private void Export(string dest, int matIdx) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(dest)); if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); } usedTextures = new List <xxTexture>(xxParser.TextureList.Count); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(dest, false)) { writer.WriteLine("Metasequoia Document"); writer.WriteLine("Format Text Ver 1.0"); writer.WriteLine(); if ((matIdx >= 0) && (matIdx < xxParser.MaterialList.Count)) { writer.WriteLine("Material 1 {"); xxMaterial mat = xxParser.MaterialList[matIdx]; string s = "\t\"" + mat.Name + "\" vcol(1) col(0.800 0.800 0.800 1.000) dif(0.500) amb(0.100) emi(0.500) spc(0.100) power(30.00)"; string matTexName = mat.Textures[0].Name; if (matTexName != String.Empty) { s += " tex(\"" + Path.GetFileName(matTexName) + "\")"; for (int i = 0; i < xxParser.TextureList.Count; i++) { xxTexture tex = xxParser.TextureList[i]; if (tex.Name == matTexName) { usedTextures.Add(tex); break; } } } writer.WriteLine(s); writer.WriteLine("}"); matIdx = 0; } else { matIdx = -1; } Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < vertLists.Count; i++) { float[] color = new float[3]; for (int k = 0; k < color.Length; k++) { color[k] = (float)((rand.NextDouble() / 2) + 0.5); } writer.WriteLine("Object \"" + morphNames[i] + "\" {"); writer.WriteLine("\tvisible 0"); writer.WriteLine("\tshading 1"); writer.WriteLine("\tcolor " + color[0].ToFloatString() + " " + color[1].ToFloatString() + " " + color[2].ToFloatString()); writer.WriteLine("\tcolor_type 1"); ExporterCommon.WriteMeshObject(writer, vertLists[i], faceList, matIdx, colorVertex); writer.WriteLine("}"); } writer.WriteLine("Eof"); } }
private static List <xxTexture> Export(string dest, xxParser parser, List <xxFrame> meshParents, bool worldCoords) { List <xxTexture> usedTextures = new List <xxTexture>(parser.TextureList.Count); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(dest)); if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); } List <int> materialList = new List <int>(parser.MaterialList.Count); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(dest, false)) { for (int i = 0; i < meshParents.Count; i++) { xxMesh meshListSome = meshParents[i].Mesh; for (int j = 0; j < meshListSome.SubmeshList.Count; j++) { xxSubmesh meshObj = meshListSome.SubmeshList[j]; int meshObjMatIdx = meshObj.MaterialIndex; if ((meshObjMatIdx >= 0) && (meshObjMatIdx < parser.MaterialList.Count)) { if (!materialList.Contains(meshObjMatIdx)) { materialList.Add(meshObjMatIdx); } } else { Report.ReportLog("Warning: Mesh " + meshParents[i].Name + " Object " + j + " has an invalid material"); } } } writer.WriteLine("Metasequoia Document"); writer.WriteLine("Format Text Ver 1.0"); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("Material " + materialList.Count + " {"); foreach (int matIdx in materialList) { xxMaterial mat = parser.MaterialList[matIdx]; string s = "\t\"" + mat.Name + "\" col(0.800 0.800 0.800 1.000) dif(0.500) amb(0.100) emi(0.500) spc(0.100) power(30.00)"; string matTexName = mat.Textures[0].Name; if (matTexName != String.Empty) { s += " tex(\"" + Path.GetFileName(matTexName) + "\")"; } writer.WriteLine(s); } writer.WriteLine("}"); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < meshParents.Count; i++) { Matrix transform = Matrix.Identity; if (worldCoords) { xxFrame parent = meshParents[i]; while (parent != null) { transform = parent.Matrix * transform; parent = (xxFrame)parent.Parent; } } string meshName = meshParents[i].Name; xxMesh meshListSome = meshParents[i].Mesh; for (int j = 0; j < meshListSome.SubmeshList.Count; j++) { xxSubmesh meshObj = meshListSome.SubmeshList[j]; int meshObjMatIdx = meshObj.MaterialIndex; int mqoMatIdx = -1; if ((meshObjMatIdx >= 0) && (meshObjMatIdx < parser.MaterialList.Count)) { mqoMatIdx = materialList.IndexOf(meshObjMatIdx); } float[] color = new float[3]; for (int k = 0; k < color.Length; k++) { color[k] = (float)((rand.NextDouble() / 2) + 0.5); } string mqoName = meshName + "[" + j + "]"; if (worldCoords) { mqoName += "[W]"; } writer.WriteLine("Object \"" + mqoName + "\" {"); writer.WriteLine("\tshading 1"); writer.WriteLine("\tcolor " + color[0].ToFloatString() + " " + color[1].ToFloatString() + " " + color[2].ToFloatString()); writer.WriteLine("\tcolor_type 1"); List <ImportedVertex> vertList = xx.ImportedVertexList(meshObj.VertexList, xx.IsSkinned(meshListSome)); List <ImportedFace> faceList = xx.ImportedFaceList(meshObj.FaceList); if (worldCoords) { for (int k = 0; k < vertList.Count; k++) { vertList[k].Position = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(vertList[k].Position, transform); } } ExporterCommon.WriteMeshObject(writer, vertList, faceList, mqoMatIdx, null); writer.WriteLine("}"); } } writer.WriteLine("Eof"); } foreach (int matIdx in materialList) { xxMaterial mat = parser.MaterialList[matIdx]; xxMaterialTexture matTex = mat.Textures[0]; string matTexName = matTex.Name; if (matTexName != String.Empty) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.TextureList.Count; i++) { xxTexture tex = parser.TextureList[i]; string texName = tex.Name; if ((texName == matTexName) && !usedTextures.Contains(tex)) { usedTextures.Add(tex); break; } } } } return(usedTextures); }
/// <summary> /// Check if Private and Public keys exist in the app Keys directory. /// </summary> /// <param name="conf"></param> private bool CheckKeys(ExporterCommon.Conf.Configuration conf) { string path = _commonAppPath + "\\Keys\\" + conf.PrivateKey; log.write("Checking for private keys in: " + path); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) return true; else return false; }