Esempio n. 1
        public TradelaneFile GetDriverManifest(ExpressDownloadPDFModel DownloadPDFModel)
            TradelaneFile File = new TradelaneShipmentsController().CreateDocument(DownloadPDFModel.TradelaneShipmentId, DownloadPDFModel.CustomerId, FrayteTradelaneShipmentDocumentEnum.DriverManifest, "");

            File.FilePath            = AppSettings.WebApiPath + "UploadFiles/Tradelane" + "/" + DownloadPDFModel.TradelaneShipmentId + "/" + File.FileName;
            File.TradelaneShipmentId = DownloadPDFModel.TradelaneShipmentId;
            if (File.FileName != null && File.FilePath != null)
                var FilePath = AppSettings.UploadFolderPath + "/Tradelane" + "/" + DownloadPDFModel.TradelaneShipmentId + "/" + File.FileName;
                new ExpressManifestRepository().SendDriverManifest(DownloadPDFModel, FilePath);
        public FrayteResult SendDriverManifest(ExpressEmailModel emailModel, string FilePath, ExpressDownloadPDFModel TL)
            FrayteResult result = new FrayteResult();

            emailModel.ImageHeader = "FrayteLogo";
                var operationzone = UtilityRepository.GetOperationZone();
                var exprtManifest = dbContext.ExpressManifests.Where(b => b.BarCode == emailModel.DriverManifestDetail.Barcode).FirstOrDefault();
                if (exprtManifest != null)
                    emailModel.CreatedOn = exprtManifest != null?exprtManifest.CreatedOn.Value.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm") : "";

                var result1 = (from Usr in dbContext.Users
                               join Rl in dbContext.UserRoles on Usr.UserId equals Rl.UserId
                               join UA in dbContext.UserAdditionals on Usr.UserId equals UA.UserId into UAA
                               from UA in UAA.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               join OU in dbContext.Users on UA.OperationUserId equals OU.UserId into OUU
                               from OU in OUU.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               where Usr.UserId == TL.CustomerId
                               select new
                    UserName = Usr.ContactName,
                    StaffName = OU.ContactName,
                    StaffEmail = OU.Email,
                    UserEmail = Rl.RoleId == 3 ? Usr.UserEmail : Usr.Email,
                    UserPosition = OU.Position,
                    CutomerCompany = Usr.CompanyName

                var result2 = (from Usr in dbContext.Users
                               join Rl in dbContext.UserRoles on Usr.UserId equals Rl.UserId
                               join UA in dbContext.UserAdditionals on Usr.UserId equals UA.UserId into UAA
                               from UA in UAA.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               join OU in dbContext.Users on UA.OperationUserId equals OU.UserId into OUU
                               from OU in OUU.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               where Usr.UserId == TL.UserId
                               select new
                    UserName = OU.ContactName,
                    StaffEmail = OU.Email,
                    UserEmail = Rl.RoleId == 3 ? Usr.UserEmail : Usr.Email,
                    UserPosition = OU.Position,
                    CutomerCompany = Usr.CompanyName

                if (operationzone.OperationZoneId == 1)
                    emailModel.UserEmail    = result1.StaffEmail;
                    emailModel.UserName     = result1.StaffName;
                    emailModel.UserPosition = result1.UserPosition;
                    emailModel.UserPhone    = "(+852) 2148 4880";
                    //Res.SiteAddress = AppSettings.TrackingUrl;
                    emailModel.SiteCompany = "FRAYTE GLOBAL";
                    emailModel.SiteAddress = "";
                if (operationzone.OperationZoneId == 2)
                    emailModel.UserEmail    = result1.StaffEmail;
                    emailModel.UserName     = result1.StaffName;
                    emailModel.UserPosition = result1.UserPosition;
                    emailModel.SiteCompany  = "FRAYTE GLOBAL";
                    emailModel.UserPhone    = "(+44) 01792 277295";
                    // Res.SiteAddress = AppSettings.TrackingUrl;
                    emailModel.SiteAddress = "";

                //emailModel.CreatedOn = emailModel.DriverManifestDetail != null ? emailModel.ShipmentDetail.CreatedOnUtc.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm") : "";
                emailModel.CustomerName = result1.UserName;
                string template = File.ReadAllText(AppSettings.EmailServicePath + "/EmailTeamplate/Express/EXS_E5_1.cshtml");

                var    templateService = new TemplateService();
                var    EmailBody       = templateService.Parse(template, emailModel, null, null);
                string EmailSubject    = string.Empty;
                EmailSubject = result1.CutomerCompany + " - Destination Manifest  - " + emailModel.DriverManifestDetail.MAWB;

                var To     = result2.UserEmail;
                var Status = "";

                #region Attach Labels

                string Attachment = FilePath;
                //string Attachment = "";

                //Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(new Exception("Customer Email " + emailModel.ShipmentDetail.FrayteNumber));
                //Send mail to Customer
                Send_FrayteEmail(To, AppSettings.TOCC, "FRAYTE - Booking (" + UtilityRepository.OperationZoneName(operationzone.OperationZoneId) + ")", EmailSubject, EmailBody, Attachment, Status, TL.CustomerId);
                result.Status = true;
                Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(new Exception(EmailBody));
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Status = false;
