State OnCheckState() { passedTime = System.TimeSpan.Zero; bool isUnhold; var allDishes = runtimeData.GetList <DBCraftingItem>() .Where(x => x.tableUID == runtimeTable.uid) .OrderBy(x => x.insertedTime) .ToList(); currentMaking = FIShareCraftFunc.GetCurrentCookingRecipe( easy.GlobalInfo.totalCraftedCompleteCnt, easy.ServerTime - runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime, allDishes, out passedTime, out isUnhold); if (currentMaking == null) { return(State.Empty); } if (isUnhold == true) { return(State.Unhold); } return(State.Making); }
void BindCraftingAreaLogic() { remainingAreaScrollView.Init(view.CLGetGameObject("Window/CraftingArea/StackArea/Grid"), (idx, sample) => { var comp = sample.AddComponent <RemainingArea>(); container.InjectGameObject(comp.gameObject); comp.Init(runtimeTable, idx); }, () => { return(staticTable.maxSlot); }); remainingAreaScrollView.OnRefresh(); Observable.EveryUpdate().Subscribe(_ => { var allDishes = runtimeData.GetList <DBCraftingItem>() .Where(x => x.tableUID == runtimeTable.uid) .OrderBy(x => x.insertedTime) .ToList(); var remaining = FIShareCraftFunc.GetRemainingDishList(easy.GlobalInfo.totalCraftedCompleteCnt, easy.ServerTime - runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime, allDishes); // Debug.Log("Remaining="+remaining.Count); }).AddTo(this.go); var makingComp = view.CLGetGameObject("Window/CraftingArea/StackArea/CreatingArea").AddComponent <CurrentMakingArea>(); container.Inject(makingComp); makingComp.Init(runtimeTable); }
State OnCheckState() { var allDishes = runtimeData.GetList <DBCraftingItem>() .Where(x => x.tableUID == runtimeTable.uid) .OrderBy(x => x.insertedTime) .ToList(); completeList = FIShareCraftFunc.GetMadeDishList( easy.GlobalInfo.totalCraftedCompleteCnt, easy.ServerTime - runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime, allDishes); if (idx < completeList.Count) { currentItem.Value = completeList[idx]; return(State.Made); } currentItem.Value = null; return(State.Empty); }
State OnCheckState() { var upgradeCnt = staticTable.maxSlot - staticTable.minSlot; var curSlotCnt = runtimeTable.upgradeLv + staticTable.minSlot - 1; // -1 is for CurrentMakingArea var totalAvailableUpgradeCnt = upgradeCnt - runtimeTable.upgradeLv; if (idx == curSlotCnt) { if (totalAvailableUpgradeCnt > 0) { return(State.Expand); } throw new System.Exception("Cannot Come here!"); } else if (idx > curSlotCnt) { return(State.CannotExpand); } var allDishes = runtimeData.GetList <DBCraftingItem>() .Where(x => x.tableUID == runtimeTable.uid) .OrderBy(x => x.insertedTime) .ToList(); remainingList = FIShareCraftFunc.GetRemainingDishList( easy.GlobalInfo.totalCraftedCompleteCnt, easy.ServerTime - runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime, allDishes ); // Debug.Log("Idx="+idx.ToString()+" Remain="+remainingList.Count); if (idx < remainingList.Count) { //This is making.. currentItem = remainingList[idx]; return(State.Waiting); } currentItem = null; return(State.Empty); }
public static JObject enc_sess_craft_collect(FIFakeContext context) { CheckParameterExists(context, "uidArr"); var uidArr = context.body["uidArr"].Values <int>().ToArray(); var recipeList = context.dbContext.GetList <DBCraftingItem>() .Where(x => uidArr.Contains(x.uid)) .ToList(); //Check #region Check if requesting recipe actually exists.. if (recipeList.Count <= 0) { throw new FIException(FIErr.Crafting_CollectThereIsNoRecipeMatch); } #endregion #region Check if its from same table.. int singleUID = -1; foreach (var item in recipeList) { if (singleUID == -1) { singleUID = item.tableUID; continue; } if (singleUID != item.tableUID) { throw new FIException(FIErr.Crafting_CollectingNotMatchTableUID); } } #endregion #region Check requesting is all completed.. var runtimeTable = context.dbContext.GetByID <DBCraftingTable>(singleUID); var staticTable = context.staticData.GetByID <GDCraftingTable>(runtimeTable.craftingTableID); var currentRecipeList = context.dbContext.GetList <DBCraftingItem>() .Where(x => x.tableUID == runtimeTable.uid) .OrderBy(x => x.insertedTime) .ToList(); int completeQueueSize = context.easy.GlobalInfo.totalCraftedCompleteCnt; var curServerTime = CurrentTime; var estimateStartedTime = runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime; var passedTime = curServerTime - estimateStartedTime; bool isUnhold = false; var currentMakingItem = FIShareCraftFunc.GetCurrentCookingRecipe(completeQueueSize, passedTime, currentRecipeList, out isUnhold); var madeList = FIShareCraftFunc.GetMadeDishList(completeQueueSize, passedTime, currentRecipeList); foreach (var item in recipeList) { Debug.Log("ReqItem=" + item.uid + " reqTime=" + item.reqTime); } foreach (var item in madeList) { Debug.Log("MadeItem=" + item.uid + " reqTime=" + item.reqTime); } foreach (var item in recipeList) { if (madeList.Contains(item) == false) { throw new FIException(FIErr.Crafting_CollectingNotCompletedOne); } } #endregion #region Check I can insert reward. Dictionary <int, int> totalRewardDic = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (var item in recipeList) { var staticSingle = context.staticData.GetByID <GDCraftRecipeData>(item.recipeID); foreach (var single in staticSingle.rewardArr) { if (totalRewardDic.ContainsKey( == false) { totalRewardDic.Add(, single.cnt); } else { totalRewardDic[] += single.cnt; } } } var totalRewardArr = totalRewardDic.Select(x => Tuple.Create <int, int>(x.Key, x.Value)).ToArray(); if (Storage_CheckCanInsertItems(context, totalRewardArr) == false) { throw new FIException(FIErr.Crafting_CollectingCannotInsertRewards); } #endregion //Action #region Reset time of table started! if (isUnhold == true || currentMakingItem == null) { var onlyLeftItemList = madeList .Where(x => recipeList.Contains(x) == false) .ToList(); var totalTime = System.TimeSpan.Zero; //Should calculate the only left things.. foreach (var item in onlyLeftItemList) { totalTime += item.reqTime; } runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime = curServerTime - totalTime; InsertUpdated(context, runtimeTable); } else { var totalTime = System.TimeSpan.Zero; foreach (var item in recipeList) { // totalTime totalTime += item.reqTime; } runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime += totalTime; InsertUpdated(context, runtimeTable); } #endregion #region RemoveRecipies from list InsertDeleted(context, recipeList.ToArray()); context.dbContext.Dispose(recipeList.ToArray()); #endregion #region InsertRewards! Storage_InsertItem(context, totalRewardArr); #endregion return(GetDefaultJObject(context)); }
public static JObject enc_sess_craft_insertrecipe(FIFakeContext context) { CheckParameterExists(context, "tableUID", "recipeID"); var tableUID = context.body["tableUID"].Value <int>(); var recipeID = context.body["recipeID"].Value <int>(); var runtimeTable = context.dbContext.GetByID <DBCraftingTable>(tableUID); var staticTable = context.staticData.GetByID <GDCraftingTable>(runtimeTable.craftingTableID); var staticRecipe = context.staticData.GetByID <GDCraftRecipeData>(recipeID); var reqItemArr = staticRecipe.reqItemArr.Select(x => { return(Tuple.Create <int, int>(, x.cnt)); }).ToArray(); var unlockedRecipe = context.dbContext.GetList <DBCraftingRecipeUnlock>() .Where(x => x.recipeID ==; var currentRecipeList = context.dbContext.GetList <DBCraftingItem>() .Where(x => x.tableUID == tableUID) .OrderBy(x => x.insertedTime) .ToList(); var availableQueue = staticTable.minSlot + runtimeTable.upgradeLv; var completeQueueSize = context.easy.GlobalInfo.totalCraftedCompleteCnt; var curServerTime = CurrentTime; var estimateStartedTime = runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime; //Check #region Check I learned recipe! if (unlockedRecipe == null) { throw new FIException(FIErr.Crafting_CannotInsertRecipeNotUnlockedRecipe); } #endregion #region Check has enough resource.. if (Storage_CheckCanDisposeItems(context, reqItemArr) == false) { throw new FIException(FIErr.Crafting_CannotInsertRecipeNotEnoughIngredient); } #endregion #region Check i can insert more var passedTime = curServerTime - estimateStartedTime; bool isUnhold = false; var currentMakingItem = FIShareCraftFunc.GetCurrentCookingRecipe(completeQueueSize, passedTime, currentRecipeList, out isUnhold); var currentCompleteList = FIShareCraftFunc.GetMadeDishList(completeQueueSize, passedTime, currentRecipeList); var realLeftQueue = availableQueue - (currentRecipeList.Count - currentCompleteList.Count); if (realLeftQueue <= 0) { throw new FIException(FIErr.Crafting_CannotInsertRecipeNoRoomForQueue); } #endregion //Action #region Reset time if (currentRecipeList.Count <= 0) { estimateStartedTime = curServerTime; runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime = estimateStartedTime; InsertUpdated(context, runtimeTable); } else if (isUnhold == false & currentMakingItem == null) { estimateStartedTime = curServerTime - FIShareCraftFunc.CalculateFinishedProductTime(currentCompleteList); runtimeTable.recipeStartedTime = estimateStartedTime; InsertUpdated(context, runtimeTable); } #endregion #region Dispose ReqItemArr Storage_DisposeItem(context, reqItemArr); #endregion #region Insert Recipe var created = context.dbContext.Create <DBCraftingItem>(); created.tableUID = tableUID; created.insertedTime = CurrentTime; created.recipeID = recipeID; created.reqTime = staticRecipe.reqTime; InsertUpdated(context, created); #endregion return(GetDefaultJObject(context)); }