private void WritePlaceColumn(ExcelDoc doc, RaceReport report)
     for (int i = 0; i < report.Results.Count(); i++)
         doc.WriteToCell(0, 2, "Place:");
         doc.WriteToCell(i + 1, 2, report.Results[i].Place.ToString());
 private void WriteTimeColumn(ExcelDoc doc, RaceReport report)
     for (int i = 0; i < report.Results.Count(); i++)
         doc.WriteToCell(0, 1, "Time:");
         doc.WriteToCell(i + 1, 1, report.Results[i].FinishingTime.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
        public List <string> Load()
            using (ExcelDoc excelDoc = new ExcelDoc(path))

 private void WriteNameColumn(ExcelDoc doc, RaceReport report)
     for (int i = 0; i < report.Results.Count(); i++)
         var currentRunnerId = report.Results[i].Runner.Id;
         var currentRunner   = _context.Runners.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == currentRunnerId);
         doc.WriteToCell(0, 0, "Name:");
         doc.WriteToCell(i + 1, 0, currentRunner.Name);
Esempio n. 5
        public void Show()
            ExcelDoc excel = new ExcelDoc();



Esempio n. 6
        private void CreateHeader(ExcelDoc excel)
            int i = 1;

            foreach (DataColumn column in _dt.Columns)
                excel.setValue(1, i, column.ColumnName);

Esempio n. 7
        private static void LoadNeste(ExcelDoc excel)
            int i = 4; //начальный индекс

            string currentCell = "A" + i;

            while (excel.getValue(currentCell) != null)
                if (excel.getValue(currentCell).ToString() == "Grand Total")

                currentCell = "B" + i;
                if (excel.getValue(currentCell) != null)
                    currentCell = "A" + i;

                currentCell = "A" + i;
                string   number   = excel.getValue(currentCell).ToString().Split(' ')[1]; //split example Карта: 7105066553656018
                FuelCard fuelCard = fuelCardList.getItem(number);
                if (fuelCard == null)
                    erorrs.Add("Не найдена карта №" + number); //throw new NullReferenceException("Не найдена карта №" + number);

                currentCell = "C" + i;
                DateTime datetime;
                                  out datetime); //присутствует время, не забываем убирать

                currentCell = "D" + i;
                string     engineTypeName = excel.getValue(currentCell).ToString();
                EngineType engineType     = GetEngineType(engineTypeName);

                currentCell = "E" + i;
                double value;
                double.TryParse(excel.getValue(currentCell).ToString(), out value);

                Fuel fuel = new Fuel(fuelCard, datetime.Date, engineType);

                currentCell = "A" + i;
Esempio n. 8
        public void HeaderTest()
            var fixture = new FixtureUtil();

            using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fixture.ExcelSample.FullName, false))
                var ws        = document.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts.First().Worksheet;
                var xl        = new ExcelDoc(fixture.ExcelSample);
                var first     = ws.Elements <HeaderFooter>().First().DifferentFirst;
                var odd       = ws.Elements <HeaderFooter>().First().DifferentOddEven;
                var innertext = ws.Descendants <HeaderFooter>().First().OddHeader.InnerText;
                Assert.IsTrue(innertext != null);
Esempio n. 9
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)

                ExcelStream   = null;
                ExcelDoc      = null;
                disposedValue = true;
Esempio n. 10
        public void EffectiveDateTest()
            string   effDate = "2020-04-12";
            var      fixture = new FixtureUtil();
            ExcelDoc doc     = new ExcelDoc(fixture.ExcelSample);
            var      state   = doc.Inspect();
            var      initial = state.EffectiveDate.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual("2018-11-26", initial);

            state.EffectiveDate.Value = effDate;
            var targetDoc = doc.Process(state, fixture.ProcessingDir);
            var result    = (string)targetDoc.Inspect().EffectiveDate.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(effDate, result);
Esempio n. 11
        public void RevisionTest()
            string   rev     = "20";
            var      fixture = new FixtureUtil();
            ExcelDoc doc     = new ExcelDoc(fixture.ExcelSample);
            var      state   = doc.Inspect();
            var      initial = state.Revision.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual("2", initial);

            state.Revision.Value = rev;
            var targetDoc = doc.Process(state, fixture.ProcessingDir);
            var result    = (string)targetDoc.Inspect().Revision.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(rev, result);
        public void InStreamDataTest()
            excelDoc = new ExcelDoc();


            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ExcelPartNumber> kvp in excelDoc.partNumList)
                sb.AppendLine(kvp.Key + " " + kvp.Value.restockSODate + " " + kvp.Value.bracketsPerSheet);

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"\\msw-fp1\user$\wchan\Documents\InventoryManagementAppTest\Part Numbers.txt", sb.ToString());
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the specified filepath for reading
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void OpenExcelReader()
            if (ExcelDoc != null)

            if (ExcelStream != null)

            ExcelStream = System.IO.File.Open(ExcelFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            ExcelDoc = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.SpreadsheetDocument.Open(ExcelStream, false);
Esempio n. 14
        private void CreateBody(ExcelDoc excel)
            int i = 2;

            foreach (DataRow row in _dt.Rows)
                for (int j = 0; j < row.ItemArray.Count(); j++)
                    if (row.ItemArray[j].ToString() == string.Empty)

                    excel.setValue(i, (j + 1), row.ItemArray[j].ToString());

        public void PolyMinMaxTest()
            QuickBooksDataTable itemTable = new ItemDataTable();
            QuickBooksDataTable soTable   = new SODataTable();


            using (excelDoc = new ExcelDoc())

                DataTable minMaxDt = new DataTable().BuildTable(soTable, itemTable, excelDoc.partNumList);

                minMaxDt.Write(@"\\msw-fp1\user$\wchan\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\InventoryManagementApp\InventoryManagementApp\bin\Debug\Test\PolyMinMax.csv");
Esempio n. 16
        private static void LoadPetrol(ExcelDoc excel)
            int i = 4; //начальный индекс

            string currentCell = "B" + i;

            while (excel.getValue(currentCell) != null)
                currentCell = "D" + i;
                string   number   = excel.getValue(currentCell).ToString();
                FuelCard fuelCard = fuelCardList.getItem(number);
                if (fuelCard == null)
                    currentCell = "B" + i;
                    erorrs.Add("Не найдена карта №" + number); //throw new NullReferenceException("Не найдена карта №" + number);

                currentCell = "B" + i;
                string   dateString = excel.getValue1(currentCell).ToString();
                DateTime datetime;
                DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out datetime);//присутствует время, не забываем убирать

                currentCell = "G" + i;
                string     engineTypeName = excel.getValue(currentCell).ToString();
                EngineType engineType     = GetEngineType(engineTypeName);

                currentCell = "H" + i;
                double value;
                double.TryParse(excel.getValue(currentCell).ToString(), out value);

                Fuel fuel = new Fuel(fuelCard, datetime.Date, engineType);

                currentCell = "B" + i;
Esempio n. 17
        public void Create()
            var doc = new ExcelDoc();

                var i = 1;

                foreach (MileageReport item in _mileageReportList)
                    if (item.IsFailed)
                        doc.setValue(i, 1, item.ToString());


                i = 1;

                foreach (MileageReport item in _mileageReportList)
                    if (!item.IsFailed)
                        doc.setValue(i, 1, item.ToString());


        private void ImportOneList(ExcelDoc excel, string date)
                using (excel)
                    double i       = 2;
                    string curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);

                        curCell = "D" + i;
            catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                LogManager.Logger.Error(ex, "Error in file {file}", FilePath);
            catch (COMException ex)
                LogManager.Logger.Error(ex, "Error in file {file}", FilePath);
        public void StartImport()
                using (ExcelDoc excel = new ExcelDoc(FilePath))
                    if (excel.getValue("M2") == null)
                        LogManager.Logger.Debug("В файле {file} на листе Январь в ячейке M2 должен быть указан год!", FilePath);
                    string year = excel.getValue("M2").ToString();
                    string date = year + "-01-01";

                    int    i       = 2;
                    string curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        int psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        int psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        int mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Январь. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date = year + "-02-01";
                    //ImportOneList(excel, date);

                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        int psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        int psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        int mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Февраль. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-03-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        int psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        int psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        int mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToInt32(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Март. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-04-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Апрель. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-05-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Май. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-06-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Июнь. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-07-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Июль. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-08-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Август. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-09-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Сентябрь. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-10-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Октябрь. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-11-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Ноябрь. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;

                    date    = year + "-12-01";
                    i       = 2;
                    curCell = "D" + i;

                    while (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                        curCell = "D" + i;
                        string number = excel.getValue(curCell).ToString(); // номер машины

                        curCell = "F" + i;
                        double gasBegin = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasBegin = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на начало
                        curCell = "E" + i;
                        double gas = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gas = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // получено
                        curCell = "G" + i;
                        double gasEnd = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            gasEnd = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // на конец
                        curCell = "H" + i;
                        double psn = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psn = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // псн
                        curCell = "I" + i;
                        double psk = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            psk = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пск
                        curCell = "J" + i;
                        double mileage = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            mileage = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // пробег
                        curCell = "K" + i;
                        double norm = 0;
                        if (excel.getValue(curCell) != null)
                            norm = Convert.ToDouble(excel.getValue(curCell).ToString()); // норма
                        MileageMonth mm  = new MileageMonth(number, date, gas, gasBegin, gasEnd, norm, psn, psk, mileage);
                        string       res = mm.Save();
                        if (res != "1")
                            LogManager.Logger.Debug("Не записана строка {i} на листе Декабрь. Ошибка: {res}", i, res);

                        curCell = "D" + i;
            catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                LogManager.Logger.Error(ex, "Error in file {file}", FilePath);
            catch (COMException ex)
                LogManager.Logger.Error(ex, "Error in file {file}", FilePath);
Esempio n. 20
        public void ProcessRaceReport(RaceReport raceReport)
            var currentReportsRace = _raceService.GetRace(raceReport.Race.Id.Value);

            raceReport.Race = currentReportsRace;


            var datestring = currentReportsRace.Date.ToShortDateString();

            var path = Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/content/excelfiles/"),
                                    currentReportsRace.RaceName + datestring.Replace('/', '-') + ".xlsx");

            ExcelDoc ex = new ExcelDoc();


            WriteNameColumn(ex, raceReport);
            WriteTimeColumn(ex, raceReport);
            WritePlaceColumn(ex, raceReport);


            FileStream       fs     = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            BinaryReader     reader = new BinaryReader(fs);
            RaceReportBinary binary = new RaceReportBinary
                RaceId = raceReport.Race.Id,

                Data     = reader.ReadBytes((Int32)fs.Length),
                FileName = currentReportsRace.RaceName + datestring.Replace('/', '-') + ".xlsx"

            var reportindb = _context.RaceReports.SingleOrDefault(r => r.FileName == binary.FileName);

            if (reportindb == null)
                reportindb.FileName = binary.FileName;
                reportindb.Data     = binary.Data;

            catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
                foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:",
                                                       eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State);
                    foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"",
                                                           ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);


Esempio n. 21
 private static void LoadChecks(ExcelDoc excel)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        private void excelClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExcelDoc excel = new ExcelDoc();
