/// <summary>
 /// Creates new instance of ApiConnector
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="accessTokenDelegate">Valid oAuth Access Token</param>
 /// <param name="client"></param>
 /// <param name="refreshTokenDelegate"></param>
 public ApiConnector(Func <string> accessTokenDelegate, ExactOnlineClient client,
                     Func <int, bool> refreshTokenDelegate = null)
     _client = client;
     _refreshTokenDelegate = refreshTokenDelegate;
     _accessTokenDelegate  = accessTokenDelegate ?? throw new ArgumentException("accessTokenDelegate");
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // To make this work set the authorisation properties of your test app in the testapp.config.
            var testApp = new TestApp();

            var connector = new Connector(testApp.ClientId.ToString(), testApp.ClientSecret, testApp.CallbackUrl);
            var client    = new ExactOnlineClient(connector.EndPoint, connector.GetAccessToken);

            // Get the Code and Name of a random account in the administration.
            var fields  = new[] { "Code", "Name" };
            var account = client.For <Account>().Top(1).Select(fields).Get().FirstOrDefault();

            Debug.WriteLine("Account {0} - {1}", account.Code.TrimStart(), account.Name);

            //This is an example of how to use skipToken for paging.
            string skipToken = string.Empty;
            var    accounts  = client.For <Account>().Select(fields).Get(ref skipToken);

            Debug.WriteLine("skipToken {0}", skipToken);

            //Now I can use the skip token to get the first record from the next page.
            var nextAccount = client.For <Account>().Top(1).Select(fields).Get(ref skipToken).FirstOrDefault();

            Debug.WriteLine("Account {0} - {1}", nextAccount.Code.TrimStart(), nextAccount.Name);
Esempio n. 3
        public void UpdateLinkedEntities()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var salesInvoiceId = CreateSalesInvoice(client, 1);

            // Fetch sales invoice including sales invoice lines
            var salesInvoice = client.For <SalesInvoice>()

            var salesInvoiceLines   = (List <SalesInvoiceLine>)salesInvoice.SalesInvoiceLines;
            var orginialInvoiceline = salesInvoiceLines[0];

            // The original invoice line is not managed because it's taken as related entity from the sales invoice.
            // Call the api to get a managed invoice line that can be updated.
            var managedInvoiceLine = client.For <SalesInvoiceLine>().GetEntity(orginialInvoiceline.ID);

            managedInvoiceLine.Description = string.Format("Changed On {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);

            // Update and compare
            client.For <SalesInvoiceLine>().Update(managedInvoiceLine);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(orginialInvoiceline.Description, managedInvoiceLine.Description);
Esempio n. 4
        public void ExactOnlineQuery_WithWrongProperty_Fails()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            client.For <Account>().Select(new[] { "Xxx" }).Get();
        public ExactOnlineConnection(string clientId, string clientSecret, string redirectUri, string endPoint, IDropboxUserToken dropboxUserToken)
            this.dropboxUserToken = dropboxUserToken;

            miscellaneousDocumentType = 55;

            generalCategory = Guid.Parse("3b6d3833-b31b-423d-bc3c-39c62b8f2b12"); //Guid.Parse(clientId);

            this.endPoint = endPoint;

            authorization = new AuthorizationState
                Callback = new Uri(redirectUri)

            var token = dropboxUserToken.TryRetrieveTokenFromDatabase(HardcodedUser.Id);

            authorization.AccessToken = token.ExactAccessToken;

            authorization.AccessTokenExpirationUtc = token.ExactAccessTokenExpiration;

            exactClient = IsAccessTokenValid() ? new ExactOnlineClient(endPoint, GetAccessToken) : exactClient;

            var serverDescription = new AuthorizationServerDescription
                AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/api/oauth2/auth", endPoint)),
                TokenEndpoint         = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/api/oauth2/token", endPoint))

            oAuthClient = new UserAgentClient(serverDescription, clientId, clientSecret);
            oAuthClient.ClientCredentialApplicator = ClientCredentialApplicator.PostParameter(clientSecret);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        ///*** Create Docuemnt Folder inside parent folder
        /// *** Incase of error it set static variable MsgError with error details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FolderName">FolderName</param>
        /// <param name="strParentFolderGUID">Parent Folder GUID.</param>
        /// <returns>Folder GUID</returns>
        public string CreateDocumentFolder(string FolderName, string strParentFolderGUID)
                //*** Create new entity Instance
                var objDocumentFolder = new DocumentFolder {
                    Code = FolderName, Description = FolderName
                if (strParentFolderGUID != "")
                    objDocumentFolder.ParentFolder = Guid.Parse(strParentFolderGUID);

                var client = new ExactOnlineClient(_endpoint, GetAccessToken);

                if (client.For <DocumentFolder>().Insert(ref objDocumentFolder))
            catch (Exception e) //*** Error
                MsgError = e.ToString();

Esempio n. 7
        public void ExactClient_GetCurrentMe_Succeeds()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

        private static Guid GetCategoryId(ExactOnlineClient client)
            var categories = client.For <DocumentCategory>().Select("ID").Where("Description+eq+'General'").Get();
            var category   = categories.First().ID;

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        ///*** Delete Docuemnt Folder inside parent folder
        /// *** Incase of error it set static variable MsgError with error details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strFolderGUID">Folder GUID.</param>
        /// <returns>Deleteion Result</returns>
        public bool DeleteDocument(string strDocumentGUID)
                //*** Get Exact Online Client Object
                var client = new ExactOnlineClient(_endpoint, GetAccessToken);

                //*** Get Folder Entity
                var document = client.For <Document>().Top(1).Where("ID eq guid'" + strDocumentGUID + "'").Select(new string[] { "ID" }).Get();

                if (document.Count > 0)
                    return(client.For <Document>().Delete(document[0]));
                    MsgError = "Document not found";
            catch (Exception e) //*** Error
                MsgError = e.ToString();

        public void ExactOnlineQuery_WithWrongProperty_Fails()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            client.For<Account>().Select(new[] { "Xxx" }).Get();
Esempio n. 11
        public void PagingResults()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            //// Get enumerator
            //var count = client.For<Account>().Count();
            //var result = client.For<Account>()
            //	.Expand("BankAccounts")
            //	.Skip(10)
            //	.Get();

            //Assert.IsTrue(result.Count == (count - 10));

            var accounts = client.For<Account>()
                .Where("Name+eq+'Test Eurobike'")

            string hoi = "";
            foreach (var account in accounts)
                hoi += account.Name + "\t" + account.Code + "\n";
Esempio n. 12
        public void UpdateLinkedEntities()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var salesInvoiceId = CreateSalesInvoice(client, 1);

            // Fetch sales invoice including sales invoice lines
            var salesInvoice = client.For<SalesInvoice>()

            var salesInvoiceLines = (List<SalesInvoiceLine>)salesInvoice.SalesInvoiceLines;
            var orginialInvoiceline = salesInvoiceLines[0];

            // The original invoice line is not managed because it's taken as related entity from the sales invoice.
            // Call the api to get a managed invoice line that can be updated.
            var managedInvoiceLine = client.For<SalesInvoiceLine>().GetEntity(orginialInvoiceline.ID);
            managedInvoiceLine.Description = string.Format("Changed On {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);

            // Update and compare
            Assert.AreNotEqual(orginialInvoiceline.Description, managedInvoiceLine.Description);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        ///*** Get the documents Type "Attachment".
        /// *** Incase of error it set static variable MsgError with error details
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>DocumentType Attachment ID</returns>
        private int getAttachmentDocumentTypeId()
                //*** Get Exact Online Client Object
                var client = new ExactOnlineClient(_endpoint, GetAccessToken);

                //*** Get result into Array List
                var documentsType = client.For <DocumentType>().Top(1).Where("Description eq 'Attachment'").Select(new string[] { "ID" }).Get();

                if (documentsType.Count > 0)
            catch (Exception e) //*** Error
                MsgError = e.ToString();

Esempio n. 14
        private static Guid CreateSalesInvoice(ExactOnlineClient client, int numberOfLines)
            var item     = client.For <Item>().Top(1).Select("ID").Where("IsSalesItem+eq+true").Get().First();
            var customer = client.For <Account>().Top(1).Select("ID").Where("IsSales+eq+true").Get().First();

            var salesInvoice = new SalesInvoice
                OrderedBy   = customer.ID,
                Description = "SDK User level test"

            var salesInvoiceLines = new List <SalesInvoiceLine>();

            for (int iterator = 0; iterator < numberOfLines; iterator++)
                var salesInvoiceLine = new SalesInvoiceLine
                    Item        = item.ID,
                    Quantity    = 1,
                    Description = "Line " + iterator

            salesInvoice.SalesInvoiceLines = salesInvoiceLines;
            client.For <SalesInvoice>().Insert(ref salesInvoice);

        public void PagingResults()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            //// Get enumerator
            //var count = client.For<Account>().Count();
            //var result = client.For<Account>()
            //	.Expand("BankAccounts")
            //	.Skip(10)
            //	.Get();

            //Assert.IsTrue(result.Count == (count - 10));

            var accounts = client.For <Account>()
                           .Where("Name+eq+'Test Eurobike'")

            string hoi = "";

            foreach (var account in accounts)
                hoi += account.Name + "\t" + account.Code + "\n";
Esempio n. 16
        public void UpdateReadonlyFields_IgnoresReadonlyFields()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var account      = client.For <Account>().Top(1).Select("ID,Name").Get().First();
            var originalName = account.Name;
            var originalId   = account.ID;

            account.Name            = "Test account name2";
            account.Created         = DateTime.Now;
            account.Creator         = new Guid("c20a5590-c605-4f59-8fbb-112ee142bc59");
            account.CreatorFullName = "Edward Jackson";
            account.ID = originalId;
            account.LogoThumbnailUrl            = "www.google.nl";
            account.Modified                    = DateTime.Now;
            account.Modifier                    = new Guid("c20a5590-c605-4f59-8fbb-112ee142bc59");
            account.ModifierFullName            = "Test";
            account.ClassificationDescription   = "Test";
            account.CostcenterDescription       = "Test";
            account.InvoiceAccountCode          = "Test";
            account.InvoiceAccountName          = "Test";
            account.LanguageDescription         = "Bla";
            account.PurchaseCurrencyDescription = "Test";
            account.ResellerCode                = "Test";
            account.ResellerName                = "Test";
            account.SalesCurrencyDescription    = "Test";
            account.SalesVATCodeDescription     = "Test";
            account.StateName                   = "Test";
            Assert.IsTrue(client.For <Account>().Update(account));

            // Change it back to testname
            account.Name = originalName;
            Assert.IsTrue(client.For <Account>().Update(account));
        public void GetCollectionOfAllAcountEntitiesInCSharpObjects_Succeeds()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();

            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
            var accounts = client.For<Account>().Select("ID").Get();
            Assert.IsTrue(accounts.Count > 0, "Get Collection Of All Account Entities in CSharp Objects is not implemented corectly");
Esempio n. 18
        public void CreateUserDocument()
            var testObject = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(testObject.EndPoint, testObject.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var created = CreateDocument(client);
        public void Authenticate(Uri responseUri)
            authorization = oAuthClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(responseUri, authorization);

            exactClient = new ExactOnlineClient(endPoint, GetAccessToken);

            dropboxUserToken.UpdateOrCreateToken(HardcodedUser.Id, exactToken: authorization.AccessToken, exactTokenExpiration: authorization.AccessTokenExpirationUtc);
        public void CreateUserDocument()
            var testObject = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client     = new ExactOnlineClient(testObject.EndPoint, testObject.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var created = CreateDocument(client);

Esempio n. 21
        public void GetSpecificCollectionUsingOData_WithNonExistingEntity()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For <Object>()
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new instance of ApiConnector
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="accessTokenDelegate">Valid oAuth Access Token</param>
 public ApiConnector(AccessTokenManagerDelegate accessTokenDelegate, ExactOnlineClient client)
     _client = client;
     if (accessTokenDelegate == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("accessTokenDelegate");
     _accessTokenDelegate = accessTokenDelegate;
        public void GetSpecificCollectionUsingOData_WithNonExistingEntity()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For<Object>()
        public void GetCollectionOfAllAcountEntitiesInCSharpObjects_Succeeds()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();

            var client   = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
            var accounts = client.For <Account>().Select("ID").Get();

            Assert.IsTrue(accounts.Count > 0, "Get Collection Of All Account Entities in CSharp Objects is not implemented corectly");
        public void TestPerformanceApiCallDelete()
            var client  = new ExactOnlineClient(_toc.EndPoint, _toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
            var account = client.For <Account>().Select("ID").Where("Name+eq+'43905139517985179437'").Get().FirstOrDefault();

            var originalprocesstime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(13.0);
            var currentprocesstime  = TestTimer.Time(() => DoDeleteRequest(account));

            Assert.IsTrue(currentprocesstime < originalprocesstime);
Esempio n. 26
        public void ExpiredAccessToken_Succeeds()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(600000); //Sleep for 10 minutes, then the token is expired

            var accounts = client.For<Account>().Select("ID").Get();
            Assert.IsTrue(accounts.Count > 0);
        public void GetUserDocument()
            var testObject = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client     = new ExactOnlineClient(testObject.EndPoint, testObject.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var document = GetDocument(client);

            Assert.AreEqual(document.ID, _documentId);
Esempio n. 28
        public void GetUserDocument()
            var testObject = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(testObject.EndPoint, testObject.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var document = GetDocument(client);

            Assert.AreEqual(document.ID, _documentId);
        public void ExactOnlineQuery_WithCorrectProperty_Succeeds()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For<Account>()
                .Select(new[] { "Code" })

            Assert.IsTrue(accounts.Count> 1);
Esempio n. 30
        public void ExactOnlineQuery_WithCorrectProperty_Succeeds()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For <Account>()
                           .Select(new[] { "Code" })

            Assert.IsTrue(accounts.Count > 1);
        private Document GetDocument(ExactOnlineClient client)
            if (_documentId == Guid.Empty)

            var document = client.For <Document>().GetEntity(_documentId);

Esempio n. 32
        public void ExpiredAccessToken_Succeeds()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(600000);             //Sleep for 10 minutes, then the token is expired

            var accounts = client.For <Account>().Select("ID").Get();

            Assert.IsTrue(accounts.Count > 0);
Esempio n. 33
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // To make this work set the authorisation properties of your test app in the testapp.config.
            var testApp = new TestApp();

            // When you initialize your Connector class, always reuse it and do not create it again and again.
            // Otwerwise your calls will be rejected as you should reuse your existing token
            var connector = new Connector(testApp.ClientId.ToString(), testApp.ClientSecret, testApp.CallbackUrl);

            // Pass function with all required properties as delegate to ExactOnlineClient class
            var client1 = new ExactOnlineClient(connector.EndPoint, connector.GetAccessToken);

            // Call with client 1

            // Get the Code and Name of a random account in the administration.
            var fields  = new[] { "Code", "Name" };
            var account = client1.For <Account>().Top(1).Select(fields).Get().FirstOrDefault();

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Account {0} - {1}", account.Code.TrimStart(), account.Name));
            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("X-RateLimit-Limit:  {0} - X-RateLimit-Remaining: {1} - X-RateLimit-Reset: {2}",
                                          client1.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Limit, client1.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Remaining, client1.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Reset));

            // Now if you would like to create another ExactOnlineClient, you should reuse existing Connector class that you created
            // Othwerise if you create new Connector class, it is going to request for a new token
            // and your call will be rejected as your old token has not been expired
            var client2 = new ExactOnlineClient(connector.EndPoint, connector.GetAccessToken);

            // Call with client 2 and reusing existing token

            // This is an example of how to use skipToken for paging.
            string skipToken = string.Empty;
            var    accounts  = client2.For <Account>().Select(fields).Get(ref skipToken);

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("skipToken {0}", skipToken));
            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("X-RateLimit-Limit:  {0} - X-RateLimit-Remaining: {1} - X-RateLimit-Reset: {2}",
                                          client2.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Limit, client2.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Remaining, client2.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Reset));

            // Now application is going to wait until token is expired
            // Token expires after 9 mins and 30 seconds (570 seconds in total) and after that time the token has to be refreshed
            var tokenExpiresInSeconds = 570;

            Debug.WriteLine($"Application is going to sleep for {tokenExpiresInSeconds} seconds");
            Thread.Sleep(tokenExpiresInSeconds * 1000);

            //Call with client1 and token will be refreshed before making a request

            //Now I can use the skip token to get the first record from the next page.
            var nextAccount = client1.For <Account>().Top(1).Select(fields).Get(ref skipToken).FirstOrDefault();

            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Account {0} - {1}", nextAccount.Code.TrimStart(), nextAccount.Name));
            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("X-RateLimit-Limit:  {0} - X-RateLimit-Remaining: {1} - X-RateLimit-Reset: {2}",
                                          client1.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Limit, client1.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Remaining, client1.EolResponseHeader.RateLimit.Reset));
Esempio n. 34
        public void DeleteUserDocument()
            var testObject = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(testObject.EndPoint, testObject.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var document = GetDocument(client);
            var result = client.For<Document>().Delete(document);

            // Document does not exist anymore so it throws an exception
        public void DeleteUserDocument()
            var testObject = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client     = new ExactOnlineClient(testObject.EndPoint, testObject.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var document = GetDocument(client);
            var result   = client.For <Document>().Delete(document);

            // Document does not exist anymore so it throws an exception
            client.For <Document>().GetEntity(document.ID);
        private ActionResult AuthenticationCallback()
            Session[EXACT_AUTH_STATE] = client.ProcessUserAuthorization(this.Request);

            // Call ExactOnline SDK
            ExactOnlineClient exact = new ExactOnlineClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["exactOnlineUrl"], AccessTokenManager);

            UserLogin token = Session[DropboxController.DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN] as UserLogin;

            List <DocumentCategory> categories = exact.For <DocumentCategory>().Select(new string[] { "ID", "Description" }).Get();

            Dropbox dropbox = new Dropbox(token, true);
            IEnumerable <string>      fileNames     = dropbox.GetNewDocumentNames();
            Dictionary <Guid, string> newReferences = new Dictionary <Guid, string>();

            foreach (string fileName in fileNames)
                byte[] file = dropbox.GetFileBytes(fileName);
                string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);

                Document document = new Document()
                    Subject      = fileNameWithoutExtension,
                    Body         = fileNameWithoutExtension,
                    Type         = 55,
                    DocumentDate = DateTime.Now.Date,
                    Category     = categories[3].ID

                bool createdDocument = exact.For <Document>().Insert(ref document);

                DocumentAttachment attachment = new DocumentAttachment()
                    Document   = document.ID,
                    FileName   = fileName,
                    FileSize   = (double)file.Length,
                    Attachment = file

                bool createdAttachment = exact.For <DocumentAttachment>().Insert(ref attachment);

                newReferences.Add(document.ID, fileName);

            Dictionary <Guid, string> existingReferences = dropbox.GetExactOnlineReferences();

            dropbox.UpdateExactOnlineReferences(existingReferences, newReferences);

            // Later, if necessary:
            // bool success = client.RefreshAuthorization(auth);
Esempio n. 37
        public void GetSpecificCollectionUsingOData()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For <GLAccount>()

        public void GetSpecificCollectionUsingOData()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For<GLAccount>()

        public void GetSpecificCollectionUsingOData_WithOutOData()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For<GLAccount>()
            if (!accounts.Any())
                throw new Exception("The collection of Account entities is empty");
Esempio n. 40
        public void GetSpecificCollectionUsingOData_WithOutOData()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For <GLAccount>()

            if (!accounts.Any())
                throw new Exception("The collection of Account entities is empty");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // To make this work set the authorisation properties of your test app in the testapp.config.
            var testApp = new TestApp();

            var connector = new Connector(testApp.ClientId.ToString(), testApp.ClientSecret, testApp.CallbackUrl);
            var client    = new ExactOnlineClient(connector.EndPoint, connector.GetAccessToken);

            // Get the Code and Name of a random account in the administration
            var fields  = new[] { "Code", "Name" };
            var account = client.For <Account>().Top(1).Select(fields).Get().FirstOrDefault();

            Debug.WriteLine("Account {0} - {1}", account.Code.TrimStart(), account.Name);
        public void GetSpecificCollectionUsingOData_WithNonExistingField()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For<Account>()

            if (accounts.Count > 1)
                throw new Exception("The collection has entities, but filter field does not exist. Exception expected.");
Esempio n. 43
        public void GetSpecificCollectionUsingOData_WithNonExistingField()
            var toc    = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            var accounts = client.For <Account>()

            if (accounts.Count > 1)
                throw new Exception("The collection has entities, but filter field does not exist. Exception expected.");
Esempio n. 44
        public void DeleteLinkedEntities()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            // Create a sales invoice with 2 lines
            var salesInvoiceId = CreateSalesInvoice(client, 2);

            // Get one of the invoice lines
            var filter = string.Format("InvoiceID+eq+guid'{0}'", salesInvoiceId);
            var invoiceLine = client.For<SalesInvoiceLine>().Select("ID").Where(filter).Get().First();

            // Delete the line
            var deleted = client.For<SalesInvoiceLine>().Delete(invoiceLine);
Esempio n. 45
        public void UpdateUserDocument()
            var testObject = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(testObject.EndPoint, testObject.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
            var document = GetDocument(client);
            const string subject = "User Acceptance Test Document Updated";
            // Update document
            document.Subject = subject;
            document.DocumentDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            var updated = client.For<Document>().Update(document);
            var updatedDocument = client.For<Document>().GetEntity(document.ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(subject, updatedDocument.Subject);
        public void ModificationRestrictions_Succeed()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            // Create
            var newJournal = new Journal {Description = "New Journal"};
            try { client.For<Journal>().Insert(ref newJournal); throw new Exception(); } catch { }

            // Update
            Journal journal = client.For<Journal>().Top(1).Select("ID").Get().First();
            journal.Description = "Test Description";
            try { client.For<Journal>().Update(journal); throw new Exception(); } catch { }

            // Delete
            try { client.For<Journal>().Delete(journal); throw new Exception(); } catch { }
Esempio n. 47
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // These are the authorisation properties of your app.
            // You can find the values in the App Center when you are maintaining the app.
            const string clientId = "wcq4xgyjo823b0v";
            const string clientSecret = "vukz3fusvkt58rm";

            // This can be any url as long as it is identical to the callback url you specified for your app in the App Center.
            var callbackUrl = new Uri("https://github.com/artzain/gorkasapp");

            var connector = new Connector(clientId, clientSecret, callbackUrl);
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(connector.EndPoint, connector.GetAccessToken);

            // Get the Code and Name of a random account in the administration
            var fields = new[] { "Code", "Name" };
            var account = client.For<Account>().Top(1).Select(fields).Get().FirstOrDefault();

            Debug.WriteLine("Account {0} - {1}", account.Code.TrimStart(), account.Name);
        static async Task<int> MainAsync()
            // These are the authorisation properties of your app.
            // You can find the values in the App Center when you are maintaining the app.
            const string clientId = "b4e43a22-ab19-4531-9d5a-e08702dad431";
            const string clientSecret = "rur2OsABYUgG";

            // This can be any url as long as it is identical to the callback url you specified for your app in the App Center.
            var callbackUrl = new Uri("http://cup-it.net");

            var connector = new Connector(clientId, clientSecret, callbackUrl);
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient();
            await client.Initialize(connector.EndPoint, connector.GetAccessToken);

            // Get the Code and Name of a random account in the administration
            var fields = new[] { "Code", "Name" };
            var account = client.For<Account>().Top(1).Select(fields).GetAsync().Result.FirstOrDefault();
            Debug.WriteLine("Account {0} - {1}", account.Code.TrimStart(), account.Name);

            //fields = new[] { "InvoiceNumber", "AmountDC", "CustomerName", "Document", "DueDate", "EntryDate", "Status" };
            //var filter = $"ReportingYear eq 2015";
            //var data = await client.For<SalesEntry>().Select(fields).Where(filter).GetAllAsync();
            //Debug.WriteLine($"{data.Count} Salesentries");

            var defaultMailbox = await client.GetDefaultMailbox();
            // Create the mail
            // Type 1000 = Inkoop factuur

            var msg = new MailMessage
                RecipientMailboxID = defaultMailbox.ID,
                SenderMailboxID = defaultMailbox.ID,
                Type = 1000,
                Subject = "hello"

            var result = await client.For<MailMessage>().InsertAsync(msg);

            return 0;
Esempio n. 49
        public void CreateLinkedEntities()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);

            // Fetch sales invoice
            var salesInvoiceId = CreateSalesInvoice(client, 1);
            var salesinvoice = client.For<SalesInvoice>().GetEntity(salesInvoiceId);

            // Fetch item
            var item = client.For<Item>().Top(1).Select("ID").Where("IsSalesItem+eq+true").Get().First();

            // add line
            var invoiceline = new SalesInvoiceLine
                    Description = "New Sales Invoice Line",
                    InvoiceID = salesinvoice.InvoiceID,
                    Item = item.ID
            Assert.IsTrue(client.For<SalesInvoiceLine>().Insert(ref invoiceline));
        public void DeleteAccountWithDeleteMethod()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();

            // Create new account
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
            var newAccount = new Account {Name = "Test account"};

            if (client.For<Account>().Insert(ref newAccount))
                // Try to delete account
                if (!client.For<Account>().Delete(newAccount))
                    throw new Exception("Failed to delete test account entity. Possibly this test will not work as the database is now corrupt. Please delete account with name 'Account for 184249' manualy");
                throw new Exception("Cannot create test account entity");
Esempio n. 51
        public void CreateSalesInvoiceWithLine()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
            var customerId = GetCustomerId(client);
            var itemId = GetItemId(client);

            var newInvoice = new SalesInvoice
                    Currency = "EUR",
                    OrderDate = new DateTime(2012, 10, 26),
                    InvoiceTo = customerId,
                    Journal = "70",
                    OrderedBy = customerId,
                    Description = "New invoice for Entity With Collection"

            var newInvoiceLine = new SalesInvoiceLine
                    Description = "New invoice line for Entity With Collection",
                    Item = itemId

            var invoicelines = new List<SalesInvoiceLine> {newInvoiceLine};
            newInvoice.SalesInvoiceLines = invoicelines;

            // Add SalesInvoice to Database
            Assert.IsTrue(client.For<SalesInvoice>().Insert(ref newInvoice));

            // Get SalesInvoice and check if contains collections of InvoiceLines
            SalesInvoice salesInvoice = client.For<SalesInvoice>()

            Assert.AreEqual(1, salesInvoice.SalesInvoiceLines.Count());
        public void AlterStateAccountObjectDirectly_Succeeds()
            var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
            var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.EndPoint, toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
            // Get account to update
            var accounts = client.For<Account>().Top(1).Select("ID").Get();
            var account = accounts.First();

            // Change name of account & update
            account.Name = "Test Name UAT2";
            if (!client.For<Account>().Update(account))
                throw new Exception("Account is not updated");
                // Change account back for test purposes
                account.Name = "Test Name UAT";
                if (!client.For<Account>().Update(account))
                    throw new Exception("Changing account entity back for tests failed. Possibly these tests won't work anymore");
Esempio n. 53
 private static Guid GetCategoryId(ExactOnlineClient client)
     var categories = client.For<DocumentCategory>().Select("ID").Where("Description+eq+'General'").Get();
     var category = categories.First().ID;
     return category;
Esempio n. 54
 private static int GetCurrentDivision(TestObjectsCreator toc)
     var clientWithoutDivision = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.GetWebsite(), toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
     return clientWithoutDivision.GetDivision();
Esempio n. 55
        public void Authenticate(Uri responseUri)
            _authorization = _oAuthClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(responseUri, _authorization);

            _client = new ExactOnlineClient(_endPoint, GetAccessToken);
Esempio n. 56
        private bool CreateDocument(ExactOnlineClient client)
            var document = new Document
                Subject = "User Acceptance Test Document",
                Body = "User Acceptance Test Document",
                Category = GetCategoryId(client),
                Type = 55, //Miscellaneous
                DocumentDate = DateTime.Now.Date

            var created = client.For<Document>().Insert(ref document);
            if (created)
                _documentId = document.ID;

            return created;
 public void ExactClient_TestEndPointWithSlash_Succeeds()
     var toc = new TestObjectsCreator();
     var client = new ExactOnlineClient(toc.GetWebsite(), toc.GetOAuthAuthenticationToken);
Esempio n. 58
        public Document GetDocument(Guid id, ExactOnlineClient exactOnlinClient = null)
                ExactOnlineClient client = exactOnlinClient ?? this.GetExactOnlineClient();
                return client.For<Document>().GetEntity(id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                AuditLogService.Log(Level.Error, EventType.Exception, EventAction.DocumentGet, ex.Message);

            return null;
Esempio n. 59
        public Guid GetDocumentId(string path, ExactOnlineClient exactOnlinClient = null)
                ExactOnlineClient client = exactOnlinClient ?? this.GetExactOnlineClient();
                return client.For<Document>().Select("ID").Where("Subject+eq+'" + this.GetFileName(path) + "'").Get().First().ID;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ex.Message.Contains("Sequence contains no elements"))
                    AuditLogService.Log(Level.Error, EventType.Exception, EventAction.DocumentGet, ex.Message);
                    throw ex;

            return Guid.Empty;
Esempio n. 60
        private Document GetDocument(ExactOnlineClient client)
            if (_documentId == Guid.Empty)

            var document = client.For<Document>().GetEntity(_documentId);

            return document;