private void LoadIcon() { if (this.useIndicator) { this.loadIcon.SetActive(true); } FMLogger.Log("load web " + this.pd.Id); this.iconDownloadTask = new IconDownloadTask(this.pd.WebPath.baseUrls, this.pd.WebPath.icon, this.pd.WebPath.CacheKey, delegate(bool success, Texture2D tex) { if (success && tex != null) { if (this.useIndicator) { this.loadIcon.SetActive(false); } this.img.texture = tex; } else { FMLogger.Log("Error loading bonus pic: " + this.pd.Id); } this.iconDownloadTask = null; }); ImageManager.Instance.DownloadIcon(this.iconDownloadTask); }
public static bool IsServerContentExpired() { double totalMinutes = (DateTime.Now - AppState.ContentReqTime).TotalMinutes; FMLogger.Log("check exp time. t:" + totalMinutes); return(totalMinutes > 240.0); }
private IEnumerator LoadIconAsync(IconDownloadTask task, bool queued = true) { for (int i = 0; i < task.BaseUrls.Length; i++) { using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(task.BaseUrls[i] + task.RelativeUrl)) { //www.timeout = 13; yield return(www.Send()); if (!www.isNetworkError && www.responseCode == 200L) { if (task.IsCanceled) { Texture2D content = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(www); if (content != null && content.width > 10 && content.height > 10) { task.FallbackCancelation(content); } } else { Texture2D content2 = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(www); if (content2 != null && content2.width > 10 && content2.height > 10) { content2.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; task.Result(true, content2); } else { task.Result(false, null); } this.SendConnectionResume(); } yield return(0); this.currentIconConnections--; yield break; } FMLogger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "icon dl error.", i, ". ", task.BaseUrls[i], string.Empty, task.RelativeUrl, " msg:", www.error })); } } this.currentIconConnections--; this.StepFailedPicture(); if (!task.IsCanceled) { FMLogger.Log("*************error task:" + task.RelativeUrl); task.Result(false, null); } yield break; }
private void OnPicDeleted(PictureData delPicData, PictureData replacePicData) { if (replacePicData == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++) { PicItem picItem = null; FeaturedItem.ItemType type = this.items[i].Type; if (type != FeaturedItem.ItemType.Daily) { if (type == FeaturedItem.ItemType.PromoPic) { picItem = ((PromoPicItem)this.items[i]).PicItem; } } else { picItem = ((DailyPicItem)this.items[i]).PicItem; } if (picItem != null && picItem.PictureData.Id == replacePicData.Id) { FMLogger.Log("found and replaced in featured section " + replacePicData.Id); picItem.Reset(); picItem.Init(replacePicData, false, false, false); } } }
private void CheckPrecacheResources() { PictureData pictureData = this.task.PictureData; if (FileHelper.FileExist(, this.iconPath)) { this.iconState = PictureDataDownloader.DownloadState.Cached; FMLogger.Log("skip dl icon, already stored"); } if (FileHelper.FileExist(, this.linePath)) { this.lineState = PictureDataDownloader.DownloadState.Cached; FMLogger.Log("skip dl line, already stored"); } if (pictureData.FillType == FillAlgorithm.Flood) { if (FileHelper.FileExist(, this.coloredPath)) { this.colorState = PictureDataDownloader.DownloadState.Cached; FMLogger.Log("skip dl colormap, already stored"); } } else { this.colorState = PictureDataDownloader.DownloadState.Cached; FMLogger.Log("skip dl colormap, not needed anymore"); } if (FileHelper.FileExist(, this.jsonPath)) { this.jsonState = PictureDataDownloader.DownloadState.Cached; FMLogger.Log("skip dl json, already stored"); } }
public bool FindEmptyZone() { if (this.palette.CurrentId == -1) { this.toastManager.ShowHintPickColor(); return(false); } bool flag = this.validator.IsFilled(this.palette.CurrentId); if (flag) { FMLogger.Log("used fully. " + this.palette.CurrentId); this.toastManager.ShowHintAlreadyPainted(); return(false); } int currentId = this.palette.CurrentId; int[] indexes = this.paletteData.entities[currentId].indexes; int num = -1; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.Length; i++) { Point p = default(Point); p.i = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)indexes[i] / (float)this.paintFill.TexWidth); p.j = indexes[i] - p.i * this.paintFill.TexWidth; Color32 a = this.paintFill.CurrentColorInPixel(p); Color32 c = this.paintFill.ExpectedColorInPixel(p); if (!ColorUtils.IsSameColors(a, c)) { num = i; break; } } if (num == -1) { FMLogger.Log("element not found. never should happen"); return(false); } int num2 = this.paletteData.entities[currentId].indexes[num]; Point p2 = default(Point); p2.i = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)num2 / (float)this.paintFill.TexWidth); p2.j = num2 - p2.i * this.paintFill.TexWidth; Vector2 b = this.TextureToCanvas(p2); this.boardController.ZoomToPosition(new Vector2(this.imageRect.width / 2f, this.imageRect.height / 2f) - b); if (this.hintRevealedIndexes.Contains(num2)) { FMLogger.Log("already hint revealed"); return(false); } this.hintRevealedIndexes.Add(num2); if (this.pictureSaveData != null) { this.pictureSaveData.hintsUsed++; FMLogger.Log("hints used " + this.pictureSaveData.hintsUsed); } return(true); }
public void FallbackCancelation(Texture2D tex) { if (this.fallbackHandler != null) { FMLogger.Log("Fallback icon dl handle: " + this.CacheKey); this.fallbackHandler(this.CacheKey, tex); } this.fallbackHandler = null; }
private static void AddNewsItems(NewsDb item) { try { DatabaseManager.db.Insert(item); } catch (Exception ex) { FMLogger.Log("add news fail. " + ex.Message); } }
private void SendConnectionError() { if (this.noInternet) { return; } this.noInternet = true; this.ConnectionError.SafeInvoke(); FMLogger.Log("launch IC from error"); this.internetCheckerCoroutine = base.StartCoroutine(this.InternetChecker()); }
private void OnApplicationPause(bool isPause) { if (!isPause && this.noInternet && this.ConnectionResume != null) { if (this.internetCheckerCoroutine != null) { base.StopCoroutine(this.internetCheckerCoroutine); } FMLogger.Log("launch IC from pause"); this.internetCheckerCoroutine = base.StartCoroutine(this.InternetChecker()); } }
private void OnApplicationFocus(bool hasFocus) { if (hasFocus && this.noInternet && this.ConnectionResume != null) { if (this.internetCheckerCoroutine != null) { base.StopCoroutine(this.internetCheckerCoroutine); } FMLogger.Log("launch IC from focus"); this.internetCheckerCoroutine = base.StartCoroutine(this.InternetChecker()); } }
public void ApplyDataTo(int count, int newCount, InfiniteScroll.Direction direction) { if (this._count == 0) { this.InitData(count, 0, false); return; } Vector2 anchoredPosition = this._content.anchoredPosition; FMLogger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "append new rows ", newCount, " total ", count })); this._count = count; float y = (float)(this.height * count) * 1f + (float) + (float)this.bottom + (float)((count != 0) ? ((count - 1) * this.spacing) : 0); this._content.sizeDelta = new Vector2(this._content.sizeDelta.x, y); int num = int.MaxValue; int num2 = int.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < this._views.Length; i++) { if (this._views[i].Row < num2) { num2 = this._views[i].Row; num = i; } } int num3 = this.position - num2; if (num3 > 0) { int num4 = count - newCount; for (int j = 0; j < num3; j++) { int num5 = num; num++; if (num == this._views.Length) { num = 0; } Vector2 anchoredPosition2 = this._rects[num5].anchoredPosition; anchoredPosition2.y = (float)(-(float)( + num4 * this.spacing + num4 * this.height)); this._rects[num5].anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition2; this.FillItem(num4, this._views[num5], true); num4++; } } base.StartCoroutine(this.UpdPosition(anchoredPosition, this._content)); }
public static void UpdateSave(PictureSaveData pictureSaveData) { try { SaveDb obj = DbTypeConvertor.FromPictureSaveData(pictureSaveData); DatabaseManager.db.UpdateTable(obj); } catch (Exception ex) { FMLogger.Log("upd saveData fail. " + ex.Message); } }
public PictureData[] GetRowData(int row) { List <PictureData> pics =; row -= this.rowOffset; if (MenuScreen.RowItems == 2) { if (pics.Count - 1 >= row * 2 + 1) { return(new PictureData[] { pics[row * 2], pics[row * 2 + 1] }); } if (pics.Count - 1 == row * 2) { return(new PictureData[] { pics[row * 2] }); } } else if (MenuScreen.RowItems == 3) { if (pics.Count - 1 >= row * 3 + 2) { return(new PictureData[] { pics[row * 3], pics[row * 3 + 1], pics[row * 3 + 2] }); } if (pics.Count - 1 >= row * 3 + 1) { return(new PictureData[] { pics[row * 3], pics[row * 3 + 1] }); } if (pics.Count - 1 == row * 3) { return(new PictureData[] { pics[row * 3] }); } } FMLogger.Log("WTF EMPTY ROW: " + row); return(new PictureData[0]); }
public override void ReinitPicItem(PictureData picData) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].gameObject.activeSelf &&[i].PictureData != null &&[i].Id == picData.Id) { FMLogger.Log("reset pic " + picData.Id);[i].Reset();[i].Init(picData, false, true, false); break; } } }
public static void AddPicture(PictureData pd) { try { PictureDb obj = DbTypeConvertor.FromPictureData(pd); DatabaseManager.db.Insert(obj); } catch (Exception ex) { FMLogger.Log("error adding picture. " + ex.Message); AnalyticsManager.DbTransactionError("picDb", "AddPicture: " + ex.Message); } }
private void SaveIconLoaded(bool success, Texture2D tex) { if (success && tex != null) { this.saveMask.texture = tex; this.saveMask.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { FMLogger.Log("Failed to load icon preview. file not found"); } this.saveIconTask = null; }
private void LoadImageHandler(bool result, Texture2D tex) { if (result && tex != null) { this.loadIcon.SetActive(false); this.webImg.texture = tex; } else { FMLogger.Log("Error loading pic: " + this.pd.Id); } this.iconDownloadTask = null; }
public static void UpdatePicture(PictureData pd) { try { PictureDb obj = DbTypeConvertor.FromPictureData(pd); DatabaseManager.db.UpdateTable(obj); } catch (Exception ex) { FMLogger.Log("upd pic error. " + ex.Message); AnalyticsManager.DbTransactionError("picDb", "UpdatePicture: " + ex.Message); } }
private void Start() { int num = (int)this.refRt.sizeDelta.y; int num2 = AdsManager.Instance.CalcBannerHeight(num); FMLogger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "banner height ", num2, " canvas height ", num })); this.topControls.anchoredPosition += new Vector2(0f, (float)num2); }
public PictureData[] GetRowData(int row) { if (MenuScreen.RowItems == 2) { if (this.tabData.Count - 1 >= row * 2 + 1) { return(new PictureData[] { this.tabData[row * 2], this.tabData[row * 2 + 1] }); } if (this.tabData.Count - 1 == row * 2) { return(new PictureData[] { this.tabData[row * 2] }); } } else if (MenuScreen.RowItems == 3) { if (this.tabData.Count - 1 >= row * 3 + 2) { return(new PictureData[] { this.tabData[row * 3], this.tabData[row * 3 + 1], this.tabData[row * 3 + 2] }); } if (this.tabData.Count - 1 >= row * 3 + 1) { return(new PictureData[] { this.tabData[row * 3], this.tabData[row * 3 + 1] }); } if (this.tabData.Count - 1 == row * 3) { return(new PictureData[] { this.tabData[row * 3] }); } } FMLogger.Log("WTF EMPTY ROW: " + row); return(new PictureData[0]); }
public void ReinitPicItem(PictureData picData) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].gameObject.activeSelf &&[i].Id == picData.Id) { FMLogger.Log("reset pic " + picData.Id); int dailyTabDate =[i].PictureData.Extras.dailyTabDate; picData.SetDailyTabDate(dailyTabDate);[i].Reset();[i].Init(picData, false, false, true); break; } } }
private IEnumerator DailyPageTaskTimeout(DailyPageContentTask pageTask, float warningTime) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(warningTime)); if (pageTask != null && !pageTask.Completed) { FMLogger.Log("daily page long load report"); pageTask.TriggerWarning(); } else { FMLogger.Log("daily Wtf task is completed"); } this.dailyPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine = null; yield break; }
public static void DeletePicture(PictureData pd) { if (pd.HasSave) { DatabaseManager.DeleteSave(pd.Id, false); } try { PictureDb obj = DbTypeConvertor.FromPictureData(pd); DatabaseManager.db.Delete <PictureDb>(obj); } catch (Exception ex) { FMLogger.Log("error del pic. " + ex.Message); AnalyticsManager.DbTransactionError("picDb", "DeletePicture: " + ex.Message); } }
public static bool AddBonusCode(BonusCodeData bonusCode) { bool result; try { GiftDb obj = DbTypeConvertor.FromGiftData(bonusCode); DatabaseManager.db.Insert(obj); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { FMLogger.Log("add gift fail. " + ex.Message); result = false; } return(result); }
public void LoadDailyPage(DailyPageContentTask dailyPageTask) { if (this.dailyPageResponse != null && this.dailyTabInfo != null) { dailyPageTask.Result(true, this.dailyTabInfo); } else { if (this.dailyPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine != null) { FMLogger.Log("daily Multi page load invocation"); base.StopCoroutine(this.dailyPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine); FMLogger.Log("terminate prev daily page task handler"); } this.dailyPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine = base.StartCoroutine(this.DailyPageTaskTimeout(dailyPageTask, 5f)); TGFModule.Instance.GetDailyPage(delegate(DailyPageResponse response) { if (dailyPageTask == null || dailyPageTask.IsCanceled) { FMLogger.Log("daily task canceled " + dailyPageTask.Page); } else if (dailyPageTask != null && dailyPageTask.Completed) { FMLogger.Log("daily task already completed " + dailyPageTask.Page); } else { if (this.dailyPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine != null) { this.StopCoroutine(this.dailyPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine); this.dailyPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine = null; } if (response != null) { this.ParseDailyPageContent(response); this.dailyPageResponse = response; dailyPageTask.Result(true, this.dailyTabInfo); } else { dailyPageTask.Result(false, null); } } }); } }
public void LoadMainPage(PageContentTask pageTask) { if (pageTask.Page == 1 && this.orderedMainPage != null && this.orderedMainPage.Count > 0 && this.libResponse != null) { pageTask.Result(true, new PageContentInfo(this.orderedMainPage, this.featuredSection, this.newsTabInfo, this.libResponse.categories, this.libResponse.update_dialog, this.libResponse.bonus_category_config)); } else if (pageTask.Page == 1) { if (this.mainPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine != null) { FMLogger.Log("Multi page load invocation"); base.StopCoroutine(this.mainPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine); FMLogger.Log("terminate prev main page task handler"); } this.mainPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine = base.StartCoroutine(this.MainPageTaskTimeout(pageTask, 5f)); TGFModule.Instance.GetMainPage(pageTask.Page, delegate(LibraryPageResponce response) { if (pageTask == null || pageTask.IsCanceled) { FMLogger.Log("task canceled " + pageTask.Page); } else if (pageTask != null && pageTask.Completed) { FMLogger.Log("task already completed " + pageTask.Page); } else { if (this.mainPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine != null) { this.StopCoroutine(this.mainPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine); this.mainPageTaskTimeoutCoroutine = null; } if (response != null) { this.ParseMainPageContent(response); this.libResponse = response; pageTask.Result(true, new PageContentInfo(this.orderedMainPage, this.featuredSection, this.newsTabInfo, this.libResponse.categories, this.libResponse.update_dialog, this.libResponse.bonus_category_config)); } else { pageTask.Result(false, null); } } }); } }
public static SystemUtils.DevicePerfomance GetDevicePerfomance() { SystemUtils.DevicePerfomance devicePerfomance = GeneralSettings.DevicePerfomance; if (devicePerfomance == SystemUtils.DevicePerfomance.Unknown) { try { int num = 2013; using (AndroidJavaClass androidJavaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("fmt.deviceperf.DevicePower")) { using (AndroidJavaClass androidJavaClass2 = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer")) { AndroidJavaObject @static = androidJavaClass2.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity"); int num2 = androidJavaClass.CallStatic <int>("GetDeviceYear", new object[] { @static }); if (num2 >= num) { devicePerfomance = SystemUtils.DevicePerfomance.High; } else { devicePerfomance = SystemUtils.DevicePerfomance.Low; } FMLogger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "detect ", devicePerfomance, " y: ", num2 })); } } } catch (Exception ex) { FMLogger.Log("device detect ex. fallback low"); devicePerfomance = SystemUtils.DevicePerfomance.Low; Debug.Log(ex.ToString()); } GeneralSettings.DevicePerfomance = devicePerfomance; } return(devicePerfomance); }
private IEnumerator InternetChecker() { int fastPacedAttemps = 5; float shortTimeStep = 3f; float longTimeStep = 60f; while (fastPacedAttemps > 0 && this.noInternet) { fastPacedAttemps--; FMLogger.Log("short step internet check"); this.InternetCheck(null); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(shortTimeStep)); } while (this.noInternet) { FMLogger.Log("short step internet check"); this.InternetCheck(null); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(longTimeStep)); } yield break; }
private void LoadIcon() { if (this.lazyLoad) { return; } this.loadIcon.SetActive(true); this.iconDownloadTask = new IconDownloadTask(this.imageData.baseUrl, this.imageData.relativePath, this.imageData.CacheKey, delegate(bool success, Texture2D tex) { if (success && tex != null) { this.loadIcon.SetActive(false); this.img.texture = tex; } else { FMLogger.Log("Error loading external pic: " + this.imageData.relativePath); } this.iconDownloadTask = null; }); ImageManager.Instance.DownloadIcon(this.iconDownloadTask); }