void DrawDebugOverlay(int windowID) { if (lastDebugUpdate + 0.25f < Time.unscaledTime) { if (initException != null) { lastDebugText = initException.Message; } else { if (!mixerHead.hasHandle()) { FMOD.ChannelGroup master; lowlevelSystem.getMasterChannelGroup(out master); master.getDSP(0, out mixerHead); mixerHead.setMeteringEnabled(false, true); } StringBuilder debug = new StringBuilder(); FMOD.Studio.CPU_USAGE cpuUsage; studioSystem.getCPUUsage(out cpuUsage); debug.AppendFormat("CPU: dsp = {0:F1}%, studio = {1:F1}%\n", cpuUsage.dspusage, cpuUsage.studiousage); int currentAlloc, maxAlloc; FMOD.Memory.GetStats(out currentAlloc, out maxAlloc); debug.AppendFormat("MEMORY: cur = {0}MB, max = {1}MB\n", currentAlloc >> 20, maxAlloc >> 20); int realchannels, channels; lowlevelSystem.getChannelsPlaying(out channels, out realchannels); debug.AppendFormat("CHANNELS: real = {0}, total = {1}\n", realchannels, channels); FMOD.DSP_METERING_INFO outputMetering; mixerHead.getMeteringInfo(IntPtr.Zero, out outputMetering); float rms = 0; for (int i = 0; i < outputMetering.numchannels; i++) { rms += outputMetering.rmslevel[i] * outputMetering.rmslevel[i]; } rms = Mathf.Sqrt(rms / (float)outputMetering.numchannels); float db = rms > 0 ? 20.0f * Mathf.Log10(rms * Mathf.Sqrt(2.0f)) : -80.0f; if (db > 10.0f) { db = 10.0f; } debug.AppendFormat("VOLUME: RMS = {0:f2}db\n", db); lastDebugText = debug.ToString(); lastDebugUpdate = Time.unscaledTime; } } GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 20, 290, 100), lastDebugText); GUI.DragWindow(); }
// Initializes and returns the FMOD Resonance Audio Listener Plugin. private static FMOD.DSP Initialize() { // Search through all busses on in banks. int numBanks = 0; FMOD.DSP dsp = new FMOD.DSP(); FMOD.Studio.Bank[] banks = null; RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getBankCount(out numBanks); RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getBankList(out banks); for (int currentBank = 0; currentBank < numBanks; ++currentBank) { int numBusses = 0; FMOD.Studio.Bus[] busses = null; banks[currentBank].getBusCount(out numBusses); banks[currentBank].getBusList(out busses); RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.flushCommands(); for (int currentBus = 0; currentBus < numBusses; ++currentBus) { // Make sure the channel group of the current bus is assigned properly. string busPath = null; busses[currentBus].getPath(out busPath); RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getBus(busPath, out busses[currentBus]); RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.flushCommands(); FMOD.ChannelGroup channelGroup; busses[currentBus].getChannelGroup(out channelGroup); RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.flushCommands(); if (channelGroup.hasHandle()) { int numDsps = 0; channelGroup.getNumDSPs(out numDsps); for (int currentDsp = 0; currentDsp < numDsps; ++currentDsp) { channelGroup.getDSP(currentDsp, out dsp); string dspNameSb; int unusedInt = 0; uint unusedUint = 0; dsp.getInfo(out dspNameSb, out unusedUint, out unusedInt, out unusedInt, out unusedInt); if (dspNameSb.ToString().Equals(listenerPluginName) && dsp.hasHandle()) { return(dsp); } } } } } Debug.LogError(listenerPluginName + " not found in the FMOD project."); return(dsp); }