public override string Generate(Expressions.DeleteDefaultConstraintExpression expression) { return string.Format( "ALTER TABLE {0} ALTER COLUMN {1} DROP DEFAULT", this.QuoteSchemaAndTable(expression.SchemaName, expression.TableName), Quoter.QuoteColumnName(expression.ColumnName)); }
public override string Generate(Expressions.RenameTableExpression expression) { return string.Format( "RENAME TABLE {0} TO {1}", this.QuoteSchemaAndTable(expression.SchemaName, expression.OldName), Quoter.QuoteTableName(expression.NewName)); }
public override string Generate(Expressions.CreateForeignKeyExpression expression) { if (expression.ForeignKey.PrimaryColumns.Count != expression.ForeignKey.ForeignColumns.Count) { throw new ArgumentException("Number of primary columns and secondary columns must be equal"); } var keyName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression.ForeignKey.Name) ? Column.GenerateForeignKeyName(expression.ForeignKey) : expression.ForeignKey.Name; var keyWithSchema = string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression.ForeignKey.ForeignTableSchema) ? Quoter.QuoteConstraintName(keyName) : Quoter.QuoteSchemaName(expression.ForeignKey.ForeignTableSchema) + "." + Quoter.QuoteConstraintName(keyName); var primaryColumns = expression.ForeignKey.PrimaryColumns.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (acc, col) => { var separator = acc.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : ", "; return acc.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", separator, Quoter.QuoteColumnName(col)); }); var foreignColumns = expression.ForeignKey.ForeignColumns.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (acc, col) => { var separator = acc.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : ", "; return acc.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", separator, Quoter.QuoteColumnName(col)); }); return string.Format( "ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT {1} FOREIGN KEY ({2}) REFERENCES {3} ({4}){5}", this.QuoteSchemaAndTable(expression.ForeignKey.ForeignTableSchema, expression.ForeignKey.ForeignTable), keyWithSchema, foreignColumns, this.QuoteSchemaAndTable(expression.ForeignKey.PrimaryTableSchema, expression.ForeignKey.PrimaryTable), primaryColumns, Column.FormatCascade("DELETE", expression.ForeignKey.OnDelete)); }
protected override Expression VisitMethodDefinitionExpression(Expressions.MethodDefinitionExpression method) { this.containsDateConversion = false; var retval = (MethodDefinitionExpression)base.VisitMethodDefinitionExpression(method); if (this.containsDateConversion && retval.Body is BlockExpression) { var block = (BlockExpression)retval.Body; var variables = new List<ParameterExpression>(block.Variables); var dateFormatter = Expression.Variable(new FickleType("NSDateFormatter"), "dateFormatter"); variables.Add(dateFormatter); var expressions = new List<Expression>(); // dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init] expressions.Add(Expression.Assign(dateFormatter, Expression.New(new FickleType("NSDateFormatter"))).ToStatement()); // [dateFormatter setTimeZone: [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"UTC"]]; expressions.Add(FickleExpression.Call(dateFormatter, "setTimeZone", FickleExpression.StaticCall("NSTimeZone", "NSTimeZone", "timeZoneWithAbbreviation", "UTC")).ToStatement()); // [dateFormatter setDateFormat: @"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ"]; expressions.Add(FickleExpression.Call(dateFormatter, "setDateFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ").ToStatement()); expressions.AddRange(block.Expressions); var newBody = Expression.Block(variables, expressions); return new MethodDefinitionExpression(retval.Name, retval.Parameters, retval.ReturnType, newBody, retval.IsPredeclaration, retval.RawAttributes); } return retval; }
protected override void VisitAndAlso(Expressions.AndAlsoExpression expression) { string leftClause = ""; if (!(expression.Left is TrueExpression)) { leftClause = VisitInner(expression.Left).ClauseText; } string rightClause = ""; if (!(expression.Right is TrueExpression)) { rightClause = VisitInner(expression.Right).ClauseText; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftClause) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rightClause)) { clauseText.AppendFormat("(({0}) AND ({1}))", leftClause, rightClause); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leftClause)) { clauseText.Append(leftClause); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rightClause)) { clauseText.Append(rightClause); } }
public override string Generate(Expressions.DeleteSequenceExpression expression) { var result = new StringBuilder(string.Format("DROP SEQUENCE ")); result.AppendFormat("{0}.{1}", Quoter.QuoteSchemaName(expression.SchemaName), Quoter.QuoteSequenceName(expression.SequenceName)); return result.ToString(); }
protected override void VisitWhere(Expressions.IWhereExpression expression) { if (clauseText.Length != 0) { clauseText.Append("AND "); } base.VisitWhere(expression); }
public override string Generate(Expressions.AlterDefaultConstraintExpression expression) { return string.Format( "ALTER TABLE {0} ALTER COLUMN {1} SET DEFAULT {2}", this.QuoteSchemaAndTable(expression.SchemaName, expression.TableName), Quoter.QuoteColumnName(expression.ColumnName), ((Db2Column)Column).FormatAlterDefaultValue(expression.ColumnName, expression.DefaultValue)); }
public override string Generate(Expressions.CreateColumnExpression expression) { expression.Column.AdditionalFeatures.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("IsCreateColumn", true)); return string.Format( "ALTER TABLE {0} ADD COLUMN {1}", this.QuoteSchemaAndTable(expression.SchemaName, expression.TableName), Column.Generate(expression.Column)); }
public override void Visite(Expressions.IExpression expression) { selectText = "*"; clauseText = new StringBuilder(); sortText = new StringBuilder(); base.Visite(expression); query.SelectText = selectText.ToString(); query.ClauseText = clauseText.ToString(); query.SortText = sortText.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the expression to constant. /// </summary> private string ConvertExpressionToConstant(Expressions.BindingPathExpression expression, string propertyName) { if (expression is BindingConstantExpression) { return ((BindingConstantExpression)expression).Value; } if (!(expression is BindingGetPropertyExpression) || ((BindingGetPropertyExpression)expression).NextExpression != null) { ThrowParserError(string.Format("The value of property '{0}' must be one word and must not contain other characters than letters, numbers or underscore. Otherwise the value must be in enclosed in double quotes.", propertyName)); } return ((BindingGetPropertyExpression)expression).PropertyName; }
public override string Generate(Expressions.DeleteColumnExpression expression) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); if (expression.ColumnNames.Count == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression.ColumnNames.First())) { return string.Empty; } builder.AppendFormat("ALTER TABLE {0}", this.QuoteSchemaAndTable(expression.SchemaName, expression.TableName)); foreach (var column in expression.ColumnNames) { builder.AppendFormat(" DROP COLUMN {0}", this.Quoter.QuoteColumnName(column)); } return builder.ToString(); }
public override Expression Bind(Expressions.ProjectionExpression projection, ProjectionBindingContext context, System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression node, IEnumerable<System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> arguments) { var aggregatorName = "Single"; var returnType = node.Method.ReturnType; if (node.Method.Name.EndsWith("Async")) { aggregatorName += "Async"; returnType = returnType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } var aggregator = CreateAggregator(aggregatorName, returnType); var source = projection.Source; var argument = arguments.FirstOrDefault(); if (argument != null && ExtensionExpressionVisitor.IsLambda(argument)) { var lambda = ExtensionExpressionVisitor.GetLambda(argument); var binder = new AccumulatorBinder(context.GroupMap, context.SerializerRegistry); binder.RegisterParameterReplacement(lambda.Parameters[0], projection.Projector); argument = binder.Bind(lambda.Body); } else { argument = projection.Projector; var select = source as SelectExpression; if (select != null) { source = select.Source; } } var serializer = context.SerializerRegistry.GetSerializer(returnType); var accumulator = new AccumulatorExpression(returnType, AccumulatorType, argument); var serializationAccumulator = new SerializationExpression( accumulator, new BsonSerializationInfo("__agg0", serializer, serializer.ValueType)); var rootAccumulator = new RootAccumulatorExpression(source, serializationAccumulator); return new ProjectionExpression( rootAccumulator, serializationAccumulator, aggregator); }
public void Test1() { var exps = new Expressions(); var query = Db<DB>.Sql(db => Select(Asterisk(db.tbl_staff)). From(db.tbl_staff). Where(exps.Condition1 || exps.Condition2)); var datas = _connection.Query(query).ToList(); Assert.IsTrue(0 < datas.Count); AssertEx.AreEqual(query, _connection, @"SELECT * FROM tbl_staff WHERE ((@val1) = (@p_0)) OR ((@val1) = (@p_1))", new Params() { { "@val1", 1 }, { "@p_0", 1 }, { "@p_1", 2 }, }); }
public override string Generate(Expressions.CreateSequenceExpression expression) { var result = new StringBuilder(string.Format("CREATE SEQUENCE ")); var seq = expression.Sequence; result.AppendFormat("{0}.{1}", Quoter.QuoteSchemaName(seq.SchemaName), Quoter.QuoteSequenceName(seq.Name)); if (seq.Increment.HasValue) { result.AppendFormat(" INCREMENT BY {0}", seq.Increment); } if (seq.MinValue.HasValue) { result.AppendFormat(" MINVALUE {0}", seq.MinValue); } if (seq.MaxValue.HasValue) { result.AppendFormat(" MAXVALUE {0}", seq.MaxValue); } if (seq.StartWith.HasValue) { result.AppendFormat(" START WITH {0}", seq.StartWith); } if (seq.Cache.HasValue) { result.AppendFormat(" CACHE {0}", seq.Cache); } if (seq.Cycle) { result.Append(" CYCLE"); } return result.ToString(); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.ArrayInitializer x) { Visit((AssocArrayExpression)x); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.SurroundingParenthesesExpression x) { if (x.Expression != null) x.Expression.Accept(this); }
public bool IsInconsistentWith(DecisionRule rule) { //do two rules have same background rule but different outputs? return(Expressions.AreEqual(rule.Expressions) && Output != rule.Output); }
public void TestLikeRegexStringAndNull_OM() { String stmtText = "select p00 like p01 as r1, " + "p00 like p01 escape \"!\" as r2, " + "p02 regexp p03 as r3 " + "from " + typeof(SupportBean_S0).FullName; EPStatementObjectModel model = new EPStatementObjectModel(); model.SelectClause = SelectClause.Create() .Add(Expressions.Like(Expressions.Property("p00"), Expressions.Property("p01")), "r1") .Add(Expressions.Like(Expressions.Property("p00"), Expressions.Property("p01"), Expressions.Constant("!")), "r2") .Add(Expressions.Regexp(Expressions.Property("p02"), Expressions.Property("p03")), "r3"); model.FromClause = FromClause.Create(FilterStream.Create(typeof(SupportBean_S0).FullName)); model = (EPStatementObjectModel)SerializableObjectCopier.Copy(model); Assert.AreEqual(stmtText, model.ToEPL()); EPStatement selectTestCase = _epService.EPAdministrator.Create(model); selectTestCase.Events += _testListener.Update; RunLikeRegexStringAndNull(); String epl = "select * from " + typeof(SupportBean).FullName + "(TheString not like \"foo%\")"; EPPreparedStatement eps = _epService.EPAdministrator.PrepareEPL(epl); EPStatement statement = _epService.EPAdministrator.Create(eps); Assert.AreEqual(epl, statement.Text); epl = "select * from " + typeof(SupportBean).FullName + "(TheString not regexp \"foo\")"; eps = _epService.EPAdministrator.PrepareEPL(epl); statement = _epService.EPAdministrator.Create(eps); Assert.AreEqual(epl, statement.Text); }
private static void ProcessCure(Event e, Expressions exp) { var line = new Line(e.ChatLogItem) { EventDirection = e.Direction, EventSubject = e.Subject, EventType = e.Type }; LineHelper.SetTimelineTypes(ref line); if (LineHelper.IsIgnored(line)) { return; } Match cure = Regex.Match("ph", @"^\.$"); switch (e.Subject) { case EventSubject.You: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Self: line.Target = You; break; } cure = exp.pCure; if (cure.Success) { line.Source = You; UpdateHealing(cure, line, exp, FilterType.You); } break; case EventSubject.Pet: cure = exp.pCure; if (cure.Success) { line.Source = _lastNamePet; UpdateHealing(cure, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); } break; case EventSubject.Party: cure = exp.pCure; if (cure.Success) { line.Source = _lastNamePartyHealingFrom; UpdateHealing(cure, line, exp, FilterType.Party); } break; case EventSubject.PetParty: cure = exp.pCure; if (cure.Success) { line.Source = _lastNamePetPartyHealingFrom; UpdateHealing(cure, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); } break; case EventSubject.Alliance: cure = exp.pCure; if (cure.Success) { line.Source = _lastNameAllianceHealingFrom; UpdateHealing(cure, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); } break; case EventSubject.PetAlliance: cure = exp.pCure; if (cure.Success) { line.Source = _lastNamePetAllianceHealingFrom; UpdateHealing(cure, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); } break; case EventSubject.Other: cure = exp.pCure; if (cure.Success) { line.Source = _lastNameOtherHealingFrom; UpdateHealing(cure, line, exp, FilterType.Other); } break; case EventSubject.PetOther: cure = exp.pCure; if (cure.Success) { line.Source = _lastNamePetOtherHealingFrom; UpdateHealing(cure, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); } break; } if (cure.Success) { return; } ParsingLogHelper.Log(Logger, "Cure", e, exp); }
static Issue2468Tests() { MapEnumToString <ColorEnum>(); MapEnumToString <CMYKEnum>(); Expressions.MapMember((StatusEnum v) => v.ToString(), v => MyExtensions.StatusEnumToString(v)); }
private void RunAssertionOp(EPServiceProvider epService) { EventCollection events = EventCollectionFactory.GetEventSetOne(0, 1000); var testCaseList = new CaseList(); EventExpressionCase testCase = null; testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "(id=\"B1\") where timer:within(2 sec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "(id=\"B1\") where timer:within(2001 msec)"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "(id=\"B1\") where timer:within(1999 msec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); string text = "select * from pattern [b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "(id=\"B3\") where timer:within(10.001)]"; var model = new EPStatementObjectModel(); model.SelectClause = SelectClause.CreateWildcard(); model = (EPStatementObjectModel)SerializableObjectCopier.Copy(epService.Container, model); Expression filter = Expressions.Eq("id", "B3"); PatternExpr pattern = Patterns.TimerWithin(10.001, Patterns.Filter(Filter.Create(EVENT_B_CLASS, filter), "b")); model.FromClause = FromClause.Create(PatternStream.Create(pattern)); Assert.AreEqual(text, model.ToEPL()); testCase = new EventExpressionCase(model); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "(id=\"B3\") where timer:within(10001 msec)"); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "(id=\"B3\") where timer:within(10 sec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "(id=\"B3\") where timer:within(9.999)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("(every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + ") where timer:within(2.001)"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("(every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + ") where timer:within(4.001)"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + " where timer:within(2.001)"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every (b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + " where timer:within(2001 msec))"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every ((every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + ") where timer:within(2.001))"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every ((every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + ") where timer:within(6.001))"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("(every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + ") where timer:within(11.001)"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("(every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + ") where timer:within(4001 milliseconds)"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every (b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + ") where timer:within(6.001)"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCase.Add("B2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + " -> d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + " where timer:within(4001 milliseconds)"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() -> d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(4 sec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every (b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (4.001) and d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6.001))"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D2")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2001 msec) and d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6001 msec)"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2001 msec) and d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6000 msec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2000 msec) and d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6001 msec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + " -> d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + " where timer:within(4000 msec)"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B2"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() -> every d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + " where timer:within(4000 msec)"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B2"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("D2", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D2")); testCase.Add("D2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2"), "d", events.GetEvent("D2")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B2"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() -> d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(3999 msec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() -> (every d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + ") where timer:within(2001 msec)"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B2"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every (b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() -> d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "()) where timer:within(6001 msec)"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2000 msec) or d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6000 msec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("(b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2000 msec) or d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6000 msec)) where timer:within (1999 msec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every (b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2001 msec) and d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6001 msec))"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D2")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2001 msec) or d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6001 msec)"); testCase.Add("B1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2000 msec) or d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6001 msec)"); testCase.Add("D1", "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + "() where timer:within (2001 msec) and every d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6001 msec)"); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("D1", "b", events.GetEvent("B2"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("D2", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D2")); testCase.Add("D2", "b", events.GetEvent("B2"), "d", events.GetEvent("D2")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D1")); testCase.Add("B3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D2")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B1"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B2"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCase.Add("D3", "b", events.GetEvent("B3"), "d", events.GetEvent("D3")); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); testCase = new EventExpressionCase("(every b=" + EVENT_B_CLASS + ") where timer:within (2000 msec) and every d=" + EVENT_D_CLASS + "() where timer:within(6001 msec)"); testCaseList.AddTest(testCase); var util = new PatternTestHarness(events, testCaseList, this.GetType()); util.RunTest(epService); }
public void TestOutputWhenThenExpression() { SendTimeEvent(1, 8, 0, 0, 0); _epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddVariable("myvar", typeof(int), 0); _epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddVariable("count_insert_var", typeof(int), 0); _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("on SupportBean set myvar = IntPrimitive"); String expression = "select symbol from output when myvar=1 then set myvar=0, count_insert_var=count_insert"; EPStatement stmt = _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(expression); RunAssertion(1, stmt); EPStatementObjectModel model = new EPStatementObjectModel(); model.SelectClause = SelectClause.Create("symbol"); model.FromClause = FromClause.Create(FilterStream.Create("MarketData").AddView("win", "length", Expressions.Constant(2))); model.OutputLimitClause = OutputLimitClause.Create(Expressions.Eq("myvar", 1)) .AddThenAssignment(Expressions.Eq(Expressions.Property("myvar"), Expressions.Constant(0))) .AddThenAssignment(Expressions.Eq(Expressions.Property("count_insert_var"), Expressions.Property("count_insert"))); String epl = model.ToEPL(); Assert.AreEqual(expression, epl); stmt = _epService.EPAdministrator.Create(model); RunAssertion(2, stmt); model = _epService.EPAdministrator.CompileEPL(expression); Assert.AreEqual(expression, model.ToEPL()); stmt = _epService.EPAdministrator.Create(model); RunAssertion(3, stmt); String outputLast = "select symbol from output last when myvar=1 "; model = _epService.EPAdministrator.CompileEPL(outputLast); Assert.AreEqual(outputLast.Trim(), model.ToEPL().Trim()); // test same variable referenced multiple times JIRA-386 SendTimer(0); SupportUpdateListener listenerOne = new SupportUpdateListener(); SupportUpdateListener listenerTwo = new SupportUpdateListener(); EPStatement stmtOne = _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select * from MarketData output last when myvar=100"); stmtOne.Events += listenerOne.Update; EPStatement stmtTwo = _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select * from MarketData output last when myvar=100"); stmtTwo.Events += listenerTwo.Update; _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportMarketDataBean("ABC", "E1", 100)); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportMarketDataBean("ABC", "E2", 100)); SendTimer(1000); Assert.IsFalse(listenerOne.IsInvoked); Assert.IsFalse(listenerTwo.IsInvoked); _epService.EPRuntime.SetVariableValue("myvar", 100); SendTimer(2000); Assert.IsTrue(listenerTwo.IsInvoked); Assert.IsTrue(listenerOne.IsInvoked); stmtOne.Dispose(); stmtTwo.Dispose(); // test when-then with condition triggered by output events SendTimeEvent(2, 8, 0, 0, 0); String eplToDeploy = "create variable bool varOutputTriggered = false\n;" + "@Audit @Name('out') select * from SupportBean.std:lastevent() output snapshot when (count_insert > 1 and varOutputTriggered = false) then set varOutputTriggered = true;"; _epService.EPAdministrator.DeploymentAdmin.ParseDeploy(eplToDeploy); _epService.EPAdministrator.GetStatement("out").Events += _listener.Update; _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E1", 1)); Assert.IsFalse(_listener.IsInvoked); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E2", 2)); Assert.AreEqual("E2", _listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset().Get("TheString")); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E3", 3)); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E4", 4)); Assert.IsFalse(_listener.IsInvoked); _epService.EPRuntime.SetVariableValue("varOutputTriggered", false); // turns true right away as triggering output _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E5", 5)); SendTimeEvent(2, 8, 0, 1, 0); Assert.AreEqual("E5", _listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset().Get("TheString")); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E6", 6)); Assert.IsFalse(_listener.IsInvoked); _epService.EPAdministrator.DestroyAllStatements(); // test count_total for insert and remove _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("create variable int var_cnt_total = 3"); String expressionTotal = "select TheString from output when count_insert_total = var_cnt_total or count_remove_total > 2"; EPStatement stmtTotal = _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(expressionTotal); stmtTotal.Events += _listener.Update; _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E1", 1)); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E2", 1)); Assert.IsFalse(_listener.IsInvoked); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E3", 1)); EPAssertionUtil.AssertPropsPerRow(_listener.GetAndResetLastNewData(), "TheString".Split(','), new Object[][] { new Object[] { "E1" }, new Object[] { "E2" }, new Object[] { "E3" } }); _epService.EPRuntime.SetVariableValue("var_cnt_total", -1); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E4", 1)); Assert.IsFalse(_listener.GetAndClearIsInvoked()); _epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(new SupportBean("E5", 1)); EPAssertionUtil.AssertPropsPerRow(_listener.GetAndResetLastNewData(), "TheString".Split(','), new Object[][] { new Object[] { "E4" }, new Object[] { "E5" } }); _epService.EPAdministrator.DestroyAllStatements(); }
public override IEnumerable <System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding> FinalSelectBindings(Type selectType, System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression sourceTypeParameter) { if (!HasStratifications) { Expression prop = Expressions.ChildPropertyExpression(sourceTypeParameter, "Key", "AdmittedOn"); return(new[] { Expression.Bind(selectType.GetProperty("AdmittedOn"), prop) }); } DTO.Enums.PeriodStratification stratification; if (!Enum.TryParse <DTO.Enums.PeriodStratification>(Stratifications.First().ToString(), out stratification)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse the specified stratification value as an PeriodStratification: " + Stratifications.First().ToString()); } List <MemberAssignment> bindings = new List <MemberAssignment>(); bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(selectType.GetProperty("AdmittedOnYear"), Expressions.ChildPropertyExpression(sourceTypeParameter, "Key", "AdmittedOnYear"))); if (stratification == DTO.Enums.PeriodStratification.Monthly) { bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(selectType.GetProperty("AdmittedOnMonth"), Expressions.ChildPropertyExpression(sourceTypeParameter, "Key", "AdmittedOnMonth"))); } return(bindings); }
private AssignmentExpressionSyntax Assign(PropertyInfo property, object value) { return(Expressions.AssignExpression(property.Name, ValueToSyntax(value))); }
public static void magix_execute_execute_script(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e) { Node ip = Ip(e.Params); if (ShouldInspect(ip)) { AppendInspectFromResource( ip["inspect"], "Magix.execute", "Magix.execute.hyperlisp.inspect.hl", "[magix.execute.execute-script-dox].value"); AppendCodeFromResource( ip, "Magix.execute", "Magix.execute.hyperlisp.inspect.hl", "[magix.execute.execute-script-sample]"); return; } Node dp = Dp(e.Params); if (!ip.ContainsValue("file") && !ip.ContainsValue("script")) { throw new ArgumentException("[execute-script] needs either a [file] or a [script] parameter"); } if (ip.ContainsValue("file") && ip.ContainsValue("script")) { throw new ArgumentException("you cannot supply both [file] and [script] to [execute-script]"); } string script = null; if (ip.ContainsValue("script")) { script = Expressions.GetExpressionValue <string>(ip["script"].Get <string>(), dp, ip, false); } else { try { RaiseActiveEvent( "magix.file.load", e.Params); script = ip["value"].Get <string>(); } finally { ip["value"].UnTie(); } } Node conversionNode = new Node(); conversionNode["code"].Value = script; RaiseActiveEvent( "magix.execute.code-2-node", conversionNode); conversionNode["node"]["inspect"].UnTie(); Node exe = conversionNode["node"].Clone(); if (ip.ContainsValue("file")) { string file = Expressions.GetFormattedExpression("file", e.Params, ""); string directory = file; if (directory.Contains("/")) { directory = directory.Substring(0, directory.LastIndexOf('/')); } exe["$"]["script-file"].Value = file; exe["$"]["script-directory"].Value = directory; } ExecuteScript(exe, ip); }
private void RunAssertionAliasesAggregationOM(EPServiceProvider epService) { var model = new EPStatementObjectModel(); model.SelectClause = SelectClause.Create("symbol", "volume").Add(Expressions.Sum("price"), "mySum"); model.FromClause = FromClause.Create(FilterStream.Create(typeof(SupportMarketDataBean).FullName).AddView(View.Create("length", Expressions.Constant(20)))); model.GroupByClause = GroupByClause.Create("symbol"); model.OutputLimitClause = OutputLimitClause.Create(6); model.OrderByClause = OrderByClause.Create(Expressions.Sum("price")).Add("symbol", false); model = (EPStatementObjectModel)SerializableObjectCopier.Copy(epService.Container, model); string statementString = "select symbol, volume, sum(price) as mySum from " + typeof(SupportMarketDataBean).FullName + "#length(20) " + "group by symbol " + "output every 6 events " + "order by sum(price), symbol"; Assert.AreEqual(statementString, model.ToEPL()); var testListener = new SupportUpdateListener(); EPStatement statement = epService.EPAdministrator.Create(model); statement.Events += testListener.Update; TryAssertionDefault(epService, testListener); statement.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes character renderers with selected sprites. /// </summary> private void TryInitialize() { if (Expressions.All(i => i.Name != "Default") || Expressions.All(i => i.Name != "Angry") || Expressions.All(i => i.Name != "Dead")) { throw new Exception("Character must have at least 3 basic expressions: Default, Angry and Dead."); } HeadRenderer.sprite = Head; HairRenderer.sprite = Hair; HairRenderer.maskInteraction = Helmet == null ||"[FullHair]") ? SpriteMaskInteraction.None : SpriteMaskInteraction.VisibleInsideMask; EarsRenderer.sprite = Ears; SetExpression(Expression); BeardRenderer.sprite = Beard; EarsRenderer.sprite = Ears; MapSprites(BodyRenderers, Body); HelmetRenderer.sprite = Helmet; GlassesRenderer.sprite = Glasses; MaskRenderer.sprite = Mask; EarringsRenderer.sprite = Earrings; MapSprites(ArmorRenderers, Armor); CapeRenderer.sprite = Cape; BackRenderer.sprite = Back; PrimaryMeleeWeaponRenderer.sprite = PrimaryMeleeWeapon; SecondaryMeleeWeaponRenderer.sprite = SecondaryMeleeWeapon; BowRenderers.ForEach(i => i.sprite = Bow.SingleOrDefault(j => j != null &&; FirearmsRenderers.ForEach(i => i.sprite = Firearms.SingleOrDefault(j => j != null &&; ShieldRenderer.sprite = Shield; PrimaryMeleeWeaponRenderer.enabled = WeaponType != WeaponType.Bow; SecondaryMeleeWeaponRenderer.enabled = WeaponType == WeaponType.MeleePaired; BowRenderers.ForEach(i => i.enabled = WeaponType == WeaponType.Bow); if (Hair != null &&"[HideEars]") && HairRenderer.maskInteraction == SpriteMaskInteraction.None) { EarsRenderer.sprite = null; } switch (WeaponType) { case WeaponType.Firearms1H: case WeaponType.Firearms2H: Firearm.AmmoShooted = 0; BuildFirearms(Firearm.Params); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CreateIndexColumn"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="columnName">Name of the column.</param> /// <param name="type">The index type.</param> public CreateIndexColumn(String columnName, CreateIndexColumnType type) { this.columns = Collections.SingletonList<Expression>(Expressions.Property(columnName)); this.indexType = type.GetName(); }
public SimpleRecResult Recognize(IdContainer Container, CodeString Code, GetIdOptions Options, ref Identifier Ret) { var Position = Code.Length - 1; if (Position >= 0 && Code[Position] == ']') { var State = Container.State; var ZPos = Code.GetBracketPos(State, true, Options.EnableMessages); if (ZPos == -1) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } var Left = Code.TrimmedSubstring(State, 0, ZPos, Options.EnableMessages); if (!Left.IsValid) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } var TOptions = Options; TOptions.Func = x => x.RealId is Type; var TypeOfVals = Identifiers.Recognize(Container, Left, TOptions); if (TypeOfVals == null) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } var RTypeOfVals = TypeOfVals.RealId as Type; if (RTypeOfVals == null || (RTypeOfVals.TypeFlags & TypeFlags.CanBeArrayType) == 0) { if (Options.EnableMessages) { State.Messages.Add(MessageId.UnknownId, Code); } return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } var StrParams = Code.Substring(ZPos + 1, Position - ZPos - 1).Trim(); if (StrParams.IsEqual("?")) { Ret = new NonrefArrayType(Container, TypeOfVals, null); if (Options.Func == null || Options.Func(Ret)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Succeeded); } } else if (StrParams.IsEqual("*")) { if ((RTypeOfVals.TypeFlags & TypeFlags.CanBePointer) == 0) { if (Options.EnableMessages) { State.Messages.Add(MessageId.UnknownId, Code); } return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } Ret = new PointerAndLength(Container, TypeOfVals); if (Options.Func == null || Options.Func(Ret)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Succeeded); } } var SplParams = RecognizerHelper.SplitToParameters(State, StrParams, ',', Options.EnableMessages, true); if (SplParams == null) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } if (SplParams.Length == 0 || SplParams[0].Length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < SplParams.Length; i++) { if (SplParams[i].Length > 0) { State.Messages.Add(MessageId.NotExpected, SplParams[i]); return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } } var IndexCount = SplParams.Length == 0 ? 1 : SplParams.Length; Ret = new RefArrayType(Container, TypeOfVals, IndexCount); if (Options.Func == null || Options.Func(Ret)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Succeeded); } } else { var Plugin = Container.GetPlugin(); Plugin.GetPlugin <EvaluatorPlugin>().MustBeConst = true; var Lengths = new int[SplParams.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < SplParams.Length; i++) { var Node = Expressions.CreateExpression(SplParams[i], Plugin); var ConstCh = Node as ConstExpressionNode; if (ConstCh == null) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } if (!(ConstCh.Type is NonFloatType)) { if (Options.EnableMessages) { State.Messages.Add(MessageId.MustBeInteger, StrParams); } return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } if (!VerifyArrayLength(State, ConstCh, StrParams, Options.EnableMessages)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Failed); } Lengths[i] = (int)ConstCh.Integer; } Ret = new NonrefArrayType(Container, TypeOfVals, Lengths); if (Options.Func == null || Options.Func(Ret)) { return(SimpleRecResult.Succeeded); } } } return(SimpleRecResult.Unknown); }
private static void UpdateDamageMonster(Match damage, Line line, Expressions exp, FilterType type) { _type = type; try { line.Hit = true; line.DirectHit = damage.Groups["direct"].Success; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line.Source)) { line.Source = Convert.ToString(damage.Groups["source"].Value); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line.Target)) { line.Target = Convert.ToString(damage.Groups["target"].Value); } var lastActionIsAttack = false; switch (damage.Groups["source"].Success) { case true: switch (type) { case FilterType.You: lastActionIsAttack = _lastActionYouIsAttack; break; case FilterType.Pet: lastActionIsAttack = _lastActionPetIsAttack; break; case FilterType.Party: lastActionIsAttack = _lastActionPartyIsAttack; break; case FilterType.PetParty: lastActionIsAttack = _lastActionPetPartyIsAttack; break; case FilterType.Alliance: lastActionIsAttack = _lastActionAllianceIsAttack; break; case FilterType.PetAlliance: lastActionIsAttack = _lastActionPetAllianceIsAttack; break; case FilterType.Other: lastActionIsAttack = _lastActionOtherIsAttack; break; case FilterType.PetOther: lastActionIsAttack = _lastActionPetOtherIsAttack; break; } break; case false: line.Action = _lastActionMonster; break; } line.Action = lastActionIsAttack ? $"{exp.Attack} [+]" : exp.Attack; line.Action = line.DirectHit ? $"{line.Action} [→]" : line.Action; line.Amount = damage.Groups["amount"].Success ? Convert.ToDouble(damage.Groups["amount"].Value) : 0; line.Block = damage.Groups["block"].Success; line.Crit = damage.Groups["crit"].Success; line.Modifier = damage.Groups["modifier"].Success ? Convert.ToDouble(damage.Groups["modifier"].Value) / 100 : 0; line.Parry = damage.Groups["parry"].Success; switch (type) { case FilterType.Pet: _lastNamePet = line.Target; break; case FilterType.Party: _lastNamePartyTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.PetParty: _lastNamePetPartyTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.Alliance: _lastNameAllianceTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.PetAlliance: _lastNamePetAllianceTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.Other: _lastNameOtherTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.PetOther: _lastNamePetOtherTo = line.Target; break; } if (line.IsEmpty()) { return; } switch (type) { default: ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.PublishTimelineEvent(TimelineEventType.PartyMonsterFighting, line.Source); break; } ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.GetSetPlayer(line.Target).SetDamageTaken(line); ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.GetSetMonster(line.Source).SetDamage(line); } catch (Exception ex) { ParsingLogHelper.Error(Logger, "Damage", exp.Event, ex); } }
public IOrderExpression GetOrder() { return(_order ?? (_order = Expressions.First(exp => exp.ExpressionType == ExpressionType.Order))); }
private static void ProcessActions(Event e, Expressions exp) { var line = new Line(e.ChatLogItem) { EventDirection = e.Direction, EventSubject = e.Subject, EventType = e.Type }; LineHelper.SetTimelineTypes(ref line); if (LineHelper.IsIgnored(line)) { return; } Match actions = Regex.Match("ph", @"^\.$"); switch (e.Subject) { case EventSubject.You: switch (e.Direction) { // casts/uses case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.pActions; if (actions.Success) { line.Source = You; UpdateActions(actions, line, exp, FilterType.You); } break; } break; case EventSubject.Pet: switch (e.Direction) { // casts/uses case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.pActions; if (actions.Success) { UpdateActions(actions, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); } break; } break; case EventSubject.Party: switch (e.Direction) { // casts/uses case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.pActions; if (actions.Success) { UpdateActions(actions, line, exp, FilterType.Party); } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetParty: switch (e.Direction) { // casts/uses case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.pActions; if (actions.Success) { UpdateActions(actions, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); } break; } break; case EventSubject.Alliance: switch (e.Direction) { // casts/uses case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.pActions; if (actions.Success) { UpdateActions(actions, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetAlliance: switch (e.Direction) { // casts/uses case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.pActions; if (actions.Success) { UpdateActions(actions, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); } break; } break; case EventSubject.Other: switch (e.Direction) { // casts/uses case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.pActions; if (actions.Success) { UpdateActions(actions, line, exp, FilterType.Other); } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetOther: switch (e.Direction) { // casts/uses case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.pActions; if (actions.Success) { UpdateActions(actions, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); } break; } break; case EventSubject.Engaged: case EventSubject.UnEngaged: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Self: actions = exp.mActions; if (actions.Success) { _lastNameMonster = Convert.ToString(actions.Groups["source"].Value).ToTitleCase(); _lastActionMonster = Convert.ToString(actions.Groups["action"].Value).ToTitleCase(); UpdateActionsMonster(actions, line, exp, FilterType.MonsterParty); } break; } break; } if (actions.Success) { return; } ParsingLogHelper.Log(Logger, "Action", e, exp); }
public static void magix_execute_tunnel(object sender, ActiveEventArgs e) { Node ip = Ip(e.Params); if (ShouldInspect(ip)) { AppendInspectFromResource( ip["inspect"], "Magix.execute", "Magix.execute.hyperlisp.inspect.hl", "[magix.execute.tunnel-dox].value"); AppendCodeFromResource( ip, "Magix.execute", "Magix.execute.hyperlisp.inspect.hl", "[magix.execute.tunnel-sample]"); return; } if (!ip.ContainsValue("name")) { throw new ArgumentException( @"[tunnel] needs [name], being active event name, to know which event to override to go externally"); } Node dp = Dp(e.Params); string activeEvent = Expressions.GetExpressionValue <string>(ip["name"].Get <string>(), dp, ip, false); string url = ip.Contains("url") ? Expressions.GetExpressionValue <string>(ip["url"].Get <string>(), dp, ip, false) : null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { if (!ip.Contains("persist") || ip["persist"].Get <bool>()) { DataBaseRemoval.Remove(activeEvent, "magix.execute.tunnel", e.Params); } ActiveEvents.Instance.RemoveRemoteOverride(activeEvent); string originalName = ""; string origActiveEvent = ActiveEvents.Instance.GetEventMappingValue(activeEvent, ref originalName); if (origActiveEvent == "magix.execute._mumbo-jumbo") { ActiveEvents.Instance.RemoveMapping(activeEvent); } } else { if (!ip.Contains("persist") || ip["persist"].Get <bool>()) { DataBaseRemoval.Remove(activeEvent, "magix.execute.tunnel", e.Params); Node saveNode = new Node(""); saveNode["id"].Value = Guid.NewGuid(); saveNode["value"]["event"].Value = activeEvent; saveNode["value"]["type"].Value = "magix.execute.tunnel"; saveNode["value"]["url"].Value = url; BypassExecuteActiveEvent(saveNode, e.Params); } ActiveEvents.Instance.OverrideRemotely(activeEvent, url); if (!ActiveEvents.Instance.IsOverride(activeEvent)) { // to make sure the local system actually has an active event with that name ActiveEvents.Instance.CreateEventMapping( activeEvent, "magix.execute._mumbo-jumbo"); } } }
private static void UpdateActions(Match actions, Line line, Expressions exp, FilterType type) { _type = type; _lastActionYouIsAttack = false; _lastActionPetIsAttack = false; _lastActionPartyIsAttack = false; _lastActionPetPartyIsAttack = false; _lastActionAllianceIsAttack = false; _lastActionPetAllianceIsAttack = false; try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line.Source)) { line.Source = Convert.ToString(actions.Groups["source"].Value); } var isHealingSkill = false; Player player = ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.GetSetPlayer(line.Source); var action = Convert.ToString(actions.Groups["action"].Value).ToTitleCase(); foreach (var healingAction in ParseHelper.HealingActions.Where(healingAction => string.Equals(healingAction, action, Constants.InvariantComparer))) { isHealingSkill = true; } switch (type) { case FilterType.You: _lastActionYou = action; break; case FilterType.Pet: _lastActionPet = action; _lastNamePet = line.Source; break; case FilterType.Party: if (isHealingSkill) { _lastActionPartyHealingFrom = action; _lastNamePartyHealingFrom = line.Source; } else { _lastActionPartyFrom = action; _lastNamePartyFrom = line.Source; } break; case FilterType.PetParty: if (isHealingSkill) { _lastActionPetPartyHealingFrom = action; _lastNamePetPartyHealingFrom = line.Source; } else { _lastActionPetPartyFrom = action; _lastNamePetPartyFrom = line.Source; } break; case FilterType.Alliance: if (isHealingSkill) { _lastActionAllianceHealingFrom = action; _lastNameAllianceHealingFrom = line.Source; } else { _lastActionAllianceFrom = action; _lastNameAllianceFrom = line.Source; } break; case FilterType.PetAlliance: if (isHealingSkill) { _lastActionPetAllianceHealingFrom = action; _lastNamePetAllianceHealingFrom = line.Source; } else { _lastActionPetAllianceFrom = action; _lastNamePetAllianceFrom = line.Source; } break; case FilterType.Other: if (isHealingSkill) { _lastActionOtherHealingFrom = action; _lastNameOtherHealingFrom = line.Source; } else { _lastActionOtherFrom = action; _lastNameOtherFrom = line.Source; } break; case FilterType.PetOther: if (isHealingSkill) { _lastActionPetOtherHealingFrom = action; _lastNamePetOtherHealingFrom = line.Source; } else { _lastActionPetOtherFrom = action; _lastNamePetOtherFrom = line.Source; } break; } player.LastActionTime = DateTime.Now; try { List <ActorItem> players = XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.CurrentPCs.Select(entity => entity.Value).ToList(); if (!players.Any()) { return; } foreach (ActorItem actorEntity in players) { var playerName = actorEntity.Name; ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.TrySetPlayerCurable(playerName, actorEntity.HPMax - actorEntity.HPCurrent); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ParsingLogHelper.Error(Logger, "Action", exp.Event, ex); } }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.ImportExpression x) { if (x.AssignExpression != null) x.AssignExpression.Accept(this); }
private static void UpdateHealing(Match cure, Line line, Expressions exp, FilterType type) { _type = type; try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line.Source)) { line.Source = Convert.ToString(cure.Groups["source"].Value); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line.Target)) { line.Target = Convert.ToString(cure.Groups["target"].Value); } switch (type) { case FilterType.You: line.Action = _lastActionYou; break; case FilterType.Pet: line.Action = _lastActionPet; break; case FilterType.Party: line.Action = _lastActionPartyHealingFrom; break; case FilterType.PetParty: line.Action = _lastActionPetPartyHealingFrom; break; case FilterType.Alliance: line.Action = _lastActionAllianceHealingFrom; break; case FilterType.PetAlliance: line.Action = _lastActionPetAllianceHealingFrom; break; case FilterType.Other: line.Action = _lastActionOtherHealingFrom; break; case FilterType.PetOther: line.Action = _lastActionPetOtherHealingFrom; break; } line.Amount = cure.Groups["amount"].Success ? Convert.ToDouble(cure.Groups["amount"].Value) : 0; line.Crit = cure.Groups["crit"].Success; line.Modifier = cure.Groups["modifier"].Success ? Convert.ToDouble(cure.Groups["modifier"].Value) / 100 : 0; switch (line.EventDirection) { case EventDirection.You: line.Target = You; break; } line.RecLossType = Convert.ToString(cure.Groups["type"].Value.ToUpperInvariant()); if (line.IsEmpty()) { return; } if (line.RecLossType == exp.HealingType) { ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.GetSetPlayer(line.Source).SetHealing(line); } } catch (Exception ex) { ParsingLogHelper.Error(Logger, "Cure", exp.Event, ex); } }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.IsExpression x) { if (x.TestedType != null) x.TestedType.Accept(this); // Do not visit the artificial's not existing if (x.TypeSpecialization != null) x.TypeSpecialization.Accept(this); if (x.TemplateParameterList != null) foreach (var p in x.TemplateParameterList) p.Accept(this); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.TokenExpression x) { }
public void Run(RegressionEnvironment env) { var stmtText = "@Name('s0') select P00 like P01 as r1, " + "P00 like P01 escape \"!\" as r2, " + "P02 regexp P03 as r3 " + "from SupportBean_S0"; var model = new EPStatementObjectModel(); model.Annotations = Collections.SingletonList(AnnotationPart.NameAnnotation("s0")); model.SelectClause = SelectClause.Create() .Add(Expressions.Like(Expressions.Property("P00"), Expressions.Property("P01")), "r1") .Add(Expressions.Like(Expressions.Property("P00"), Expressions.Property("P01"), Expressions.Constant("!")), "r2") .Add(Expressions.Regexp(Expressions.Property("P02"), Expressions.Property("P03")), "r3"); model.FromClause = FromClause.Create(FilterStream.Create("SupportBean_S0")); model = SerializableObjectCopier.GetInstance(env.Container).Copy(model); Assert.AreEqual(stmtText, model.ToEPL()); var compiled = env.Compile(model, new CompilerArguments(env.Configuration)); env.Deploy(compiled).AddListener("s0").Milestone(0); RunLikeRegexStringAndNull(env); env.UndeployAll(); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.ArrayLiteralExpression x) { foreach (var e in x.Elements) if(e!=null) e.Accept(this); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.FunctionLiteral x) { x.AnonymousMethod.Accept(this); }
public override IEnumerable <System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding> InnerSelectBindings(Type selectType, System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression sourceTypeParameter) { //the earliest encounter date that satisfies the query critieria ParameterExpression pe_sourceQueryType = sourceTypeParameter; Expression encountersProp = Expressions.AsQueryable(Expression.Property(pe_sourceQueryType, "Encounters")); ParameterExpression pe_encountersQueryType = Expression.Parameter(typeof(PCORIQueryBuilder.Model.Encounter), "enc"); Expression admittedOnSelector = Expression.Property(pe_encountersQueryType, "AdmittedOn"); BinaryExpression be_encounterPatient = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(pe_sourceQueryType, "ID"), Expression.Property(pe_encountersQueryType, "PatientID")); BinaryExpression predicate = be_encounterPatient; if (Criteria.Any(c => c.Terms.Any(t => t.Type == ModelTermsFactory.ObservationPeriodID))) { var observationPeriodCriteria = Criteria.SelectMany(c => c.Terms.Where(t => t.Type == ModelTermsFactory.ObservationPeriodID)); foreach (var obpTerm in observationPeriodCriteria) { DateTime dateValue; var range = AdapterHelpers.ParseDateRangeValues(obpTerm); if (range.StartDate.HasValue) { dateValue = range.StartDate.Value.DateTime.Date; predicate = Expression.AndAlso(predicate, Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(admittedOnSelector, Expression.Constant(dateValue))); } if (range.EndDate.HasValue) { dateValue = range.EndDate.Value.DateTime.Date; predicate = Expression.AndAlso(predicate, Expression.LessThanOrEqual(admittedOnSelector, Expression.Constant(dateValue))); } } } MethodCallExpression admittedOnWhere = Expressions.Where(encountersProp, Expression.Lambda(predicate, pe_encountersQueryType)); MethodCallExpression orderByAdmittedOn = Expressions.OrderByAscending(admittedOnWhere, Expression.Lambda(admittedOnSelector, pe_encountersQueryType)); //need to cast the return type of the select to a nullable datetime so that the FirstOrDefault will be null as the default MethodCallExpression admittedOnSelect = Expressions.Select(pe_encountersQueryType.Type, typeof(DateTime?), orderByAdmittedOn, Expression.Lambda(Expression.Convert(admittedOnSelector, typeof(DateTime?)), pe_encountersQueryType)); MethodCallExpression firstOrDefaultAdmittedOn = Expressions.FirstOrDefault <DateTime?>(admittedOnSelect); if (!HasStratifications) { return(new[] { Expression.Bind(selectType.GetProperty("AdmittedOn"), firstOrDefaultAdmittedOn) }); } //if stratified by Month -> return as string in format yyyy-MM //if stratified by Year -> return as string in format yyyy DTO.Enums.PeriodStratification stratification; if (!Enum.TryParse <DTO.Enums.PeriodStratification>(Stratifications.First().ToString(), out stratification)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to parse the specified stratification value as an PeriodStratification: " + Stratifications.First().ToString()); } Expression prop = Expression.Property(firstOrDefaultAdmittedOn, "Value"); //Expression yearPartString = Expressions.CallToString<int>(Expression.Property(prop, "Year")); //if (stratification == DTO.Enums.PeriodStratification.Monthly) //{ // //if stratified by Month -> return as string in format yyyy-MM // Expression monthPartString = Expressions.CallToString<int>(Expression.Property(prop, "Month")); // prop = Expressions.ConcatStrings(yearPartString, Expression.Constant("-"), monthPartString); //} //else if (stratification == DTO.Enums.PeriodStratification.Yearly) //{ // //if stratified by Year -> return as string in format yyyy // prop = yearPartString; //} //else //{ // throw new NotSupportedException("The specified period stratifcation is not currently supported; stratification value: " + Stratifications.First().ToString()); //} //Expression stratificationModifier = Expression.Condition(Expression.NotEqual(firstOrDefaultAdmittedOn, Expression.Constant(null)), prop, Expression.Constant("", typeof(string))); //return new[] { // Expression.Bind(selectType.GetProperty("AdmittedOn"), stratificationModifier) // }; Expression yearProp = Expression.Property(prop, "Year"); Expression monthProp = Expression.Property(prop, "Month"); return(new[] { Expression.Bind(selectType.GetProperty("AdmittedOn"), firstOrDefaultAdmittedOn), Expression.Bind(selectType.GetProperty("AdmittedOnYear"), yearProp), Expression.Bind(selectType.GetProperty("AdmittedOnMonth"), monthProp) }); }
public override object Evaluate() { return((Complex)NumberTheory.LCM(Expressions.Select(x => x.EvaluateAsInt64()).ToArray())); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.IdentifierExpression x) { }
public void SpotCheckEnumElementAccess() { Assert.AreEqual(Weapons.Blowgun, Expressions.Get("Blowgun")); Assert.AreEqual(Weapons.Blowgun | Weapons.Club, Expressions.Get("Blowgun | Club")); Assert.AreEqual(DamageType.Fire | DamageType.Acid | DamageType.Bludgeoning, Expressions.Get("Fire | Acid | Bludgeoning")); Assert.AreEqual(Conditions.Deafened, Expressions.Get("Deafened")); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.TypeDeclarationExpression x) { x.Declaration.Accept(this); }
public void TestArrayWithArg() { var joinStatement = "select irstream id, theString from " + typeof(SupportBean).Name + "().win:length(3) as s1, " + ""; var stmt = _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(joinStatement); TryArrayWithArg(stmt); joinStatement = "select irstream id, theString from " + " as s0, " + typeof(SupportBean).Name + ".win:length(3)"; stmt = _epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(joinStatement); TryArrayWithArg(stmt); var model = _epService.EPAdministrator.CompileEPL(joinStatement); Assert.AreEqual(joinStatement, model.ToEPL()); stmt = _epService.EPAdministrator.Create(model); TryArrayWithArg(stmt); model = new EPStatementObjectModel(); model.SelectClause = SelectClause.Create("id", "theString").SetStreamSelector(StreamSelector.RSTREAM_ISTREAM_BOTH); model.FromClause = FromClause.Create() .Add(MethodInvocationStream.Create(typeof(SupportStaticMethodLib).FullName, "FetchArrayGen", "s0") .AddParameter(Expressions.Property("intPrimitive"))) .Add(FilterStream.Create(typeof(SupportBean).Name).AddView("win", "length", Expressions.Constant(3))); stmt = _epService.EPAdministrator.Create(model); Assert.AreEqual(joinStatement, model.ToEPL()); TryArrayWithArg(stmt); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.AssocArrayExpression x) { foreach (var kv in x.Elements) { kv.Key.Accept(this); kv.Value.Accept(this); } }
private static void ProcessFailed(Event e, Expressions exp) { var line = new Line(e.ChatLogItem) { EventDirection = e.Direction, EventSubject = e.Subject, EventType = e.Type, }; LineHelper.SetTimelineTypes(ref line); if (LineHelper.IsIgnored(line)) { return; } Match failed = Regex.Match("ph", @"^\.$"); switch (e.Subject) { case EventSubject.You: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: failed = exp.pFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = You; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.You); break; case false: failed = exp.pFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { line.Source = You; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.You); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Pet: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: failed = exp.pFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePet; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); break; case false: failed = exp.pFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Party: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: failed = exp.pFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePartyFrom; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Party); break; case false: failed = exp.pFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Party); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetParty: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: failed = exp.pFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePetPartyFrom; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); break; case false: failed = exp.pFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Alliance: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: failed = exp.pFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameAllianceFrom; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); break; case false: failed = exp.pFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetAlliance: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: failed = exp.pFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePetAllianceFrom; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); break; case false: failed = exp.pFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Other: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: failed = exp.pFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameOtherFrom; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Other); break; case false: failed = exp.pFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Other); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetOther: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: failed = exp.pFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePetOtherFrom; UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); break; case false: failed = exp.pFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailed(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Engaged: case EventSubject.UnEngaged: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.You: failed = exp.mFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = You; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.You); break; case false: failed = exp.mFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { line.Target = You; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.You); } break; } break; case EventDirection.Pet: failed = exp.mFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePet; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); break; case false: failed = exp.mFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); } break; } break; case EventDirection.Party: failed = exp.mFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePartyTo; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Party); break; case false: failed = exp.mFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Party); } break; } break; case EventDirection.PetParty: failed = exp.mFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePetPartyTo; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); break; case false: failed = exp.mFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); } break; } break; case EventDirection.Alliance: failed = exp.mFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNameAllianceTo; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); break; case false: failed = exp.mFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); } break; } break; case EventDirection.PetAlliance: failed = exp.mFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePetAllianceTo; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); break; case false: failed = exp.mFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); } break; } break; case EventDirection.Other: failed = exp.mFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNameOtherTo; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Other); break; case false: failed = exp.mFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.Other); } break; } break; case EventDirection.PetOther: failed = exp.mFailed; switch (failed.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePetOtherTo; UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); break; case false: failed = exp.mFailedAuto; if (failed.Success) { UpdateFailedMonster(failed, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); } break; } break; } break; } if (failed.Success) { return; } ParsingLogHelper.Log(Logger, "Failed", e, exp); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.AssertExpression x) { VisitChildren(x); }
private static void UpdateFailedMonster(Match failed, Line line, Expressions exp, FilterType type) { _type = type; try { line.Miss = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line.Source)) { line.Source = Convert.ToString(failed.Groups["source"].Value); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line.Target)) { line.Target = Convert.ToString(failed.Groups["target"].Value); } switch (failed.Groups["source"].Success) { case true: line.Action = exp.Attack; break; case false: line.Action = _lastActionMonster; break; } switch (type) { case FilterType.Pet: _lastNamePet = line.Target; break; case FilterType.Party: _lastNamePartyTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.PetParty: _lastNamePetPartyTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.Alliance: _lastNameAllianceTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.PetAlliance: _lastNamePetAllianceTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.Other: _lastNameOtherTo = line.Target; break; case FilterType.PetOther: _lastNamePetOtherTo = line.Target; break; } if (line.IsEmpty()) { return; } switch (type) { default: ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.PublishTimelineEvent(TimelineEventType.PartyMonsterFighting, line.Source); break; } ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.GetSetPlayer(line.Target).SetDamageTaken(line); ParseControl.Instance.Timeline.GetSetMonster(line.Source).SetDamage(line); } catch (Exception ex) { ParsingLogHelper.Error(Logger, "Failed", exp.Event, ex); } }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.TypeidExpression x) { if (x.Type != null) x.Type.Accept(this); else if (x.Expression != null) x.Expression.Accept(this); }
TransformInfo TransformExpression(IBuildContext context, Expression expr, bool enforceServerSide, string alias) { if (_skippedExpressions.Contains(expr)) { return(new TransformInfo(expr, true)); } if (HasNoneSqlMember(expr)) { return(new TransformInfo(expr)); } alias = alias ?? GetExpressionAlias(expr); switch (expr.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.Convert: case ExpressionType.ConvertChecked: { if (expr.Type == typeof(object)) { break; } var cex = (UnaryExpression)expr; _convertedExpressions.Add(cex.Operand, cex); var nex = BuildExpression(context, cex.Operand, enforceServerSide); if (nex.Type != cex.Type) { nex = cex.Update(nex); } var ret = new TransformInfo(nex, true); RemoveConvertedExpression(cex.Operand); return(ret); } case ExpressionType.MemberAccess: { if (IsServerSideOnly(expr) || PreferServerSide(expr, enforceServerSide)) { return(new TransformInfo(BuildSql(context, expr, alias))); } var ma = (MemberExpression)expr; var l = Expressions.ConvertMember(MappingSchema, ma.Expression?.Type, ma.Member); if (l != null) { // In Grouping KeyContext we have to perform calculation on server side if (Contexts.Any(c => c is GroupByBuilder.KeyContext)) { return(new TransformInfo(BuildSql(context, expr, alias))); } break; } if (ma.Member.IsNullableValueMember()) { break; } var ctx = GetContext(context, ma); if (ctx != null) { if (ma.Type.IsGenericTypeEx() && typeof(IEnumerable <>).IsSameOrParentOf(ma.Type)) { var res = ctx.IsExpression(ma, 0, RequestFor.Association); if (res.Result) { var table = (TableBuilder.AssociatedTableContext)res.Context; if (table.IsList) { var mexpr = GetMultipleQueryExpression(context, MappingSchema, ma, new HashSet <ParameterExpression>()); return(new TransformInfo(BuildExpression(context, mexpr, enforceServerSide))); } } } var prevCount = ctx.SelectQuery.Select.Columns.Count; var expression = ctx.BuildExpression(ma, 0, enforceServerSide); if (!alias.IsNullOrEmpty() && (ctx.SelectQuery.Select.Columns.Count - prevCount) == 1) { ctx.SelectQuery.Select.Columns[ctx.SelectQuery.Select.Columns.Count - 1].Alias = alias; } return(new TransformInfo(expression)); } var ex = ma.Expression; while (ex is MemberExpression) { ex = ((MemberExpression)ex).Expression; } if (ex is MethodCallExpression ce) { if (IsSubQuery(context, ce)) { if (!IsMultipleQuery(ce)) { var info = GetSubQueryContext(context, ce); if (alias != null) { info.Context.SetAlias(alias); } var par = Expression.Parameter(ex.Type); var bex = info.Context.BuildExpression(ma.Transform(e => e == ex ? par : e), 0, enforceServerSide); if (bex != null) { return(new TransformInfo(bex)); } } } } ex = ma.Expression; if (ex != null && ex.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant) { // field = localVariable // if (!_expressionAccessors.TryGetValue(ex, out var c)) { return(new TransformInfo(ma)); } return(new TransformInfo(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(Expression.Convert(c, ex.Type), ma.Member))); } break; } case ExpressionType.Parameter: { if (expr == ParametersParam) { break; } var ctx = GetContext(context, expr); if (ctx != null) { var buildExpr = ctx.BuildExpression(expr, 0, enforceServerSide); if (buildExpr.Type != expr.Type) { buildExpr = Expression.Convert(buildExpr, expr.Type); } return(new TransformInfo(buildExpr)); } break; } case ExpressionType.Constant: { if (expr.Type.IsConstantable()) { break; } if (_expressionAccessors.TryGetValue(expr, out var accessor)) { return(new TransformInfo(Expression.Convert(accessor, expr.Type))); } break; } case ExpressionType.Coalesce: if (expr.Type == typeof(string) && MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(typeof(string)) != null) { return(new TransformInfo(BuildSql(context, expr, alias))); } if (CanBeTranslatedToSql(context, ConvertExpression(expr), true)) { return(new TransformInfo(BuildSql(context, expr, alias))); } break; case ExpressionType.Call: { var ce = (MethodCallExpression)expr; if (IsGroupJoinSource(context, ce)) { foreach (var arg in ce.Arguments.Skip(1)) { if (!_skippedExpressions.Contains(arg)) { _skippedExpressions.Add(arg); } } if (IsSubQuery(context, ce)) { if (ce.IsQueryable()) //if (!typeof(IEnumerable).IsSameOrParentOf(expr.Type) || expr.Type == typeof(string) || expr.Type.IsArray) { var ctx = GetContext(context, expr); if (ctx != null) { return(new TransformInfo(ctx.BuildExpression(expr, 0, enforceServerSide))); } } } break; } if (ce.IsAssociation(MappingSchema)) { var ctx = GetContext(context, ce); if (ctx == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } return(new TransformInfo(ctx.BuildExpression(ce, 0, enforceServerSide))); } if ((_buildMultipleQueryExpressions == null || !_buildMultipleQueryExpressions.Contains(ce)) && IsSubQuery(context, ce)) { if (IsMultipleQuery(ce)) { return(new TransformInfo(BuildMultipleQuery(context, ce, enforceServerSide))); } return(new TransformInfo(GetSubQueryExpression(context, ce, enforceServerSide, alias))); } if (IsServerSideOnly(expr) || PreferServerSide(expr, enforceServerSide) || ce.Method.IsSqlPropertyMethodEx()) { return(new TransformInfo(BuildSql(context, expr, alias))); } } break; case ExpressionType.New: { var ne = (NewExpression)expr; List <Expression> arguments = null; for (var i = 0; i < ne.Arguments.Count; i++) { var argument = ne.Arguments[i]; var memberAlias = ne.Members?[i].Name; var newArgument = ConvertAssignmentArgument(context, argument, ne.Members?[i], enforceServerSide, memberAlias); if (newArgument != argument) { if (arguments == null) { arguments = ne.Arguments.Take(i).ToList(); } } arguments?.Add(newArgument); } if (arguments != null) { ne = ne.Update(arguments); } return(new TransformInfo(ne, true)); } case ExpressionType.MemberInit: { var mi = (MemberInitExpression)expr; var newPart = (NewExpression)BuildExpression(context, mi.NewExpression, enforceServerSide); List <MemberBinding> bindings = null; for (var i = 0; i < mi.Bindings.Count; i++) { var binding = mi.Bindings[i]; var newBinding = binding; if (binding is MemberAssignment assignment) { var argument = ConvertAssignmentArgument(context, assignment.Expression, assignment.Member, enforceServerSide, assignment.Member.Name); if (argument != assignment.Expression) { newBinding = Expression.Bind(assignment.Member, argument); } } if (newBinding != binding) { if (bindings == null) { bindings = mi.Bindings.Take(i).ToList(); } } bindings?.Add(newBinding); } if (mi.NewExpression != newPart || bindings != null) { mi = mi.Update(newPart, bindings ?? mi.Bindings.AsEnumerable()); } return(new TransformInfo(mi, true)); } } if (EnforceServerSide(context)) { switch (expr.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.MemberInit: case ExpressionType.Convert: break; default: if (CanBeCompiled(expr)) { break; } return(new TransformInfo(BuildSql(context, expr, alias))); } } return(new TransformInfo(expr)); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.TraitsExpression x) { if (x.Arguments != null) foreach (var arg in x.Arguments) arg.Accept(this); }
bool PreferServerSide(Expression expr, bool enforceServerSide) { switch (expr.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.MemberAccess: { var pi = (MemberExpression)expr; var l = Expressions.ConvertMember(MappingSchema, pi.Expression?.Type, pi.Member); if (l != null) { var info = l.Body.Unwrap(); if (l.Parameters.Count == 1 && pi.Expression != null) { info = info.Transform(wpi => wpi == l.Parameters[0] ? pi.Expression : wpi); } return(info.Find(e => PreferServerSide(e, enforceServerSide)) != null); } var attr = GetExpressionAttribute(pi.Member); return(attr != null && (attr.PreferServerSide || enforceServerSide) && !CanBeCompiled(expr)); } case ExpressionType.Call: { var pi = (MethodCallExpression)expr; var l = Expressions.ConvertMember(MappingSchema, pi.Object?.Type, pi.Method); if (l != null) { return(l.Body.Unwrap().Find(e => PreferServerSide(e, enforceServerSide)) != null); } var attr = GetExpressionAttribute(pi.Method); return(attr != null && (attr.PreferServerSide || enforceServerSide) && !CanBeCompiled(expr)); } default: { if (expr is BinaryExpression binary) { var l = Expressions.ConvertBinary(MappingSchema, binary); if (l != null) { var body = l.Body.Unwrap(); var newExpr = body.Transform(wpi => { if (wpi.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter) { if (l.Parameters[0] == wpi) { return(binary.Left); } if (l.Parameters[1] == wpi) { return(binary.Right); } } return(wpi); }); return(PreferServerSide(newExpr, enforceServerSide)); } } break; } } return(false); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.VoidInitializer x) { }
public ImmutableArray <ExpressionSyntax> .Enumerator GetEnumerator() { return(Expressions.GetEnumerator()); }
public virtual void Visit(Expressions.StructInitializer x) { if (x.MemberInitializers != null) foreach (var i in x.MemberInitializers) i.Accept(this); }
private static void ProcessDamage(Event e, Expressions exp) { var line = new Line(e.ChatLogItem) { EventDirection = e.Direction, EventSubject = e.Subject, EventType = e.Type }; LineHelper.SetTimelineTypes(ref line); if (LineHelper.IsIgnored(line)) { return; } Match damage = Regex.Match("ph", @"^\.$"); switch (e.Subject) { case EventSubject.You: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: damage = exp.pDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = You; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.You); break; case false: damage = exp.pDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionYouIsAttack = true; line.Source = You; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.You); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Pet: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: damage = exp.pDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePet; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); break; case false: damage = exp.pDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPetIsAttack = true; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Party: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: damage = exp.pDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePartyFrom; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Party); break; case false: damage = exp.pDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPartyIsAttack = true; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Party); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetParty: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: damage = exp.pDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePetPartyFrom; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); break; case false: damage = exp.pDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPetPartyIsAttack = true; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Alliance: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: damage = exp.pDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameAllianceFrom; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); break; case false: damage = exp.pDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionAllianceIsAttack = true; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetAlliance: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: damage = exp.pDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePetAllianceFrom; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); break; case false: damage = exp.pDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPetAllianceIsAttack = true; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Other: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: damage = exp.pDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameOtherFrom; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Other); break; case false: damage = exp.pDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionOtherIsAttack = true; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Other); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.PetOther: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.Engaged: case EventDirection.UnEngaged: damage = exp.pDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNamePetOtherFrom; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); break; case false: damage = exp.pDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPetOtherIsAttack = true; UpdateDamage(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); } break; } break; } break; case EventSubject.Engaged: case EventSubject.UnEngaged: switch (e.Direction) { case EventDirection.You: damage = exp.mDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = You; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.You); break; case false: damage = exp.mDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionYouIsAttack = true; line.Target = You; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.You); } break; } break; case EventDirection.Pet: damage = exp.mDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePet; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); break; case false: damage = exp.mDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPetIsAttack = true; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Pet); } break; } break; case EventDirection.Party: damage = exp.mDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePartyTo; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Party); break; case false: damage = exp.mDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPartyIsAttack = true; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Party); } break; } break; case EventDirection.PetParty: damage = exp.mDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePetPartyTo; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); break; case false: damage = exp.mDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPetPartyIsAttack = true; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetParty); } break; } break; case EventDirection.Alliance: damage = exp.mDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNameAllianceTo; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); break; case false: damage = exp.mDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionAllianceIsAttack = true; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Alliance); } break; } break; case EventDirection.PetAlliance: damage = exp.mDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePetAllianceTo; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); break; case false: damage = exp.mDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPetAllianceIsAttack = true; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetAlliance); } break; } break; case EventDirection.Other: damage = exp.mDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNameOtherTo; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Other); break; case false: damage = exp.mDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionOtherIsAttack = true; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.Other); } break; } break; case EventDirection.PetOther: damage = exp.mDamage; switch (damage.Success) { case true: line.Source = _lastNameMonster; line.Target = _lastNamePetOtherTo; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); break; case false: damage = exp.mDamageAuto; if (damage.Success) { _lastActionPetOtherIsAttack = true; UpdateDamageMonster(damage, line, exp, FilterType.PetOther); } break; } break; } break; } if (damage.Success) { return; } ParsingLogHelper.Log(Logger, "Damage", e, exp); }