public void ChangeSurfVelocity()
            active = false;
            //DaMichel: Avoid conflict between multiple vessels in physics range. We only want to show the speed of the active vessel.
            if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != _vessel)
            //DaMichel: Keep our fingers off of this also if there is no atmosphere (staticPressure <= 0)
            if (FlightUIController.speedDisplayMode != FlightUIController.SpeedDisplayModes.Surface || _vessel.atmDensity <= 0)

            double unitConversion = 1;
            string unitString     = "m/s";
            string caption;

            if (unitMode == SurfaceVelUnit.KNOTS)
                unitConversion = 1.943844492440604768413343347219;
                unitString     = "knots";
            else if (unitMode == SurfaceVelUnit.KM_H)
                unitConversion = 3.6;
                unitString     = "km/h";
            else if (unitMode == SurfaceVelUnit.MPH)
                unitConversion = 2.236936;
                unitString     = "mph";
            if (velMode == SurfaceVelMode.TAS)
                caption   = "Surface";
                velString = (_vessel.srfSpeed * unitConversion).ToString("F1") + unitString;
                if (velMode == SurfaceVelMode.IAS)
                    caption = "IAS";
                    double densityRatio  = (FARAeroUtil.GetCurrentDensity(_vessel.mainBody, _vessel.altitude, false) / 1.225);
                    double pressureRatio = FARAeroUtil.StagnationPressureCalc(_vessel.mach);
                    velString = (_vessel.srfSpeed * Math.Sqrt(densityRatio) * pressureRatio * unitConversion).ToString("F1") + unitString;
                else if (velMode == SurfaceVelMode.EAS)
                    caption = "EAS";
                    double densityRatio = (FARAeroUtil.GetCurrentDensity(_vessel.mainBody, _vessel.altitude, false) / 1.225);
                    velString = (_vessel.srfSpeed * Math.Sqrt(densityRatio) * unitConversion).ToString("F1") + unitString;
                else// if (velMode == SurfaceVelMode.MACH)
                    caption   = "Mach";
                    velString = _vessel.mach.ToString("F3");
            active = true;

            FlightUIController UI = FlightUIController.fetch;

            if (UI.spdCaption == null || UI.speed == null)

            UI.spdCaption.text = caption;
            UI.speed.text      = velString;