public override void Save(ParMainLite _O) { L.Clear(); ExecSave(_O, (_O as IParentBase).PropertyName); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)); foreach (Param p in L) { sw.WriteLine(p.ToString()); } sw.Flush(); string img = Encoding.GetEncoding(1251).GetString(ms.ToArray()); sw.Dispose(); ms.Dispose(); ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0} set Val=@textdata where Unit='{1}'", schema + "." + table_name, Unit)); E.AddParam("@textdata", SqlDbType.Text, img, img.Length); int ret = E.Exec(); if (ret == 0) { ExecSQLX EE = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("insert into {0} values('{1}',@textdata)", schema + "." + table_name, Unit)); EE.AddParam("@textdata", SqlDbType.Text, img, img.Length); int aaa = EE.Exec(); } }
public override bool Update() { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGEtalonPars set val={1} where typeSize='{2}' and sGroup='{3}' and etalon={4} and par={5}", BaseItem.Schema, Val.ToString().Replace(',', '.'), ownKey.TSName, ownKey.GroupName, ownKey.EtalonId.ToString(), ownKey.EtalonParsId.ToString())); if (E.Exec() == 1) { return(true); } else { Select S = new Select(string.Format("SELECT val from {0}.SGEtalonPars where typeSize='{1}' and sGroup='{2}' and etalon={3} and par={4}", BaseItem.Schema, ownKey.TSName, ownKey.GroupName, ownKey.EtalonId.ToString(), ownKey.EtalonParsId.ToString() )); if (!S.Read()) { throw new Exception("EtalonPars: не могу получить предыдуще значения"); } Val = SD(S["val"]); S.Dispose(); return(false); } }
public override bool Update() { pr("Tube.Update()"); ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGTubes set dt=@dt, name='{1}', sGroup='{2}' where id={3}", BaseItem.Schema, Name, SG, Id.ToString() )); E.AddParam("@dt", SqlDbType.DateTime, Dt); bool ret = E.Exec() == 1; if (!ret) { Select S = new Select(string.Format("SELECT dt, name, sGroup from {0}.SGTubes where Id={1}", BaseItem.Schema, Id.ToString())); if (!S.Read()) { throw new Exception("Tube: не могу получить предыдуще значения"); } Dt = (DateTime)S["dt"]; Name = S["name"] as string; SG = S["sGroup"] as string; S.Dispose(); } return(ret); }
public override bool Update() { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGEtalons set dt=@dt, IsOn='{1}' where typeSize='{2}' and sGroup='{3}' and id={4}", BaseItem.Schema, IsOn ? "true" : "false", ownKey.TSName, ownKey.GroupName, Id.ToString())); E.AddParam("@dt", SqlDbType.DateTime, Dt); pr("Update"); bool ret = E.Exec() == 1; if (!ret) { Select S = new Select(string.Format("SELECT dt from {0}.SGEtalons where typeSize='{1}' and sGroup='{2}' and id={3}", BaseItem.Schema, ownKey.TSName, ownKey.GroupName, Id.ToString() )); if (!S.Read()) { throw new Exception("Etalon: не могу получить предыдуще значения"); } Dt = (DateTime)S["dt"]; IsOn = Convert.ToBoolean(S["IsOn"]); S.Dispose(); } return(ret); }
public override bool Update() { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGTresh set val={1} where typeSize='{2}' and Par={3}", BaseItem.Schema, Val.ToString().Replace(',', '.'), ownKey.TSName, ownKey.TreshId.ToString() )); int ret = E.Exec(); if (ret == 1) { return(true); } else { Select S = new Select(string.Format("SELECT val from {0}.SGTresh where typeSize='{1}' and Par={2}", BaseItem.Schema, ownKey.TSName, ownKey.TreshId.ToString())); if (!S.Read()) { throw new Exception("Tresh: не могу получить предыдуще значения"); } Val = SD(S["val"]); S.Dispose(); return(false); } }
public override bool Update() { pr("Group.Update()"); bool ret = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGroups set name='{1}',color={2}, IsOn='{3}' where typeSize='{4}' and name='{5}'", BaseItem.Schema, Name, DBColor, IsOn ? "true" : "false", ownKey.TSName, saved_name )).Exec() == 1; if (ret) { saved_name = Name; } else { Name = saved_name; Select S = new Select(string.Format("SELECT * from {0}.SGroups where typeSize='{1} and name='{2}'", BaseItem.Schema, ownKey.TSName, Name)); if (!S.Read()) { throw new Exception("Group: не могу получить предыдуще значения"); } RColor = Color.FromArgb((int)S["color"]); IsOn = Convert.ToBoolean(S["IsOn"]); S.Dispose(); } return(ret); }
public static bool Save0(string _TSName, double[] _treshPercent) { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("delete from {0}.SGTresh where typeSize='{1}'", BaseItem.Schema, _TSName )); int ret = E.Exec(); if (_treshPercent == null) { return(true); } for (int i = 0; i < _treshPercent.Length; i++) { ExecSQLX EE = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("insert into {0}.SGTresh values('{1}',{2},{3})", BaseItem.Schema, _TSName, i.ToString(), _treshPercent[i].ToString().Replace(',', '.'))); if (EE.Exec() != 1) { return(false); } } new ExecSQLX(string.Format( " UPDATE x SET x.par = x.new_par FROM (" + " SELECT par, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY val)-1 AS new_par" + " FROM {0}.SGTresh where typeSize='{1}' ) x", BaseItem.Schema, _TSName)).Exec(); return(true); }
public override bool Update() { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGTubePars set val={1} where tube_id={2} and Par={3}", BaseItem.Schema, Val.ToString().Replace(',', '.'), ownKey.TubeId.ToString(), ownKey.TubeParsId.ToString())); if (E.Exec() == 1) { return(true); } else { Select S = new Select(string.Format("SELECT val from {0}.SGTubePars where tube_id={1} and Par={2}", BaseItem.Schema, ownKey.TubeId.ToString(), ownKey.TubeParsId.ToString() )); if (!S.Read()) { throw new Exception("TubePars: не могу получить предыдуще значения"); } Val = SD(S["val"]); S.Dispose(); return(false); } }
protected override bool SetImg(string _data) { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGEtalons set img=@textdata where typesize='{1}' and sGroup='{2}' and id={3}", BaseItem.Schema, ownKey.TSName, ownKey.GroupName, Id.ToString())); E.AddParam("@textdata", SqlDbType.Text, _data, _data.Length); return(E.Exec() == 1); }
protected override bool SetImg(string _data) { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGTubes set img=@textdata where id={1}", BaseItem.Schema, Id.ToString())); E.AddParam("@textdata", SqlDbType.Text, _data, _data.Length); return(E.Exec() == 1); }
public static bool Save(Int64 _TubeId, double[] _mval) { new ExecSQLX(string.Format("delete from {0}.SGTubePars where tube_id={1}", BaseItem.Schema, _TubeId.ToString())).Exec(); for (int i = 0; i < _mval.Length; i++) { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("insert into {0}.SGTubePars values({1},{2},{3})", BaseItem.Schema, _TubeId.ToString(), i.ToString(), _mval[i].ToString().Replace(',', '.'))); if (E.Exec() != 1) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public override bool Update() { pr("TypeSize.Update()"); bool ret = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGTypeSizes set name='{1}' where name='{2}'", BaseItem.Schema, Name, saved_name)).Exec() == 1; if (ret) { saved_name = Name; } else { Name = saved_name; } return(ret); }
public static bool Save(string _TSName, string _GroupName, int _EtalonId, double[] _mval) { new ExecSQLX(string.Format("delete from {0}.SGEtalonPars where typeSize='{1}' and sGroup='{2}' and etalon={3}", BaseItem.Schema, _TSName, _GroupName, _EtalonId.ToString())).Exec(); for (int i = 0; i < _mval.Length; i++) { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("insert into {0}.SGEtalonPars values('{1}','{2}',{3},{4},{5})", BaseItem.Schema, _TSName, _GroupName, _EtalonId.ToString(), i.ToString(), _mval[i].ToString().Replace(',', '.'))); if (E.Exec() != 1) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public override void UpdateSOP(SOPPars _sop) { SOP = _sop == null ? null : _sop.Name; ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGTubes set SOP={1} where id={2}", BaseItem.Schema, SOP == null ? "null" : "'" + SOP + "'", Id.ToString() )); bool ret = E.Exec() == 1; if (!ret) { throw new Exception("Tube: не могу записать SOP"); } }
public override void UpdateSOP(SOPPars _sop) { SOP = _sop == null ? null : _sop.Name; ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("update {0}.SGEtalons set SOP={1} where typeSize='{2}' and sGroup='{3}' and id={4}", BaseItem.Schema, SOP == null ? "null" : "'" + SOP + "'", ownKey.TSName, ownKey.GroupName, Id.ToString())); bool ret = E.Exec() == 1; if (!ret) { throw new Exception("Etalon: не могу записать SOP"); } }
public override bool Delete() { int ret = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("delete from {0}.SGTresh where typeSize='{1}' and Par={2}", BaseItem.Schema, ownKey.TSName, ownKey.TreshId.ToString())).Exec(); if (ret != 1) { return(false); } new ExecSQLX(string.Format( " UPDATE x SET x.par = x.new_par FROM (" + " SELECT par, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [par]) - 1 AS new_par" + " FROM {0}.SGTresh where typeSize='{1}' ) x", BaseItem.Schema, ownKey.TSName)).Exec(); return(true); }
internal void Save(LParam _L) { CDBS.BeginTransaction(); try { new ExecSQLX(string.Format("delete from {0}", s_table)).Exec(); foreach (Param p in _L) { ExecSQLX E = new ExecSQLX(string.Format("insert into {0} values('{1}','{2}')", s_table, p.path.Replace('[', '{').Replace(']', '}'), p.val)); if (E.Exec() != 1) { CDBS.RollBack(); throw new Exception("Не смогли записать настройки в базу"); } } } catch { CDBS.RollBack(); throw new Exception("Не смогли записать настройки в базу"); } CDBS.Commit(); }