Esempio n. 1
        private void OnCompute(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            StringBuilder sbErrors = new StringBuilder();

                string colName        = ColumnLetterName;
                string colDescription = ColumnLetterDescription;
                string colLength      = ColumnLetterLength;
                string colWidth       = ColumnLetterWidth;
                string colHeight      = ColumnLetterHeight;
                string colWeight      = ColumnLetterWeight;

                string filePath = InputFilePath;

                string outputPath   = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(InputFilePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InputFilePath) + "_output");
                string filePathCopy = Path.ChangeExtension(outputPath, Path.GetExtension(InputFilePath));

                File.Copy(filePath, filePathCopy, true);

                // get the collection of work sheets
                Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application()
                    Visible = true, DisplayAlerts = false
                Excel.Workbook  xlWbk               = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filePathCopy, Type.Missing, false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
                Excel.Worksheet xlSheet             = (Excel.Worksheet)xlApp.Sheets[SheetName];
                Excel.Range     range               = xlSheet.UsedRange;
                int             rowCount            = range.Rows.Count;
                int             colStartIndex       = ExcelHelpers.ColumnLetterToColumnIndex(ColumnLetterOutputStart) - 1;
                int             palletColStartIndex = colStartIndex - 1;
                // pallet loop
                var pallets = SelectedPallets;
                foreach (var palletProperties in pallets)
                    int iOutputFieldCount = palletColStartIndex;
                    int iNoCols           = 0;
                    // ### header : begin
                    // count
                    Excel.Range countHeaderCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + 1];
                    countHeaderCell.Value = Resources.ID_RESULT_NOCASES;
                    // byLayerCount
                    Excel.Range layerCountHeader = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + 1];
                    layerCountHeader.Value = Resources.ID_RESULT_LAYERCOUNT;
                    // load weight
                    Excel.Range loadWeightHeaderCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + 1];
                    loadWeightHeaderCell.Value = Resources.ID_RESULT_LOADWEIGHT + " (" + UnitsManager.MassUnitString + ")";
                    // total pallet weight
                    Excel.Range totalPalletWeightHeaderCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + 1];
                    totalPalletWeightHeaderCell.Value = Resources.ID_RESULT_TOTALPALLETWEIGHT + " (" + UnitsManager.MassUnitString + ")";
                    // efficiency
                    Excel.Range efficiencyHeaderCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + 1];
                    efficiencyHeaderCell.Value = Resources.ID_RESULT_EFFICIENCY + " (%)";
                    // image
                    if (GenerateImage)
                        Excel.Range imageHeaderCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount) + 1];
                        imageHeaderCell.Value = Resources.ID_RESULT_IMAGE;
                    // set bold font for all header row
                    Excel.Range headerRange = xlSheet.Range["a" + 1, ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount) + 1];
                    headerRange.Font.Bold = true;
                    // modify range for images
                    if (GenerateImage)
                        Excel.Range dataRange = xlSheet.Range["a" + 2,
                                                              ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount) + rowCount];
                        dataRange.RowHeight = 128;
                        Excel.Range imageRange = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount) + 2,
                                                               ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount) + rowCount];
                        imageRange.ColumnWidth = 24;
                    // ### header : end
                    // ### rows : begin
                    for (var iRow = 2; iRow <= rowCount; ++iRow)
                            iOutputFieldCount = palletColStartIndex;

                            // free version should exit after MaxNumberRowFree
                            if (!Program.IsSubscribed && iRow > MaxNumberRowFree + 1)
                                var cell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + iRow];
                                cell.Value = string.Format(Resources.ID_MASSEXCEL_FREEVERSIONLIMITEDNUMBER, MaxNumberRowFree);
                            // get name
                            string name = (xlSheet.Range[colName + iRow, colName + iRow].Value).ToString();
                            // get description
                            string description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(colDescription) ? string.Empty : (xlSheet.Range[colDescription + iRow, colDescription + iRow].Value).ToString();
                            // get length
                            double length = (double)xlSheet.Range[colLength + iRow, colLength + iRow].Value;
                            // get width
                            double width = (double)xlSheet.Range[colWidth + iRow, colWidth + iRow].Value;
                            // get height
                            double height = (double)xlSheet.Range[colHeight + iRow, colHeight + iRow].Value;

                            double maxDimension = Math.Max(Math.Max(length, width), height);
                            if (maxDimension < LargestDimensionMinimum)

                            // get weight
                            double?weight = null;
                            try { weight = (double)xlSheet.Range[colWeight + iRow, colWeight + iRow].Value; } catch (Exception /*ex*/) { }
                            // compute stacking
                            int    stackCount = 0, layerCount = 0, byLayerCount = 0;
                            double loadWeight = 0.0, totalPalletWeight = 0.0, stackEfficiency = 0.0;
                            string stackImagePath = string.Empty;
                            // generate result
                            GenerateResult(name, description
                                           , length, width, height, weight
                                           , palletProperties, Overhang
                                           , ref stackCount
                                           , ref layerCount, ref byLayerCount
                                           , ref loadWeight, ref totalPalletWeight
                                           , ref stackEfficiency
                                           , ref stackImagePath);
                            // insert count
                            var countCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + iRow];
                            countCell.Value = stackCount;
                            // insert layer count
                            var layerCountCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + iRow];
                            layerCountCell.Value = $"{layerCount} x {byLayerCount}";
                            // insert load weight
                            var loadWeightCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + iRow];
                            loadWeightCell.Value = loadWeight;
                            // insert total weight
                            var totalWeightCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + iRow];
                            totalWeightCell.Value = totalPalletWeight;
                            // efficiency
                            var efficiencyCell = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + iRow];
                            efficiencyCell.Value = Math.Round(stackEfficiency, 2);
                            // insert image
                            if (GenerateImage)
                                var imageCell = xlSheet.Range[
                                    ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount) + iRow,
                                    ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + iRow];
                                    Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue,
                                    (float)Convert.ToDecimal(imageCell.Left) + 1.0f,
                                    (float)Convert.ToDecimal(imageCell.Top) + 1.0f,
                                    (float)Convert.ToDecimal(imageCell.Width) - 2.0f,
                                    (float)Convert.ToDecimal(imageCell.Height) - 2.0f
                        catch (OutOfMemoryException ex) { sbErrors.Append(ex.Message); }
                        catch (EngineException ex) { sbErrors.Append(ex.Message); }
                        catch (Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException /*ex*/)
                            iOutputFieldCount = ExcelHelpers.ColumnLetterToColumnIndex(ColumnLetterOutputStart) - 1;;
                            var countCel = xlSheet.Range[ExcelHelpers.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(iOutputFieldCount++) + iRow];
                            countCel.Value = string.Format($"ERROR : Invalid input data!");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex; // rethrow
                    } // loop row
                    // ### rows : end
                    // increment palletColStartIndex
                    palletColStartIndex += iNoCols;
                } // loop pallets
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
                switch ((uint)ex.ErrorCode)
                case 0x800A03EC:
                    MessageBox.Show("NAME_NOT_FOUND : Could not find cell with given name!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Arrow;