Esempio n. 1
    void OnPacket(Pupil.PupilData3D data)
        //add new frame

        if (m_status == EStatus.ProcessingGaze)           //gaze processing stage

            int   id = data.base_data [0].id;
            float x, y;
            x         = (float)data.norm_pos [0];
            y         = (float)data.norm_pos [1];
            _eyePos.x = (leftEye.gaze.x + rightEye.gaze.x) * 0.5f;
            _eyePos.y = (leftEye.gaze.y + rightEye.gaze.y) * 0.5f;
            if (id == 0)
                leftEye.AddGaze(x, y);
                if (OnEyeGaze != null)
                    OnEyeGaze(this, id);
            else if (id == 1)
                rightEye.AddGaze(x, y);
                if (OnEyeGaze != null)
                    OnEyeGaze(this, id);
        else if (m_status == EStatus.Calibration)            //gaze calibration stage
            float t = GetPupilTimestamp();

            floatArray[] _cPoints           = GetCalibPoints;
            float[]      _cPointFloatValues = _cPoints [_currCalibPoint].axisValues;

            var ref0 = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "norm_pos", _cPointFloatValues }, { "timestamp", t }, { "id", 0 }
            var ref1 = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "norm_pos", _cPointFloatValues }, { "timestamp", t }, { "id", 1 }

            //keeping this until the new calibration method is not yet tested
//			var ref0=new Dictionary<string,object>(){{"norm_pos",new float[]{_calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].x,_calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].y}},{"timestamp",t},{"id",0}};
//			var ref1=new Dictionary<string,object>(){{"norm_pos",new float[]{_calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].x,_calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].y}},{"timestamp",t},{"id",1}};

            //If OnCalibData delegate has assigned function from the Calibration Marker, assign the current calibration position to it.

            //Increment the current calibration sample. (Default sample amount per calibration point is 120)

            print("Sampling at : " + _currCalibSamples);
            //give a small timeout per sample.
            Thread.Sleep(1000 / 60);

            //If the current calibration sample is bigger or equal to the desired sampling (so we accomplished sampling for this calibration point),
            //null the current sample and step to next calbration point.
            //Also prepare calibration data for sending, and send it.
            if (_currCalibSamples >= _calibSamples)
                _currCalibSamples = 0;

                //reformat the calibration data for sending.
                string pointsData = "[";
                int    index      = 0;
                foreach (var v in _calibrationData)
                    pointsData += JsonUtility.ToJson(v);                   //String.Format("{'norm_pos':({0},{1}),'timestamp':{2},'id':{3}}",v.norm_pos[0],v.norm_pos[1],v.timestamp,;
                    if (index != _calibrationData.Count)
                        pointsData += ",";
                pointsData += "]";

                //	pointsData = JsonUtility.ToJson (_CalibrationPoints);
                //Debug.Log (pointsData);

                //Send the current relevant calibration data for the current calibration point.
                _sendRequestMessage(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "subject", "calibration.add_ref_data" }, { "ref_data", _CalibrationPoints }

                //Clear the current calibration data, so we can proceed to the next point if there is any.

                //Stop calibration if we accomplished all required calibration target.
                if (_currCalibPoint >= _cPoints.Length)
Esempio n. 2
    void OnPacket(Pupil.PupilData3D data)
        //add new frame
        var ct = DateTime.Now;

        if ((ct - _lastT).TotalSeconds > 1)
            _lastT      = ct;
            _currentFps = _gazeFPS;
            _gazeFPS    = 0;

        if (m_status == EStatus.ProcessingGaze)           //gaze processing stage

            float x, y;
            x         = (float)data.norm_pos [0];
            y         = (float)data.norm_pos [1];
            _eyePos.x = (leftEye.gaze.x + rightEye.gaze.x) * 0.5f;
            _eyePos.y = (leftEye.gaze.y + rightEye.gaze.y) * 0.5f;
            if ( == 0)
                leftEye.AddGaze(x, y);
                if (OnEyeGaze != null)
            else if ( == 1)
                rightEye.AddGaze(x, y);
                if (OnEyeGaze != null)
        else if (m_status == EStatus.Calibration)            //gaze calibration stage
            float t    = GetPupilTimestamp();
            var   ref0 = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "norm_pos", new float[] { _calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].x, _calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].y } }, { "timestamp", t }, { "id", 0 }
            var ref1 = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "norm_pos", new float[] { _calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].x, _calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].y } }, { "timestamp", t }, { "id", 1 }

            _CalibData(_calibPoints [_currCalibPoint].x, _calibPoints [_currCalibPoint].y);

            Thread.Sleep(1000 / 60);

            if (_currCalibSamples >= _calibSamples)
                _currCalibSamples = 0;

                string pointsData = "[";
                int    index      = 0;
                foreach (var v in _calibrationData)
                    pointsData += JsonUtility.ToJson(v);                   //String.Format("{'norm_pos':({0},{1}),'timestamp':{2},'id':{3}}",v.norm_pos[0],v.norm_pos[1],v.timestamp,;
                    if (index != _calibrationData.Count)
                        pointsData += ",";
                pointsData += "]";
                //	pointsData = JsonUtility.ToJson (_CalibrationPoints);
                //Debug.Log (pointsData);

                _sendRequestMessage(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "subject", "calibration.add_ref_data" }, { "ref_data", _CalibrationPoints }
                if (_currCalibPoint >= _calibPoints.Length)
    void OnPacket(Pupil.PupilData3D data)
        float x, y;

        ct = DateTime.Now;
        if ((ct - _lastT).TotalSeconds > 1)
            _lastT      = ct;
            _currentFps = _gazeFPS;
            _gazeFPS    = 0;

        if (m_status == EStatus.ProcessingGaze)         //gaze processing stage
            x = (float)data.norm_pos [0];
            y = (float)data.norm_pos [1];

            if ( == 0)
                leftEye.AddGaze(x, y);
            else if ( == 1)
                rightEye.AddGaze(x, y);

            centerEye.x = (leftEye.gaze.x + rightEye.gaze.x) * 0.5f;
            centerEye.y = (leftEye.gaze.y + rightEye.gaze.y) * 0.5f;
        else if (m_status == EStatus.Calibration) //gaze calibration stage
            // Get Pupil Timestamp
            NetMQMessage recievedMsg = _requestSocket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
            float        t           = float.Parse(recievedMsg[0].ConvertToString());

            var ref0 = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "norm_pos", new float[] { _calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].x, _calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].y } }, { "timestamp", t }, { "id", 0 }
            var ref1 = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "norm_pos", new float[] { _calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].x, _calibPoints[_currCalibPoint].y } }, { "timestamp", t }, { "id", 1 }

            if (OnCalibrationData != null)
                OnCalibrationData(this, _calibPoints [_currCalibPoint].x, _calibPoints [_currCalibPoint].y);

            Thread.Sleep(1000 / 60);

            if (_currCalibSamples >= DefaultCalibrationCount)
                _currCalibSamples = 0;
                _sendRequestMessage(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "subject", "calibration.add_ref_data" }, { "ref_data", _calibrationData.ToArray() }
                if (_currCalibPoint >= _calibPoints.Length)