()
            //    + ",,name::" + _playerTransformObj.gameObject.name);
            _rotation = _ufpTransform.rotation;
        else if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.ClimbControl)
            Distance = FPMath.Clamp(Distance - (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * MouseScrollWheelSensitivity), DistanceMin, DistanceMax);
            var quaternion = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis((0) + transform.eulerAngles.y, FPVector.up);
            _ufpTransform.position = (_ufpTransform.rotation * new FPVector(.0f, Height, -Distance)) + _playerTransformObj.position;

            FPVector climbForward = _ufpTransform.forward;

            if (_beforeControl == ComMoveController.RockerControl.OtherControl && _beforeGroundNormalVec3 != FPVector.zero)
                FP       tempAngle = FPVector.Angle(_beforeGroundNormalVec3, fpGroundInfoNormal);
                FPVector normal    = FPVector.Cross(_beforeGroundNormalVec3, fpGroundInfoNormal); //叉乘求出法线向量
                                                                                                  //  num *= Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(normal, info.transform.up));  //求法线向量与物体上方向向量点乘,结果为1或-1,修正旋转方向
                climbForward          = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis((90 - tempAngle), normal) * fpGroundInfoNormal;
                climbForward          = -1 * climbForward;
                _finishWallNormalVec3 = climbForward;
                _beforeControl        = ComMoveController.RockerControl.ClimbControl;

            FP forwardAngle = FPVector.Angle(_finishWallNormalVec3, _ufpTransform.forward);
            if (forwardAngle != 0 && false)  //处理摄像机角度偏转
                float    direcFlag  = -1;
                FPVector normalVec3 = FPVector.Cross(_finishWallNormalVec3, _ufpTransform.forward);           //叉乘求出法线向量
                direcFlag    *= FPMath.Sign(Vector3.Dot(normalVec3.ToVector(), _ufpTransform.up.ToVector())); //求法线向量与物体上方向向量点乘,结果为1或-1,修正旋转方向
                forwardAngle *= direcFlag;

                FPVector beforeForward = _ufpTransform.forward;
                FPVector forward       = FPQuaternion.AngleAxis(forwardAngle, _ufpTransform.up) * _ufpTransform.forward;
                //   Debug.Log("_ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector() + ",forward::" + forward.ToVector()
                //        + "forwardAngle:::" + forwardAngle.AsFloat() + ",forward1111::" + forward);
                float quaternionSpeed = 0.003f;
                if (!_bTouchMouse)
                    quaternionSpeed = 0.03f;
                if (beforeForward != forward)
                    Debug.Log("LookRotation(forward):::" + FPQuaternion.LookRotation(forward) + ",_rotation::" + _rotation + ",unity::" + Quaternion.LookRotation(forward.ToVector()));

                    _rotation = FPQuaternion.Slerp(_rotation, FPQuaternion.LookRotation(forward), quaternionSpeed);
                //   Debug.Log(",forward::"+ forward.ToVector() + ",_ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector());
                if (!_climbOtherWall)  // 这是从地面爬到墙得处理,如果是从一面墙爬到另外一面墙,镜头不做转换
                    Debug.Log("beforeForward:::" + beforeForward.ToVector() + ",_ufpTransform.forward::" + _ufpTransform.forward.ToVector());
                    _offsetAngle = FPVector.Angle(beforeForward, _ufpTransform.forward) * direcFlag;

        Debug.DrawLine(_ufpTransform.position.ToVector(), _playerTransformObj.transform.position, Color.red);

        if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.OtherControl ||
            _rockerControl == RockerControl.ClimbControl)
            FPVector directionTarget = (_ufpTransform.position - _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_rayPointObj.position)).normalized;
            FP       distance        = FPVector.Distance(_ufpTransform.position, _ufpTransform.ChangeVec3ToTSVec(_rayPointObj.position));
            if (distance > Distance)
                _ufpTransform.Translate(directionTarget * (distance - Distance));

            //  Debug.DrawRay(_rayPointObj.position, directionTarget * Distance, Color.black);
            int        layerMask = LayerMask.GetMask(Layers.Render);
            RaycastHit info;
            if (Physics.Raycast(_rayPointObj.position, directionTarget.ToVector(), out info, Distance.AsFloat(), layerMask))  //如果
                //   Debug.Log("info.name::" + info.transform.name);
                if (info.transform.name != transform.name /*&& info.transform.tag != Tags.Ground*/)
                    //transform.position = info.point;
                if (_rockerControl == RockerControl.OtherControl)
                    _beforeControl = RockerControl.OtherControl;