public void ExecuteCommands() { var directive = new ExecuteCommandsDirective("[SkillProvidedToken]"); directive.Commands = new List <APLCommand>(); directive.Commands.Add(new Idle()); Assert.True(Utility.CompareJson(directive, "ExecuteCommands.json")); }
public static T ExampleFileContent <T>(string expectedFile) { RenderDocumentDirective.AddSupport(); ExecuteCommandsDirective.AddSupport(); using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(ExampleFileContent(expectedFile)))) { return(new JsonSerializer().Deserialize <T>(reader)); } }
public static void Add() { RenderDocumentDirective.AddSupport(); ExecuteCommandsDirective.AddSupport(); SendIndexListDataDirective.AddSupport(); UpdateIndexListDataDirective.AddSupport(); new UserEventRequestHandler().AddToRequestConverter(); new LoadIndexListDataRequestHandler().AddToRequestConverter(); new RuntimeErrorRequestHandler().AddToRequestConverter(); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed an alexa post request."); //deserialize skill request string json = await req.ReadAsStringAsync(); var skillRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <APLSkillRequest>(json); //Validate Request // Verifies that the request is a valid request from Amazon Alexa var isValid = await skillRequest.ValidateRequestAsync(req, log); if (!isValid) { return(new BadRequestResult()); } RenderDocumentDirective.AddSupport(); ExecuteCommandsDirective.AddSupport(); //init respoonse and get current user session SkillResponse response = null; Session session = skillRequest.Session; //check for APL support if (skillRequest.APLSupported()) { //add support for APL Commands + Directives new UserEventRequestHandler().AddToRequestConverter(); skillRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <APLSkillRequest>(json); var aplDocumentVersion = skillRequest.APLInterfaceDetails().Runtime.MaxVersion; //add apl layout var document = new APLDocument(); document.AddResponsiveDesign(); document.MainTemplate = new Layout( new Container( new Text("APL in C# TEST!") { FontSize = "24vh", TextAlign = "Center" }, new Image(scotlandFlagURL) { Width = "100vw", Height = "100vw", Scale = Scale.BestFit } ) { Direction = "row", Position = "absolute" }) .AsMain(); var directive = new RenderDocumentDirective { Token = "randomToken", Document = new APLDocument { MainTemplate = new Layout(new[] { new Container(new APLComponent[] { new Text("APL in C#") { FontSize = "24dp", TextAlign = "Center" }, new Image("") { Width = 400, Height = 400 } }) { Direction = "row" } }) } }; response.Response.Directives.Add(directive); } switch (skillRequest.Request) { case LaunchRequest launchRequest: return(HandleLaunch(launchRequest, log)); case IntentRequest intentRequest: switch (intentRequest.Intent.Name) { case "NewQuizIntent": return(NewQuizIntent()); default: return(HandleLaunch(null, log)); } } return(new OkObjectResult(response)); }