private void orderCacheHandler(int action, int row)
        // callback for OrderCache interaction
            string Time;

            string Account;
            string Side;
            string Quantity;
            string ExecQuantity;
            string Symbol;
            string PriceDesc;
            string ExecPrice;
            string PctCmp;
            string Lvs;
            string Status;
            string OrderRefKey;
            String BranchCode;
            String BranchSeq;
            string Exchange;
            string Customs = "";

            int errCode;

//            Console.WriteLine("action: " + action.ToString() + "; row: " + row.ToString());

            if (row >= 0)
                //Console.WriteLine("action: " + action.ToString());
                switch (action)
                case (int)CacheControlActions.Add:     // new order is added to cache
                    //                       Console.WriteLine("Add");
                        Time         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Time", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Account      = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Account", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Side         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Side", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Quantity     = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Quantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        ExecQuantity = GetCell(orderCache, row, "ExecQuantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Symbol       = GetCell(orderCache, row, "DisplaySymbol", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        if ((Symbol.Contains("DEFAULT")) || (Symbol.Equals("")))
                            break;     // do not display orders that resulated in errors on REDIPlus
                        PriceDesc = GetCell(orderCache, row, "PriceDesc", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        ExecPrice = GetCell(orderCache, row, "AvgExecPrice", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        if (((null == ExecQuantity) || (null == Quantity)) ||
                            ((ExecQuantity.Equals("")) || (Quantity.Equals(""))))
                            break;     // do not display orders with quantities not populated, wait for the valid order
                        decimal Pct = Convert.ToDecimal(ExecQuantity) / Convert.ToDecimal(Quantity);
                        if (ExecQuantity.Equals("0"))
                            PctCmp = "0.00%";
                            PctCmp = Pct.ToString() + " %";
                        Lvs         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Leaves", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Status      = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Status", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        OrderRefKey = GetCell(orderCache, row, "OrderRefKey", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        BranchCode  = GetCell(orderCache, row, "BranchCode", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        BranchSeq   = GetCell(orderCache, row, "BranchSeq", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Customs     = "";
                        for (int k = 0; k < 15; k++)
                            String cus = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Custom" + k, out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            if (!cus.Equals(""))
                                Customs += ("<" + k + "=" + cus + ">");

                        var Ord = new Order();
                        Time     = Time.Remove(0, 9);
                        Ord.Time = Time;

                        Ord.Account      = Account;
                        Ord.Side         = Side;
                        Ord.Quantity     = Quantity;
                        Ord.ExecQuantity = ExecQuantity;
                        Ord.Symbol       = Symbol;
                        Ord.PriceDesc    = PriceDesc;
                        Ord.ExecPr       = ExecPrice;
                        Ord.PctCmp       = PctCmp;
                        Ord.Lvs          = Lvs;
                        Ord.Status       = Status;
                        Ord.OrderRefKey  = OrderRefKey;
                        Ord.BranchCode   = BranchCode;
                        Ord.BranchSeq    = BranchSeq;
                        Ord.Customs      = Customs;

                        Console.WriteLine("Add to Orders: " + Ord.ToString());
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);

                case (int)CacheControlActions.Update:      // modification or cancellation
                        //                           Console.WriteLine("Update");

                        Time         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Time", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Account      = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Account", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Side         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Side", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Quantity     = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Quantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        ExecQuantity = GetCell(orderCache, row, "ExecQuantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Symbol       = GetCell(orderCache, row, "DisplaySymbol", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        PriceDesc    = GetCell(orderCache, row, "PriceDesc", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        ExecPrice    = GetCell(orderCache, row, "AvgExecPrice", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        //PctCmp = GetCell(orderCache, row, "ProgressValue", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        if (((null == ExecQuantity) || (null == Quantity)) ||
                            ((ExecQuantity.Equals("")) || (Quantity.Equals(""))))
                            break;     //do not display orders with quantities not populated, wait for the valid order
                        decimal Pct = Convert.ToDecimal(ExecQuantity) / Convert.ToDecimal(Quantity);
                        if (ExecQuantity.Equals("0"))
                            PctCmp = "0.00%";
                            PctCmp = Pct.ToString() + " %";
                        Lvs         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Leaves", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Status      = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Status", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        OrderRefKey = GetCell(orderCache, row, "OrderRefKey", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        BranchCode  = GetCell(orderCache, row, "BranchCode", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        BranchSeq   = GetCell(orderCache, row, "BranchSeq", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Customs     = "";
                        for (int k = 0; k < 15; k++)
                            String cus = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Custom" + k, out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            if (!cus.Equals(""))
                                Customs += ("<" + k + "=" + cus + ">");

                        var Ord = new Order();

                        Time = Time.Remove(0, 9);

                        //                       var order = Ord;
                        Ord.Time         = Time;
                        Ord.Account      = Account;
                        Ord.Side         = Side;
                        Ord.Quantity     = Quantity;
                        Ord.ExecQuantity = ExecQuantity;
                        Ord.Symbol       = Symbol;
                        Ord.PriceDesc    = PriceDesc;
                        Ord.ExecPr       = ExecPrice;
                        Ord.PctCmp       = PctCmp;
                        Ord.Lvs          = Lvs;
                        Ord.Status       = Status;
                        Ord.OrderRefKey  = OrderRefKey;
                        Ord.BranchCode   = BranchCode;
                        Ord.BranchSeq    = BranchSeq;
                        Ord.Customs      = Customs;

                        //                                                       }
                        Console.WriteLine("Update to Order: " + Ord);

                        /*                       if (long.Parse(Ord.ExecQuantity) > 0)
                         *                     {
                         *                         Console.WriteLine("Ord.ExecQuantity greater then 0");
                         *                     } */

                case (int)CacheControlActions.Snapshot:
                    // Snapshot of what happened throughout this day
                    // expect this first
                        Console.WriteLine("Snapshot of orders:");

                        for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
                            Time         = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Time", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Account      = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Account", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Side         = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Side", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Quantity     = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Quantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            ExecQuantity = GetCell(orderCache, i, "ExecQuantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Symbol       = GetCell(orderCache, i, "DisplaySymbol", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            PriceDesc    = GetCell(orderCache, i, "PriceDesc", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            ExecPrice    = GetCell(orderCache, i, "AvgExecPrice", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Customs      = "";
                            for (int k = 0; k < 15; k++)
                                String cus = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Custom" + k, out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                                if (!cus.Equals(""))
                                    Customs += ("<" + k + "=" + cus + ">");
                            if (((null == ExecQuantity) || (null == Quantity)) ||
                                ((ExecQuantity.Equals("")) || (Quantity.Equals(""))))
                                continue;     //do not display orders with quantities not populated, wait for the valid order
                            decimal Pct = 100 * Convert.ToDecimal(ExecQuantity) / Convert.ToDecimal(Quantity);
                            if (ExecQuantity.Equals("0"))
                                PctCmp = "0.00%";
                                PctCmp = Pct.ToString() + " %";
                            Lvs         = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Leaves", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Status      = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Status", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            OrderRefKey = GetCell(orderCache, i, "OrderRefKey", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            BranchCode  = GetCell(orderCache, i, "BranchCode", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            BranchSeq   = GetCell(orderCache, i, "BranchSeq", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Exchange    = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Exchange", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();

                            var Ord = new Order();

                            Time     = Time.Remove(0, 9);
                            Ord.Time = Time;

                            Ord.Account      = Account;
                            Ord.Side         = Side;
                            Ord.Quantity     = Quantity;
                            Ord.ExecQuantity = ExecQuantity;
                            Ord.Symbol       = Symbol;
                            Ord.PriceDesc    = PriceDesc;
                            Ord.ExecPr       = ExecPrice;
                            Ord.PctCmp       = PctCmp;
                            Ord.Lvs          = Lvs;
                            Ord.Status       = Status;
                            Ord.OrderRefKey  = OrderRefKey;
                            Ord.BranchCode   = BranchCode;
                            Ord.BranchSeq    = BranchSeq;
                            Ord.Exchange     = Exchange;
                            Ord.Customs      = Customs;

                            Console.WriteLine("<Orders row=" + i + "|time=" + Time + ">\n" + Ord.ToString());

                            /*                         RediLib.ORDER newOrder = new RediLib.ORDER();
                             *                       newOrder.SetOrderKey("r151681", OrderRefKey);
                             *                       object counter = null;
                             *                       newOrder.GetMBFieldCount(ref counter);
                             *                       Console.WriteLine("Counter=" + counter);
                             *                       Console.WriteLine("Exchange=" + newOrder.Exchange+ "Symbol="+ newOrder.Symbol);
                             *                       if (newOrder.GetMBFieldCount(ref counter) == null)
                             *                       {
                             *                           for (int index = 0; index < ((int)counter); index++)
                             *                           {
                             *                               object name = null; object value = null; object type = null; if (newOrder.GetMBFieldX(index, ref name, ref value, ref type) == null)
                             *                               {
                             *                                   Console.WriteLine("Name=" + name + " value=" + value);
                             *                               }
                             *                           }
                             *                       } */
                        Console.WriteLine("End of orders");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e);
        private void orderCacheHandler(int action, int row)
        // callback for OrderCache interaction
            string Time;

            string Account;
            string Side;
            string Quantity;
            string ExecQuantity;
            string Symbol;
            string PriceDesc;
            string ExecPrice;
            string PctCmp;
            string Lvs;
            string Status;
            string OrderRefKey;

            int errCode;

//            Console.WriteLine("action: " + action.ToString() + "; row: " + row.ToString());

            if (row >= 0)
                //Console.WriteLine("action: " + action.ToString());
                switch (action)
                case (int)CacheControlActions.Add:     // new order is added to cache
                    //                       Console.WriteLine("Add");
                        Time         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Time", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Account      = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Account", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Side         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Side", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Quantity     = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Quantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        ExecQuantity = GetCell(orderCache, row, "ExecQuantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Symbol       = GetCell(orderCache, row, "DisplaySymbol", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        if ((Symbol.Contains("DEFAULT")) || (Symbol.Equals("")))
                            break;     // do not display orders that resulated in errors on REDIPlus
                        PriceDesc = GetCell(orderCache, row, "PriceDesc", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        ExecPrice = GetCell(orderCache, row, "AvgExecPrice", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        if (((null == ExecQuantity) || (null == Quantity)) ||
                            ((ExecQuantity.Equals("")) || (Quantity.Equals(""))))
                            break;     // do not display orders with quantities not populated, wait for the valid order
                        decimal Pct = Convert.ToDecimal(ExecQuantity) / Convert.ToDecimal(Quantity);
                        if (ExecQuantity.Equals("0"))
                            PctCmp = "0.00%";
                            PctCmp = Pct.ToString() + " %";
                        Lvs         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Leaves", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Status      = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Status", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        OrderRefKey = GetCell(orderCache, row, "OrderRefKey", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();

                        var Ord = new Order();
                        Time     = Time.Remove(0, 9);
                        Ord.Time = Time;

                        Ord.Account      = Account;
                        Ord.Side         = Side;
                        Ord.Quantity     = Quantity;
                        Ord.ExecQuantity = ExecQuantity;
                        Ord.Symbol       = Symbol;
                        Ord.PriceDesc    = PriceDesc;
                        Ord.ExecPr       = ExecPrice;
                        Ord.PctCmp       = PctCmp;
                        Ord.Lvs          = Lvs;
                        Ord.Status       = Status;
                        Ord.OrderRefKey  = OrderRefKey;

                        Console.WriteLine("Add to Orders: " + Ord.ToString());
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);

                case (int)CacheControlActions.Update:      // modification or cancellation
                        //                           Console.WriteLine("Update");

                        Time         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Time", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Account      = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Account", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Side         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Side", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Quantity     = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Quantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        ExecQuantity = GetCell(orderCache, row, "ExecQuantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Symbol       = GetCell(orderCache, row, "DisplaySymbol", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        PriceDesc    = GetCell(orderCache, row, "PriceDesc", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        ExecPrice    = GetCell(orderCache, row, "AvgExecPrice", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        //PctCmp = GetCell(orderCache, row, "ProgressValue", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        if (((null == ExecQuantity) || (null == Quantity)) ||
                            ((ExecQuantity.Equals("")) || (Quantity.Equals(""))))
                            break;     //do not display orders with quantities not populated, wait for the valid order
                        decimal Pct = Convert.ToDecimal(ExecQuantity) / Convert.ToDecimal(Quantity);
                        if (ExecQuantity.Equals("0"))
                            PctCmp = "0.00%";
                            PctCmp = Pct.ToString() + " %";
                        Lvs         = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Leaves", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        Status      = GetCell(orderCache, row, "Status", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                        OrderRefKey = GetCell(orderCache, row, "OrderRefKey", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();

                        var Ord = new Order();

                        Time = Time.Remove(0, 9);

                        //                       var order = Ord;
                        Ord.Time         = Time;
                        Ord.Account      = Account;
                        Ord.Side         = Side;
                        Ord.Quantity     = Quantity;
                        Ord.ExecQuantity = ExecQuantity;
                        Ord.Symbol       = Symbol;
                        Ord.PriceDesc    = PriceDesc;
                        Ord.ExecPr       = ExecPrice;
                        Ord.PctCmp       = PctCmp;
                        Ord.Lvs          = Lvs;
                        Ord.Status       = Status;
                        Ord.OrderRefKey  = OrderRefKey;
                        //                                                       }
                        Console.WriteLine("Update to Order: " + Ord);

                case (int)CacheControlActions.Snapshot:
                    // Snapshot of what happened throughout this day
                    // expect this first
                        Console.WriteLine("Snapshot of orders:");
                        for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
                            Time         = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Time", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Account      = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Account", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Side         = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Side", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Quantity     = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Quantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            ExecQuantity = GetCell(orderCache, i, "ExecQuantity", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Symbol       = GetCell(orderCache, i, "DisplaySymbol", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            PriceDesc    = GetCell(orderCache, i, "PriceDesc", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            ExecPrice    = GetCell(orderCache, i, "AvgExecPrice", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            if (((null == ExecQuantity) || (null == Quantity)) ||
                                ((ExecQuantity.Equals("")) || (Quantity.Equals(""))))
                                continue;     //do not display orders with quantities not populated, wait for the valid order
                            decimal Pct = 100 * Convert.ToDecimal(ExecQuantity) / Convert.ToDecimal(Quantity);
                            if (ExecQuantity.Equals("0"))
                                PctCmp = "0.00%";
                                PctCmp = Pct.ToString() + " %";
                            Lvs         = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Leaves", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            Status      = GetCell(orderCache, i, "Status", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();
                            OrderRefKey = GetCell(orderCache, i, "OrderRefKey", out errCode).ToString().TrimStart();

                            //                              Console.WriteLine("1 - Time = " + Time + /*";BrSeq = " + BrSeq +*/ ";row = " + i);
                            var Ord = new Order();

                            Time     = Time.Remove(0, 9);
                            Ord.Time = Time;

                            Ord.Account      = Account;
                            Ord.Side         = Side;
                            Ord.Quantity     = Quantity;
                            Ord.ExecQuantity = ExecQuantity;
                            Ord.Symbol       = Symbol;
                            Ord.PriceDesc    = PriceDesc;
                            Ord.ExecPr       = ExecPrice;
                            Ord.PctCmp       = PctCmp;
                            Ord.Lvs          = Lvs;
                            Ord.Status       = Status;
                            Ord.OrderRefKey  = OrderRefKey;

                            Console.WriteLine("<Orders row=" + i + "|time=" + Time + ">\n" + Ord.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("End of orders");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e);