Esempio n. 1
	public void DoKanjyoOperation(string kanjyoTyp){

		GameObject ExpSliderObj = GameObject.Find ("ExpSlider");
		string busyoId = GameObject.Find ("GameScene").GetComponent<NowOnBusyo>().OnBusyo;
		string busyoName = GameObject.Find ("GameScene").GetComponent<NowOnBusyo>().OnBusyoName;

		string QtyValue = "";
		string ExValue = "";
		if (kanjyoTyp == "DoKakyuKanjyo") {
			QtyValue = "KakyuKanjyoQtyValue";
			ExValue = "KakyuKanjyoExpValue";

		}else if(kanjyoTyp == "DoCyukyuKanjyo"){
			QtyValue = "CyukyuKanjyoQtyValue";
			ExValue = "CyukyuKanjyoExpValue";

		}else if(kanjyoTyp == "DoJyokyuKanjyo"){
			QtyValue = "JyokyuKanjyoQtyValue";
			ExValue = "JyokyuKanjyoExpValue";

		//Check exist or not
		GameObject qty = GameObject.Find (QtyValue);
		int kanjyoQty = int.Parse(qty.GetComponent<Text>().text);
		if (kanjyoQty == 0) {
			string Text = "感状はありませぬぞ。";
			Message msg = new Message(); 
			msg.makeMessage (Text);
			GameObject.Find ("DoKakyuKanjyo").GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = true;
			GameObject.Find ("DoCyukyuKanjyo").GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = true;
			GameObject.Find ("DoJyokyuKanjyo").GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = true;
			GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<Button> ().enabled = true;
		} else {
			/*Correct Case*/
			//reduce qty
			qty.GetComponent<Text> ().text = (kanjyoQty - 1).ToString ();
			//increase exp
			int nowLv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (busyoId);
			string tempExp = "exp" + busyoId;
			int nowExp = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (tempExp);
			int newExp = nowExp + int.Parse (GameObject.Find (ExValue).GetComponent<Text> ().text);
			Exp exp = new Exp ();

			int targetLv = exp.getLvbyTotalExp (nowLv, newExp);
			int targetMaxExp = 0;
			List<float> maxExpList = new List<float> ();
			if(targetLv != 100){
				targetMaxExp = exp.getExpforNextLv (targetLv);
				for (int k=nowLv; k<=targetLv; k++) {
					maxExpList.Add (exp.getDifExpforNextLv (k));

			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<ExpSlider> ().maxExpArray = maxExpList;  //Max Experience by Level
			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<ExpSlider> ().i = 0; //
			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<ExpSlider> ().startLv = nowLv; //
			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<ExpSlider> ().nowExp = float.Parse (GameObject.Find ("CurrentExpValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text); //
			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<ExpSlider> ().kanjyoExp = float.Parse (GameObject.Find (ExValue).GetComponent<Text> ().text);
			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<ExpSlider> ().newExp = newExp; //
			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<ExpSlider> ().targetMaxExp = targetMaxExp; //
			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<Slider> ().value = float.Parse (GameObject.Find ("CurrentExpValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text);
			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<Slider> ().maxValue = maxExpList [0];

			//Set Qty of Kanjyo
			string kanjyoQtyString = "";
			if (kanjyoTyp == "DoKakyuKanjyo") {
				kanjyoQtyString = (kanjyoQty - 1).ToString () + "," + kanjyoList [1] + "," + kanjyoList [2];

			} else if (kanjyoTyp == "DoCyukyuKanjyo") {
				kanjyoQtyString = kanjyoList [0] + "," + (kanjyoQty - 1).ToString () + "," + kanjyoList [2];

			} else if (kanjyoTyp == "DoJyokyuKanjyo") {
				kanjyoQtyString = kanjyoList [0] + "," + kanjyoList [1] + "," + (kanjyoQty - 1).ToString ();

			PlayerPrefs.SetString ("kanjyo", kanjyoQtyString);
			PlayerPrefs.SetInt (tempExp, newExp);
			PlayerPrefs.SetInt (busyoId, targetLv);
			string kanjyoText = busyoName + "に感状を与えました。";
			Message msg = new Message(); 
			msg.makeMessage (kanjyoText);

			ExpSliderObj.GetComponent<ExpSlider> ().enabled = true;

Esempio n. 2
	public void createBusyoStatusView(string busyoId){
		int lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (busyoId);
		StatusGet sts = new StatusGet ();
		int hp = sts.getHp (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int atk = sts.getAtk (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int dfc = sts.getDfc (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int spd = sts.getSpd (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int adjHp = hp * 100;
		int adjAtk = atk * 10;
		int adjDfc = dfc * 10;
		GameObject.Find ("LvValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = lv.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("TosotsuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjHp.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("BuyuuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjAtk.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("ChiryakuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjDfc.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("SpeedValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = spd.ToString ();

		string expId = "exp" + busyoId.ToString ();
		string expString = "";
		int nowExp = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(expId);
		Exp exp = new Exp ();
		int requiredExp = 0;
		if (lv != 100) {
			requiredExp = exp.getExpforNextLv (lv);
		} else {
			requiredExp = exp.getExpLv100();

		expString = nowExp + "/" + requiredExp;
		GameObject.Find ("ExpValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = expString;

		//Kahou status
		KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet ();
		string[] KahouStatusArray =kahouSts.getKahouForStatus (busyoId,adjHp,adjAtk,adjDfc,spd);
		int totalBusyoHp =0;

		string kanniTmp = "kanni" + busyoId;
		float addAtkByKanni = 0;
		float addHpByKanni = 0;
		float addDfcByKanni = 0;

		if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (kanniTmp)) {
			int kanniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (kanniTmp);
			Kanni kanni = new Kanni ();
			string kanniIkai = kanni.getIkai (kanniId);
			string kanniName = kanni.getKanni (kanniId);
			GameObject.Find ("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = kanniIkai + "\n" + kanniName;

			string kanniTarget = kanni.getEffectTarget(kanniId);
			int effect = kanni.getEffect(kanniId);
				addAtkByKanni = ((float)adjAtk * (float)effect)/100;
			}else if(kanniTarget=="hp"){
				addHpByKanni = ((float)adjHp * (float)effect)/100;
			}else if(kanniTarget=="dfc"){
				addDfcByKanni = ((float)adjDfc * (float)effect)/100;

		} else {
			GameObject.Find ("StatusKanni").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "官位無し";

		string jyosyuTmp = "jyosyuBusyo" + busyoId;
		if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (jyosyuTmp)) {
			int kuniId = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(jyosyuTmp);
			KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
			string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);

			GameObject.Find ("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = kuniName + "\n城主";

		} else {
			GameObject.Find ("StatusJyosyu").transform.FindChild ("Value").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "城無し";

		//Show Additional Status
		int finalAtk = int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [0]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addAtkByKanni);
		int finalHp = int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [1]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addHpByKanni);
		int finalDfc= int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [2]) + Mathf.FloorToInt (addDfcByKanni);
		int finalSpd = int.Parse (KahouStatusArray [3]);

		GameObject.Find ("KahouAtkValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "+" + finalAtk.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("KahouHpValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + finalHp.ToString();
		totalBusyoHp = adjHp + finalHp;
		GameObject.Find ("KahouDfcValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + finalDfc.ToString();
		GameObject.Find ("KahouSpdValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + finalSpd.ToString();

		//Butai Status
		string heiId = "hei" + busyoId.ToString ();
		string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString (heiId, "0");
		char[] delimiterChars = {':'};
		string[] ch_list = chParam.Split (delimiterChars);
		string ch_type = ch_list [0];
		int ch_num = int.Parse (ch_list [1]);
		int ch_lv = int.Parse (ch_list [2]);
		float ch_status = float.Parse (ch_list [3]);
		string heisyu = "";
		if (ch_type == "KB") {
			heisyu = "騎馬隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "YR") {
			heisyu = "槍隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "TP") {
			heisyu = "鉄砲隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "YM") {
			heisyu = "弓隊";
		GameObject.Find ("ChildNameValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = heisyu;
		GameObject.Find ("ChildQtyValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = ch_num.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("ChildLvValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = ch_lv.ToString ();

		//Jyosyu Handling
		JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku ();
		float addHei = (float)jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku (busyoId);
		float hei = ch_status * 10;
		string heiText = hei.ToString() + "<size=150><Color=#35D74BFF>+" + addHei + "</Color></size>";
		GameObject.Find ("ChildHeiryokuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = heiText;

		int chAtkDfc = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc ((int)hei, totalBusyoHp);
		string chAtkDfcString = chAtkDfc.ToString () + "/" + chAtkDfc.ToString (); 
		GameObject.Find ("ChildStatusValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = chAtkDfcString;
		//Child Image
		foreach (Transform n in GameObject.Find ("Img").transform) {
			GameObject.Destroy (n.gameObject);
		string chPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/" + ch_type;
		GameObject chObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (chPath)) as GameObject;
		chObj.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Img").transform);
		RectTransform chTransform = chObj.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
		chTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3 (-200, -50, 0);
		chTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2 (40, 40);
		chObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (4, 4);

		GameObject chigyo = GameObject.Find ("ButtonCyouhei");
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type = ch_type;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num = ch_num;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp = hei;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp = totalBusyoHp/100;

		GameObject kunren = GameObject.Find ("ButtonKunren");
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type = ch_type;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_lv = ch_lv;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp = hei ;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num = ch_num;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp = totalBusyoHp/100;

		//Parametor Setting
		GameObject.Find ("GameScene").GetComponent<NowOnBusyo>().OnBusyo = busyoId;

Esempio n. 3
	public void createBusyoStatusView(string busyoId){
		int lv = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (busyoId);
		StatusGet sts = new StatusGet ();
		int hp = sts.getHp (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int atk = sts.getAtk (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int dfc = sts.getDfc (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int spd = sts.getSpd (int.Parse (busyoId), lv);
		int adjHp = hp * 100;
		int adjAtk = atk * 10;
		int adjDfc = dfc * 10;
		GameObject.Find ("LvValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = lv.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("TosotsuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjHp.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("BuyuuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjAtk.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("ChiryakuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = adjDfc.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("SpeedValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = spd.ToString ();

		string expId = "exp" + busyoId.ToString ();
		string expString = "";
		int nowExp = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(expId);
		Exp exp = new Exp ();
		int requiredExp = 0;
		if (lv != 100) {
			requiredExp = exp.getExpforNextLv (lv);
		} else {
			requiredExp = exp.getExpLv100();

		expString = nowExp + "/" + requiredExp;
		GameObject.Find ("ExpValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = expString;

		//Kahou status
		KahouStatusGet kahouSts = new KahouStatusGet ();
		string[] KahouStatusArray =kahouSts.getKahouForStatus (busyoId,adjHp,adjAtk,adjDfc,spd);
		int totalBusyoHp =0;
		for(int i=0;i<KahouStatusArray.Length;i++){
			string status = KahouStatusArray[i];

				GameObject.Find ("KahouAtkValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + status;

			}else if(i==1){
				GameObject.Find ("KahouHpValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + status;
				totalBusyoHp = adjHp + int.Parse(status);
			}else if(i==2){
				GameObject.Find ("KahouDfcValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + status;

			}else if(i==3){
				GameObject.Find ("KahouSpdValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = "+" + status;

		//Butai Status
		string heiId = "hei" + busyoId.ToString ();
		string chParam = PlayerPrefs.GetString (heiId, "0");
		char[] delimiterChars = {':'};
		string[] ch_list = chParam.Split (delimiterChars);
		string ch_type = ch_list [0];
		int ch_num = int.Parse (ch_list [1]);
		int ch_lv = int.Parse (ch_list [2]);
		float ch_status = float.Parse (ch_list [3]);
		string heisyu = "";
		if (ch_type == "KB") {
			heisyu = "騎馬隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "YR") {
			heisyu = "槍隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "TP") {
			heisyu = "鉄砲隊";
		} else if (ch_type == "YM") {
			heisyu = "弓隊";
		GameObject.Find ("ChildNameValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = heisyu;
		GameObject.Find ("ChildQtyValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = ch_num.ToString ();
		GameObject.Find ("ChildLvValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = ch_lv.ToString ();

		//Jyosyu Handling
		JyosyuHeiryoku jyosyuHei = new JyosyuHeiryoku ();
		float addHei = (float)jyosyuHei.GetJyosyuHeiryoku (busyoId);
		float hei = ch_status * 10;
		string heiText = hei.ToString() + "<size=150><Color=#35D74BFF>+" + addHei + "</Color></size>";
		GameObject.Find ("ChildHeiryokuValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = heiText;

		float chAtkDfc = ch_status + totalBusyoHp / 200;
		string chAtkDfcString = chAtkDfc.ToString () + "/" + chAtkDfc.ToString (); 
		GameObject.Find ("ChildStatusValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = chAtkDfcString;
		//Child Image
		foreach (Transform n in GameObject.Find ("Img").transform) {
			GameObject.Destroy (n.gameObject);
		string chPath = "Prefabs/Player/Unit/" + ch_type;
		GameObject chObj = Instantiate (Resources.Load (chPath)) as GameObject;
		chObj.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find ("Img").transform);
		RectTransform chTransform = chObj.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
		chTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (-200, -50, 0);
		chTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2 (40, 40);
		chObj.transform.localScale = new Vector2 (4, 4);

		//Child Status Transfer to Button//Keep busyo name
		GameObject kanjyo = GameObject.Find ("ButtonKanjyo");
		if (lv != 100) {
			kanjyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_lv = lv;
			Color okColor = new Color (255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
			kanjyo.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text> ().color = okColor; 
			kanjyo.GetComponent<Button>().enabled = true;
		} else {
			Color ngColor = new Color (90f / 255f, 90f / 255f, 90f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
			kanjyo.transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text> ().color = ngColor; 
			kanjyo.GetComponent<Button>().enabled = false;

		GameObject chigyo = GameObject.Find ("ButtonCyouhei");
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type = ch_type;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num = ch_num;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp = hei;
		chigyo.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp = totalBusyoHp/100;

		GameObject kunren = GameObject.Find ("ButtonKunren");
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_type = ch_type;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_heisyu = heisyu;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_lv = ch_lv;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_status = chAtkDfc;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_hp = hei ;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().ch_num = ch_num;
		kunren.GetComponent<BusyoStatusButton> ().pa_hp = totalBusyoHp/100;

		//Parametor Setting
		GameObject.Find ("GameScene").GetComponent<NowOnBusyo>().OnBusyo = busyoId;
