public void ConfigValidator() { if (ScpSuicideTollerance < 0) { Log.Warn("Invalid config scputils_scp_suicide_tollerance, loading dafault one!"); ScpSuicideTollerance = 5; } if (AutoKickThreshold >= AutoBanThreshold) { Log.Warn("Invalid config scputils_auto_kick_threshold OR scputils_auto_ban_threshold, loading dafault one!"); AutoBanThreshold = 30.5f; } if (AutoRestartTime < 0) { Log.Warn("Invalid config scputils_auto_restart_time, loading dafault one!"); AutoRestartTime = 15; } if (Scp079TeslaEventWait < 0) { Log.Warn("Invalid config scputils_scp_079_tesla_event_wait, loading dafault one!"); Scp079TeslaEventWait = 2; } if (IgnoreDntRequests) { Log.Warn("You have set in server configs to ignore Do Not Track requests but that's a violation on Verified Server Rules (if your server is verified) and could cause punishement such as delist [Rule 8.11]"); } if (!IsEnabled) { Log.Warn("You disabled the plugin in server configs!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Populates <see cref="_filteredSpawns"/> based on <see cref="SpawnSettings"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="role"></param> /// <param name="numberOfPoints"></param> public static void FilterSpawns(RoleType role, int numberOfPoints = 1) { Log.Error($"Filtering spawns for [{role}]"); // Get spawns for role var spawns = RoleGameObjectDictionary[role]; var spawnCount = spawns.Count; if (spawnCount != 0 && DistanceInfo.TryGetValue(role, out var roleDistances)) { _filteredSpawns = CachedDistances.CalculateSpawns(spawns, roleDistances, numberOfPoints); } else { return; } Log.Error($"Pruned free spawn list from {spawnCount} to {_filteredSpawns.Count}"); _filteredSpawns.UnityShuffle(); _filteredSpawnIndex = 0; _useFilteredSpawns = true; }
private static bool Prefix(PlayerEffect __instance, byte newState) { try { if (__instance.Intensity == newState) { return(false); } var ev = new ReceivingEffectEventArgs(API.Features.Player.Get(__instance.Hub.gameObject), __instance, newState, __instance.Intensity); Exiled.Events.Handlers.Player.OnReceivingEffect(ev); if (!ev.IsAllowed) { return(false); } byte intensity = ev.CurrentState; __instance.Intensity = ev.State; if ( { __instance.Hub.playerEffectsController.Resync(); } __instance.ServerOnIntensityChange(intensity, ev.State); if (ev.Duration > 0.0f) { Timing.CallDelayed(0.5f, () => __instance.Duration = ev.Duration); } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"RecievingEffect: {e}"); return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Prefix of <see cref="Scp079PlayerScript.CallCmdInteract(string, GameObject)"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="__instance">The <see cref="Scp079PlayerScript"/> instance.</param> /// <param name="command">The command to be executed.</param> /// <param name="target">The target game object.</param> /// <returns>Returns a value indicating whether the original method has to be executed or not.</returns> private static bool Prefix(Scp079PlayerScript __instance, string command, GameObject target) { try { if (!__instance._interactRateLimit.CanExecute()) { return(false); } if (!__instance.iAm079) { return(false); } Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Command received from a client: " + command, MessageImportance.LessImportant); if (!command.Contains(":")) { return(false); } string[] array = command.Split(':'); __instance.RefreshCurrentRoom(); if (!__instance.CheckInteractableLegitness(__instance.currentRoom, __instance.currentZone, target, true)) { return(false); } List <string> list = ListPool <string> .Shared.Rent(); ConfigFile.ServerConfig.GetStringCollection("scp079_door_blacklist", list); bool result = true; switch (array[0]) { case "TESLA": { float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel("Tesla Gate Burst", __instance.abilities); if (manaFromLabel > __instance.curMana) { __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.curMana); result = false; break; } GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find(__instance.currentZone + "/" + __instance.currentRoom + "/Gate"); if (gameObject != null) { gameObject.GetComponent <TeslaGate>().RpcInstantBurst(); __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(gameObject, array[0], true); __instance.Mana -= manaFromLabel; } result = false; break; } case "DOOR": { if (AlphaWarheadController.Host.inProgress) { result = false; break; } if (target == null) { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "The door command requires a target.", MessageImportance.LessImportant); result = false; break; } Door component = target.GetComponent <Door>(); if (component == null) { result = false; break; } if (list != null && list.Count > 0 && list != null && list.Contains(component.DoorName)) { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door access denied by the server.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); result = false; break; } float manaFromLabel = __instance.GetManaFromLabel( "Door Interaction " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(component.permissionLevel) ? "DEFAULT" : component.permissionLevel), __instance.abilities); if (manaFromLabel > __instance.curMana) { Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Not enough mana.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); __instance.RpcNotEnoughMana(manaFromLabel, __instance.curMana); result = false; break; } if (component != null && component.ChangeState079()) { __instance.Mana -= manaFromLabel; __instance.AddInteractionToHistory(target, array[0], true); Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door state changed.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); result = true; break; } Console.AddDebugLog("SCP079", "Door state failed to change.", MessageImportance.LeastImportant); result = false; break; } default: result = true; break; } ListPool <string> .Shared.Return(list); return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Exiled.Events.Patches.Events.Scp079.Interacting: {e}\n{e.StackTrace}"); return(true); } }