Esempio n. 1
 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     ExportedResults exportedResults = DataExtraction.ExtractSAPInfo.PopulateDesignResults();
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExportedResults PopulateDesignResults()
            //Attach to existing SAP2000v22 model
            cHelper   myHelper    = new Helper();
            cOAPI     mySapObject = myHelper.GetObject("CSI.SAP2000.API.SapObject");
            cSapModel mySapModel  = mySapObject.SapModel;

            //Get list of all frames
            int numbernames = 0;

            string[] names = null;
            mySapModel.FrameObj.GetNameList(ref numbernames, ref names);

            string outputname = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < numbernames; i++)
                bool notselected = false;
                mySapModel.FrameObj.GetSelected(names[i], ref notselected);

                if (notselected)
                    outputname = names[i];

            string point1 = "";
            string point2 = "";

            mySapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(outputname, ref point1, ref point2);

            double x1 = 0;
            double y1 = 0;
            double z1 = 0;

            double x2 = 0;
            double y2 = 0;
            double z2 = 0;

            mySapModel.PointObj.GetCoordCartesian(point1, ref x1, ref y1, ref z1);
            mySapModel.PointObj.GetCoordCartesian(point2, ref x2, ref y2, ref z2);

            string pointname = point1;

            if (z2 < z1)
                pointname = point2;

            int numres = 0;

            string[] obj      = null;
            string[] elm      = null;
            string[] loadcase = null;
            string[] steptype = null;
            double[] stepnum  = null;
            double[] f1       = null;
            double[] f2       = null;
            double[] f3       = null;
            double[] m1       = null;
            double[] m2       = null;
            double[] m3       = null;

            mySapModel.Results.JointReact(pointname, eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm, ref numres, ref obj, ref elm, ref loadcase, ref steptype, ref stepnum, ref f1, ref f2, ref f3, ref m1, ref m2, ref m3);

            List <ForceObject> exportforce = new List <ForceObject>();

            for (int j = 0; j < numres; j++)
                ForceObject fobj = new ForceObject(f1[j], f2[j], f3[j], m1[j], m2[j], m3[j]);

            string propname = "";
            string sauto    = "";

            mySapModel.FrameObj.GetSection(outputname, ref propname, ref sauto);
            double fy         = 0;
            double fu         = 0;
            double efy        = 0;
            double efu        = 0;
            int    sstype     = 0;
            int    sshys      = 0;
            double strainhard = 0;
            double strainmax  = 0;
            double strainrupt = 0;
            string matprop    = "";

            mySapModel.PropFrame.GetMaterial(propname, ref matprop);
            mySapModel.PropMaterial.GetOSteel(matprop, ref fy, ref fu, ref efy, ref efu, ref sstype, ref sshys, ref strainhard, ref strainmax, ref strainrupt);
            Steel           steel  = new Steel(matprop, fy);
            Column          col    = new Column(propname, steel);
            ExportedResults expres = new ExportedResults();

            expres._column         = col;
            expres._name           = outputname;
            expres._exportedforces = exportforce;
Esempio n. 3
        public static DesignResults DesignGravity(BPDesign bpdesign)
            ISection        col   = bpdesign._column;
            Foundation      fndn  = bpdesign._fndn;
            Baseplate       bp    = bpdesign._bp;
            ExportedResults exres = bpdesign._exres;
            //AnchorRod anchors = bpdesign._anchors;

            DesignResults desresult = new DesignResults();

            //gravity baseplate design here
            double Pu;
            double fprimec;
            double bpArea;
            double fndnArea;
            double sqrtA2A1;
            double Pp;
            double phiPn;
            double m;
            double n;
            double d  = col._d;
            double bf = col._bf;
            double X;
            double lambda;
            double lambdaNprime;
            double l;
            double tMin;
            double fy = bp._steel._Fy;
            double B  = bp._width;
            double N  = bp._height;

            //Axial checks
            Pu       = Math.Abs(exres._exportedforces._Fz);
            fprimec  = fndn._concrete._fprimec;
            bpArea   = B * N;
            fndnArea = fndn._width * fndn._height;
            sqrtA2A1 = Math.Min(Math.Sqrt(fndnArea / bpArea), 2);
            Pp       = Math.Min(0.85 * fprimec * bpArea * sqrtA2A1, 1.7 * fprimec * bpArea);
            phiPn    = Math.Round(PHI_C * Pp, 2);
            desresult.BearingCapacity = phiPn;
            desresult.BearingDCR      = Math.Round(Pu / phiPn, 2);

            //Min baseplate thickness

            m            = (bp._height - 0.95 * d) / 2;
            n            = (bp._width - 0.8 * bf) / 2;
            X            = ((4 * d * bf) / Math.Pow((d + bf), 2)) * desresult.BearingDCR;
            lambda       = Math.Min((2 * Math.Sqrt(X)) / (1 + (Math.Sqrt(1 - X))), 1);
            lambdaNprime = lambda * (Math.Sqrt(d * bf) / 4);
            l            = Math.Max(m, Math.Max(n, lambdaNprime));
            tMin         = Math.Round(l * Math.Sqrt((2 * Pu) / (PHI_B * fy * B * N)), 2);
            desresult.MinReqdThickness = tMin;

            // Anchor Rod Checks
            desresult.AnchorRodTension = 10;
