Esempio n. 1
        private static float GetExpansionWeight(BotMain bot, TerritoryIDType terrID)
            var td = bot.Map.Territories[terrID];

            var bonusPaths = td.PartOfBonuses
                             .Where(o => bot.BonusValue(o) > 0)
                             .Select(o => BonusPath.TryCreate(bot, o, ts => ts.ID == terrID))
                             .Where(o => o != null)
                             .ToDictionary(o => o.BonusID, o => o);

            var turnsToTake = bonusPaths.Keys.ToDictionary(o => o, o => TurnsToTake(bot, td.ID, o, bonusPaths[o]));

            foreach (var cannotTake in turnsToTake.Where(o => o.Value == null).ToList())

            var bonusWeights = bonusPaths.Keys.ToDictionary(o => o, o => ExpansionHelper.WeighBonus(bot, o, ts => ts.ID == terrID, turnsToTake[o].NumTurns));

            var weight = 0.0f;

            weight += ExpansionHelper.WeighMultipleBonuses(td.PartOfBonuses.Where(o => bonusWeights.ContainsKey(o)).ToDictionary(o => o, o => bonusWeights[o]));

            AILog.Log("PickTerritories", "Expansion weight for terr " + bot.TerrString(terrID) + " is " + weight + ". " + td.PartOfBonuses.Select(b => "Bonus " + bot.BonusString(b) + " Weight=" + (bonusWeights.ContainsKey(b) ? bonusWeights[b] : 0) + " TurnsToTake=" + (turnsToTake.ContainsKey(b) ? turnsToTake[b].ToString() : "") + " Path=" + (bonusPaths.ContainsKey(b) ? bonusPaths[b].ToString() : "")).JoinStrings(", "));

Esempio n. 2
        private Dictionary <TerritoryIDType, PossibleExpandTarget> GetExpansionWeights(HashSet <TerritoryIDType> terrs)
            var bonusPaths = terrs
                             .SelectMany(o => Bot.Map.Territories[o].PartOfBonuses)
                             .Where(o => Bot.BonusValue(o) > 0)
                             .Select(o =>
                if (Bot.PastTime(7))
                    return(null);    //stop trying to expand if we're slow
                return(BonusPath.TryCreate(Bot, o, ts => ts.OwnerPlayerID == Bot.PlayerID));
                             .Where(o => o != null)
                             .ToDictionary(o => o.BonusID, o => o);

            var turnsToTake = bonusPaths.Keys.ToDictionary(o => o, o => TurnsToTake(o, bonusPaths[o]));

            foreach (var cannotTake in turnsToTake.Where(o => o.Value == null).ToList())

            var bonusWeights = bonusPaths.Keys.ToDictionary(o => o, o => ExpansionHelper.WeighBonus(Bot, o, ts => ts.OwnerPlayerID == Bot.PlayerID, turnsToTake[o].NumTurns));

            AILog.Log("Expand", "GetExpansionWeights called with " + terrs.Count + " territories.  Weighted " + bonusWeights.Count + " bonuses:");
            foreach (var bw in bonusWeights.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value).Take(10))
                AILog.Log("Expand", " - " + Bot.BonusString(bw.Key) + " Weight=" + bw.Value + " " + turnsToTake[bw.Key] + " TurnsToTakeByDistance=" + bonusPaths[bw.Key].TurnsToTakeByDistance + " CriticalPath=" + bonusPaths[bw.Key].TerritoriesOnCriticalPath.Select(o => Bot.TerrString(o)).JoinStrings(", "));

            var ret = new Dictionary <TerritoryIDType, PossibleExpandTarget>();

            foreach (var terr in terrs)
                ret[terr] = new PossibleExpandTarget(Bot, terr, Bot.Map.Territories[terr].PartOfBonuses.Where(b => bonusPaths.ContainsKey(b)).ToDictionary(b => b, b => new PossibleExpandTargetBonus(bonusWeights[b], bonusPaths[b], turnsToTake[b])));

            AILog.Log("Expand", "Finished weighing " + terrs.Count + " territories:");
            foreach (var terr in ret.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value.Weight).Take(10))
                AILog.Log("Expand", " - " + Bot.TerrString(terr.Key) + " Weight=" + terr.Value);

Esempio n. 3
        public override void Go(int remainingUndeployed, bool highlyWeightedOnly)
            //don't search more than 10% of the map. We won't cross the entire map to get a bonus, we're looking for ones near us.  For small maps, never search fewer than 5.
            var maxDistance = highlyWeightedOnly ? 1 : Math.Max(5, (int)(Bot.Map.Territories.Count / 10));

            var armyMult     = ExpansionHelper.ArmyMultiplier(Bot.Settings.DefenseKillRate);
            var bonusWeights = Bot.Map.Bonuses.Keys.Where(o => Bot.BonusValue(o) > 0).ToDictionary(o => o, o => ExpansionHelper.WeighBonus(Bot, o, ts => ts.OwnerPlayerID == Bot.PlayerID, 1)); //assume 1 turn to take for now, which is wrong, but it gives us an even baseline. We'll adjust for turnsToTake in adjustedBonusWeights.

            AILog.Log("ExpandMultiAttack", "remainingUndeployed=" + remainingUndeployed + ". " + bonusWeights.Count + " base weights: ");
            foreach (var bw in bonusWeights.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value).Take(10))
                AILog.Log("ExpandMultiAttack", " - " + Bot.BonusString(bw.Key) + " Weight=" + bw.Value);
            var armiesLeft = remainingUndeployed;

            TryExpand(ref armiesLeft, maxDistance, armyMult, bonusWeights);

            if (!highlyWeightedOnly) //If we have anything left after the second pass, revert to normal expansion.  Do it even if armiesLeft is 0, as it will use normal border armies
                Normal.Go(armiesLeft, highlyWeightedOnly);