protected internal virtual void applyFilters(BatchStatisticsQuery query) { if (!string.ReferenceEquals(batchId, null)) { query.batchId(batchId); } if (!string.ReferenceEquals(type, null)) { query.type(type); } if (TRUE.Equals(withoutTenantId)) { query.withoutTenantId(); } if (tenantIds != null && tenantIds.Count > 0) { query.tenantIdIn(tenantIds.ToArray()); } if (TRUE.Equals(suspended)) { query.suspended(); } if (FALSE.Equals(suspended)) {; } }
internal static IndexType GetIndexType(IDictionary <string, string> config) { string type = config[LuceneIndexImplementation.KEY_TYPE]; IndexType result = null; Similarity similarity = GetCustomSimilarity(config); bool? toLowerCaseUnbiased = !string.ReferenceEquals(config[LuceneIndexImplementation.KEY_TO_LOWER_CASE], null) ? ParseBoolean(config[LuceneIndexImplementation.KEY_TO_LOWER_CASE], true) : null; Analyzer customAnalyzer = GetCustomAnalyzer(config); if (!string.ReferenceEquals(type, null)) { // Use the built in alternatives... "exact" or "fulltext" if ("exact".Equals(type)) { // In the exact case we default to false bool toLowerCase = TRUE.Equals(toLowerCaseUnbiased); result = toLowerCase ? new CustomType(new LowerCaseKeywordAnalyzer(), true, similarity) : EXACT; } else if ("fulltext".Equals(type)) { // In the fulltext case we default to true bool toLowerCase = !FALSE.Equals(toLowerCaseUnbiased); Analyzer analyzer = customAnalyzer; if (analyzer == null) { analyzer = TRUE.Equals(toLowerCase) ? LuceneDataSource.LOWER_CASE_WHITESPACE_ANALYZER : LuceneDataSource.WhitespaceAnalyzer; } result = new CustomType(analyzer, toLowerCase, similarity); } else { throw new System.ArgumentException("The given type was not recognized: " + type + ". Known types are 'fulltext' and 'exact'"); } } else { // In the custom case we default to true bool toLowerCase = !FALSE.Equals(toLowerCaseUnbiased); // Use custom analyzer if (customAnalyzer == null) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getName method: throw new System.ArgumentException("No 'type' was given (which can point out " + "built-in analyzers, such as 'exact' and 'fulltext')" + " and no 'analyzer' was given either (which can point out a custom " + typeof(Analyzer).FullName + " to use)"); } result = new CustomType(customAnalyzer, toLowerCase, similarity); } return(result); }