/// <summary>
    /// This is invoked once we've finished exported the binary anchor data to a byte array.
    /// </summary>
    private void ExportAnchorDataComplete(
        int attempts,
        SerializationCompletionReason status,
        byte[] data,
        String anchorId,
        GameObject gameObject,
        ExportingAnchorCompleteDelegate completeDelegate)
        ExportingAnchorResult result = ExportingAnchorResult.Unknown;

        lock (ImportingAndExportingLock)
            if (ImportingAnchorSource.IsValid || ImportedAnchor != null)
                Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Exporting anchor completed, but local client is now using a remote anchor. (anchor id: {0}) (bytes: {1}) (export result: {2}) {3}", anchorId, data.Length, status.ToString(), DebugInfo());
                result = ExportingAnchorResult.FailedTimedOut;
            else if (ExportingAnchorSource.AnchorId != anchorId)
                Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Exporting anchor completed, but exporting anchor id changed. (anchor id: {0}) (bytes: {1}) {2}", anchorId, data.Length, DebugInfo());
                result = ExportingAnchorResult.FailedInvalidAnchorId;
            else if (status == SerializationCompletionReason.Succeeded)
                Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Exporting anchor succeeded. (anchor id: {0}) (bytes: {1}) {2}", anchorId, data.Length, DebugInfo());
                result = ExportingAnchorResult.Success;
                ExportingAnchorSource = SharedAnchorData.Empty;
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Exporting anchor failed, going to retry. (anchor id: {0}) (status: {1}) (bytes: {2}) {3}", anchorId, status, data.Length, DebugInfo());
                StartCoroutine(RetrySharingAnchor(attempts, anchorId, gameObject, completeDelegate));

        if (result != ExportingAnchorResult.Unknown && completeDelegate != null)
            completeDelegate(anchorId, gameObject, result);
    /// <summary>
    /// Retry sharing anchor, if it's still possible to.
    /// </summary>
    private System.Collections.IEnumerator RetrySharingAnchor(int attempts, String anchorId, GameObject gameObject, ExportingAnchorCompleteDelegate completeDelegate)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(retryDelaySeconds));

        bool retry = false;

        lock (ImportingAndExportingLock)
            // If loading and received an anchor, don't continue to try to share anchor data.
            if (ExportingAnchorSource.AnchorId == anchorId && !ImportingAnchorSource.IsValid && ImportedAnchor == null)
                retry = true;

        if (retry)
            ExportAnchorAsync(attempts + 1, anchorId, gameObject, completeDelegate);
        else if (completeDelegate != null)
            Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Can't retry sharing anchor, local client is now using remote anchor or is exporting a different anchor. (anchor id: {0}) {1}", anchorId, DebugInfo());
            completeDelegate(anchorId, gameObject, ExportingAnchorResult.FailedTimedOut);
    public bool ExportAnchorAsync(int attempts, String anchorId, GameObject gameObject, ExportingAnchorCompleteDelegate completeDelegate)
        ExportingAnchorResult result = ExportingAnchorResult.Unknown;

        lock (ImportingAndExportingLock)
            WorldAnchor worldAnchor = gameObject.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>();

            if (HolographicSettings.IsDisplayOpaque)
                Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Ignoring export anchor request, as this device doesn't support anchoring. (anchor id: {0})", anchorId);
                result = ExportingAnchorResult.FailedDisplayIsOpaque;
            else if (SyncVar_AnchorSource.AnchorId == anchorId)
                Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Ignoring export anchor request, as anchor is already being shared. (anchor id: {0})", anchorId);
                result = ExportingAnchorResult.FailedAnchorIsAlreadyShared;
            else if (ImportedAnchor != null && ImportedAnchor.AnchorId == anchorId)
                Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Ignoring export anchor request, as anchor was just received. (anchor id: {0})", anchorId);
                result = ExportingAnchorResult.FailedAnchorWasJustReceived;
            else if (worldAnchor == null)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Unable to export anchor. Game object is missing an anchor. (anchor id: {0})", anchorId);
                result = ExportingAnchorResult.FailedGameObjectMissingAnchor;
            else if (attempts > retryExportAttempts)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Failed to export, attempted to retry exporting too many times. (anchor id: {0})", anchorId);
                result = ExportingAnchorResult.FailedRetriedTooManyTimes;

            if (result == ExportingAnchorResult.Unknown)
                Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Attempting to export an anchor, so it can be shared with other players. (new anchor id: {0}) {1} {2}", anchorId, SyncVar_AnchorSource.ToString(), DebugInfo());

                    // Stop all pending work on the anchor transmitter

                    // Export binary data
                    List <byte> buffer             = new List <byte>();
                    WorldAnchorTransferBatch batch = new WorldAnchorTransferBatch();
                    batch.AddWorldAnchor(anchorId, worldAnchor);
                        (byte[] data) => { buffer.AddRange(data); },
                        (SerializationCompletionReason status) => { ExportAnchorDataComplete(attempts, status, buffer.ToArray(), anchorId, gameObject, completeDelegate); });
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.LogFormat("[NetworkAnchorManager] Unknown error occurred when trying to export anchor. (exception message: {0}) (new anchor id: {1}) {2} {3}", e.Message, anchorId, SyncVar_AnchorSource.ToString(), DebugInfo());
                    result = ExportingAnchorResult.FailedUnknown;

            if (result == ExportingAnchorResult.Unknown)
                // The last received anchor will no longer be relevant since we're taking ownership
                ImportedAnchor = null;

                // no longer loading an anchor
                ImportingAnchorSource = SharedAnchorData.Empty;

                // save the anchor being exported
                ExportingAnchorSource = SharedAnchorData.Create(anchorId);

        // Notify callback of failure
        if (result != ExportingAnchorResult.Unknown && completeDelegate != null)
            completeDelegate(anchorId, gameObject, result);

        return(result == ExportingAnchorResult.Unknown);
 public bool ExportAnchorAsync(String anchorId, GameObject gameObject, ExportingAnchorCompleteDelegate completeDelegate)
     return(ExportAnchorAsync(1, anchorId, gameObject, completeDelegate));