public static void printBankAll(uint _code) { try { List <BankSheetOneEntry> tempCol = ExcelFileHandler.BankSheet_getDetail(_code, "", false); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Payment Report All"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "CODE : " + _code.ToString() + " | " + ProcessData.GetName(_code)); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Date Time Bal. Credit Ded."); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "------------------------------"); if (tempCol.Count > 0) { foreach (BankSheetOneEntry b in tempCol) { SerialP.sendDirect(1, + " " + b.time + " " + b.balance + " " + + " " + b.deduct); } } else { SerialP.sendDirect(1, "No Entry Found"); } SerialP.sendDirect(1, "------------------------------"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Your Company"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, ""); SerialP.sendDirect(1, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the instance of the ExcelFileProvider, which reads and persists all translations as Excel-files. /// A backup Excel-file will be created for all edits. /// </summary> /// <param name="translationFilePath">Path to the file containing the translations.</param> /// <param name="glossaryTag"> /// (Optional) Entries in the Excel table that start with this tag will be interpreted as part of the glossary. /// </param> /// <param name="oldTranslationFilePath"> /// (Optional) The path to where the original translation file will be copied as a backup. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown, if <paramref name="translationFilePath" /> is null. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedAccessException"> /// Thrown, if the permissions are missing that are needed to create the directory for /// <paramref name="translationFilePath" /> / <paramref name="oldTranslationFilePath" /> or one of them /// is write-only, read-only, a directory, hidden, the needed permissions for opening or writing are /// missing or the operation is not supported on the current platform. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="System.Security.SecurityException"> /// Thrown, if certain permissions are missing. (CLR level) /// </exception> /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException"> /// Thrown, if <paramref name="translationFilePath" /> / <paramref name="oldTranslationFilePath" /> /// does not exist or cannot be found. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="IOException"> /// Thrown, if an unknown I/O-Error occurs. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"> /// Thrown, if <paramref name="translationFilePath" /> / <paramref name="oldTranslationFilePath" /> /// contains a colon anywhere other than as part of a volume identifier ("C:\"). /// </exception> /// <exception cref="PathTooLongException"> /// Thrown, if <paramref name="translationFilePath" /> / <paramref name="oldTranslationFilePath" /> /// is too long. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="DirectoryNotFoundException"> /// Thrown, if the directory was not found. /// For example because it is on an unmapped device. /// </exception> public ExcelFileProvider(string translationFilePath, string glossaryTag = null, string oldTranslationFilePath = null) { //set Status. Status = ProviderStatus.InitializationInProgress; //easy initializations. _logger = GlobalSettings.LibraryLoggerFactory.CreateLogger <ExcelFileProvider>(); _logger.Log(LogLevel.Trace, "Initializing ExcelFileProvider."); _fileHandler = new ExcelFileHandler(typeof(ExcelFileProvider), //make sure all possible not-null values for glossaryTag can be recognized in sheet. glossaryTag == string.Empty ? null : glossaryTag); //null check. ExceptionLoggingUtils.ThrowIfNull(_logger, (object)translationFilePath, nameof(translationFilePath), "Unable to open null path.", "ExcelFileProvider received null parameter in constructor."); //start difficult initializations. if (oldTranslationFilePath != null) { _fileHandler.VerifyPath(oldTranslationFilePath); _backupPath = oldTranslationFilePath; } _fileHandler.VerifyPath(translationFilePath); _path = translationFilePath; _fileHandler.Path = _path; Initialize(); }
public static void Main() { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); PokedexDataContract pokedex = DataContractGenerator <PokedexDataContract> .getInstance(1); stopWatch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}:{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds); Debug.WriteLine("RunTime: " + elapsedTime); int dateCompare = DateTime.Compare((DateTime)pokedex.Modified, new DateTime(2013, 11, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0)); Assert.IsTrue(dateCompare < 0); dateCompare = DateTime.Compare((DateTime)pokedex.Created, new DateTime(2013, 11, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0)); Assert.IsTrue(dateCompare < 0); Assert.IsTrue(pokedex.Name == "national"); Assert.IsTrue(pokedex.PokedexResourceUri == "/api/v1/pokedex/1/"); Assert.IsTrue(pokedex.PokemonResourceUriList.Count == 778); ExcelFileHandler excelFileHandler = new ExcelFileHandler("PokedexUnitTest.xlsx"); try { excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 1, "Created"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 2, "Modified"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 3, "Name"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 4, "Pokedex Resource Uri"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 5, "Pokemon Count"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 6, "Test Results"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 7, "Time Elapsed"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 1, ((DateTime)pokedex.Created).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 2, ((DateTime)pokedex.Modified).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 3, pokedex.Name); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 4, pokedex.PokedexResourceUri); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 5, pokedex.PokemonResourceUriList.Count.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 6, "OK"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 7, elapsedTime); excelFileHandler.SaveAs(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create Excel Application for the following reason: " + e.StackTrace); } finally { excelFileHandler.Close(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> UploadForm() { String folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\websync"; String fileName = "Excel_" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + ".xlsx"; if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } String fullPath = folder + "\\" + fileName; FormValueProvider formModel; using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create(fullPath)) { formModel = await Request.StreamFile(stream); } var viewModel = new MyViewModel(); var bindingSuccessful = await TryUpdateModelAsync(viewModel, prefix : "", valueProvider : formModel); if (!bindingSuccessful) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } } IList <Lead> leads = ExcelFileHandler.LoadExcelData(fullPath, _context.LeadSources.ToList()); if (leads == null) { return(BadRequest("Marked with * are must, " + "please update the missed fields and upload again")); } else { _context.Leads.AddRange(leads.ToArray()); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(View(nameof(Index), leads)); } }
public void generateReport(List <PokemonDataContract> pokemonList, string elapsedTime) { ExcelFileHandler excelFileHandler = null; try { excelFileHandler = new ExcelFileHandler("PokemonUnitTestResults.xlsx"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 1, "PokedexId"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 2, "Name"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 3, "Hp"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 4, "Attack"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 5, "SpAtk"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 6, "Defense"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 7, "SpDef"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 8, "Speed"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 9, "EvYield"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 6, "Test Results"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 7, "Time Elapsed"); int baseRowCount = 2; foreach (PokemonDataContract pokemon in pokemonList) { excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 1, pokemon.PkdxId.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 2, pokemon.Name.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 3, pokemon.Hp.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 4, pokemon.Attack.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 5, pokemon.SpAtk.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 6, pokemon.Defense.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 7, pokemon.SpDef.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 8, pokemon.Speed.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(baseRowCount, 9, pokemon.EvYield); baseRowCount++; } excelFileHandler.SaveAs(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create the Excel File for the following reason: " + e.StackTrace); } finally { if (excelFileHandler != null) { excelFileHandler.Close(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var excelFileHandler = new ExcelFileHandler(); excelFileHandler.createExcelPackage(); excelFileHandler.SaveFile(); foreach (AccountDataRow adr in excelFileHandler.ReadExcel()) { Console.WriteLine(adr.ID); Console.WriteLine(adr.accountName); } }
public static void printCollection_ID(string _id, string _date, string _month, string _year, string _shift, bool isDuplicate) { List <ExcelDetailOneMember> printOneMember = new List <ExcelDetailOneMember>(); try { printOneMember = ExcelFileHandler.GetDetail_ID(_id, _date, _month, _year, _shift); if (printOneMember != null && printOneMember.Count >= 1) { //Print } if (isDuplicate) { SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Duplicate Slip"); } else { SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Collection Detail"); } SerialP.sendDirect(1, ("CODE: " + _id.ToString() + " DT:" + _date + "/" + _month + "/" + _year + "(" + _shift + ")")); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "-----------------------------"); foreach (ExcelDetailOneMember rc in printOneMember) { SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Name: " + rc.Name); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Milk Weight: " + rc.MilkWeight); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Amount: " + rc.Rate); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "FAT: " + rc.Fat); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "SNF: " + rc.Snf); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Entry: " + rc.AutoMan); } SerialP.sendData(1, ""); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "-----------------------------"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "**Your Company**"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, " "); SerialP.sendDirect(1, " "); SerialP.sendDirect(1, " "); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void generateReport(List <TypeDataContract> typeList, string elapsedTime) { ExcelFileHandler excelFileHandler = null; try { excelFileHandler = new ExcelFileHandler("TypeUnitTestResults.xlsx"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 1, "Id"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 2, "Name"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 3, "Created"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 4, "Modified"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 5, "Time Elapsed"); int row = 2; foreach (TypeDataContract type in typeList) { excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(row, 1, type.Id.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(row, 2, type.Name); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(row, 3, ((DateTime)type.Created).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(row, 4, ((DateTime)type.Modified).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(row, 5, elapsedTime); row++; } excelFileHandler.SaveAs(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create the Excel File for the following reason: " + e.StackTrace); } finally { if (excelFileHandler != null) { excelFileHandler.Close(); } } }
public void generateReport(PokedexDataContract pokedex, string elapsedTime) { ExcelFileHandler excelFileHandler = null; try { excelFileHandler = new ExcelFileHandler("PokedexUnitTestResults.xlsx"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 1, "Created"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 2, "Modified"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 3, "Name"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 4, "Pokedex Resource Uri"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 5, "Pokemon Count"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 6, "Test Results"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(1, 7, "Time Elapsed"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 1, ((DateTime)pokedex.Created).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 2, ((DateTime)pokedex.Modified).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 3, pokedex.Name); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 4, pokedex.PokedexResourceUri); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 5, pokedex.PokemonResourceUriList.Count.ToString()); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 6, "OK"); excelFileHandler.SetCellValue(2, 7, elapsedTime); excelFileHandler.SaveAs(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Unable to create the Excel File for the following reason: " + e.StackTrace); } finally { if (excelFileHandler != null) { excelFileHandler.Close(); } } }
public static void printSaleSheet(uint _Date, uint _Month, uint _Year, bool _isLocal) { try { List <SaleSheetOneEntry> AllEntry = ExcelFileHandler.Sale_SearchAll(int.Parse(_Date.ToString()), int.Parse(_Month.ToString()), int.Parse(_Year.ToString()), _isLocal); string local = ""; if (_isLocal) { local = "Local"; } else { local = "TRUCK"; } SerialP.sendDirect(1, local + " SALE REPORT"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, ("DT:" + _Date.ToString() + "/" + _Month.ToString() + "/" + _Year.ToString())); if (!_isLocal) { SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Sr. Time Ltr Amount CAT Tr."); } else { SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Sr. Time Ltr Amount CAT "); } SerialP.sendDirect(1, "------------------------------"); if (AllEntry.Count > 0) { if (!_isLocal) { foreach (SaleSheetOneEntry SH in AllEntry) { SerialP.sendDirect(1, (SH.Serial + " " + SH.time + " " + SH.quantity + " " + SH.amount + " " + + " " + SH.truckNo)); } } else { foreach (SaleSheetOneEntry SH in AllEntry) { SerialP.sendDirect(1, (SH.Serial + " " + SH.time + " " + SH.quantity + " " + SH.amount + " " +; } } } else { SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Empty List"); } SerialP.sendDirect(1, "------------------------------"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, "**Your Company**"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, " "); SerialP.sendDirect(1, " "); SerialP.sendDirect(1, " "); } catch (Exception ex) { SerialP.sendDirect(1, "Try Again : Error Occured"); SerialP.sendDirect(1, ""); SerialP.sendDirect(1, ""); } }
public Boolean Can_EnterInspectionRequestInput() { Browser.Instance.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90); //Thread.Sleep(5000); //WebDriverWait waitForElement = new WebDriverWait(Browser.Instance, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); //waitForElement.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeSelected(By.CssSelector("#main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(1) > div.ui.fluid.selection.dropdown"))); //Thread.Sleep(1000); //SelectElement selElement = new SelectElement(Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(1) > div.ui.fluid.selection.dropdown")).FindElement(By.CssSelector("#main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(1) > div.ui.fluid.selection.dropdown > select"))); //selElement.SelectByValue("5915"); IWebElement propertyDropDown = Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(1) > div.ui.fluid.selection.dropdown")); Thread.Sleep(1000); propertyDropDown.Click(); //Actions actions = new Actions(Browser.Instance); //actions.MoveToElement(propertyDropDown); //actions.Click(); //actions.Build().Perform(); IWebElement propertySelectItem = Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(1) > > > div:nth-child(3)")); Thread.Sleep(1000); propertySelectItem.Click(); //IWebElement selProperty= Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(1) > div.ui.fluid.selection.dropdown")); SelectElement selectTenant = new SelectElement(Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.Id("tenant-select"))); //IWebElement selectTenant = Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.Id("tenant-select")); // IWebElement selectTenant = Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.Id("tenant-select")); //("//*[@id='main - content']/div/form/fieldset/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div")); // #main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(5) > input[type="text"] IWebElement dueDateInput = Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(5) > input[type='text']")); IWebElement descriptionInput = Browser.Instance.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#main-content > div > form > fieldset > div:nth-child(1) > div.two.fields > div:nth-child(2) > div > textarea")); ExcelFileHandler excelData = new ExcelFileHandler(); excelData.GetInspectionRequestInput(); String selectProperty = excelData.selectProperty; String selTenant = excelData.selectTenant; DateTime dueDate = excelData.dueDate; String description = excelData.description; excelData.closeAllObject(); bool propertyFound = false; //foreach (IWebElement propertyElement in selElement.Options) { //if (propertyElement.Text.Contains(selectProperty)) { //selElement.SelectByIndex(4); propertyFound = true; //propertyElement.Click(); //break; } } //selProperty.SendKeys(selectProperty); //selectTenant.SendKeys(selTenant); bool tenantFound = true; if (propertyFound == true) { foreach (IWebElement tenantElement in selectTenant.Options) { if (tenantElement.Text.Contains(selTenant)) { tenantFound = true; tenantElement.Click(); break; } } } if (tenantFound == true) { dueDateInput.SendKeys(dueDate.ToString()); descriptionInput.SendKeys(description); return(true); } else { return(false); } }