public async Task <IActionResult> ExportDownload(ExportType type, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var exportResult = type switch { ExportType.Tags => await _mediator.Send(new ExportTagsDataCommand(), cancellationToken), ExportType.Categories => await _mediator.Send(new ExportCategoryDataCommand(), cancellationToken), ExportType.FriendLinks => await _mediator.Send(new ExportLinkDataCommand(), cancellationToken), ExportType.Pages => await _mediator.Send(new ExportPageDataCommand(), cancellationToken), ExportType.Posts => await _mediator.Send(new ExportPostDataCommand(), cancellationToken), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null) }; switch (exportResult.ExportFormat) { case ExportFormat.SingleJsonFile: return(new FileContentResult(exportResult.Content, exportResult.ContentType) { FileDownloadName = $"moonglade-{type.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}-{DateTime.UtcNow:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}.json" }); case ExportFormat.SingleCSVFile: Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"attachment;filename={Path.GetFileName(exportResult.FilePath)}"); return(PhysicalFile(exportResult.FilePath, exportResult.ContentType, Path.GetFileName(exportResult.FilePath))); case ExportFormat.ZippedJsonFiles: return(PhysicalFile(exportResult.FilePath, exportResult.ContentType, Path.GetFileName(exportResult.FilePath))); default: return(BadRequest(ModelState.CombineErrorMessages())); } } }
/// <summary> /// Exporta o relatório no formato informado. /// </summary> /// <param name="exportType">Formato que será usado na exportação.</param> /// <param name="fileNameExtension"></param> /// <param name="mimeType">MIME Type.</param> /// <param name="encoding">Encoding.</param> /// <param name="warnings">Warnings.</param> /// <param name="culture"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual System.IO.Stream Export(ExportType exportType, out string mimeType, out string encoding, out string fileNameExtension, out Warning[] warnings, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { var localReport = CreateLocalReport(); PrepareLocalReport(localReport, culture); Dictionary <string, object> obj = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Warning[] warnings2 = null; string[] streamids = null; fileNameExtension = string.Empty; byte[] byteViewer = null; byteViewer = localReport.Render(exportType.ToString(), null, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileNameExtension, out streamids, out warnings2); if (warnings2 != null) { warnings = warnings2.Select(f => new Warning { Code = f.Code, Message = f.Message, ObjectName = f.ObjectName, ObjectType = f.ObjectType, Severity = f.Severity == Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Severity.Error ? Severity.Error : Severity.Warning }).ToArray(); } else { warnings = null; } return(new System.IO.MemoryStream(byteViewer)); }
/// <summary> /// Receives data from a stored procedure and returns a string. /// It is expected that the ExportType corresponds to a stored procedure name, /// and that the stored proc returns the selected data in JSON format. /// This procedure will append together multiple rows, as the "FOR JSON" /// command in SQL SERVER may split the data across multiple rows! /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedDate">The day's data we are pulling</param> /// <param name="DataType">Enum ExportType - stored proc name</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetJSONData(DateTime selectedDate, ExportType DataType) { var jsonResult = new StringBuilder(); var selectedDateParameter = new SqlParameter("@SELECT_DATE", SqlDbType.Date); selectedDateParameter.Value = selectedDate.Date; using (var command = Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = "Exec " + DataType.ToString() + " @SELECT_DATE"; command.Parameters.Add(selectedDateParameter); Database.OpenConnection(); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.HasRows) { jsonResult.Append("[]"); } else { while (reader.Read()) { jsonResult.Append(reader.GetValue(0).ToString()); } } } } return(jsonResult.ToString()); }
public static IExportHolidaysFormat LocateByType(ExportType type) { string strategyName = NAMESPACE + "." + type.ToString() + EXPORT_FORMAT_NAME; IExportHolidaysFormat holidayStrategy = CreateObjectInstance <IExportHolidaysFormat>(strategyName); return(holidayStrategy); }
private string GenerateExportFileName(string appName, ExportType type) { var fileName = string.Format( "{0}_{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMmddHHmmssfff"), appName ); switch (type) { case ExportType.Binding: fileName += ".xml"; break; case ExportType.ResourceSpec: fileName += "_Res.xml"; break; case ExportType.Msi: case ExportType.MsiResourceSpec: fileName += ".msi"; break; default: throw new Exception("Type d'export non pris en charge : " + type.ToString()); } return(fileName); }
public void AddEnvironment(Identifier aasId, AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment_V2_0 environment, ExportType exportType) { if (aasId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(aasId)); } if (environment == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(environment)); } string aasIdName = aasId.Id; foreach (char invalidChar in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { aasIdName = aasIdName.Replace(invalidChar, '_'); } string aasFilePath = AASX_FOLDER + "/" + aasIdName + "/" + aasIdName + ".aas." + exportType.ToString().ToLower(); Uri partUri = PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri(new Uri(aasFilePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); ClearRelationshipAndPartFromPackagePart(originPart, SPEC_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE, partUri); specPart = aasxPackage.CreatePart(partUri, GetContentType(aasFilePath), CompressionOption.Maximum); originPart.CreateRelationship(specPart.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, SPEC_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE); string environmentTemp = Path.GetRandomFileName() + "." + exportType.ToString().ToLower(); environment.WriteEnvironment_V2_0(exportType, environmentTemp); CopyFileToPackagePart(specPart, environmentTemp); File.Delete(environmentTemp); }
protected TableCell GetExportCell(ExportType type, String callBackID) { ASPxImage btn = new ASPxImage(); //btn.Text = type.ToString(); btn.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.Middle; btn.ImageUrl = String.Format("~/img/filetypes/{0}.png", type.ToString()); btn.Height = Unit.Pixel(16); btn.Width = Unit.Pixel(16); btn.ID = String.Format("{0}_btnExport{1}", callBackID, type.ToString()); btn.ClientInstanceName = btn.ID; btn.SetClientSideEventHandler("Click", "function(s,e){" + callBackID + ".PerformCallback('EXPORT||||" + this.grid.UniqueID + "||||" + type.ToString() + "');}"); TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.Controls.Add(btn); return(cell); }
internal static bool To(ExportType type, string savePath, Dictionary <int, List <Cell> > dic) { var first = typeof(ExportType).GetField(type.ToString()) .GetCustomAttributes(false) .OfType <DescriptionAttribute>() .FirstOrDefault(); if (first != null) { savePath = Path.ChangeExtension(savePath, first.Description); } else { Debug.LogError("获取路径扩展名出错"); return(false); } switch (type) { case ExportType.ToXml: ToXml(savePath, dic); break; case ExportType.ToXmlAttribute: ToXmlAttribute(savePath, dic); break; case ExportType.ToJson: ToJson(savePath, dic); break; case ExportType.ToCsv: ToCsv(savePath, dic); break; case ExportType.ToTxt: ToTxt(savePath, dic); break; case ExportType.ToBytes: ToBytes(savePath, dic); break; case ExportType.ToAsset: ToAsset(savePath, dic); break; case ExportType.ToLua: ToLua(savePath, dic); break; default: Debug.Log(Path.GetFileName(savePath) + "导表失败!"); return(false); } return(true); }
public void Export(List <CandidateControl> cands, List <PartyControl> parts, string path, ExportType type) { try { using (var fileStream = File.Create($"{path}\\Candidates.{type.ToString()}")) { Report candReport = PrepCandReport(cands); if (type == ExportType.Pdf) { var writer = new DoddleReport.iTextSharp.PdfReportWriter(); writer.WriteReport(candReport, fileStream); } else { var writer = new DoddleReport.Writers.DelimitedTextReportWriter(); DelimitedTextReportWriter.DefaultDelimiter = ","; writer.WriteReport(candReport, fileStream); } } using (var fileStream = File.Create($"{path}\\Parties.{type.ToString()}")) { Report partiesReport = PrepPartyReport(parts); if (type == ExportType.Pdf) { var writer = new DoddleReport.iTextSharp.PdfReportWriter(); writer.WriteReport(partiesReport, fileStream); } else { var writer = new DoddleReport.Writers.DelimitedTextReportWriter(); DelimitedTextReportWriter.DefaultDelimiter = ","; writer.WriteReport(partiesReport, fileStream); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } }
public void SetData(ExportType type) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(excelFullPath); var first = typeof(ExportType).GetField(type.ToString()).GetFirstCustomAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>(); if (first != null) { tableName = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, first.Description); } else { Debug.LogError("获取路径扩展名出错"); } }
public bool Export(string root, string package, string assetName, ExportType exportType, string destination, bool forceTgaToPng = false) { var tmpDir = GetTMPDir(); if (Directory.Exists(tmpDir)) { Directory.Delete(tmpDir, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpDir); // .\umodel.exe -game=ue3 -path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\HatinTime\HatinTimeGame\EditorCookedPC" -export HatinTime_Music_Metro4 Act_4_Pink_Paw_Station -sounds -out=".\test" var res = Run($"-game=ue3 -path=\"{root}\" -3rdparty -export {package} {assetName}{(exportType == ExportType.SoundNodeWave ? " -sounds" : " " + exportType.ToString())} -out=\"{tmpDir}\""); if (!res) { return(false); } var extension = GetExtensionForType(exportType); var path = Path.Combine(tmpDir, package, exportType.ToString(), assetName + extension); Debug.WriteLine("ExceptedPath: " + path); if (File.Exists(path)) { if (File.Exists(destination)) { File.Delete(destination); } if (forceTgaToPng && exportType == ExportType.Texture2D) { using (var b = new TargaImage(path)) { b.Image.Save(destination, ImageFormat.Png); } } else { File.Move(path, destination); } return(true); } return(false); }
private string GetCmdtext(ExportType type) { switch (type) { case ExportType.Binding: return("ExportBindings -ApplicationName:{0} -Destination:{1}"); case ExportType.Msi: return("ExportApp -ApplicationName:{0} -Package:{1}"); case ExportType.ResourceSpec: return("ListApp -ApplicationName:{0} -ResourceSpec:{1}"); case ExportType.MsiResourceSpec: return("ExportApp -ApplicationName:{0} -Package:{1} -ResourceSpec:{2}"); default: throw new Exception("Type d'export non pris en charge : " + type.ToString()); } }
public static string GetMimeType(ExportType exportType) { switch (exportType) { case ExportType.Excel: return("application/"); case ExportType.PDF: return("application/pdf"); case ExportType.Word: return("application/"); case ExportType.ImagePNG: return("application/png"); case ExportType.ImageJPG: return("application/jpg"); case ExportType.HTML: case ExportType.HTMLOWC: case ExportType.MHTML: return("text/html"); default: throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported MIME type: " + exportType.ToString()); } }
private async Task <byte[]> RenderReportData(UserInfo userInfo, string entityName, int id, string reportName, ExportType exportType, ReportGenerator gen) { ParameterValue[] parameters = { new ParameterValue { Name = "id", Value = id.ToString() }, new ParameterValue { Name = "userId", Value = userInfo.UserId.ToString() }, new ParameterValue { Name = "codeLanguage", Value = userInfo.UserLanguage }, new ParameterValue { Name = "entityName", Value = entityName } }; byte[] repData = await gen.RenderReport(reportName, parameters, exportType.ToString()); return(repData); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the SPListItem for the ExportJob to the GlymaExports lists if there isn't one already in the Scheduled ExportState for the exact same export. /// </summary> /// <param name="exportsList">The SPList that contains the ExportJobs</param> /// <param name="domainId">The DomainUid for the export to be created</param> /// <param name="rootmapId">The RootMapUid for the export to be created</param> /// <param name="mapType">The type of map (schema) that is being exported</param> /// <param name="type">The format of the export to be created</param> /// <param name="workItemId">The ID of the workitem</param> /// <param name="serializedExportProperties">The ExportProperties as an XML string</param> /// <returns>The ID of the list item created or -1 if it wasn't created because an existing item matched it in scheduled state.</returns> private int CreateExportJobListEntry(SPList exportsList, Guid domainId, Guid rootmapId, MapType mapType, ExportType type, Guid workItemId, string serializedExportProperties, int userId) { int listItemId = -1; //default value indicates that item wasn't created if (exportsList != null) { SPQuery query = new SPQuery(); query.Query = "<Where><And><And><And><And>" + "<And><Eq><FieldRef Name='DomainUid' /><Value Type='Text'>" + domainId.ToString() + "</Value></Eq>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='RootMapUid' /><Value Type='Text'>" + rootmapId.ToString() + "</Value></Eq></And>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ExportStatus' /><Value Type='Choice'>" + ExportStatus.Scheduled.ToString() + "</Value></Eq></And>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ExportType' /><Value Type='Choice'>" + type.ToString() + "</Value></Eq></And>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ExportProperties' /><Value Type='Note'>" + serializedExportProperties + "</Value></Eq></And>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='MapType' /><Value Type='Choice'>" + mapType.ToString() + "</Value></Eq>" + "</And></Where>"; // Query for where this particular rootmap has been scheduled for export to the same type already SPListItemCollection existingSchedules = exportsList.GetItems(query); if (existingSchedules.Count == 0) { //TODO get field names from constants SPListItem exportJob = exportsList.Items.Add(); exportJob["ExportType"] = type.ToString(); exportJob["MapType"] = mapType.ToString(); exportJob["ExportStatus"] = ExportStatus.Scheduled.ToString(); exportJob["RootMapUid"] = rootmapId.ToString(); exportJob["DomainUid"] = domainId.ToString(); exportJob[SPBuiltInFieldId.Title] = workItemId.ToString(); exportJob["ExportProperties"] = serializedExportProperties; exportJob["PercentageComplete"] = 0; exportJob[SPBuiltInFieldId.Author] = userId; exportJob[SPBuiltInFieldId.Editor] = userId; exportJob.Update(); listItemId = exportJob.ID; } } return(listItemId); }
private static Byte[] ConvertToByte(LocalReport localReport, ExportType expType) { try { Warning[] warnings; String[] streamids; String mimeType; String encoding; String extension; Byte[] bytes = localReport.Render( expType.ToString(), null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings); MimeType = mimeType; return(bytes); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Exporta o relatório no formato informado. /// </summary> /// <param name="exportType">Formato que será usado na exportação.</param> /// <param name="createStreamCallback">Callback usada na criação a Stream de exportação.</param> /// <param name="warnings">Warnings.</param> /// <param name="culture"></param> public virtual void Export(ExportType exportType, CreateStreamCallback createStreamCallback, out Warning[] warnings, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { var localReport = CreateLocalReport(); PrepareLocalReport(localReport, culture); Dictionary <string, object> obj = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Warning[] warnings2 = null; localReport.Render(exportType.ToString(), null, new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.CreateStreamCallback((name, extension, encoding, mimeType, willSeek) => createStreamCallback(name, extension, encoding, mimeType, willSeek)), out warnings2); if (warnings2 != null) { warnings = warnings2.Select(f => new Warning { Code = f.Code, Message = f.Message, ObjectName = f.ObjectName, ObjectType = f.ObjectType, Severity = f.Severity == Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Severity.Error ? Severity.Error : Severity.Warning }).ToArray(); } else { warnings = null; } }
string IDataDefinitionExport.ToString() { return(string.Format("{0}\0{1}\0{2}", Reference, ExportType.ToString(), Name)); }
/// <summary> /// Set the pair information using only either the entity or the type /// </summary> /// <param name="entityType">the entity or type</param> public void SetValueWithPair(IFCEntityType entityType) { string entityTypeStr = entityType.ToString(); bool isType = entityTypeStr.Substring(entityTypeStr.Length - 4, 4).Equals("Type", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); if (isType) { // Get the instance string instName = entityTypeStr.Substring(0, entityTypeStr.Length - 4); IfcSchemaEntityNode node = IfcSchemaEntityTree.Find(instName); if (node != null && !node.isAbstract) { IFCEntityType instType = IFCEntityType.UnKnown; if (IFCEntityType.TryParse(instName, out instType)) { ExportInstance = instType; } } // If not found, try non-abstract supertype derived from the type node = IfcSchemaEntityTree.FindNonAbsInstanceSuperType(instName); if (node != null) { IFCEntityType instType = IFCEntityType.UnKnown; if (IFCEntityType.TryParse(node.Name, out instType)) { ExportInstance = instType; } } // set the type entityType = ElementFilteringUtil.GetValidIFCEntityType(entityType); if (entityType != IFCEntityType.UnKnown) { ExportType = entityType; } else { node = IfcSchemaEntityTree.FindNonAbsInstanceSuperType(entityTypeStr); if (node != null) { IFCEntityType instType = IFCEntityType.UnKnown; if (IFCEntityType.TryParse(node.Name, out instType)) { ExportType = instType; } } } } else { // set the instance entityType = ElementFilteringUtil.GetValidIFCEntityType(entityType); if (entityType != IFCEntityType.UnKnown) { ExportInstance = entityType; } else { // If not found, try non-abstract supertype derived from the type IfcSchemaEntityNode node = IfcSchemaEntityTree.FindNonAbsInstanceSuperType(entityTypeStr); if (node != null) { IFCEntityType instType = IFCEntityType.UnKnown; if (IFCEntityType.TryParse(node.Name, out instType)) { ExportInstance = instType; } } } // set the type pair string typeName = entityType.ToString() + "Type"; entityType = ElementFilteringUtil.GetValidIFCEntityType(typeName); if (entityType != IFCEntityType.UnKnown) { ExportType = entityType; } else { IfcSchemaEntityNode node = IfcSchemaEntityTree.FindNonAbsInstanceSuperType(typeName); if (node != null) { IFCEntityType instType = IFCEntityType.UnKnown; if (IFCEntityType.TryParse(node.Name, out instType)) { ExportType = instType; } } } } ValidatedPredefinedType = IFCValidateEntry.GetValidIFCPredefinedTypeType("NOTDEFINED", ValidatedPredefinedType, ExportType.ToString()); }
private void Export(ExportType type) { string action = "匯出"; try { string txtPath = string.Concat(@"E:\Data\Desktop\", txt_ExportName.Text, ".", type.ToString()); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(txtPath)) { sw.Write(richtxt_Output.Text); } MessageBox.Show(SystemMsg.succeed(action)); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(, ex.ToString())); } }
private static void ExportOrder(OrderData order, StyleConfigData config) { string orderWords = config.filePaths.ConstructFileName(order).Replace(".cdr", String.Empty); ExportType exportType = config.GetExportType(order.itemCode); cdrFilter corelExport; switch (exportType) { case ExportType.Eps: corelExport = cdrFilter.cdrEPS; break; case ExportType.Plt: corelExport = cdrFilter.cdrPLT; break; default: ErrorHandler.HandleError(ErrorType.Alert, $"Invalid export type: {exportType}"); return; } corel.ActiveDocument.ClearSelection(); //NOTE(adam): try selecting specific sew shape if (exportType == ExportType.Plt) { Shape sewShape = corel.ActivePage.FindShape(orderWords + "_sew"); if (sewShape != null) { sewShape.AddToSelection(); } } //NOTE(adam): if no shapes found, try selecting by order words if (corel.ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count == 0) { Shape found = corel.ActivePage.FindShape(orderWords); if (found != null) { found.AddToSelection(); } } //NOTE(adam): if no shapes found, select bottom right if (corel.ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count == 0) { corel.ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrReferencePoint.cdrTopLeft; corel.ActivePage.SelectShapesFromRectangle(corel.ActivePage.SizeWidth / 2, corel.ActivePage.SizeHeight / 2, corel.ActivePage.SizeWidth, corel.ActivePage.SizeHeight, false); } //NOTE(adam): if no shapes found, select on whole page if (corel.ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count == 0) { corel.ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrReferencePoint.cdrTopLeft; corel.ActivePage.SelectShapesFromRectangle(0, 0, corel.ActivePage.SizeWidth, corel.ActivePage.SizeHeight, false); } //NOTE(adam): if no shapes found, select all if (corel.ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count == 0) { corel.ActivePage.SelectableShapes.All().AddToSelection(); } if (corel.ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count == 0) { Messenger.Show("Could not get shapes for exporting. Manual export required."); } else { string exportUpper = exportType.ToString().ToUpper(); Directory.CreateDirectory(config.filePaths.ConstructExportFolderPath(order, exportUpper)); //NOTE(adam): options need to be specified within Corel previously corel.ActiveDocument.Export(config.filePaths.ConstructExportFilePath(order, exportUpper), corelExport, cdrExportRange.cdrSelection); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an ExportJob and schedules the WorkItem for the timer job that processes the exports. /// </summary> /// <param name="domainUid">The DominUid for the map being exported</param> /// <param name="rootMapUid">The RootMapUid for the map being exported</param> /// <param name="exportProperties">The export properties for the export</param> /// <param name="mapType">The map type (schema) for the map being exported</param> /// <param name="exportType">The output format for the export</param> /// <returns>The ExportJob that was created</returns> public ExportJobResponse CreateExportJob(Guid domainUid, Guid rootMapUid, IDictionary<string, string> exportProperties, MapType mapType, ExportType exportType) { ExportJobResponse response = new ExportJobResponse(); try { Guid webID = SPContext.Current.Web.ID; Guid siteID = SPContext.Current.Site.ID; SPUser currentUser = null; using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteID)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webID)) { if (web != null) { currentUser = web.CurrentUser; } } } SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { int userId = -1; SPList exportsList = null; int listItemIdNum = -1; using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteID)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webID)) { if (web != null) { if (currentUser == null) { //The current user shouldn't be null, it should have been resolved outside of this RunWithElevatedPrivileges delegate currentUser = web.CurrentUser; } if (currentUser != null) { userId = currentUser.ID; exportsList = web.TryGetList(web.GetServerRelativeListUrlPrefix() + "GlymaExports"); //TODO get the name from a constant if (exportsList != null) { //the text payload will contain the properties serialized into a simple XML format ExportPropertiesDictionary serializableDict = new ExportPropertiesDictionary(exportProperties); string textPayload = serializableDict.ConvertToXml(); Guid workItemId = Guid.NewGuid(); // Create a unique id for the work item and export job listItemIdNum = CreateExportJobListEntry(exportsList, domainUid, rootMapUid, mapType, exportType, workItemId, textPayload, userId); // if the list item was created then create the export job, if it wasn't it was because an export // for this particular root map of this type was already scheduled (changing the properties doesn't have effect) if (listItemIdNum != -1) { site.AddWorkItem(workItemId, //gWorkItemId - A Guid that identifies the work item DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), //schdDateTime - represents a time in universal time for when the work item should take place GlymaExportWorkItemTimerJob.WorkItemTypeId, //gWorkItemType - this must be the GUID used in the GlymaExportWorkItemTimerJob web.ID, //gWebId - The identifier of the web containing the list exportsList.ID, //gParentId - The list ID listItemIdNum, //nItemId - The list item ID number true, //fSetWebId - true to set the Web identifier exportsList.Items.GetItemById(listItemIdNum).UniqueId, //gItemGuid - The unique identifier of the list item domainUid, //gBatchId - A Guid context identifier for the work item engine userId, //nUserId - SPUser ID number null, //rgbBinaryPayload - not used textPayload, //strTextPayload Guid.Empty); //gProcessingId - needs to be Guid.Empty ExportJob scheduledJob = new ExportJob(); scheduledJob.Created = (DateTime)exportsList.Items.GetItemById(listItemIdNum)[SPBuiltInFieldId.Created]; scheduledJob.CreatedBy = new GlymaUser() { Name = currentUser.Name }; scheduledJob.Id = workItemId; scheduledJob.IsCurrent = true; scheduledJob.Status = ExportStatus.Scheduled; scheduledJob.Type = exportType; scheduledJob.MapType = mapType; scheduledJob.ExportProperties = exportProperties; scheduledJob.PercentageComplete = 0; response.ExportJob = scheduledJob; } else { //already scheduled so throw an exception to be handled with an error throw new Exception(string.Format("A scheduled export job already exists for the Glyma map: DomainUid: {0}, RootMapUid: {1}, Export Type: {2}, Map Type: {3}", domainUid.ToString(), rootMapUid.ToString(), exportType.ToString(), mapType.ToString())); } } else { throw new Exception("Failed to find the Glyma Exports list."); } } else { throw new Exception("The current user was not able to be determined."); } } else { throw new Exception("The SPSite and/or the SPWeb were null."); } } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { ExportError error = new ExportError() { ErrorMessage = "Failed to create the Glyma map export job." }; throw new FaultException<ExportError>(error, ex.ToString()); } return response; }
protected override bool ProcessWorkItem(SPContentDatabase contentDatabase, SPWorkItemCollection workItems, SPWorkItem workItem, SPJobState jobState) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //used to time how long the export took bool processingAlready = false; try { if (workItem != null) { //process the workItem using (SPSite site = new SPSite(workItem.SiteId)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(workItem.WebId)) { // processing logic // 1. SET GlymaExport list Item to ExportStatus.Processing // 2. START export based on type in GlymaExport list item // 3. STORE the export in the GlymaExport list against the item as an attachment // 4. SET GlymaExport list item to ExportStatus.Completed SPList exportsList = null; SPListItem exportItem = null; try { exportsList = web.Lists[workItem.ParentId]; exportItem = exportsList.GetItemByUniqueId(workItem.ItemGuid); if (exportItem != null) { string exportStatus = exportItem["ExportStatus"] as string; if (exportStatus == ExportStatus.Scheduled.ToString()) { // If the export was still marked as scheduled then set it to processing WriteExportStatus(workItem, ExportStatus.Processing); exportItem = exportsList.GetItemByUniqueId(workItem.ItemGuid); if (exportItem != null) { // read the type of export that we should produce ExportType exportType = (ExportType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExportType), exportItem["ExportType"] as string); MapType mapType = (MapType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MapType), exportItem["MapType"] as string); Dictionary <string, string> exportProperties = null; string exportPropertiesStr = exportItem["ExportProperties"] as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportPropertiesStr) && exportPropertiesStr.Trim() != string.Empty) { try { ExportPropertiesDictionary exportDict = new ExportPropertiesDictionary(exportPropertiesStr); exportProperties = exportDict as Dictionary <string, string>; } catch (XmlSchemaValidationException) { exportProperties = null; } } bool useVerboseLogging = false; if (exportProperties != null) { if (exportProperties.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { if (exportProperties["Verbose"].ToLower() == "true") { useVerboseLogging = true; } } } if (useVerboseLogging) { LogMessage(workItem, "Creating Map Manager for the web: {0}.", web.Url); } // create the appropriate IExportUtility for the ExportType MapManagerFactory mapManagerFactory = new MapManagerFactory(); IMapManager mapManager = mapManagerFactory.GetMapManager(web); if (mapManager != null) { if (useVerboseLogging) { LogMessage(workItem, "Created Map Manager for the web: {0}.", web.Url); } ExportUtilityFactory exportUtilityFactory = new ExportUtilityFactory(mapManager); IExportUtility exportUtility = exportUtilityFactory.CreateExportUtility(mapType, exportType); if (exportUtility != null) { if (useVerboseLogging) { LogMessage(workItem, "Created Export Utility for {0} map type to {1}.", mapType.ToString(), exportType.ToString()); } exportItem = exportsList.GetItemByUniqueId(workItem.ItemGuid); if (exportItem != null) { Guid rootMapUid = Guid.Empty; Guid domainUid = Guid.Empty; try { string rootMapUidValue = exportItem["RootMapUid"] as string; string domainUidValue = exportItem["DomainUid"] as string; domainUid = new Guid(domainUidValue); rootMapUid = new Guid(rootMapUidValue); } catch (Exception ex) { //The GUIDs were not parsed correctly } if (rootMapUid != Guid.Empty && domainUid != Guid.Empty) { //The export utility will do the grunt work and provide a URL to the temp file created GlymaExportUserState userState = new GlymaExportUserState(workItem); userState.UseVerboseLogging = useVerboseLogging; //store the level of logging to use in the event handlers exportUtility.ExportCompleted += exportUtility_ExportCompleted; exportUtility.ProgressChanged += exportUtility_ProgressChanged; exportUtility.ExceptionRaised += exportUtility_ExceptionRaised; if (useVerboseLogging) { LogMessage(workItem, "Starting export."); } exportUtility.ExportMap(domainUid, rootMapUid, exportProperties, new List <Guid>(), userState); if (useVerboseLogging) { LogMessage(workItem, "Waiting for export to complete."); } // Wait for the export to complete (up to the timeout) bool signalled = userState.Completed.WaitOne(TIMEOUT_MS); if (!signalled) { if (useVerboseLogging) { LogMessage(workItem, "The export timed out after {0}ms", TIMEOUT_MS); } // The timeout occurred so don't process the completed or progress changed events exportUtility.ExportCompleted -= exportUtility_ExportCompleted; exportUtility.ProgressChanged -= exportUtility_ProgressChanged; exportUtility.ExceptionRaised -= exportUtility_ExceptionRaised; } } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("The DomainUid and/or RootMapUid were not valid Guid's. DomainUid: {0} RootMapUid: {1}.", domainUid.ToString(), rootMapUid.ToString())); } } } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to create export utility for the export type: {0}.", exportType.ToString())); } } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to build an IMapManager for the current SPWeb. {0}", mapManagerFactory.ErrorMessage)); } } } else if (exportStatus == ExportStatus.Processing.ToString()) { //shouldn't do anything unless it's scheduled. processingAlready = true; } } else { throw new Exception("The Export Job did not exist in the list."); } } catch (TargetInvocationException tiex) { if (workItem != null) { WriteExportStatus(workItem, ExportStatus.Error); LogMessage(workItem, "Error during export: {0}", tiex.Message); if (tiex.InnerException != null) { LogMessage(workItem, "Inner Exception({0}): {1}.\r\nStackTrace: {2}", tiex.InnerException.GetType().ToString(), tiex.InnerException.Message, tiex.InnerException.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //exception handling if (workItem != null) { WriteExportStatus(workItem, ExportStatus.Error); LogMessage(workItem, "Error during export: {0}.", ex.Message); } } finally { if (!processingAlready) { // delete the workItem after we've processed it workItems.SubCollection(site, web, 0, (uint)workItems.Count).DeleteWorkItem(workItem.Id); } //Update the progress of the timer job Progress += (100 / workItems.Count); //estimate only, some maps will export faster than others and different types may export faster if (Progress > 100) { Progress = 100; } this.UpdateProgress(Progress); //The base classes timer job's overall progress if (!processingAlready) //this is if the timer job ran and started processing the item that was already being processed { exportItem = exportsList.GetItemByUniqueId(workItem.ItemGuid); if (exportItem != null) { string exportStatus = exportItem["ExportStatus"] as string; if (exportStatus == ExportStatus.Processing.ToString()) { //if it's still processing and at this point then something has failed. WriteExportStatus(workItem, ExportStatus.Error); LogMessage(workItem, "The export failed as it was still in a processing state when it had apparently completed."); } LogMessage(workItem, "Completed in {0:0.000}s.", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);//add in a metric for how long the export took (successful or failure) } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //exception handling throw new Exception("Failed to while processing Glyma Export Work Item Timer Job.", ex); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new Importer /// </summary> private static void AddExporter(ExportType key, IMeshExporter exporter) { AvailableExporters.Add(key, exporter); ExporterTypes.Add(key.ToString(), key); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an ExportJob and schedules the WorkItem for the timer job that processes the exports. /// </summary> /// <param name="domainUid">The DominUid for the map being exported</param> /// <param name="rootMapUid">The RootMapUid for the map being exported</param> /// <param name="exportProperties">The export properties for the export</param> /// <param name="mapType">The map type (schema) for the map being exported</param> /// <param name="exportType">The output format for the export</param> /// <returns>The ExportJob that was created</returns> public ExportJobResponse CreateExportJob(Guid domainUid, Guid rootMapUid, IDictionary <string, string> exportProperties, MapType mapType, ExportType exportType) { ExportJobResponse response = new ExportJobResponse(); try { Guid webID = SPContext.Current.Web.ID; Guid siteID = SPContext.Current.Site.ID; SPUser currentUser = null; using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteID)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webID)) { if (web != null) { currentUser = web.CurrentUser; } } } SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { int userId = -1; SPList exportsList = null; int listItemIdNum = -1; using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteID)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webID)) { if (web != null) { if (currentUser == null) { //The current user shouldn't be null, it should have been resolved outside of this RunWithElevatedPrivileges delegate currentUser = web.CurrentUser; } if (currentUser != null) { userId = currentUser.ID; exportsList = web.TryGetList(web.GetServerRelativeListUrlPrefix() + "GlymaExports"); //TODO get the name from a constant if (exportsList != null) { //the text payload will contain the properties serialized into a simple XML format ExportPropertiesDictionary serializableDict = new ExportPropertiesDictionary(exportProperties); string textPayload = serializableDict.ConvertToXml(); Guid workItemId = Guid.NewGuid(); // Create a unique id for the work item and export job listItemIdNum = CreateExportJobListEntry(exportsList, domainUid, rootMapUid, mapType, exportType, workItemId, textPayload, userId); // if the list item was created then create the export job, if it wasn't it was because an export // for this particular root map of this type was already scheduled (changing the properties doesn't have effect) if (listItemIdNum != -1) { site.AddWorkItem(workItemId, //gWorkItemId - A Guid that identifies the work item DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), //schdDateTime - represents a time in universal time for when the work item should take place GlymaExportWorkItemTimerJob.WorkItemTypeId, //gWorkItemType - this must be the GUID used in the GlymaExportWorkItemTimerJob web.ID, //gWebId - The identifier of the web containing the list exportsList.ID, //gParentId - The list ID listItemIdNum, //nItemId - The list item ID number true, //fSetWebId - true to set the Web identifier exportsList.Items.GetItemById(listItemIdNum).UniqueId, //gItemGuid - The unique identifier of the list item domainUid, //gBatchId - A Guid context identifier for the work item engine userId, //nUserId - SPUser ID number null, //rgbBinaryPayload - not used textPayload, //strTextPayload Guid.Empty); //gProcessingId - needs to be Guid.Empty ExportJob scheduledJob = new ExportJob(); scheduledJob.Created = (DateTime)exportsList.Items.GetItemById(listItemIdNum)[SPBuiltInFieldId.Created]; scheduledJob.CreatedBy = new GlymaUser() { Name = currentUser.Name }; scheduledJob.Id = workItemId; scheduledJob.IsCurrent = true; scheduledJob.Status = ExportStatus.Scheduled; scheduledJob.Type = exportType; scheduledJob.MapType = mapType; scheduledJob.ExportProperties = exportProperties; scheduledJob.PercentageComplete = 0; response.ExportJob = scheduledJob; } else { //already scheduled so throw an exception to be handled with an error throw new Exception(string.Format("A scheduled export job already exists for the Glyma map: DomainUid: {0}, RootMapUid: {1}, Export Type: {2}, Map Type: {3}", domainUid.ToString(), rootMapUid.ToString(), exportType.ToString(), mapType.ToString())); } } else { throw new Exception("Failed to find the Glyma Exports list."); } } else { throw new Exception("The current user was not able to be determined."); } } else { throw new Exception("The SPSite and/or the SPWeb were null."); } } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { ExportError error = new ExportError() { ErrorMessage = "Failed to create the Glyma map export job." }; throw new FaultException <ExportError>(error, ex.ToString()); } return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the SPListItem for the ExportJob to the GlymaExports lists if there isn't one already in the Scheduled ExportState for the exact same export. /// </summary> /// <param name="exportsList">The SPList that contains the ExportJobs</param> /// <param name="domainId">The DomainUid for the export to be created</param> /// <param name="rootmapId">The RootMapUid for the export to be created</param> /// <param name="mapType">The type of map (schema) that is being exported</param> /// <param name="type">The format of the export to be created</param> /// <param name="workItemId">The ID of the workitem</param> /// <param name="serializedExportProperties">The ExportProperties as an XML string</param> /// <returns>The ID of the list item created or -1 if it wasn't created because an existing item matched it in scheduled state.</returns> private int CreateExportJobListEntry(SPList exportsList, Guid domainId, Guid rootmapId, MapType mapType, ExportType type, Guid workItemId, string serializedExportProperties, int userId) { int listItemId = -1; //default value indicates that item wasn't created if (exportsList != null) { SPQuery query = new SPQuery(); query.Query = "<Where><And><And><And><And>" + "<And><Eq><FieldRef Name='DomainUid' /><Value Type='Text'>" + domainId.ToString() + "</Value></Eq>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='RootMapUid' /><Value Type='Text'>" + rootmapId.ToString() + "</Value></Eq></And>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ExportStatus' /><Value Type='Choice'>" + ExportStatus.Scheduled.ToString() + "</Value></Eq></And>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ExportType' /><Value Type='Choice'>" + type.ToString() + "</Value></Eq></And>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ExportProperties' /><Value Type='Note'>" + serializedExportProperties + "</Value></Eq></And>" + "<Eq><FieldRef Name='MapType' /><Value Type='Choice'>" + mapType.ToString() + "</Value></Eq>" + "</And></Where>"; // Query for where this particular rootmap has been scheduled for export to the same type already SPListItemCollection existingSchedules = exportsList.GetItems(query); if (existingSchedules.Count == 0) { //TODO get field names from constants SPListItem exportJob = exportsList.Items.Add(); exportJob["ExportType"] = type.ToString(); exportJob["MapType"] = mapType.ToString(); exportJob["ExportStatus"] = ExportStatus.Scheduled.ToString(); exportJob["RootMapUid"] = rootmapId.ToString(); exportJob["DomainUid"] = domainId.ToString(); exportJob[SPBuiltInFieldId.Title] = workItemId.ToString(); exportJob["ExportProperties"] = serializedExportProperties; exportJob["PercentageComplete"] = 0; exportJob[SPBuiltInFieldId.Author] = userId; exportJob[SPBuiltInFieldId.Editor] = userId; exportJob.Update(); listItemId = exportJob.ID; } } return listItemId; }
public static void WriteScanJson(int ResultType, string BaseId, string CompareId, bool ExportAll, string OutputPath) { List <RESULT_TYPE> ToExport = new List <RESULT_TYPE> { (RESULT_TYPE)ResultType }; Dictionary <RESULT_TYPE, int> actualExported = new Dictionary <RESULT_TYPE, int>(); JsonSerializer serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Formatting.Indented, NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore, Converters = new List <JsonConverter>() { new StringEnumConverter() } }); if (ExportAll) { ToExport = new List <RESULT_TYPE> { RESULT_TYPE.FILE, RESULT_TYPE.CERTIFICATE, RESULT_TYPE.PORT, RESULT_TYPE.REGISTRY, RESULT_TYPE.SERVICE, RESULT_TYPE.USER }; } foreach (RESULT_TYPE ExportType in ToExport) { Log.Information("Exporting {0}", ExportType); List <CompareResult> records = DatabaseManager.GetComparisonResults(AsaHelpers.RunIdsToCompareId(BaseId, CompareId), ExportType); actualExported.Add(ExportType, records.Count); if (records.Count > 0) { serializer.Converters.Add(new StringEnumConverter()); var o = new Dictionary <string, Object>(); o["results"] = records; o["metadata"] = AsaHelpers.GenerateMetadata(); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputPath, AsaHelpers.MakeValidFileName(BaseId + "_vs_" + CompareId + "_" + ExportType.ToString() + ".json.txt")))) //lgtm [cs/path-injection] { using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw)) { serializer.Serialize(writer, o); } } } } serializer.Converters.Add(new StringEnumConverter()); var output = new Dictionary <string, Object>(); output["results"] = actualExported; output["metadata"] = AsaHelpers.GenerateMetadata(); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputPath, AsaHelpers.MakeValidFileName(BaseId + "_vs_" + CompareId + "_summary.json.txt")))) //lgtm [cs/path-injection] { using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw)) { serializer.Serialize(writer, output); } } }
private static string GetExporterPath(ExportType type) { return(string.Format("{0}/{1}", DataMemory.GetOptionsFrom().XlsxDstPath, type.ToString())); }
public Byte[] GetByte(string ReportServerUrl, string ReportUserName, string ReportPassword, string ReportDomain, string ReportPath, string ReportName, List <ReportParameter> paramter, ExportType exportType) { // Prepare Render arguments string historyID = null; string deviceInfo = null; string format = exportType.ToString(); Byte[] results; string encoding = String.Empty; string mimeType = String.Empty; string extension = String.Empty; ReportExecution2005.Warning[] warnings = null; string[] streamIDs = null; ReportExecution2005.ParameterValue[] rptParameters = null; try { ReportExecution2005.ReportExecutionService myReport = new ReportExecution2005.ReportExecutionService(); myReport.Url = ReportServerUrl; if (ReportDomain != string.Empty && ReportDomain.Length > 0) { myReport.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ReportUserName, ReportPassword, ReportDomain); } else { myReport.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ReportUserName, ReportPassword); } ReportExecution2005.ExecutionInfo ei; if (ReportPath != null && ReportPath.Length > 0) { ei = myReport.LoadReport("/" + ReportPath + "/" + ReportName, historyID); } else { if (ReportName != null && ReportName.Length > 0) { ei = myReport.LoadReport("/" + ReportName, historyID); } else { return(new Byte[0]); } } /* This code for set credentials on runtime * require [using SCG.eAccounting.Report.ReportExecution2005;] * if (ei.CredentialsRequired) * { * List<DataSourceCredentials> credentials = new List<DataSourceCredentials>(); * foreach (DataSourcePrompt dsp in ei.DataSourcePrompts) * { * DataSourceCredentials cred = new DataSourceCredentials(); * cred.DataSourceName = dsp.Name; * cred.UserName = [Database Username]; * cred.Password = [Database Password]; * credentials.Add(cred); * } * * Console.WriteLine("Setting data source credentials..."); * ei = myReport.SetExecutionCredentials(credentials.ToArray()); * } */ if (paramter != null && paramter.Count > 0) { rptParameters = new ReportExecution2005.ParameterValue[paramter.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < paramter.Count; i++) { rptParameters[i] = new ReportExecution2005.ParameterValue(); rptParameters[i].Name = paramter[i].ParamterName; rptParameters[i].Value = paramter[i].ParamterValue; } } deviceInfo = "<DeviceInfo>" + "<SimplePageHeaders>True</SimplePageHeaders>" + "</DeviceInfo>"; //render the PDF myReport.SetExecutionParameters(rptParameters, "th-TH"); results = myReport.Render(format, deviceInfo, out extension, out encoding, out mimeType, out warnings, out streamIDs); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(results); }