Esempio n. 1
        protected internal AbstractMatrix(ExtendedDataInput @in)
            byte hasLabels = @in.readByte();

            BasicEntityFactory factory = null;

            DATA_TYPE[] types = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DATA_TYPE)) as DATA_TYPE[];
            if (hasLabels > 0)
                factory = new BasicEntityFactory();
            short flag;
            int   form;
            int   type;

            if ((hasLabels & 1) == 1)
                //contain row labels
                flag = @in.readShort();
                form = flag >> 8;
                type = flag & 0xff;
                if (form != (int)DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                    throw new IOException("The form of matrix row labels must be vector");
                if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                    throw new IOException("Invalid data type for matrix row labels: " + type);
                rowLabels = (IVector)factory.createEntity(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR, types[type], @in);

            if ((hasLabels & 2) == 2)
                //contain columns labels
                flag = @in.readShort();
                form = flag >> 8;
                type = flag & 0xff;
                if (form != (int)DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR)
                    throw new IOException("The form of matrix columns labels must be vector");
                if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                    throw new IOException("Invalid data type for matrix column labels: " + type);
                columnLabels = (IVector)factory.createEntity(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR, types[type], @in);

            flag = @in.readShort();
            type = flag & 0xff;
            if (type < 0 || type >= types.Length)
                throw new IOException("Invalid data type for matrix: " + type);
            _rows    = @in.readInt();
            _columns = @in.readInt();
            readMatrixFromInputStream(_rows, _columns, @in);
Esempio n. 2
        public BasicChunkMeta(ExtendedDataInput @in)
            @in.readShort();             //skip the length of the data
            path = @in.readString();
            id   = new sbyte[16];
            version      = @in.readInt();
            size_Renamed = @in.readInt();
            flag         = @in.readByte();
            sites        = new List <>();
            int copyCount = @in.readByte();

            for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; ++i)
Esempio n. 3
 public BasicSystemEntity(ExtendedDataInput @in, DATA_TYPE type) : base("")
     this.type = type;
     if (type == DATA_TYPE.DT_FUNCTIONDEF)
        protected internal override void readMatrixFromInputStream(int rows, int columns, ExtendedDataInput @in)
            int size = rows * columns;

            values = new byte[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                values[i] = @in.readByte();
Esempio n. 5
 public override void deserialize(int start, int count, ExtendedDataInput @in)
     if (start + count > values.Count)
         values.AddRange(new byte[start + count - values.Count]);
     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
         values[start + i] = @in.readByte();
Esempio n. 6
        protected internal BasicBooleanVector(DATA_FORM df, ExtendedDataInput @in) : base(df)
            int rows = @in.readInt();
            int cols = @in.readInt();
            int size = rows * cols;

            values = new byte[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                values[i] = @in.readByte();
Esempio n. 7
        protected internal BasicByteVector(DATA_FORM df, ExtendedDataInput @in) : base(df)
            int rows = @in.readInt();
            int cols = @in.readInt();
            int size = rows * cols;

            values = new List <byte>(size);
            values.AddRange(new byte[size]);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                values[i] = @in.readByte();
Esempio n. 8
        public IVector Decompress(IEntityFactory factory, ExtendedDataInput input, bool extended, bool isLittleEndian)
            int compressedBytes = input.readInt();

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
            int compression = input.readByte();
            int dataType    = input.readByte();
            int unitLength  = input.readByte();

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            int etra         = input.readInt();
            int elementCount = input.readInt();

            if (dataType < (int)DATA_TYPE.DT_BOOL_ARRAY)
                etra = 1;

            ExtendedDataInput decompressedIn = DecoderFactory.get(compression).Decompress(input, compressedBytes - 20, unitLength, elementCount, etra, isLittleEndian);
            bool extend = dataType >= 128;

            if (dataType >= 128)
                dataType -= 128;
            DATA_TYPE dt = (DATA_TYPE)dataType;

            return((IVector)factory.createEntity(DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR, dt, decompressedIn, extend));
Esempio n. 9
 public BasicByte(ExtendedDataInput @in)
     value = @in.readByte();