/// <summary>Reads all CD user data</summary> /// <param name="audioExtents">Extents with audio sectors</param> /// <param name="blocks">Total number of positive sectors</param> /// <param name="blockSize">Size of the read sector in bytes</param> /// <param name="currentSpeed">Current read speed</param> /// <param name="currentTry">Current dump hardware try</param> /// <param name="extents">Extents</param> /// <param name="ibgLog">IMGBurn log</param> /// <param name="imageWriteDuration">Duration of image write</param> /// <param name="lastSector">Last sector number</param> /// <param name="leadOutExtents">Lead-out extents</param> /// <param name="maxSpeed">Maximum speed</param> /// <param name="mhddLog">MHDD log</param> /// <param name="minSpeed">Minimum speed</param> /// <param name="newTrim">Is trim a new one?</param> /// <param name="nextData">Next cluster of sectors is all data</param> /// <param name="offsetBytes">Read offset</param> /// <param name="read6">Device supports READ(6)</param> /// <param name="read10">Device supports READ(10)</param> /// <param name="read12">Device supports READ(12)</param> /// <param name="read16">Device supports READ(16)</param> /// <param name="readcd">Device supports READ CD</param> /// <param name="sectorsForOffset">Sectors needed to fix offset</param> /// <param name="subSize">Subchannel size in bytes</param> /// <param name="supportedSubchannel">Drive's maximum supported subchannel</param> /// <param name="supportsLongSectors">Supports reading EDC and ECC</param> /// <param name="totalDuration">Total commands duration</param> void ReadCdData(ExtentsULong audioExtents, ulong blocks, uint blockSize, ref double currentSpeed, DumpHardwareType currentTry, ExtentsULong extents, IbgLog ibgLog, ref double imageWriteDuration, long lastSector, ExtentsULong leadOutExtents, ref double maxSpeed, MhddLog mhddLog, ref double minSpeed, out bool newTrim, bool nextData, int offsetBytes, bool read6, bool read10, bool read12, bool read16, bool readcd, int sectorsForOffset, uint subSize, MmcSubchannel supportedSubchannel, bool supportsLongSectors, ref double totalDuration, Track[] tracks) { ulong sectorSpeedStart = 0; // Used to calculate correct speed DateTime timeSpeedStart = DateTime.UtcNow; // Time of start for speed calculation uint blocksToRead = 0; // How many sectors to read at once bool sense = true; // Sense indicator byte[] cmdBuf = null; // Data buffer byte[] senseBuf = null; // Sense buffer double cmdDuration = 0; // Command execution time const uint sectorSize = 2352; // Full sector size byte[] tmpBuf; // Temporary buffer newTrim = false; InitProgress?.Invoke(); bool crossingLeadOut = false; bool failedCrossingLeadOut = false; for (ulong i = _resume.NextBlock; (long)i <= lastSector; i += blocksToRead) { if (_aborted) { currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents); UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Aborted!"); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Aborted!"); break; } while (leadOutExtents.Contains(i)) { i++; } if ((long)i > lastSector) { break; } uint firstSectorToRead = (uint)i; Track track = tracks.OrderBy(t => t.TrackStartSector).LastOrDefault(t => i >= t.TrackStartSector); blocksToRead = 0; bool inData = nextData; for (ulong j = i; j < i + _maximumReadable; j++) { if (j > (ulong)lastSector) { if (!failedCrossingLeadOut) { blocksToRead += (uint)sectorsForOffset; } if (sectorsForOffset > 0) { crossingLeadOut = true; } break; } if (nextData) { if (audioExtents.Contains(j)) { nextData = false; break; } blocksToRead++; } else { if (!audioExtents.Contains(j)) { nextData = true; break; } blocksToRead++; } } if (track.TrackSequence != 0 && (i + blocksToRead) - (ulong)sectorsForOffset > track.TrackEndSector + 1) { blocksToRead = (uint)(((track.TrackEndSector + 1) - i) + (ulong)sectorsForOffset); } if (blocksToRead == 1) { blocksToRead += (uint)sectorsForOffset; } if (_fixOffset && !inData) { // TODO: FreeBSD bug if (offsetBytes < 0) { if (i == 0) { firstSectorToRead = uint.MaxValue - (uint)(sectorsForOffset - 1); // -1 } else { firstSectorToRead -= (uint)sectorsForOffset; } } } #pragma warning disable RECS0018 // Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator // ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator if (currentSpeed > maxSpeed && currentSpeed != 0) { maxSpeed = currentSpeed; } if (currentSpeed < minSpeed && currentSpeed != 0) { minSpeed = currentSpeed; } // ReSharper restore CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator #pragma warning restore RECS0018 // Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator UpdateProgress?.Invoke($"Reading sector {i} of {blocks} ({currentSpeed:F3} MiB/sec.)", (long)i, (long)blocks); if (readcd) { sense = _dev.ReadCd(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead, blockSize, blocksToRead, MmcSectorTypes.AllTypes, false, false, true, MmcHeaderCodes.AllHeaders, true, true, MmcErrorField.None, supportedSubchannel, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); totalDuration += cmdDuration; } else if (read16) { sense = _dev.Read16(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, 0, false, true, false, firstSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, blocksToRead, false, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read12) { sense = _dev.Read12(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, 0, false, true, false, false, firstSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, blocksToRead, false, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read10) { sense = _dev.Read10(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, 0, false, true, false, false, firstSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, (ushort)blocksToRead, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read6) { sense = _dev.Read6(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, firstSectorToRead, blockSize, (byte)blocksToRead, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } if (!sense && !_dev.Error) { // Because one block has been partially used to fix the offset if (_fixOffset && !inData && offsetBytes != 0) { int offsetFix = offsetBytes < 0 ? (int)(sectorSize - (offsetBytes * -1)) : offsetBytes; if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { // De-interleave subchannel byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize * blocksToRead]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize * blocksToRead]; for (int b = 0; b < blocksToRead; b++) { Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(0 + (b * blockSize)), data, sectorSize * b, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(sectorSize + (b * blockSize)), sub, subSize * b, subSize); } if (failedCrossingLeadOut) { blocksToRead += (uint)sectorsForOffset; tmpBuf = new byte[sectorSize * blocksToRead]; Array.Copy(data, 0, tmpBuf, 0, data.Length); data = tmpBuf; tmpBuf = new byte[subSize * blocksToRead]; Array.Copy(sub, 0, tmpBuf, 0, sub.Length); sub = tmpBuf; } tmpBuf = new byte[sectorSize * (blocksToRead - sectorsForOffset)]; Array.Copy(data, offsetFix, tmpBuf, 0, tmpBuf.Length); data = tmpBuf; blocksToRead -= (uint)sectorsForOffset; // Re-interleave subchannel cmdBuf = new byte[blockSize * blocksToRead]; for (int b = 0; b < blocksToRead; b++) { Array.Copy(data, sectorSize * b, cmdBuf, (int)(0 + (b * blockSize)), sectorSize); Array.Copy(sub, subSize * b, cmdBuf, (int)(sectorSize + (b * blockSize)), subSize); } } else { if (failedCrossingLeadOut) { blocksToRead += (uint)sectorsForOffset; tmpBuf = new byte[blockSize * blocksToRead]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 0, tmpBuf, 0, cmdBuf.Length); cmdBuf = tmpBuf; } tmpBuf = new byte[blockSize * (blocksToRead - sectorsForOffset)]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, offsetFix, tmpBuf, 0, tmpBuf.Length); cmdBuf = tmpBuf; blocksToRead -= (uint)sectorsForOffset; } } mhddLog.Write(i, cmdDuration); ibgLog.Write(i, currentSpeed * 1024); extents.Add(i, blocksToRead, true); DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now; if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize * blocksToRead]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize * blocksToRead]; for (int b = 0; b < blocksToRead; b++) { Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(0 + (b * blockSize)), data, sectorSize * b, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(sectorSize + (b * blockSize)), sub, subSize * b, subSize); } _outputPlugin.WriteSectorsLong(data, i, blocksToRead); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorsTag(sub, i, blocksToRead, SectorTagType.CdSectorSubchannel); } else { if (supportsLongSectors) { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorsLong(cmdBuf, i, blocksToRead); } else { if (cmdBuf.Length % sectorSize == 0) { byte[] data = new byte[2048 * blocksToRead]; for (int b = 0; b < blocksToRead; b++) { Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(16 + (b * blockSize)), data, 2048 * b, 2048); } _outputPlugin.WriteSectors(data, i, blocksToRead); } else { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorsLong(cmdBuf, i, blocksToRead); } } } imageWriteDuration += (DateTime.Now - writeStart).TotalSeconds; } else { if (crossingLeadOut && Sense.DecodeFixed(senseBuf)?.ASC == 0x21) { failedCrossingLeadOut = true; blocksToRead = 0; continue; } // TODO: Reset device after X errors if (_stopOnError) { return; // TODO: Return more cleanly } if (i + _skip > blocks) { _skip = (uint)(blocks - i); } // Write empty data DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now; if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorsLong(new byte[sectorSize * _skip], i, _skip); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorsTag(new byte[subSize * _skip], i, _skip, SectorTagType.CdSectorSubchannel); } else { if (supportsLongSectors) { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorsLong(new byte[blockSize * _skip], i, _skip); } else { if (cmdBuf.Length % sectorSize == 0) { _outputPlugin.WriteSectors(new byte[2048 * _skip], i, _skip); } else { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorsLong(new byte[blockSize * _skip], i, _skip); } } } imageWriteDuration += (DateTime.Now - writeStart).TotalSeconds; for (ulong b = i; b < i + _skip; b++) { _resume.BadBlocks.Add(b); } DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Dump-Media", "READ error:\n{0}", Sense.PrettifySense(senseBuf)); mhddLog.Write(i, cmdDuration < 500 ? 65535 : cmdDuration); ibgLog.Write(i, 0); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Skipping {0} blocks from errored block {1}.", _skip, i); i += _skip - blocksToRead; newTrim = true; } sectorSpeedStart += blocksToRead; _resume.NextBlock = i + blocksToRead; double elapsed = (DateTime.UtcNow - timeSpeedStart).TotalSeconds; if (elapsed < 1) { continue; } currentSpeed = (sectorSpeedStart * blockSize) / (1048576 * elapsed); sectorSpeedStart = 0; timeSpeedStart = DateTime.UtcNow; } EndProgress?.Invoke(); if (!failedCrossingLeadOut) { return; } _dumpLog.WriteLine("Failed crossing into Lead-Out, dump may not be correct."); UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Failed crossing into Lead-Out, dump may not be correct."); }
/// <summary>Reads all CD user data</summary> /// <param name="audioExtents">Extents with audio sectors</param> /// <param name="blocks">Total number of positive sectors</param> /// <param name="blockSize">Size of the read sector in bytes</param> /// <param name="currentSpeed">Current read speed</param> /// <param name="currentTry">Current dump hardware try</param> /// <param name="extents">Extents</param> /// <param name="ibgLog">IMGBurn log</param> /// <param name="imageWriteDuration">Duration of image write</param> /// <param name="lastSector">Last sector number</param> /// <param name="leadOutExtents">Lead-out extents</param> /// <param name="maxSpeed">Maximum speed</param> /// <param name="mhddLog">MHDD log</param> /// <param name="minSpeed">Minimum speed</param> /// <param name="newTrim">Is trim a new one?</param> /// <param name="nextData">Next cluster of sectors is all data</param> /// <param name="offsetBytes">Read offset</param> /// <param name="read6">Device supports READ(6)</param> /// <param name="read10">Device supports READ(10)</param> /// <param name="read12">Device supports READ(12)</param> /// <param name="read16">Device supports READ(16)</param> /// <param name="readcd">Device supports READ CD</param> /// <param name="sectorsForOffset">Sectors needed to fix offset</param> /// <param name="subSize">Subchannel size in bytes</param> /// <param name="supportedSubchannel">Drive's maximum supported subchannel</param> /// <param name="supportsLongSectors">Supports reading EDC and ECC</param> /// <param name="totalDuration">Total commands duration</param> /// <param name="tracks">Disc tracks</param> /// <param name="subLog">Subchannel log</param> /// <param name="desiredSubchannel">Subchannel desired to save</param> /// <param name="isrcs">List of disc ISRCs</param> /// <param name="mcn">Disc media catalogue number</param> /// <param name="subchannelExtents">List of subchannels not yet dumped correctly</param> /// <param name="smallestPregapLbaPerTrack">List of smallest pregap relative address per track</param> void ReadCdData(ExtentsULong audioExtents, ulong blocks, uint blockSize, ref double currentSpeed, DumpHardwareType currentTry, ExtentsULong extents, IbgLog ibgLog, ref double imageWriteDuration, long lastSector, ExtentsULong leadOutExtents, ref double maxSpeed, MhddLog mhddLog, ref double minSpeed, out bool newTrim, bool nextData, int offsetBytes, bool read6, bool read10, bool read12, bool read16, bool readcd, int sectorsForOffset, uint subSize, MmcSubchannel supportedSubchannel, bool supportsLongSectors, ref double totalDuration, Track[] tracks, SubchannelLog subLog, MmcSubchannel desiredSubchannel, Dictionary <byte, string> isrcs, ref string mcn, HashSet <int> subchannelExtents, Dictionary <byte, int> smallestPregapLbaPerTrack) { ulong sectorSpeedStart = 0; // Used to calculate correct speed DateTime timeSpeedStart = DateTime.UtcNow; // Time of start for speed calculation uint blocksToRead; // How many sectors to read at once bool sense = true; // Sense indicator byte[] cmdBuf = null; // Data buffer byte[] senseBuf = null; // Sense buffer double cmdDuration = 0; // Command execution time const uint sectorSize = 2352; // Full sector size newTrim = false; PlextorSubchannel supportedPlextorSubchannel; switch (supportedSubchannel) { case MmcSubchannel.None: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.None; break; case MmcSubchannel.Raw: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.Pack; break; case MmcSubchannel.Q16: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.Q16; break; default: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.None; break; } InitProgress?.Invoke(); int currentReadSpeed = _speed; bool crossingLeadOut = false; bool failedCrossingLeadOut = false; for (ulong i = _resume.NextBlock; (long)i <= lastSector; i += blocksToRead) { if (_aborted) { currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents); UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Aborted!"); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Aborted!"); break; } while (leadOutExtents.Contains(i)) { i++; } if ((long)i > lastSector) { break; } uint firstSectorToRead = (uint)i; Track track = tracks.OrderBy(t => t.TrackStartSector).LastOrDefault(t => i >= t.TrackStartSector); blocksToRead = 0; bool inData = nextData; for (ulong j = i; j < i + _maximumReadable; j++) { if (j > (ulong)lastSector) { if (!failedCrossingLeadOut) { blocksToRead += (uint)sectorsForOffset; } if (sectorsForOffset > 0) { crossingLeadOut = true; } break; } if (nextData) { if (audioExtents.Contains(j)) { nextData = false; break; } blocksToRead++; } else { if (!audioExtents.Contains(j)) { nextData = true; break; } blocksToRead++; } } if (track.TrackSequence != 0 && i + blocksToRead - (ulong)sectorsForOffset > track.TrackEndSector + 1) { blocksToRead = (uint)(track.TrackEndSector + 1 - i + (ulong)sectorsForOffset); } if (blocksToRead == 1 && !inData) { blocksToRead += (uint)sectorsForOffset; } if (_fixOffset && !inData) { // TODO: FreeBSD bug if (offsetBytes < 0) { if (i == 0) { firstSectorToRead = uint.MaxValue - (uint)(sectorsForOffset - 1); // -1 } else { firstSectorToRead -= (uint)sectorsForOffset; } if (blocksToRead <= sectorsForOffset) { blocksToRead += (uint)sectorsForOffset; } } } if (!inData && currentReadSpeed == 0xFFFF) { _dumpLog.WriteLine("Setting speed to 8x for audio reading."); UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Setting speed to 8x for audio reading."); _dev.SetCdSpeed(out _, RotationalControl.ClvAndImpureCav, 1416, 0, _dev.Timeout, out _); currentReadSpeed = 1200; } if (inData && currentReadSpeed != _speed) { _dumpLog.WriteLine($"Setting speed to {(_speed == 0xFFFF ? "MAX for data reading" : $"{_speed}x")}.");
void TrimCdUserData(ExtentsULong audioExtents, uint blockSize, DumpHardwareType currentTry, ExtentsULong extents, bool newTrim, int offsetBytes, bool read6, bool read10, bool read12, bool read16, bool readcd, int sectorsForOffset, uint subSize, MmcSubchannel supportedSubchannel, bool supportsLongSectors, ref double totalDuration, SubchannelLog subLog, MmcSubchannel desiredSubchannel, Track[] tracks, Dictionary <byte, string> isrcs, ref string mcn, HashSet <int> subchannelExtents) { DateTime start; DateTime end; bool sense = true; // Sense indicator byte[] cmdBuf = null; // Data buffer double cmdDuration = 0; // Command execution time const uint sectorSize = 2352; // Full sector size PlextorSubchannel supportedPlextorSubchannel; switch (supportedSubchannel) { case MmcSubchannel.None: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.None; break; case MmcSubchannel.Raw: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.All; break; case MmcSubchannel.Q16: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.Q16; break; case MmcSubchannel.Rw: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.Pack; break; default: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.None; break; } if (_resume.BadBlocks.Count <= 0 || _aborted || !_trim || !newTrim) { return; } start = DateTime.UtcNow; UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Trimming skipped sectors"); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Trimming skipped sectors"); ulong[] tmpArray = _resume.BadBlocks.ToArray(); InitProgress?.Invoke(); for (int b = 0; b < tmpArray.Length; b++) { ulong badSector = tmpArray[b]; if (_aborted) { currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents); UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Aborted!"); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Aborted!"); break; } PulseProgress?.Invoke($"Trimming sector {badSector}"); Track track = tracks.OrderBy(t => t.TrackStartSector). LastOrDefault(t => badSector >= t.TrackStartSector); byte sectorsToTrim = 1; uint badSectorToRead = (uint)badSector; if (_fixOffset && audioExtents.Contains(badSector) && offsetBytes != 0) { if (offsetBytes > 0) { badSectorToRead -= (uint)sectorsForOffset; } sectorsToTrim = (byte)(sectorsForOffset + 1); } if (_supportsPlextorD8 && audioExtents.Contains(badSector)) { sense = ReadPlextorWithSubchannel(out cmdBuf, out _, badSectorToRead, blockSize, sectorsToTrim, supportedPlextorSubchannel, out cmdDuration); totalDuration += cmdDuration; } else if (readcd) { sense = _dev.ReadCd(out cmdBuf, out _, badSectorToRead, blockSize, sectorsToTrim, MmcSectorTypes.AllTypes, false, false, true, MmcHeaderCodes.AllHeaders, true, true, MmcErrorField.None, supportedSubchannel, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read16) { sense = _dev.Read16(out cmdBuf, out _, 0, false, true, false, badSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, sectorsToTrim, false, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read12) { sense = _dev.Read12(out cmdBuf, out _, 0, false, true, false, false, badSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, sectorsToTrim, false, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read10) { sense = _dev.Read10(out cmdBuf, out _, 0, false, true, false, false, badSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, sectorsToTrim, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read6) { sense = _dev.Read6(out cmdBuf, out _, badSectorToRead, blockSize, sectorsToTrim, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } totalDuration += cmdDuration; if (sense || _dev.Error) { continue; } if (!sense && !_dev.Error) { _resume.BadBlocks.Remove(badSector); extents.Add(badSector); } // Because one block has been partially used to fix the offset if (_fixOffset && audioExtents.Contains(badSector) && offsetBytes != 0) { uint blocksToRead = sectorsToTrim; FixOffsetData(offsetBytes, sectorSize, sectorsForOffset, supportedSubchannel, ref blocksToRead, subSize, ref cmdBuf, blockSize, false); } if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 0, data, 0, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, sectorSize, sub, 0, subSize); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(data, badSector); bool indexesChanged = WriteSubchannelToImage(supportedSubchannel, desiredSubchannel, sub, badSector, 1, subLog, isrcs, (byte)track.TrackSequence, ref mcn, tracks, subchannelExtents); // Set tracks and go back if (!indexesChanged) { continue; } (_outputPlugin as IWritableOpticalImage).SetTracks(tracks.ToList()); b--; continue; } if (supportsLongSectors) { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(cmdBuf, badSector); } else { if (cmdBuf.Length % sectorSize == 0) { byte[] data = new byte[2048]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 16, data, 0, 2048); _outputPlugin.WriteSector(data, badSector); } else { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(cmdBuf, badSector); } } } EndProgress?.Invoke(); end = DateTime.UtcNow; UpdateStatus?.Invoke($"Trimming finished in {(end - start).TotalSeconds} seconds."); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Trimming finished in {0} seconds.", (end - start).TotalSeconds); }
void RetryCdUserData(ExtentsULong audioExtents, uint blockSize, DumpHardwareType currentTry, ExtentsULong extents, int offsetBytes, bool readcd, int sectorsForOffset, uint subSize, MmcSubchannel supportedSubchannel, ref double totalDuration, SubchannelLog subLog, MmcSubchannel desiredSubchannel, Track[] tracks, Dictionary <byte, string> isrcs, ref string mcn, HashSet <int> subchannelExtents) { bool sense = true; // Sense indicator byte[] cmdBuf = null; // Data buffer double cmdDuration; // Command execution time const uint sectorSize = 2352; // Full sector size byte[] senseBuf = null; // Sense buffer PlextorSubchannel supportedPlextorSubchannel; switch (supportedSubchannel) { case MmcSubchannel.None: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.None; break; case MmcSubchannel.Raw: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.All; break; case MmcSubchannel.Q16: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.Q16; break; case MmcSubchannel.Rw: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.Pack; break; default: supportedPlextorSubchannel = PlextorSubchannel.None; break; } if (_resume.BadBlocks.Count <= 0 || _aborted || _retryPasses <= 0) { return; } int pass = 1; bool forward = true; bool runningPersistent = false; Modes.ModePage?currentModePage = null; byte[] md6; byte[] md10; if (_persistent) { Modes.ModePage_01_MMC pgMmc; sense = _dev.ModeSense6(out cmdBuf, out _, false, ScsiModeSensePageControl.Current, 0x01, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (sense) { sense = _dev.ModeSense10(out cmdBuf, out _, false, ScsiModeSensePageControl.Current, 0x01, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (!sense) { Modes.DecodedMode?dcMode10 = Modes.DecodeMode10(cmdBuf, PeripheralDeviceTypes.MultiMediaDevice); if (dcMode10?.Pages != null) { foreach (Modes.ModePage modePage in dcMode10.Value.Pages) { if (modePage.Page == 0x01 && modePage.Subpage == 0x00) { currentModePage = modePage; } } } } } else { Modes.DecodedMode?dcMode6 = Modes.DecodeMode6(cmdBuf, PeripheralDeviceTypes.MultiMediaDevice); if (dcMode6?.Pages != null) { foreach (Modes.ModePage modePage in dcMode6.Value.Pages) { if (modePage.Page == 0x01 && modePage.Subpage == 0x00) { currentModePage = modePage; } } } } if (currentModePage == null) { pgMmc = new Modes.ModePage_01_MMC { PS = false, ReadRetryCount = 32, Parameter = 0x00 }; currentModePage = new Modes.ModePage { Page = 0x01, Subpage = 0x00, PageResponse = Modes.EncodeModePage_01_MMC(pgMmc) }; } pgMmc = new Modes.ModePage_01_MMC { PS = false, ReadRetryCount = 255, Parameter = 0x20 }; var md = new Modes.DecodedMode { Header = new Modes.ModeHeader(), Pages = new[] { new Modes.ModePage { Page = 0x01, Subpage = 0x00, PageResponse = Modes.EncodeModePage_01_MMC(pgMmc) } } }; md6 = Modes.EncodeMode6(md, _dev.ScsiType); md10 = Modes.EncodeMode10(md, _dev.ScsiType); UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (return damaged blocks)."); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (return damaged blocks)."); sense = _dev.ModeSelect(md6, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (sense) { sense = _dev.ModeSelect10(md10, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); } if (sense) { UpdateStatus?. Invoke("Drive did not accept MODE SELECT command for persistent error reading, try another drive."); AaruConsole.DebugWriteLine("Error: {0}", Sense.PrettifySense(senseBuf)); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Drive did not accept MODE SELECT command for persistent error reading, try another drive."); } else { runningPersistent = true; } } InitProgress?.Invoke(); cdRepeatRetry: ulong[] tmpArray = _resume.BadBlocks.ToArray(); List <ulong> sectorsNotEvenPartial = new List <ulong>(); for (int i = 0; i < tmpArray.Length; i++) { ulong badSector = tmpArray[i]; if (_aborted) { currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Aborted!"); break; } PulseProgress?.Invoke(string.Format("Retrying sector {0}, pass {1}, {3}{2}", badSector, pass, forward ? "forward" : "reverse", runningPersistent ? "recovering partial data, " : "")); Track track = tracks.OrderBy(t => t.TrackStartSector). LastOrDefault(t => badSector >= t.TrackStartSector); byte sectorsToReRead = 1; uint badSectorToReRead = (uint)badSector; if (_fixOffset && audioExtents.Contains(badSector) && offsetBytes != 0) { if (offsetBytes > 0) { badSectorToReRead -= (uint)sectorsForOffset; } sectorsToReRead = (byte)(sectorsForOffset + 1); } if (_supportsPlextorD8 && audioExtents.Contains(badSector)) { sense = ReadPlextorWithSubchannel(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, badSectorToReRead, blockSize, sectorsToReRead, supportedPlextorSubchannel, out cmdDuration); totalDuration += cmdDuration; } else if (readcd) { sense = _dev.ReadCd(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, badSectorToReRead, blockSize, sectorsToReRead, MmcSectorTypes.AllTypes, false, false, true, MmcHeaderCodes.AllHeaders, true, true, MmcErrorField.None, supportedSubchannel, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); totalDuration += cmdDuration; } if (sense || _dev.Error) { if (!runningPersistent) { continue; } FixedSense?decSense = Sense.DecodeFixed(senseBuf); // MEDIUM ERROR, retry with ignore error below if (decSense.HasValue && decSense.Value.ASC == 0x11) { if (!sectorsNotEvenPartial.Contains(badSector)) { sectorsNotEvenPartial.Add(badSector); } } } // Because one block has been partially used to fix the offset if (_fixOffset && audioExtents.Contains(badSector) && offsetBytes != 0) { uint blocksToRead = sectorsToReRead; FixOffsetData(offsetBytes, sectorSize, sectorsForOffset, supportedSubchannel, ref blocksToRead, subSize, ref cmdBuf, blockSize, false); } if (!sense && !_dev.Error) { _resume.BadBlocks.Remove(badSector); extents.Add(badSector); UpdateStatus?.Invoke($"Correctly retried sector {badSector} in pass {pass}."); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Correctly retried sector {0} in pass {1}.", badSector, pass); sectorsNotEvenPartial.Remove(badSector); } if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 0, data, 0, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, sectorSize, sub, 0, subSize); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(data, badSector); bool indexesChanged = WriteSubchannelToImage(supportedSubchannel, desiredSubchannel, sub, badSector, 1, subLog, isrcs, (byte)track.TrackSequence, ref mcn, tracks, subchannelExtents); // Set tracks and go back if (indexesChanged) { (_outputPlugin as IWritableOpticalImage).SetTracks(tracks.ToList()); i--; } } else { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(cmdBuf, badSector); } } if (pass < _retryPasses && !_aborted && _resume.BadBlocks.Count > 0) { pass++; forward = !forward; _resume.BadBlocks.Sort(); if (!forward) { _resume.BadBlocks.Reverse(); } goto cdRepeatRetry; } EndProgress?.Invoke(); // TODO: Enable when underlying images support lead-outs /* * RetryCdLeadOuts(blocks, blockSize, ref currentSpeed, currentTry, extents, ibgLog, ref imageWriteDuration, * leadOutExtents, ref maxSpeed, mhddLog, ref minSpeed, read6, read10, read12, read16, readcd, * supportedSubchannel, subSize, ref totalDuration); */ // Try to ignore read errors, on some drives this allows to recover partial even if damaged data if (_persistent && sectorsNotEvenPartial.Count > 0) { var pgMmc = new Modes.ModePage_01_MMC { PS = false, ReadRetryCount = 255, Parameter = 0x01 }; var md = new Modes.DecodedMode { Header = new Modes.ModeHeader(), Pages = new[] { new Modes.ModePage { Page = 0x01, Subpage = 0x00, PageResponse = Modes.EncodeModePage_01_MMC(pgMmc) } } }; md6 = Modes.EncodeMode6(md, _dev.ScsiType); md10 = Modes.EncodeMode10(md, _dev.ScsiType); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (ignore error correction)."); sense = _dev.ModeSelect(md6, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (sense) { sense = _dev.ModeSelect10(md10, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); } if (!sense) { runningPersistent = true; InitProgress?.Invoke(); for (int i = 0; i < sectorsNotEvenPartial.Count; i++) { ulong badSector = sectorsNotEvenPartial[i]; if (_aborted) { currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Aborted!"); break; } PulseProgress?.Invoke($"Trying to get partial data for sector {badSector}"); Track track = tracks.OrderBy(t => t.TrackStartSector). LastOrDefault(t => badSector >= t.TrackStartSector); if (readcd) { sense = _dev.ReadCd(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, (uint)badSector, blockSize, 1, MmcSectorTypes.AllTypes, false, false, true, MmcHeaderCodes.AllHeaders, true, true, MmcErrorField.None, supportedSubchannel, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); totalDuration += cmdDuration; } if (sense || _dev.Error) { continue; } _dumpLog.WriteLine("Got partial data for sector {0} in pass {1}.", badSector, pass); if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 0, data, 0, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, sectorSize, sub, 0, subSize); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(data, badSector); bool indexesChanged = WriteSubchannelToImage(supportedSubchannel, desiredSubchannel, sub, badSector, 1, subLog, isrcs, (byte)track.TrackSequence, ref mcn, tracks, subchannelExtents); // Set tracks and go back if (indexesChanged) { (_outputPlugin as IWritableOpticalImage).SetTracks(tracks.ToList()); i--; } } else { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(cmdBuf, badSector); } } EndProgress?.Invoke(); } } if (runningPersistent && currentModePage.HasValue) { var md = new Modes.DecodedMode { Header = new Modes.ModeHeader(), Pages = new[] { currentModePage.Value } }; md6 = Modes.EncodeMode6(md, _dev.ScsiType); md10 = Modes.EncodeMode10(md, _dev.ScsiType); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (return device to previous status)."); sense = _dev.ModeSelect(md6, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (sense) { _dev.ModeSelect10(md10, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); } } EndProgress?.Invoke(); }
void RetryCdUserData(ExtentsULong audioExtents, uint blockSize, DumpHardwareType currentTry, ExtentsULong extents, int offsetBytes, bool readcd, int sectorsForOffset, uint subSize, MmcSubchannel supportedSubchannel, ref double totalDuration) { bool sense = true; // Sense indicator byte[] cmdBuf = null; // Data buffer double cmdDuration; // Command execution time const uint sectorSize = 2352; // Full sector size byte[] tmpBuf; // Temporary buffer byte[] senseBuf = null; // Sense buffer if (_resume.BadBlocks.Count <= 0 || _aborted || _retryPasses <= 0) { return; } int pass = 1; bool forward = true; bool runningPersistent = false; Modes.ModePage?currentModePage = null; byte[] md6; byte[] md10; if (_persistent) { Modes.ModePage_01_MMC pgMmc; sense = _dev.ModeSense6(out cmdBuf, out _, false, ScsiModeSensePageControl.Current, 0x01, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (sense) { sense = _dev.ModeSense10(out cmdBuf, out _, false, ScsiModeSensePageControl.Current, 0x01, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (!sense) { Modes.DecodedMode?dcMode10 = Modes.DecodeMode10(cmdBuf, PeripheralDeviceTypes.MultiMediaDevice); if (dcMode10?.Pages != null) { foreach (Modes.ModePage modePage in dcMode10.Value.Pages) { if (modePage.Page == 0x01 && modePage.Subpage == 0x00) { currentModePage = modePage; } } } } } else { Modes.DecodedMode?dcMode6 = Modes.DecodeMode6(cmdBuf, PeripheralDeviceTypes.MultiMediaDevice); if (dcMode6?.Pages != null) { foreach (Modes.ModePage modePage in dcMode6.Value.Pages) { if (modePage.Page == 0x01 && modePage.Subpage == 0x00) { currentModePage = modePage; } } } } if (currentModePage == null) { pgMmc = new Modes.ModePage_01_MMC { PS = false, ReadRetryCount = 32, Parameter = 0x00 }; currentModePage = new Modes.ModePage { Page = 0x01, Subpage = 0x00, PageResponse = Modes.EncodeModePage_01_MMC(pgMmc) }; } pgMmc = new Modes.ModePage_01_MMC { PS = false, ReadRetryCount = 255, Parameter = 0x20 }; var md = new Modes.DecodedMode { Header = new Modes.ModeHeader(), Pages = new[] { new Modes.ModePage { Page = 0x01, Subpage = 0x00, PageResponse = Modes.EncodeModePage_01_MMC(pgMmc) } } }; md6 = Modes.EncodeMode6(md, _dev.ScsiType); md10 = Modes.EncodeMode10(md, _dev.ScsiType); UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (return damaged blocks)."); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (return damaged blocks)."); sense = _dev.ModeSelect(md6, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (sense) { sense = _dev.ModeSelect10(md10, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); } if (sense) { UpdateStatus?. Invoke("Drive did not accept MODE SELECT command for persistent error reading, try another drive."); DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Error: {0}", Sense.PrettifySense(senseBuf)); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Drive did not accept MODE SELECT command for persistent error reading, try another drive."); } else { runningPersistent = true; } } InitProgress?.Invoke(); cdRepeatRetry: ulong[] tmpArray = _resume.BadBlocks.ToArray(); List <ulong> sectorsNotEvenPartial = new List <ulong>(); foreach (ulong badSector in tmpArray) { if (_aborted) { currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Aborted!"); break; } PulseProgress?.Invoke(string.Format("Retrying sector {0}, pass {1}, {3}{2}", badSector, pass, forward ? "forward" : "reverse", runningPersistent ? "recovering partial data, " : "")); byte sectorsToReRead = 1; uint badSectorToReRead = (uint)badSector; if (_fixOffset && audioExtents.Contains(badSector) && offsetBytes != 0) { if (offsetBytes > 0) { badSectorToReRead -= (uint)sectorsForOffset; } sectorsToReRead = (byte)(sectorsForOffset + 1); } if (readcd) { sense = _dev.ReadCd(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, badSectorToReRead, blockSize, sectorsToReRead, MmcSectorTypes.AllTypes, false, false, true, MmcHeaderCodes.AllHeaders, true, true, MmcErrorField.None, supportedSubchannel, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); totalDuration += cmdDuration; } if (sense || _dev.Error) { if (!runningPersistent) { continue; } FixedSense?decSense = Sense.DecodeFixed(senseBuf); // MEDIUM ERROR, retry with ignore error below if (decSense.HasValue && decSense.Value.ASC == 0x11) { if (!sectorsNotEvenPartial.Contains(badSector)) { sectorsNotEvenPartial.Add(badSector); } } } // Because one block has been partially used to fix the offset if (_fixOffset && audioExtents.Contains(badSector) && offsetBytes != 0) { int offsetFix = offsetBytes > 0 ? (int)(sectorSize - (offsetBytes * -1)) : offsetBytes; if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { // De-interleave subchannel byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize * sectorsToReRead]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize * sectorsToReRead]; for (int b = 0; b < sectorsToReRead; b++) { Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(0 + (b * blockSize)), data, sectorSize * b, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(sectorSize + (b * blockSize)), sub, subSize * b, subSize); } tmpBuf = new byte[sectorSize * (sectorsToReRead - sectorsForOffset)]; Array.Copy(data, offsetFix, tmpBuf, 0, tmpBuf.Length); data = tmpBuf; // Re-interleave subchannel cmdBuf = new byte[blockSize * sectorsToReRead]; for (int b = 0; b < sectorsToReRead; b++) { Array.Copy(data, sectorSize * b, cmdBuf, (int)(0 + (b * blockSize)), sectorSize); Array.Copy(sub, subSize * b, cmdBuf, (int)(sectorSize + (b * blockSize)), subSize); } } else { tmpBuf = new byte[blockSize * (sectorsToReRead - sectorsForOffset)]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, offsetFix, tmpBuf, 0, tmpBuf.Length); cmdBuf = tmpBuf; } } if (!sense && !_dev.Error) { _resume.BadBlocks.Remove(badSector); extents.Add(badSector); UpdateStatus?.Invoke($"Correctly retried sector {badSector} in pass {pass}."); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Correctly retried sector {0} in pass {1}.", badSector, pass); sectorsNotEvenPartial.Remove(badSector); } if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 0, data, 0, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, sectorSize, sub, 0, subSize); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(data, badSector); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorTag(sub, badSector, SectorTagType.CdSectorSubchannel); } else { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(cmdBuf, badSector); } } if (pass < _retryPasses && !_aborted && _resume.BadBlocks.Count > 0) { pass++; forward = !forward; _resume.BadBlocks.Sort(); _resume.BadBlocks.Reverse(); goto cdRepeatRetry; } EndProgress?.Invoke(); // TODO: Enable when underlying images support lead-outs /* * RetryCdLeadOuts(blocks, blockSize, ref currentSpeed, currentTry, extents, ibgLog, ref imageWriteDuration, * leadOutExtents, ref maxSpeed, mhddLog, ref minSpeed, read6, read10, read12, read16, readcd, * supportedSubchannel, subSize, ref totalDuration); */ // Try to ignore read errors, on some drives this allows to recover partial even if damaged data if (_persistent && sectorsNotEvenPartial.Count > 0) { var pgMmc = new Modes.ModePage_01_MMC { PS = false, ReadRetryCount = 255, Parameter = 0x01 }; var md = new Modes.DecodedMode { Header = new Modes.ModeHeader(), Pages = new[] { new Modes.ModePage { Page = 0x01, Subpage = 0x00, PageResponse = Modes.EncodeModePage_01_MMC(pgMmc) } } }; md6 = Modes.EncodeMode6(md, _dev.ScsiType); md10 = Modes.EncodeMode10(md, _dev.ScsiType); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (ignore error correction)."); sense = _dev.ModeSelect(md6, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (sense) { sense = _dev.ModeSelect10(md10, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); } if (!sense) { runningPersistent = true; InitProgress?.Invoke(); foreach (ulong badSector in sectorsNotEvenPartial) { if (_aborted) { currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Aborted!"); break; } PulseProgress?.Invoke($"Trying to get partial data for sector {badSector}"); if (readcd) { sense = _dev.ReadCd(out cmdBuf, out senseBuf, (uint)badSector, blockSize, 1, MmcSectorTypes.AllTypes, false, false, true, MmcHeaderCodes.AllHeaders, true, true, MmcErrorField.None, supportedSubchannel, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); totalDuration += cmdDuration; } if (sense || _dev.Error) { continue; } _dumpLog.WriteLine("Got partial data for sector {0} in pass {1}.", badSector, pass); if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 0, data, 0, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, sectorSize, sub, 0, subSize); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(data, badSector); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorTag(sub, badSector, SectorTagType.CdSectorSubchannel); } else { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(cmdBuf, badSector); } } EndProgress?.Invoke(); } } if (runningPersistent && currentModePage.HasValue) { var md = new Modes.DecodedMode { Header = new Modes.ModeHeader(), Pages = new[] { currentModePage.Value } }; md6 = Modes.EncodeMode6(md, _dev.ScsiType); md10 = Modes.EncodeMode10(md, _dev.ScsiType); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Sending MODE SELECT to drive (return device to previous status)."); sense = _dev.ModeSelect(md6, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); if (sense) { _dev.ModeSelect10(md10, out senseBuf, true, false, _dev.Timeout, out _); } } EndProgress?.Invoke(); }
void TrimCdUserData(ExtentsULong audioExtents, uint blockSize, DumpHardwareType currentTry, ExtentsULong extents, bool newTrim, int offsetBytes, bool read6, bool read10, bool read12, bool read16, bool readcd, int sectorsForOffset, uint subSize, MmcSubchannel supportedSubchannel, bool supportsLongSectors, ref double totalDuration) { DateTime start; DateTime end; bool sense = true; // Sense indicator byte[] cmdBuf = null; // Data buffer double cmdDuration = 0; // Command execution time const uint sectorSize = 2352; // Full sector size byte[] tmpBuf; // Temporary buffer if (_resume.BadBlocks.Count <= 0 || _aborted || !_trim || !newTrim) { return; } start = DateTime.UtcNow; UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Trimming bad sectors"); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Trimming bad sectors"); ulong[] tmpArray = _resume.BadBlocks.ToArray(); InitProgress?.Invoke(); foreach (ulong badSector in tmpArray) { if (_aborted) { currentTry.Extents = ExtentsConverter.ToMetadata(extents); UpdateStatus?.Invoke("Aborted!"); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Aborted!"); break; } PulseProgress?.Invoke($"Trimming sector {badSector}"); byte sectorsToTrim = 1; uint badSectorToRead = (uint)badSector; if (_fixOffset && audioExtents.Contains(badSector) && offsetBytes != 0) { if (offsetBytes > 0) { badSectorToRead -= (uint)sectorsForOffset; } sectorsToTrim = (byte)(sectorsForOffset + 1); } if (readcd) { sense = _dev.ReadCd(out cmdBuf, out _, badSectorToRead, blockSize, sectorsToTrim, MmcSectorTypes.AllTypes, false, false, true, MmcHeaderCodes.AllHeaders, true, true, MmcErrorField.None, supportedSubchannel, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read16) { sense = _dev.Read16(out cmdBuf, out _, 0, false, true, false, badSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, sectorsToTrim, false, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read12) { sense = _dev.Read12(out cmdBuf, out _, 0, false, true, false, false, badSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, sectorsToTrim, false, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read10) { sense = _dev.Read10(out cmdBuf, out _, 0, false, true, false, false, badSectorToRead, blockSize, 0, sectorsToTrim, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } else if (read6) { sense = _dev.Read6(out cmdBuf, out _, badSectorToRead, blockSize, sectorsToTrim, _dev.Timeout, out cmdDuration); } totalDuration += cmdDuration; if (sense || _dev.Error) { continue; } if (!sense && !_dev.Error) { _resume.BadBlocks.Remove(badSector); extents.Add(badSector); } // Because one block has been partially used to fix the offset if (_fixOffset && audioExtents.Contains(badSector) && offsetBytes != 0) { int offsetFix = offsetBytes < 0 ? (int)(sectorSize - (offsetBytes * -1)) : offsetBytes; if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { // De-interleave subchannel byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize * sectorsToTrim]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize * sectorsToTrim]; for (int b = 0; b < sectorsToTrim; b++) { Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(0 + (b * blockSize)), data, sectorSize * b, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, (int)(sectorSize + (b * blockSize)), sub, subSize * b, subSize); } tmpBuf = new byte[sectorSize * (sectorsToTrim - sectorsForOffset)]; Array.Copy(data, offsetFix, tmpBuf, 0, tmpBuf.Length); data = tmpBuf; // Re-interleave subchannel cmdBuf = new byte[blockSize * sectorsToTrim]; for (int b = 0; b < sectorsToTrim; b++) { Array.Copy(data, sectorSize * b, cmdBuf, (int)(0 + (b * blockSize)), sectorSize); Array.Copy(sub, subSize * b, cmdBuf, (int)(sectorSize + (b * blockSize)), subSize); } } else { tmpBuf = new byte[blockSize * (sectorsToTrim - sectorsForOffset)]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, offsetFix, tmpBuf, 0, tmpBuf.Length); cmdBuf = tmpBuf; } } if (supportedSubchannel != MmcSubchannel.None) { byte[] data = new byte[sectorSize]; byte[] sub = new byte[subSize]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 0, data, 0, sectorSize); Array.Copy(cmdBuf, sectorSize, sub, 0, subSize); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(data, badSector); _outputPlugin.WriteSectorTag(sub, badSector, SectorTagType.CdSectorSubchannel); } else { if (supportsLongSectors) { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(cmdBuf, badSector); } else { if (cmdBuf.Length % sectorSize == 0) { byte[] data = new byte[2048]; Array.Copy(cmdBuf, 16, data, 0, 2048); _outputPlugin.WriteSector(data, badSector); } else { _outputPlugin.WriteSectorLong(cmdBuf, badSector); } } } } EndProgress?.Invoke(); end = DateTime.UtcNow; UpdateStatus?.Invoke($"Trimming finished in {(end - start).TotalSeconds} seconds."); _dumpLog.WriteLine("Trimming finished in {0} seconds.", (end - start).TotalSeconds); }