private static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine(StringHelper.input_console_string); int distance; while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out distance)) { Console.WriteLine(StringHelper.incorrectInputValue); Console.WriteLine(StringHelper.input_console_string); } Console.WriteLine(StringHelper.gettingData); var api = new ExternalApi(new System.Net.Http.HttpClient()); var ships = api.GetAllShips(); var calculator = new Calculator(); foreach (var item in ships) { var countStop = calculator.CalculateStops(item.MGLT, item.consumables, distance); Console.WriteLine( + ": " + countStop); } Console.Read(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong : " + Environment.NewLine + " - Internet might not be available." + Environment.NewLine + " - The WEB API (" + StringHelper.urlbase + ") might be down."); Console.Read(); } }
public void GetAllShips_returnsList() { var api = new ExternalApi(new HttpClient()); var results = api.GetAllShips(); Assert.IsNotNull(results); Assert.IsTrue(results[0].MGLT != string.Empty); }
public void GetAllShips_2Async() { try { var handlerMock = new Mock <HttpMessageHandler>(MockBehavior.Strict); handlerMock .Protected() .Setup <Task <HttpResponseMessage> >( "SendAsync", ItExpr.IsAny <HttpRequestMessage>(), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ) .ReturnsAsync(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, Content = new StringContent("{'count': 37,'next': null,'previous': null, 'results': [{ " + "'name': 'Executor','model': 'Executor-class star dreadnought','manufacturer': 'Kuat Drive Yards, Fondor Shipyards','cost_in_credits': '1143350000', " + "'length': '19000','max_atmosphering_speed': 'n/a','crew': '279144','passengers': '38000','cargo_capacity': '250000000','consumables': '6 years','hyperdrive_rating': '2.0'," + "'MGLT': '40','starship_class': 'Star dreadnought','pilots': [],'films': ['',''],'created': '2014-12-15T12:31:42.547000Z'," + "'edited': '2017-04-19T10:56:06.685592Z','url': ''}]}", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"), }) .Verifiable(); // use real http client with mocked handler here var httpClient = new HttpClient(handlerMock.Object) { BaseAddress = new Uri(StringHelper.urlbase), }; var subjectUnderTest = new ExternalApi(httpClient); var result = subjectUnderTest .GetAllShips(); // ASSERT Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(result[0].name, "Executor"); Assert.AreEqual(result[0].MGLT, "40"); Assert.AreEqual(result[0].model, "Executor-class star dreadnought"); Assert.AreEqual(result[0].manufacturer, "Kuat Drive Yards, Fondor Shipyards"); Assert.AreEqual(result[0].cargo_capacity, "250000000"); Assert.AreEqual(result[0].consumables, "6 years"); // also check the 'http' call was like we expected it var expectedUri = new Uri(StringHelper.urlbase + StringHelper.getStarships); handlerMock.Protected().Verify( "SendAsync", Times.Exactly(1), // we expected a single external request ItExpr.Is <HttpRequestMessage>(req => req.Method == HttpMethod.Get && // we expected a GET request req.RequestUri == expectedUri // to this uri ), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }