Esempio n. 1
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            //Turn on Response Buffering
            context.Response.Buffer = true;

            //Prepare the Cache Directories
            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(this._cacheDir))
                this._cacheDir = context.Server.MapPath(this._cacheDir);
            if (this._loader == null)
                this._loader = new ExpansionLoader(this._cacheDir);

            //Add our Custom Headers
                context.Response.Headers.Add("X-dotNetRDF-Version", Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(VDS.RDF.IGraph)).GetName().Version.ToString());
            catch (PlatformNotSupportedException)
                context.Response.AddHeader("X-dotNetRDF-Version", Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(VDS.RDF.IGraph)).GetName().Version.ToString());

                //Retrieve the desired URI and Profile URI from Querystring parameters
                String uri     = context.Request.QueryString["uri"];
                String profile = context.Request.QueryString["profile"];

                if (uri == null)
                    if (context.Request.Url.Query.Equals(String.Empty))
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("uri", "Required uri parameter used to designate the URI you wish to expand was not found.  Your request must use a URI of the form " + context.Request.Url.ToString() + "?uri=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(""));
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("uri", "Required uri parameter used to designate the URI you wish to expand was not found.  Your request must use a URI of the form " + context.Request.Url.ToString().Replace(context.Request.Url.Query, String.Empty) + "?uri=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(""));

                //Note that the ExpansionLoader class automatically handles all the Caching for us
                IInMemoryQueryableStore store;
                String uriHash = new Uri(uri).GetSha256Hash();
                if (profile == null)
                    //Use Default Profile
                    store = this._loader.Load(new Uri(uri));
                    //Use Custom Profile
                    store = this._loader.Load(new Uri(uri), new Uri(profile));

                String       ctype;
                IStoreWriter writer = MimeTypesHelper.GetStoreWriter(context.Request.AcceptTypes, out ctype);
                context.Response.ContentType = ctype;
                writer.Save(store, new StreamParams(context.Response.OutputStream));
            catch (ArgumentNullException argNull)
                HandleErrors(context, "Missing Argument", argNull);
            catch (RdfParseException parseEx)
                HandleErrors(context, "RDF Parser Error", parseEx);
            catch (RdfException rdfEx)
                HandleErrors(context, "RDF Error", rdfEx);
            catch (Exception ex)
                HandleErrors(context, "Error", ex);
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            //Turn on Response Buffering
            context.Response.Buffer = true;

            //Prepare the Cache Directories
            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(this._cacheDir))
                this._cacheDir = context.Server.MapPath(this._cacheDir);
            if (this._loader == null) this._loader = new ExpansionLoader(this._cacheDir);

            //Add our Custom Headers
                context.Response.Headers.Add("X-dotNetRDF-Version", Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(VDS.RDF.IGraph)).GetName().Version.ToString());
            catch (PlatformNotSupportedException)
                context.Response.AddHeader("X-dotNetRDF-Version", Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(VDS.RDF.IGraph)).GetName().Version.ToString());


                //Retrieve the desired URI and Profile URI from Querystring parameters
                String uri = context.Request.QueryString["uri"];
                String profile = context.Request.QueryString["profile"];

                if (uri == null)
                    if (context.Request.Url.Query.Equals(String.Empty))
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("uri", "Required uri parameter used to designate the URI you wish to expand was not found.  Your request must use a URI of the form " + context.Request.Url.ToString() + "?uri=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(""));
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("uri", "Required uri parameter used to designate the URI you wish to expand was not found.  Your request must use a URI of the form " + context.Request.Url.ToString().Replace(context.Request.Url.Query, String.Empty) + "?uri=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(""));

                //Note that the ExpansionLoader class automatically handles all the Caching for us
                IInMemoryQueryableStore store;
                String uriHash = new Uri(uri).GetSha256Hash();
                if (profile == null)
                    //Use Default Profile
                    store = this._loader.Load(new Uri(uri));
                    //Use Custom Profile
                    store = this._loader.Load(new Uri(uri), new Uri(profile));

                String ctype;
                IStoreWriter writer = MimeTypesHelper.GetStoreWriter(context.Request.AcceptTypes, out ctype);
                context.Response.ContentType = ctype;
                writer.Save(store, new StreamParams(context.Response.OutputStream));
            catch (ArgumentNullException argNull)
                HandleErrors(context, "Missing Argument", argNull);
            catch (RdfParseException parseEx)
                HandleErrors(context, "RDF Parser Error", parseEx);
            catch (RdfException rdfEx)
                HandleErrors(context, "RDF Error", rdfEx);
            catch (Exception ex)
                HandleErrors(context, "Error", ex);