public void CaseInsensitiveMatch_Rank_ReturnsIndex()
            Mock <IExtractor> mock_extractor = new Mock <IExtractor>();

            mock_extractor.Setup(e => e.Extract(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(new[] { "", "", "", "" });
            IRanker patient = new ExtractionRanker(mock_extractor.Object);

            string result = patient.Rank("doesn't matter", "");

            result.Should().Be("3", $"the hostname of the third URL matches '' case insensitively");
        public void PartialMatchNotPrecededByDot_Rank_ReturnsZero()
            Mock <IExtractor> mock_extractor = new Mock <IExtractor>();

            mock_extractor.Setup(e => e.Extract(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(new[] { "", "", "", "" });
            IRanker patient = new ExtractionRanker(mock_extractor.Object);

            string result = patient.Rank("doesn't matter", "");

            result.Should().Be("0", $"partial matches must be preceded by a dot");
        public void ExactAndPartialMatches_Rank_ReturnsMatchingIndices()
            Mock <IExtractor> mock_extractor = new Mock <IExtractor>();

            mock_extractor.Setup(e => e.Extract(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(new[] { "", "", "", "" });
            IRanker patient = new ExtractionRanker(mock_extractor.Object);

            string result = patient.Rank("doesn't matter", "");

            result.Should().Be("2 4", $"the hostname of the second and fourth URLs matches '' either exactly or partially");
        public void ExactMatch_Rank_ReturnsMatchingIndex()
            Mock <IExtractor> mock_extractor = new Mock <IExtractor>();

            mock_extractor.Setup(e => e.Extract(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(new[] { "", "", "", "" });
            IRanker patient = new ExtractionRanker(mock_extractor.Object);

            string result = patient.Rank("doesn't matter", "");

            result.Should().Be("1", $"the hostname of (only) the first extracted URL matches the second parameter of {nameof(IRanker.Rank)}() exactly");
        public void NoMatchingUrls_Rank_ReturnsZero()
            Mock <IExtractor> mock_extractor = new Mock <IExtractor>();

            mock_extractor.Setup(e => e.Extract(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(new[] { "", "", "", "" });
            IRanker patient = new ExtractionRanker(mock_extractor.Object);

            string result = patient.Rank("doesn't matter", "totes.not.matching");

            result.Should().Be("0", "the brief indicates that zero should be returned when there are no matches");
        public void InfiniteUrls_Rank_OnlyEnumeratesFirst100()
            int step_count = 0;

            IEnumerable <string> InfinitelyMe()
                while (true)
                    yield return("Me");

            Mock <IExtractor> mock_extractor = new Mock <IExtractor>();

            mock_extractor.Setup(e => e.Extract(It.IsAny <string>()))
            IRanker patient = new ExtractionRanker(mock_extractor.Object);

            patient.Rank("doesn't matter", "doesn't matter");

            step_count.Should().Be(100, "the user is only interested in the first 100 results");