Esempio n. 1
 public override ThingList Load(BinaryReader BR, ProgressCallback ProgressCallback)
     ThingList TL = new ThingList();
       if (ProgressCallback != null)
     ProgressCallback(I18N.GetText("FTM:CheckingFile"), 0);
       if (BR.BaseStream.Length < 0x40 || BR.BaseStream.Position != 0)
     return TL;
     FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
       if (E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(8)) != "d_msg".PadRight(8, '\0'))
     return TL;
     ushort Flag1 = BR.ReadUInt16();
       if (Flag1 != 0 && Flag1 != 1)
     return TL;
     ushort Flag2 = BR.ReadUInt16();
       if (Flag2 != 0 && Flag2 != 1)
     return TL;
       if (BR.ReadUInt32() != 3 || BR.ReadUInt32() != 3)
     return TL;
     uint FileSize = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (FileSize != BR.BaseStream.Length)
     return TL;
     uint HeaderBytes = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (HeaderBytes != 0x40)
     return TL;
       if (BR.ReadUInt32() != 0)
     return TL;
     int BytesPerEntry = BR.ReadInt32();
       if (BytesPerEntry < 0)
     return TL;
     uint DataBytes = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (FileSize != (HeaderBytes + DataBytes) || (DataBytes % BytesPerEntry) != 0)
     return TL;
     uint EntryCount = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (EntryCount * BytesPerEntry != DataBytes)
     return TL;
       if (BR.ReadUInt32() != 1 || BR.ReadUInt64() != 0 || BR.ReadUInt64() != 0)
     return TL;
       if (ProgressCallback != null)
     ProgressCallback(I18N.GetText("FTM:LoadingData"), 0);
       for (uint i = 0; i < EntryCount; ++i) {
       BinaryReader EntryBR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(BR.ReadBytes(BytesPerEntry)));
     EntryBR.BaseStream.Position = 0;
       bool ItemAdded = false;
     Things.DMSGStringBlock SB = new Things.DMSGStringBlock();
       if (SB.Read(EntryBR, E, i)) {
     ItemAdded = true;
     if (!ItemAdded) {
     if (ProgressCallback != null)
       ProgressCallback(null, (double) (i + 1) / EntryCount);
       return TL;
Esempio n. 2
 public override ThingList Load(BinaryReader BR, ProgressCallback ProgressCallback)
     ThingList TL = new ThingList();
       if (ProgressCallback != null)
     ProgressCallback(I18N.GetText("FTM:CheckingFile"), 0);
       if (BR.BaseStream.Length < 0x40 || BR.BaseStream.Position != 0)
     return TL;
     FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
       // Skip (presumably) fixed portion of the header
       if ((E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(8)) != "d_msg".PadRight(8, '\0')) || BR.ReadUInt16() != 1 || BR.ReadUInt16() != 1 || BR.ReadUInt32() != 3 || BR.ReadUInt32() != 3)
     return TL;
       // Read the useful header fields
     uint FileSize = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (FileSize != BR.BaseStream.Length)
     return TL;
     uint HeaderBytes = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (HeaderBytes != 0x40)
     return TL;
     uint EntryBytes = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (BR.ReadUInt32() != 0)
     return TL;
     uint DataBytes  = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (FileSize != HeaderBytes + EntryBytes + DataBytes)
     return TL;
     uint EntryCount = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (EntryBytes != EntryCount * 8)
     return TL;
       if (BR.ReadUInt32() != 1 || BR.ReadUInt64() != 0 || BR.ReadUInt64() != 0)
     return TL;
       if (ProgressCallback != null)
     ProgressCallback(I18N.GetText("FTM:LoadingData"), 0);
       for (uint i = 0; i < EntryCount; ++i) {
     BR.BaseStream.Position = HeaderBytes + i * 8;
       int Offset = ~BR.ReadInt32();
       int Length = ~BR.ReadInt32();
     if (Length < 0 || Offset < 0 || Offset + Length > DataBytes) {
     BR.BaseStream.Position = HeaderBytes + EntryBytes + Offset;
       BinaryReader EntryBR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(BR.ReadBytes(Length)));
       bool ItemAdded = false;
     Things.DMSGStringBlock SB = new Things.DMSGStringBlock();
       if (SB.Read(EntryBR, E, i)) {
     ItemAdded = true;
     if (!ItemAdded) {
     if (ProgressCallback != null)
       ProgressCallback(null, (double) (i + 1) / EntryCount);
       return TL;
Esempio n. 3
 public override ThingList Load(BinaryReader BR, ProgressCallback ProgressCallback)
     ThingList TL = new ThingList();
     if (ProgressCallback != null)
         ProgressCallback(I18N.GetText("FTM:CheckingFile"), 0);
     if (BR.BaseStream.Length < 0x38 || BR.BaseStream.Position != 0)
         return TL;
     FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
     // Read past the marker (32 bytes)
     if ((E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(10)) != "XISTRING".PadRight(10, '\0')) || BR.ReadUInt16() != 2)
         return TL;
     foreach (byte B in BR.ReadBytes(20))
         if (B != 0)
             return TL;
     // Read The Header
     uint FileSize = BR.ReadUInt32();
     if (FileSize != BR.BaseStream.Length)
         return TL;
     uint EntryCount = BR.ReadUInt32();
     uint EntryBytes = BR.ReadUInt32();
     uint DataBytes = BR.ReadUInt32();
     BR.ReadUInt32(); // Unknown
     BR.ReadUInt32(); // Unknown
     if (EntryBytes != EntryCount * 12 || FileSize != 0x38 + EntryBytes + DataBytes)
         return TL;
     if (ProgressCallback != null)
         ProgressCallback(I18N.GetText("FTM:LoadingData"), 0);
     for (uint i = 0; i < EntryCount; ++i)
         Things.XIStringTableEntry XSTE = new Things.XIStringTableEntry();
         if (!XSTE.Read(BR, E, i, EntryBytes, DataBytes))
         if (ProgressCallback != null)
             ProgressCallback(null, (double)(i + 1) / EntryCount);
     return TL;
Esempio n. 4
 public override ThingList Load(BinaryReader BR, ProgressCallback ProgressCallback)
     ThingList TL = new ThingList();
       if (ProgressCallback != null)
     ProgressCallback(I18N.GetText("FTM:CheckingFile"), 0);
       if (BR.BaseStream.Length < 0x38 || BR.BaseStream.Position != 0)
     return TL;
     FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
       // Skip (presumably) fixed portion of the header
       if ((E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(8)) != "d_msg".PadRight(8, '\0')) || BR.ReadUInt16() != 1 || BR.ReadUInt32() != 0 || BR.ReadUInt16() != 2 || BR.ReadUInt32() != 3)
     return TL;
       // Read the useful header fields
     uint EntryCount = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (BR.ReadUInt32() != 1)
     return TL;
     uint FileSize = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (FileSize != BR.BaseStream.Length)
     return TL;
     uint HeaderSize = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (HeaderSize != 0x38)
     return TL;
     uint EntryBytes = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (EntryBytes != EntryCount * 36)
     return TL;
     uint DataBytes  = BR.ReadUInt32();
       if (FileSize != 0x38 + EntryBytes + DataBytes)
     return TL;
       // 12 NUL bytes
       if (BR.ReadUInt32() != 0 || BR.ReadUInt32() != 0 || BR.ReadUInt32() != 0)
     return TL;
       if (ProgressCallback != null)
     ProgressCallback(I18N.GetText("FTM:LoadingData"), 0);
       for (uint i = 0; i < EntryCount; ++i) {
       Things.DMSGStringTableEntry DSTE = new Things.DMSGStringTableEntry();
     if (!DSTE.Read(BR, E, i, EntryBytes, DataBytes)) {
     if (ProgressCallback != null)
       ProgressCallback(null, (double) (i + 1) / EntryCount);
       return TL;
Esempio n. 5
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR, string Category, long MenuStart)
     this.Category_ = Category;
         this.ID_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
         long Name1Start = BR.ReadInt32();
         long Name2Start = BR.ReadInt32();
         long BodyStart = BR.ReadInt32();
         // Unknown (BodyEnd? not likely as it does not match "BodyStart + 4 * (1 + LineCount)"
         long Unknown = BR.ReadInt32();
         if (Name1Start < 0 || Name2Start < 0 || BodyStart < 0 || Unknown < 0)
             return false;
         FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
         long CurPos = BR.BaseStream.Position;
         BR.BaseStream.Position = MenuStart + Name1Start;
         this.Name1_ = FFXIEncryption.ReadEncodedString(BR, E);
         BR.BaseStream.Position = MenuStart + Name2Start;
         this.Name2_ = FFXIEncryption.ReadEncodedString(BR, E);
         BR.BaseStream.Position = MenuStart + BodyStart;
             int LineCount = BR.ReadInt32();
             if (LineCount < 0)
                 BR.BaseStream.Position = CurPos;
                 return false;
                 // Read entry description lines
                 long[] LineStart = new long[LineCount];
                 for (int i = 0; i < LineCount; ++i)
                     LineStart[i] = BR.ReadInt32();
                     if (LineStart[i] < 0)
                         BR.BaseStream.Position = CurPos;
                         return false;
                 this.Description_ = String.Empty;
                 for (int i = 0; i < LineCount; ++i)
                     BR.BaseStream.Position = MenuStart + LineStart[i];
                     if (i > 0)
                         this.Description_ += "\r\n";
                     this.Description_ += FFXIEncryption.ReadEncodedString(BR, E);
         BR.BaseStream.Position = MenuStart + Unknown;
             int LineCount = BR.ReadInt32();
             if (LineCount < 0)
                 BR.BaseStream.Position = CurPos;
                 return false;
                 // Read entry description lines
                 long[] LineStart = new long[LineCount];
                 for (int i = 0; i < LineCount; ++i)
                     LineStart[i] = BR.ReadInt32();
                     if (LineStart[i] < 0)
                         BR.BaseStream.Position = CurPos;
                         return false;
                 this.Extra_ = String.Empty;
                 for (int i = 0; i < LineCount; ++i)
                     BR.BaseStream.Position = MenuStart + LineStart[i];
                     if (i > 0)
                         this.Extra_ += "\r\n";
                     this.Extra_ += FFXIEncryption.ReadEncodedString(BR, E);
         BR.BaseStream.Position = CurPos;
         return true;
         return false;
Esempio n. 6
        public bool Read(BinaryReader BR, Type T)
                byte[] ItemBytes = BR.ReadBytes(0xC00);
                FFXIEncryption.Rotate(ItemBytes, 5);
                BR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(ItemBytes, false));
                BR.BaseStream.Seek(0x280, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                Graphic G = new Graphic();
                int GraphicSize = BR.ReadInt32();
                if (GraphicSize < 0 || !G.Read(BR) || BR.BaseStream.Position != 0x280 + 4 + GraphicSize)
                    return false;
                this.Icon_ = G;
                BR.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                return false;
            // Common Fields (14 bytes)
            this.ID_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
            this.Flags_ = (ItemFlags)BR.ReadUInt16();
            this.StackSize_ = BR.ReadUInt16(); // 0xe0ff for Currency, which kinda suggests this is really 2 separate bytes
            this.Type_ = (ItemType)BR.ReadUInt16();
            this.ResourceID_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
            this.ValidTargets_ = (ValidTarget)BR.ReadUInt16();
            // Extra Fields (22/30/10/6/2 bytes for Armor/Weapon/Puppet/Item/UsableItem)

            if (T == Type.Armor || T == Type.Weapon)
                this.Level_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                this.Slots_ = (EquipmentSlot)BR.ReadUInt16();
                this.Races_ = (Race)BR.ReadUInt16();
                this.Jobs_ = (Job)BR.ReadUInt32();
                this.SuperiorLevel_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                if (T == Type.Armor)
                    this.ShieldSize_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                    // Weapon
                    this.Unknown4_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Damage_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Delay_ = BR.ReadInt16();
                    this.DPS_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Skill_ = (Skill)BR.ReadByte();
                    this.JugSize_ = BR.ReadByte();
                    this.Unknown1_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
                this.MaxCharges_ = BR.ReadByte();
                this.CastingTime_ = BR.ReadByte();
                this.UseDelay_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                this.ReuseDelay_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
                this.Unknown2_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                this.iLevel_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                this.Unknown3_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
            else if (T == Type.PuppetItem)
                this.PuppetSlot_ = (PuppetSlot)BR.ReadUInt16();
                this.ElementCharge_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
                this.Unknown3_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
            else if (T == Type.Instinct)
                this.InstinctCost_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
            else if (T == Type.Item)
                switch (this.Type_.Value)
                    case ItemType.Flowerpot:
                    case ItemType.Furnishing:
                    case ItemType.Mannequin:
                        this.Element_ = (Element)BR.ReadUInt16();
                        this.StorageSlots_ = BR.ReadInt32();
                        this.Unknown3_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
                        this.Unknown2_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                        this.Unknown3_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
                        this.Unknown3_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
            else if (T == Type.UsableItem)
                this.ActivationTime_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                this.Unknown1_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
                this.Unknown3_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
                this.Unknown4_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
            else if (T == Type.Currency)
                this.Unknown2_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
            else if (T == Type.Slip)
                this.Unknown1_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                for (int counter = 0; counter < 17; counter++)
            else if (T == Type.Monipulator)
                this.Unknown1_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
                for (int counter = 0; counter < 24; counter++)
            // Next Up: Strings (variable size)
            long StringBase = BR.BaseStream.Position;
            uint StringCount = BR.ReadUInt32();
            if (StringCount > 9)
                // Sanity check, for safety - 0 strings is fine for now
                return false;
            FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
            string[] Strings = new string[StringCount];
            for (byte i = 0; i < StringCount; ++i)
                long Offset = StringBase + BR.ReadUInt32();
                uint Flag = BR.ReadUInt32();
                if (Offset < 0 || Offset + 0x20 > 0x280 || (Flag != 0 && Flag != 1))
                    return false;
                // Flag seems to be 1 if the offset is not actually an offset. Could just be padding to make StringCount unique per language, or it could be an indication
                // of the pronoun to use (a/an/the/...). The latter makes sense because of the increased number of such flags for french and german.
                if (Flag == 0)
                    BR.BaseStream.Position = Offset;
                    Strings[i] = this.ReadString(BR, E);
                    if (Strings[i] == null)
                        return false;
                    BR.BaseStream.Position = StringBase + 4 + 8 * (i + 1);
            // Assign the strings to the proper fields
            switch (StringCount)
                case 1:
                    this.Name_ = Strings[0];
                case 2: // Japanese
                    this.Name_ = Strings[0];
                    this.Description_ = Strings[1];
                case 5: // English
                    this.Name_ = Strings[0];
                    // unused:              Strings[1]
                    this.LogNameSingular_ = Strings[2];
                    this.LogNamePlural_ = Strings[3];
                    this.Description_ = Strings[4];
                case 6: // French
                    this.Name_ = Strings[0];
                    // unused:              Strings[1]
                    // unused:              Strings[2]
                    this.LogNameSingular_ = Strings[3];
                    this.LogNamePlural_ = Strings[4];
                    this.Description_ = Strings[5];
                case 9: // German
                    this.Name_ = Strings[0];
                    // unused:              Strings[1]
                    // unused:              Strings[2]
                    // unused:              Strings[3]
                    this.LogNameSingular_ = Strings[4];
                    // unused:              Strings[5]
                    // unused:              Strings[6]
                    this.LogNamePlural_ = Strings[7];
                    this.Description_ = Strings[8];
            return true;
Esempio n. 7
 // Block Layout:
 // 000-001 U16 Index
 // 002-002 U8  Type
 // 003-003 U8  List Icon ID (e.g. 40-47 for the elemental-colored dots)
 // 004-005 U16 MP Cost
 // 006-007 U16 Unknown (used to be the cooldown time)
 // 008-009 U16 Valid Targets
 // 00a-029 TXT Name
 // 02a-129 TXT Description (exact length unknown)
 // 12a-3fe U8  Padding (NULs)
 // 3ff-3ff U8  End marker (0xff)
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR)
       try {
       byte[] Bytes = BR.ReadBytes(0x400);
     if (Bytes[0x3ff] != 0xff || Bytes[9] != 0x00 || !FFXIEncryption.DecodeDataBlock(Bytes))
       return false;
       FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
     BR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Bytes, false));
     this.ID_           = BR.ReadUInt16();
     this.Type_         = (AbilityType) BR.ReadByte();
     this.ListIconID_   = BR.ReadByte();
     this.MPCost_       = BR.ReadUInt16();
     this.Unknown1_     = BR.ReadUInt16();
     this.ValidTargets_ = (ValidTarget) BR.ReadUInt16();
     this.Name_         = E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(32)).TrimEnd('\0');
     this.Description_  = E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(256)).TrimEnd('\0');
     return true;
       } catch { return false; }
Esempio n. 8
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR)
         FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
         this.Name_ = E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(0x1C)).TrimEnd('\0');
         this.ID_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
         // ID seems to be 010 + zone id + mob id (=> there's a hard max of 0xFFF (= 4095) mobs per zone, which seems plenty :))
         // Special 'instanced' zones like MMM or Meebles use 013 + 'zone id' + mob id.
         if ((this.ID_ != 0 && (this.ID_ & 0xFFF00000) != 0x01000000) &&
             (this.ID_ != 0 && (this.ID_ & 0xFFF00000) != 0x01300000) &&
             (this.ID_ != 0 && (this.ID_ & 0xFFF00000) != 0x01100000))
             return false;
         return true;
         return false;
Esempio n. 9
 // Block Layout:
 // 000-003 U32 Index
 // 004-007 U32 Unknown
 // 008-00b U32 Unknown
 // 00c-00f U32 Unknown
 // 010-013 U32 Unknown
 // 014-02b     Unknown
 // 02c-0ab TXT Description
 // 0ac-27f     Unknown
 // 280-281 U16 Icon Size
 // 282-bff IMG Icon (+ padding)
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR)
         byte[] Bytes = BR.ReadBytes(0x280);
         byte[] IconBytes = BR.ReadBytes(0x980);
         if (!FFXIEncryption.DecodeDataBlock(Bytes))
             return false;
         if (IconBytes[0x97f] != 0xff)
             return false;
             // Verify that the icon info is valid
             Graphic StatusIcon = new Graphic();
             BinaryReader IconBR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(IconBytes, false));
             int IconSize = IconBR.ReadInt32();
             if (IconSize > 0 && IconSize <= 0x97b)
                 if (!StatusIcon.Read(IconBR) || IconBR.BaseStream.Position != 4 + IconSize)
                     return false;
             if (StatusIcon == null)
                 return false;
             this.Icon_ = StatusIcon;
         BR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Bytes, false));
         return false;
     FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
     this.ID_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
     this.Unknown1_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
     this.Unknown2_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
     this.Unknown3_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
     this.Unknown4_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
     this.Unknown4_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
     this.Description_ = E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(128)).TrimEnd('\0');
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR, uint? Index, long EntryStart, long EntryEnd)
       this.Index_ = Index;
       try {
     BR.BaseStream.Seek(4 + EntryStart, SeekOrigin.Begin);
       byte[] TextBytes = BR.ReadBytes((int) (EntryEnd - EntryStart));
     for (int i = 0; i < TextBytes.Length; ++i)
       TextBytes[i] ^= 0x80; // <= Evil encryption-breaking!
     this.Text_ = String.Empty;
       FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
       int LastPos = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < TextBytes.Length; ++i) {
       if (TextBytes[i] == 0x07) { // Line Break
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += "\r\n";
     LastPos = i + 1;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x08) { // Character Name (You)
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Player Name{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     LastPos = i + 1;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x09) { // Character Name (They)
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Speaker Name{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     LastPos = i + 1;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0a && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Numeric Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0b) { // Indicates that the lines after this are in a prompt window
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Selection Dialog{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     LastPos = i + 1;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0c && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Multiple Choice (Parameter {2}){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x19 && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Item Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1a && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Key Item Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1c && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) { // Chocobo Name
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Player/Chocobo Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1e && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Set Color #{2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x7f && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) { // Various stuff
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x31 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) { // Unknown, but seems to indicate user needs to hit RET
       if (TextBytes[i + 2] != 0)
         this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}{2}-Second Delay + Prompt{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
         this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Prompt{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x85) // Multiple Choice: Player Gender
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Multiple Choice (Player Gender){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x8D && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) {
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Weather Event Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x8E && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) {
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Weather Type Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x92 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) {
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Singular/Plural Choice (Parameter {2}){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0xB1 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) { // Usually found before an item name or key item name
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Title Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
     else if (i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) {
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Unknown Parameter (Type: {2:X2}) {3}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1], TextBytes[i + 2]);
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Unknown Marker Type: {2:X2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x7f || TextBytes[i] < 0x20) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Possible Special Code: {2:X2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i]);
     LastPos = i + 1;
     if (LastPos < TextBytes.Length)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, TextBytes.Length - LastPos);
     this.Text_ = this.Text_.TrimEnd('\0');
     return true;
       } catch { return false; }
Esempio n. 11
 // Block Layout:
 // 000-001 U16 Index
 // 002-003 U16 Magic Type (1/2/3/4/5/6 - White/Black/Summon/Ninja/Bard/Blue)
 // 004-005 U16 Element
 // 006-007 U16 Valid Targets
 // 008-009 U16 Skill
 // 00a-00b U16 MP Cost
 // 00c-00c U8  Cast Time (1/4 second)
 // 00d-00d U8  Recast Delay (1/4 second)
 // 00e-025 U8  Level required (1 byte per job, 0xff if not learnable; first is for the NUL job, so always 0xff; only 24 slots despite 32 possible job flags)
 // 026-027 U16 ID (0 for "unused" spells; starts out equal to the index, but doesn't stay that way)
 // 028-028 U8  List Icon ID (not sure what this is an index of, but it seems to match differences in item icon)
 // 029-03c CHR Japanese Name (20 bytes)
 // 03d-051 CHR English Name (20 bytes)
 // 052-0d1 CHR Japanese Description (128 bytes)
 // 0d2-151 CHR English Description (128 bytes)
 // 152-3fe U8  Padding (NULs)
 // 3ff-3ff U8  End marker (0xff)
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR)
       try {
       byte[] Bytes = BR.ReadBytes(0x400);
     if (Bytes[0x3] != 0x00 || Bytes[0x5] != 0x00 || Bytes[0x7] != 0x00 || Bytes[0x9] != 0x00 || Bytes[0xf] != 0xff || Bytes[0x3ff] != 0xff)
       return false;
     if (!FFXIEncryption.DecodeDataBlock(Bytes))
       return false;
     BR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Bytes, false));
       } catch { return false; }
       this.Index_         = BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.MagicType_     = (MagicType)   BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.Element_       = (Element)     BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.ValidTargets_  = (ValidTarget) BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.Skill_         = (Skill)       BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.MPCost_        = BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.CastingTime_   = BR.ReadByte();
       this.RecastDelay_   = BR.ReadByte();
       this.LevelRequired_ = BR.ReadBytes(24);
       this.ID_            = BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.ListIconID_    = BR.ReadByte();
       FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
       this.JapaneseName_        = E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes( 20)).TrimEnd('\0');
       this.EnglishName_         = E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes( 20)).TrimEnd('\0');
       this.JapaneseDescription_ = E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(128)).TrimEnd('\0');
       this.EnglishDescription_  = E.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(128)).TrimEnd('\0');
       // A slightly newer revision of this format no longer has the names, so mark them unset when empty
       if (this.JapaneseName_       .Length == 0) this.JapaneseName_        = null;
       if (this.EnglishName_        .Length == 0) this.EnglishName_         = null;
       if (this.JapaneseDescription_.Length == 0) this.JapaneseDescription_ = null;
       if (this.EnglishDescription_ .Length == 0) this.EnglishDescription_  = null;
     #if DEBUG
       { // Read the next 64 bits, and report if it's not 0 (means there's new data to identify)
       ulong Next64 = BR.ReadUInt64();
     if (Next64 != 0) {
       Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
       Console.WriteLine("Nonzero data after entry (Spell #{0}): {1:X16}", this.ID_, Next64);
       return true;
Esempio n. 12
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR, uint?Index, long EntryStart, long EntryEnd)
     this.Index_ = Index;
     try {
         BR.BaseStream.Seek(4 + EntryStart, SeekOrigin.Begin);
         byte[] TextBytes = BR.ReadBytes((int)(EntryEnd - EntryStart));
         for (int i = 0; i < TextBytes.Length; ++i)
             TextBytes[i] ^= 0x80; // <= Evil encryption-breaking!
         this.Text_ = String.Empty;
         FFXIEncoding E       = new FFXIEncoding();
         int          LastPos = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < TextBytes.Length; ++i)
             if (TextBytes[i] == 0x07) // Line Break
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += "\r\n";
                 LastPos     = i + 1;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x08) // Character Name (You)
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Player Name{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
                 LastPos     = i + 1;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x09) // Character Name (They)
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Speaker Name{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
                 LastPos     = i + 1;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0a && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length)
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Numeric Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
                 LastPos     = i + 2;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0b) // Indicates that the lines after this are in a prompt window
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Selection Dialog{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
                 LastPos     = i + 1;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0c && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length)
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Multiple Choice (Parameter {2}){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
                 LastPos     = i + 2;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x19 && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length)
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Item Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
                 LastPos     = i + 2;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1a && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length)
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Key Item Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
                 LastPos     = i + 2;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1c && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) // Chocobo Name
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Player/Chocobo Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
                 LastPos     = i + 2;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1e && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length)
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Set Color #{2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
                 LastPos     = i + 2;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x7f && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) // Various stuff
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x31 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) // Unknown, but seems to indicate user needs to hit RET
                     if (TextBytes[i + 2] != 0)
                         this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}{2}-Second Delay + Prompt{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
                         this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Prompt{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
                 else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x85) // Multiple Choice: Player Gender
                     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Multiple Choice (Player Gender){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
                 else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x8D && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length)
                     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Weather Event Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
                 else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x8E && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length)
                     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Weather Type Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
                 else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x92 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length)
                     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Singular/Plural Choice (Parameter {2}){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
                 else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0xB1 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) // Usually found before an item name or key item name
                     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Title Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
                 else if (i + 2 < TextBytes.Length)
                     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Unknown Parameter (Type: {2:X2}) {3}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1], TextBytes[i + 2]);
                     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Unknown Marker Type: {2:X2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
                 LastPos = i + 2;
             else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x7f || TextBytes[i] < 0x20)
                 if (LastPos < i)
                     this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
                 this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Possible Special Code: {2:X2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i]);
                 LastPos     = i + 1;
         if (LastPos < TextBytes.Length)
             this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, TextBytes.Length - LastPos);
         this.Text_ = this.Text_.TrimEnd('\0');
     } catch { return(false); }
Esempio n. 13
        private void TranslateAutoTranslatorFile(int JPFileNumber, int ENFileNumber)
            if (!this.BackupFile(JPFileNumber))
                string JFileName = FFXI.GetFilePath(JPFileNumber);
                string EFileName = FFXI.GetFilePath(ENFileNumber);
                this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("TranslatingAutoTrans"), JFileName));
                this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("UsingEnglishFile"), EFileName));
                FileStream   ATStream  = new FileStream(JFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
                MemoryStream NewStream = new MemoryStream();
                BinaryReader JBR       = new BinaryReader(ATStream);
                BinaryWriter JBW       = new BinaryWriter(NewStream);
                BinaryReader EBR       = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(EFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
                FFXIEncoding E         = new FFXIEncoding();
                while (ATStream.Position != ATStream.Length)
                        // Validate & Copy ID
                        uint JID = JBR.ReadUInt32();
                        uint EID = EBR.ReadUInt32();
                        if ((JID & 0xffff) != 0x102)
                            this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATBadJPID"), JID));
                            goto TranslationDone;
                        if ((EID & 0xffff) != 0x202)
                            this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATBadENID"), EID));
                            goto TranslationDone;
                        if ((EID & 0xffff0000) != (JID & 0xffff0000))
                            this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATIDMismatch"), JID, EID));
                            goto TranslationDone;
                    // Group name -> use English
                    JBR.BaseStream.Position += 32;
                    // Completion Text -> based on config
                    if (this.mnuPreserveJapaneseATCompletion.Checked)
                        EBR.BaseStream.Position += 32;
                        byte[] EnglishCompletion = E.GetBytes(E.GetString(EBR.ReadBytes(32)).ToLowerInvariant());
                        // we want it lowercase
                        if (EnglishCompletion.Length != 32)
                            this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATLowercaseProblem"), EnglishCompletion.Length));
                            goto TranslationDone;
                        JBR.BaseStream.Position += 32;
                    uint JEntryCount = JBR.ReadUInt32();
                    uint EEntryCount = EBR.ReadUInt32();
                    if (JEntryCount != EEntryCount)
                        this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATCountMismatch"), JEntryCount, EEntryCount));
                        goto TranslationDone;
                    long EntryBytesPos = JBW.BaseStream.Position;
                    JBR.BaseStream.Position += 4;
                    EBR.BaseStream.Position += 4;
                    for (uint i = 0; i < JEntryCount; ++i)
                        // Validate & Copy ID
                        uint JID = JBR.ReadUInt32();
                        uint EID = EBR.ReadUInt32();
                        if ((JID & 0xffff) != 0x102)
                            this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATBadJPID"), JID));
                            goto TranslationDone;
                        if ((EID & 0xffff) != 0x202)
                            this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATBadENID"), EID));
                            goto TranslationDone;
                        if ((EID & 0xffff0000) != (JID & 0xffff0000))
                            this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATIDMismatch"), JID, EID));
                            goto TranslationDone;
                        // Display text -> use English
                        byte[] EnglishText = EBR.ReadBytes(EBR.ReadByte());
                        JBR.BaseStream.Position += 1 + JBR.ReadByte();
                        // Completion Text -> based on config
                        if (this.mnuPreserveJapaneseATCompletion.Checked)
                            byte[] JapaneseText = JBR.ReadBytes(JBR.ReadByte());
                            byte[] LowerEnglishText = E.GetBytes(E.GetString(EnglishText).ToLowerInvariant());
                            JBR.BaseStream.Position += 1 + JBR.ReadByte();
                    long EndOfGroupPos = JBW.BaseStream.Position;
                    JBW.BaseStream.Position = EntryBytesPos;
                    JBW.Write((uint)(EndOfGroupPos - EntryBytesPos - 4));
                    JBW.BaseStream.Position = EndOfGroupPos;
                ATStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                ATStream.Write(NewStream.ToArray(), 0, (int)NewStream.Length);
Esempio n. 14
        private void TranslateItemFile(int JPFileNumber, int ENFileNumber)
            if (!this.mnuTranslateItemNames.Checked && !this.mnuTranslateItemDescriptions.Checked)
            if (!this.BackupFile(JPFileNumber))
                string JFileName = FFXI.GetFilePath(JPFileNumber);
                string EFileName = FFXI.GetFilePath(ENFileNumber);
                this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("TranslatingItems"), JFileName));
                this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("UsingEnglishFile"), EFileName));
                FileStream JStream = new FileStream(JFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
                FileStream EStream = new FileStream(EFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                if ((JStream.Length % 0xc00) != 0)
                    goto TranslationDone;
                if (JStream.Length != EStream.Length)
                    goto TranslationDone;
                Things.Item.Type T;
                    BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(JStream);
                    Things.Item.DeduceType(BR, out T);
                    BR = new BinaryReader(EStream);
                    Things.Item.Type ET;
                    Things.Item.DeduceType(BR, out ET);
                    if (T != ET)
                        goto TranslationDone;
                ushort StringBase = 0;
                switch (T)
                case Things.Item.Type.Armor:
                    StringBase = 36;

                case Things.Item.Type.Item:
                    StringBase = 20;

                case Things.Item.Type.PuppetItem:
                    StringBase = 24;

                case Things.Item.Type.UsableItem:
                    StringBase = 16;

                case Things.Item.Type.Weapon:
                    StringBase = 44;

                case Things.Item.Type.Slip:
                    StringBase = 80;

                    goto TranslationDone;
                long         ItemCount  = JStream.Length / 0xc00;
                byte[]       JData      = new byte[0x280];
                byte[]       EData      = new byte[0x280];
                MemoryStream JMemStream = new MemoryStream(JData, true);
                MemoryStream EMemStream = new MemoryStream(EData, false);
                FFXIEncoding E          = new FFXIEncoding();
                for (long i = 0; i < ItemCount; ++i)
                    JStream.Seek(i * 0xc00, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    JStream.Read(JData, 0, 0x280);
                    EStream.Seek(i * 0xc00, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    EStream.Read(EData, 0, 0x280);
                    FFXIEncryption.Rotate(JData, 5);
                    FFXIEncryption.Rotate(EData, 5);
                    // Read English or Japanese Name
                    List <byte> Name = new List <byte>();
                        MemoryStream MS = null;
                        if (this.mnuTranslateItemNames.Checked)
                            MS = EMemStream;
                            MS = JMemStream;
                        MS.Position = StringBase + 4;
                        BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(MS);
                        MS.Position = StringBase + 0x1c + BR.ReadUInt32();
                        while (MS.Position < 0x280)
                            int B = MS.ReadByte();
                            if (B <= 0)
                        while (Name.Count % 4 != 0)
                    // Read English or Japanese Description
                    List <byte> Description = new List <byte>();
                        MemoryStream MS = null;
                        if (this.mnuTranslateItemDescriptions.Checked)
                            EMemStream.Position = StringBase + 4 + 8 * 4;
                            MS = EMemStream;
                            JMemStream.Position = StringBase + 4 + 8 * 1;
                            MS = JMemStream;
                        BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(MS);
                        MS.Position = StringBase + 0x1c + BR.ReadUInt32();
                        while (MS.Position < 0x280)
                            int B = MS.ReadByte();
                            if (B <= 0)
                        while (Description.Count % 4 != 0)
                        // Construct a new string table
                        BinaryWriter BW = new BinaryWriter(JMemStream);
                        Array.Clear(JData, StringBase, 0x280 - StringBase);
                        JMemStream.Position = StringBase;
                        uint NameOffset = 0x14; // Right after the string table header
                        uint DescOffset = NameOffset + (uint)Name.Count + 28;
                        BW.Write((uint)2);      // String Count
                        BW.Write(NameOffset);   // Entry #1
                        BW.Write(DescOffset);   // Entry #2
                        // String #1 - Padding + text bytes
                        // String #2 - Padding + text bytes
                        // End marker
                    // Update file data
                    FFXIEncryption.Rotate(JData, 3);
                    JStream.Seek(i * 0xc00, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    JStream.Write(JData, 0, 0x280);
Esempio n. 15
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR)
       try {
     this.ID_ = BR.ReadUInt32();
     // Read entry
       byte[] TextBytes = BR.ReadBytes(0x3b);
     this.Text_ = String.Empty;
     // Trim trailing NULs
       int ByteCount = 0x3b;
     while (TextBytes[ByteCount - 1] == 0x00)
     // Process the message
       FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
       int LastPos = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < ByteCount; ++i) {
       if (TextBytes[i] == 0x07) { // Line Break
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += "\r\n";
     LastPos = i + 1;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x08) { // Character Name (You)
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Player Name{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     LastPos = i + 1;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x09) { // Character Name (They)
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Speaker Name{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     LastPos = i + 1;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0a && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Numeric Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0b) { // Indicates that the lines after this are in a prompt window
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Selection Dialog{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     LastPos = i + 1;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x0c && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Multiple Choice (Parameter {2}){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x19 && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Item Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1a && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Key Item Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1c && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) { // Chocobo Name
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Player/Chocobo Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x1e && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Set Color #{2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x7f && i + 1 < TextBytes.Length) { // Various stuff
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x31 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) { // Unknown, but seems to indicate user needs to hit RET
       if (TextBytes[i + 2] != 0)
         this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}{2}-Second Delay + Prompt{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
         this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Prompt{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x85) // Multiple Choice: Player Gender
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Multiple Choice (Player Gender){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x8D && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) {
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Weather Event Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x8E && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) {
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Weather Type Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0x92 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) {
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Singular/Plural Choice (Parameter {2}){1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
     else if (TextBytes[i + 1] == 0xB1 && i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) { // Usually found before an item name or key item name
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Title Parameter {2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 2]);
     else if (i + 2 < TextBytes.Length) {
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Unknown Parameter (Type: {2:X2}) {3}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1], TextBytes[i + 2]);
       this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Unknown Marker Type: {2:X2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i + 1]);
     LastPos = i + 2;
       else if (TextBytes[i] == 0x7f || TextBytes[i] < 0x20) {
     if (LastPos < i)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, i - LastPos);
     this.Text_ += String.Format("{0}Possible Special Code: {2:X2}{1}", FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerStart, FFXIEncoding.SpecialMarkerEnd, TextBytes[i]);
     LastPos = i + 1;
     if (LastPos < ByteCount)
       this.Text_ += E.GetString(TextBytes, LastPos, ByteCount - LastPos);
     return (BR.ReadByte() == 0xff);
       } catch { return false; }
Esempio n. 16
 private void TranslateItemFile(int JPFileNumber, int ENFileNumber)
     if (!this.mnuTranslateItemNames.Checked && !this.mnuTranslateItemDescriptions.Checked)
       if (!this.BackupFile(JPFileNumber))
       try {
       string JFileName = FFXI.GetFilePath(JPFileNumber);
       string EFileName = FFXI.GetFilePath(ENFileNumber);
     this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("TranslatingItems"), JFileName));
     this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("UsingEnglishFile"), EFileName));
       FileStream JStream = new FileStream(JFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
       FileStream EStream = new FileStream(EFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
     if ((JStream.Length % 0xc00) != 0) {
       goto TranslationDone;
     if (JStream.Length != EStream.Length) {
       goto TranslationDone;
       Things.Item.Type T;
     BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(JStream);
       Things.Item.DeduceType(BR, out T);
       BR = new BinaryReader(EStream);
     Things.Item.Type ET;
       Things.Item.DeduceType(BR, out ET);
       if (T != ET) {
     goto TranslationDone;
       ushort StringBase = 0;
     switch (T) {
       case Things.Item.Type.Armor:      StringBase = 36; break;
       case Things.Item.Type.Item:       StringBase = 20; break;
       case Things.Item.Type.PuppetItem: StringBase = 24; break;
       case Things.Item.Type.UsableItem: StringBase = 16; break;
       case Things.Item.Type.Weapon:     StringBase = 44; break;
       case Things.Item.Type.Slip:       StringBase = 80; break;
     goto TranslationDone;
       long ItemCount = JStream.Length / 0xc00;
       byte[] JData = new byte[0x280];
       byte[] EData = new byte[0x280];
       MemoryStream JMemStream = new MemoryStream(JData, true);
       MemoryStream EMemStream = new MemoryStream(EData, false);
       FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
     for (long i = 0; i < ItemCount; ++i) {
       JStream.Seek(i * 0xc00, SeekOrigin.Begin); JStream.Read(JData, 0, 0x280);
       EStream.Seek(i * 0xc00, SeekOrigin.Begin); EStream.Read(EData, 0, 0x280);
       FFXIEncryption.Rotate(JData, 5);
       FFXIEncryption.Rotate(EData, 5);
       // Read English or Japanese Name
     List<byte> Name = new List<byte>();
       MemoryStream MS = null;
     if (this.mnuTranslateItemNames.Checked)
       MS = EMemStream;
       MS = JMemStream;
     MS.Position = StringBase + 4;
       BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(MS);
     MS.Position = StringBase + 0x1c + BR.ReadUInt32();
     while (MS.Position < 0x280) {
     int B = MS.ReadByte();
       if (B <= 0)
       Name.Add((byte) B);
     while (Name.Count % 4 != 0)
       // Read English or Japanese Description
     List<byte> Description = new List<byte>();
       MemoryStream MS = null;
     if (this.mnuTranslateItemDescriptions.Checked) {
       EMemStream.Position = StringBase + 4 + 8 * 4;
       MS = EMemStream;
     else {
       JMemStream.Position = StringBase + 4 + 8 * 1;
       MS = JMemStream;
       BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(MS);
     MS.Position = StringBase + 0x1c + BR.ReadUInt32();
     while (MS.Position < 0x280) {
     int B = MS.ReadByte();
       if (B <= 0)
       Description.Add((byte) B);
     while (Description.Count % 4 != 0)
       { // Construct a new string table
       BinaryWriter BW = new BinaryWriter(JMemStream);
     Array.Clear(JData, StringBase, 0x280 - StringBase);
     JMemStream.Position = StringBase;
       uint NameOffset = 0x14; // Right after the string table header
       uint DescOffset = NameOffset + (uint) Name.Count + 28;
     BW.Write((uint)  2);  // String Count
     BW.Write(NameOffset); // Entry #1
     BW.Write((uint)  0);
     BW.Write(DescOffset); // Entry #2
     BW.Write((uint)  0);
     // String #1 - Padding + text bytes
     BW.Write((uint)  1);
     BW.Write((ulong) 0);
     BW.Write((ulong) 0);
     BW.Write((ulong) 0);
     // String #2 - Padding + text bytes
     BW.Write((uint)  1);
     BW.Write((ulong) 0);
     BW.Write((ulong) 0);
     BW.Write((ulong) 0);
     // End marker
     BW.Write((uint)  1);
       // Update file data
       FFXIEncryption.Rotate(JData, 3);
       JStream.Seek(i * 0xc00, SeekOrigin.Begin); JStream.Write(JData, 0, 0x280);
       catch {
Esempio n. 17
 private void TranslateAutoTranslatorFile(int JPFileNumber, int ENFileNumber)
     if (!this.BackupFile(JPFileNumber))
       try {
       string JFileName = FFXI.GetFilePath(JPFileNumber);
       string EFileName = FFXI.GetFilePath(ENFileNumber);
     this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("TranslatingAutoTrans"), JFileName));
     this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("UsingEnglishFile"), EFileName));
       FileStream ATStream = new FileStream(JFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
       MemoryStream NewStream = new MemoryStream();
       BinaryReader JBR = new BinaryReader(ATStream);
       BinaryWriter JBW = new BinaryWriter(NewStream);
       BinaryReader EBR = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(EFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
       FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
     while (ATStream.Position != ATStream.Length) {
       { // Validate & Copy ID
       uint JID = JBR.ReadUInt32();
       uint EID = EBR.ReadUInt32();
     if ((JID & 0xffff) != 0x102) {
       this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATBadJPID"), JID));
       goto TranslationDone;
     if ((EID & 0xffff) != 0x202) {
       this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATBadENID"), EID));
       goto TranslationDone;
     if ((EID & 0xffff0000) != (JID & 0xffff0000)) {
       this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATIDMismatch"), JID, EID));
       goto TranslationDone;
       // Group name -> use English
       JBR.BaseStream.Position += 32;
       // Completion Text -> based on config
       if (this.mnuPreserveJapaneseATCompletion.Checked) {
     EBR.BaseStream.Position += 32;
       else {
       byte[] EnglishCompletion = E.GetBytes(E.GetString(EBR.ReadBytes(32)).ToLowerInvariant()); // we want it lowercase
     if (EnglishCompletion.Length != 32) {
       this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATLowercaseProblem"), EnglishCompletion.Length));
       goto TranslationDone;
     JBR.BaseStream.Position += 32;
     uint JEntryCount = JBR.ReadUInt32();
     uint EEntryCount = EBR.ReadUInt32();
       if (JEntryCount != EEntryCount) {
     this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATCountMismatch"), JEntryCount, EEntryCount));
     goto TranslationDone;
     long EntryBytesPos = JBW.BaseStream.Position;
       JBW.Write((uint) 0);
       JBR.BaseStream.Position += 4;
       EBR.BaseStream.Position += 4;
       for (uint i = 0; i < JEntryCount; ++i) {
     // Validate & Copy ID
       uint JID = JBR.ReadUInt32();
       uint EID = EBR.ReadUInt32();
     if ((JID & 0xffff) != 0x102) {
       this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATBadJPID"), JID));
       goto TranslationDone;
     if ((EID & 0xffff) != 0x202) {
       this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATBadENID"), EID));
       goto TranslationDone;
     if ((EID & 0xffff0000) != (JID & 0xffff0000)) {
       this.AddLogEntry(String.Format(I18N.GetText("ATIDMismatch"), JID, EID));
       goto TranslationDone;
     // Display text -> use English
       byte[] EnglishText = EBR.ReadBytes(EBR.ReadByte());
     JBW.Write((byte) EnglishText.Length);
     JBR.BaseStream.Position += 1 + JBR.ReadByte();
     // Completion Text -> based on config
     if (this.mnuPreserveJapaneseATCompletion.Checked) {
     byte[] JapaneseText = JBR.ReadBytes(JBR.ReadByte());
       JBW.Write((byte) JapaneseText.Length);
     else {
     byte[] LowerEnglishText = E.GetBytes(E.GetString(EnglishText).ToLowerInvariant());
       JBW.Write((byte) LowerEnglishText.Length);
       JBR.BaseStream.Position += 1 + JBR.ReadByte();
     long EndOfGroupPos = JBW.BaseStream.Position;
       JBW.BaseStream.Position = EntryBytesPos;
       JBW.Write((uint) (EndOfGroupPos - EntryBytesPos - 4));
       JBW.BaseStream.Position = EndOfGroupPos;
     ATStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     ATStream.Write(NewStream.ToArray(), 0, (int) NewStream.Length);
       catch { this.LogFailure("TranslateAutoTranslator"); }
Esempio n. 18
 // Block Layout:
 // 000-001 U16 Index
 // 002-002 U8  Type
 // 003-003 U8  List Icon ID (e.g. 40-47 for the elemental-colored dots)
 // 004-005 U16 Unknown #1
 // 006-007 U16 MP Cost
 // 008-009 U16 Shared Timer ID
 // 00a-00b U16 Valid Targets
 // 00c-00c I8  TP Cost (percentage, or -1 if not applicable)
 // 00d-00d U8  Category ID (for entries that are categories instead of real abilities)
 // 010-02e U8  Padding (NULs)
 // 02f-02f U8  End marker (0xff)
 public bool Read(BinaryReader BR)
       try {
       byte[] Bytes = BR.ReadBytes(0x30);
     if (Bytes[0x9] > 0x81 || Bytes[0x2f] != 0xff)
       return false;
     if (!FFXIEncryption.DecodeDataBlockMask(Bytes))
       return false;
       FFXIEncoding E = new FFXIEncoding();
     BR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Bytes, false));
       } catch { return false; }
       this.ID_            = BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.Type_          = (AbilityType) BR.ReadByte();
       this.ListIconID_    = BR.ReadByte();
       this.Unknown1_      = BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.MPCost_        = BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.SharedTimerID_ = BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.ValidTargets_  = (ValidTarget) BR.ReadUInt16();
       this.TPCost_        = BR.ReadSByte();
       this.CategoryID_    = BR.ReadByte();
     #if DEBUG // Check the padding bytes for unexpected data
       for (byte i = 0; i < 31; ++i) {
       byte PaddingByte = BR.ReadByte();
     if (PaddingByte != 0)
       Console.WriteLine("AbilityInfo2: Entry #{0}: Padding Byte #{1} is non-zero: {2:X2} ({2})", this.ID_, i + 1, PaddingByte);
       return true;