public void DoProjectLaunch(Object sender, Events.ProjectLaunchClickArgs e) { ProfileHelper.SelectedIdProject = e.IdProject; //((BC)Master).UpdateProjectSelector(); //TODO: Afterwards, take the user to a reports page. SiteMapHelper.ReloadSamePage(Page); }
public PluginList() { InitializeComponent(); _logger = new Logger(); _dte = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(DTE)) as DTE; if (_dte == null) return; _solution = _dte.Solution; if (_solution == null) return; _events = _dte.Events; var windowEvents = _events.WindowEvents; windowEvents.WindowActivated += WindowEventsOnWindowActivated; _solutionEvents = _events.SolutionEvents; _solutionEvents.BeforeClosing += BeforeSolutionClosing; _solutionEvents.BeforeClosing += SolutionBeforeClosing; _solutionEvents.ProjectAdded += SolutionProjectAdded; _solutionEvents.ProjectRemoved += SolutionProjectRemoved; _solutionEvents.ProjectRenamed += SolutionProjectRenamed; SelectedAssemblyItem.PropertyChanged += SelectedAssemblyItem_PropertyChanged; }
/// <summary> /// Cancel a server event /// </summary> /// <param name="e">The event that you want to cancel</param> /// <param name="p">The Player that event is related to (null if not dealing with player event)</param> public static void CancelEvent(Events e, Player p) { //TODO //Add some more events to be canceled switch (e) { case Events.BlockChange: p.cancelBlock = true; break; case Events.PlayerChat: p.cancelchat = true; break; case Events.PlayerCommand: p.cancelcommand = true; break; case Events.PlayerMove: p.cancelmove = true; break; case Events.LevelLoad: Level.cancelsave = true; break; case Events.LevelSave: Level.cancelload = true; break; } }
public void removeListener(Events evento, Action<Object> listener) { if(!listeners.ContainsKey(evento)){ listeners[evento] = new List<Action<Object>>(); } listeners[evento].Remove(listener); }
public void ShouldListEventsFromThisWeek() { Events newEvents = new Events { { new Event ( "2015/01/01", "one", "test") }, {new Event(DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(), "two") }, }; List<Event> expectedList = new List<Event> {{ new Event (DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(),"two") }, }; string[] args = { "/search", "date", "this week" }; SearchDateArgument searchArgs = new SearchDateArgument(args); string field = ""; string op = ""; string val1 = ""; string val2 = ""; searchArgs.IsValid(); field = searchArgs.Field; op = searchArgs.Criteria; val1 = searchArgs.Date; val2 = searchArgs.AnotherDate; string[] values = { val1, val2 }; Events filteredList = Dispenser.SearchEvents(newEvents,field, op, values); Utils.AssertAreEqual(filteredList, expectedList); }
protected override void Initialize() { Debug.WriteLine ("Entering Initialize() of: {0}", this); base.Initialize(); _dte = (DTE)GetService(typeof(DTE)); _events = _dte.Events; _documentEvents = _events.DocumentEvents; _documentEvents.DocumentSaved += DocumentEvents_DocumentSaved; var window = _dte.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput); var outputWindow = (OutputWindow)window.Object; _outputPane = outputWindow.OutputWindowPanes .Cast<OutputWindowPane>() .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "AutoRunCustomTool") ?? outputWindow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("AutoRunCustomTool"); _errorListProvider = new ErrorListProvider(this) { ProviderName = "AutoRunCustomTool", ProviderGuid = Guid.NewGuid() }; RegisterExtenderProvider(); }
public override void handleEvent (Events par1, object par2) { //TODO: implements touch screen if (par1 == Scene.Events.Input) { switch ((Keys)par2) { case Keys.Up: player.move (Entity.directions.Up); break; case Keys.Down: player.move (Entity.directions.Down); break; case Keys.Left: player.move (Entity.directions.Left); break; case Keys.Right: player.move (Entity.directions.Right); break; case Keys.Space: player.change (); break; case Keys.Escape: if (pauseTime <= 0) { pause = !pause; pauseTime = 10; } break; } } }
private void BindEvents() { = _applicationObject.Events; this.BindBuildEvents(); this.BindSolutionEvents(); }
void CheckDragOrOnTile() { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * 100, Color.white); if (gameObject.layer != 2) { gameObject.layer = 2; } if (_currentEvent == Events.DRAGGING) { Vector3 rayPoint = new Vector3(ray.GetPoint(_distance).x, transform.position.y, ray.GetPoint(_distance).z); _distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Camera.main.transform.position); transform.position = rayPoint; transform.rotation = _startRotation; } if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { if ( == "Tile" && hit.transform.GetComponent<Gridtile>().type == Gridtile.TileType.FRIENDLY && hit.transform.GetComponent<Gridtile>().occupied == false) { _currentTile = hit.transform; _currentEvent = Events.ON_TILE; CheckOnTile(); } else { _currentEvent = Events.DRAGGING; } } }
private void pwrEvents_PowerLineStatusChanged(object sender, Events.EventArgsValues<PowerLineStatus> e) { if (e.NewValue == PowerLineStatus.Online) this.Log.LogLineDate("The computer was connected to the power network", Trigger.Log.Type.PowerEvent); else this.Log.LogLineDate("The computer was disconnected from the power network", Trigger.Log.Type.PowerEvent); }
private void databaseCreatedEventHandler(Events.DatabaseCreated databaseCreatedEvent) { Databases.Clear(); foreach (SqlServerDatabase database in databaseManager.GetAllDatabases()) { Databases.Add(database); } }
public static Events FilterEvents(Events eventsList, string field, string criteria, string[] values) { Events filteredList = new Events(); switch (field) { case "date": { string firstValue = values[0]; string secondValue = values[1]; filteredList = GetFilteredListByDate(eventsList, criteria, firstValue, secondValue); break; } case "description": { string firstValue = values[0]; filteredList = GetFilteredListByDescription(eventsList, criteria, firstValue); break; } case "tag": { filteredList = GetFilteredListByTag(eventsList, criteria, values); break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Invalid parameter!"); break; } } return filteredList; }
private void pwrEvents_BatteryAvailabilityChanged(object sender, Events.EventArgsValue<bool?> e) { if (e.Value.Value == true) this.Log.LogLineDate("A battery was connected", Trigger.Log.Type.PowerEvent); else this.Log.LogLineDate("A battery was disconnected", Trigger.Log.Type.PowerEvent); }
public static void DummyFollowing(object sender, Events.PlayerMovingEventArgs e) { if (e.Player.World.Map.Dummys.Count() > 0) { foreach (Player d in e.Player.World.Map.Dummys) { if (d.Info.IsFollowing) { if (d.Info.ID.ToString() == e.Player.Info.followingID) { Vector3I oldPos = new Vector3I(e.OldPosition.X, e.OldPosition.Y, e.OldPosition.Z); Vector3I newPos = new Vector3I(e.NewPosition.X, e.NewPosition.Y, e.NewPosition.Z); Packet packet = PacketWriter.MakeMoveRotate(d.Info.ID, new Position { X = (short)(newPos.X - oldPos.X), Y = (short)(newPos.Y - oldPos.Y), Z = (short)(newPos.Z - oldPos.Z), R = (byte)Math.Abs(e.Player.Position.R), L = (byte)Math.Abs(e.Player.Position.L) }); ; e.Player.World.Players.Send(packet); d.Info.DummyPos = d.Position; } } } } }
public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) { //Adding Project Published Event Handling Code starts here try { MyUtilities.ErrorLog("Feature Event-Activated Started", EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit); var site = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent; using (var Site = new SPSite(site.Url)) { MyUtilities.EnableSQlServerCLR(Site.ID); MyUtilities.InstallStoredProcedure(Site.ID, true); var Events_Svc = new Events { UseDefaultCredentials = true, AllowAutoRedirect = true, Url = (Site.Url + @"/_vti_bin/psi/Events.asmx") }; string FilePath = SPUtility.GetGenericSetupPath(string.Empty) + @"\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ITXTaskBaseLineAudit\ITXTaskBaseLineAudit.dll"; Utilities.CreatePSEvent(Events_Svc, FilePath, "Project", "Published", "ITX Task BaseLine Change Monitor", "This code is to track the task baseline value changes."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MyUtilities.ErrorLog("Error at activating feature due to : " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } }
public ProgressBar(Vector2 position, float current, Events callbackEvent) { Dst.X = (int)position.X; Dst.Y = (int)position.Y; Current = current; CallbackEvent = callbackEvent; }
public Map(string name, string description, Events[] events, CSDK.Game.Location[] locations, Handler[] data) { = name; this.description = description; = events; this.locations = locations; = data; }
public static void PrintEvent(Events eventToPrint) { if (eventToPrint != null) { Output.Append(eventToPrint + "\n"); } }
public override void Extract(object sender, Events.ExtractionEventArgs e) { base.Extract(sender, e); IEnumerable<XElement> elements = base.Document.Document.Descendants(); IEnumerable<XElement> hiddenElements = from el in elements where el.Name.LocalName.Equals("input") && el.Attribute(XName.Get("type")).Value.Equals("hidden") select el; foreach (XElement nextElement in hiddenElements) { string name = String.Empty; string value = String.Empty; if (nextElement.HasAttributes && nextElement.Attribute(XName.Get("name")) != null) { name = nextElement.Attribute(XName.Get("name")).Value; if (nextElement.Attribute(XName.Get("value")) != null) { value = nextElement.Attribute(XName.Get("value")).Value; } base._context[name] = value; } } }
public override void Validate(object sender, Events.ValidationEventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Name may not be null."); } try { base.Validate(sender, e); IEnumerable<XElement> formElements = base.Document.Document.Descendants(XName.Get("input", "")); foreach (XElement nextElement in formElements) { if (nextElement.Attribute(XName.Get("value")) != null && nextElement.Attribute(XName.Get("value")).Value.Equals(_expectedValue)) { _context.Outcome = WebTestOutcome.Passed; break; } } if (_context.Outcome != WebTestOutcome.Passed) { _context.Outcome = WebTestOutcome.Failed; } } catch (Exception ex) { _context.Outcome = WebTestOutcome.Error; _message = ex.Message; } }
public void ShouldDisplayEventsFromCertainDate() { Events newEvents = new Events(); IOConsole toDisplay = new IOConsole(); string expectedConsole; var consoleOut = new StringWriter(); string date = "2019/12/25"; string title = "Christmas Day!"; string description = "Santa Claus is comming in our house...."; string date1 = "2015/10/25"; string title1 = "Johana's Birtday!"; string description1 = "Don't forget to call her..."; SetExpectedResultToConsole(date1, title1,out expectedConsole, out consoleOut, description1); newEvents.EventsList.ShouldBeEmpty(); newEvents.Add(date, title, description); newEvents.Add(date1, title1, description1); DateFilter eventsToDisplay = new DateFilter("=", "2015/10/25"); Events filteredList = eventsToDisplay.ApplyFilter(newEvents); IOConsole newObj = new IOConsole(filteredList); newObj.DisplayEventsToConsole(); consoleOut.ToString().ShouldContain(expectedConsole); }
public void ShouldDisplayEventsBeetwenTwoDate() { IOConsole toDisplay = new IOConsole(); string expectedConsole; var consoleOut = new StringWriter(); Events newEvents = new Events { { new Event ( "2015/01/01", "one", "test") }, {new Event("2015/11/15", "two") }, { new Event("2015/07/01", "three") }, { new Event("2015/12/03", "four", "test1") }, { new Event("2015/03/04", "five", "test2") }, { new Event("2015/09/08", "six") } }; SetExpectedResultToConsole("2015/09/08", "six", out expectedConsole, out consoleOut); DateFilter firstFilter = new DateFilter( "<", "2015/10/25"); Events firstFilteredList = firstFilter.ApplyFilter((newEvents)); DateFilter eventsToDisplay = new DateFilter( ">", "2015/02/25"); Events filteredList = eventsToDisplay.ApplyFilter(firstFilteredList); IOConsole newObj = new IOConsole(filteredList); newObj.DisplayEventsToConsole(); consoleOut.ToString().ShouldContain(expectedConsole); }
public void ShouldExportTOHTMLFromStream() { string expectedFile = @"<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Events List</title> </head> <body><p><b>Date:</b> 2015.12.25</p> <p><b>Subject:</b> Christmas!</p><p><b>Title:</b> Christmas</p><p><b>Description:</b> Santa Claus</p><hr> </body> </html>"; expectedFile = expectedFile.Replace("\r", ""); Events newEvent = new Events(); string date = "2015/12/25"; string title = "Christams"; string description = "Santa Claus"; newEvent.Add(date, title,description); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (IOStream streamObj = new IOStream(ms)) { streamObj.ExportEventsInHTMLStream(newEvent); var htmlContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()); htmlContent.ShouldContain(expectedFile); } } }
public void ShouldDisplayAllEvents() { Events newEvent = new Events(); string expectedConsole; var consoleOut = new StringWriter(); string date = "2015/12/25"; string title = "Christmas Day!"; string description = "Santa Claus is comming in our house...."; newEvent.EventsList.ShouldBeEmpty(); newEvent.Add(date, title, description); string date1 = "2015/10/25"; string title1 = "Johana's Birtday!"; string description1 = "Don't forget to call her..."; newEvent.Add(date1, title1, description1); expectedConsole = " \nDate:" + Convert.ToDateTime(date1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " \nTitle:" + title1 + " \nDescription:" + description1 + "\n" + " \nDate:" + Convert.ToDateTime(date).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " \nTitle:" + title + " \nDescription:" + description; Console.SetOut(consoleOut); IOConsole newObj = new IOConsole(newEvent); newObj.DisplayEventsToConsole(); consoleOut.ToString().ShouldContain(expectedConsole); }
public void LoadGrid() { evnts = new Events(); evnts.GetAll(); gvwEvents.DataSource = evnts; gvwEvents.DataBind(); }
private static void OnChatMessage(object sender, Events.ChatMessageEventArgs e) { var message = e.ClanName == null ? string.Format("<{0}>: {1}", e.Username, e.Message) : string.Format("<[{0}]{1}>: {2}", e.ClanName, e.Username, e.Message); Console.WriteLine(message); }
void LoadLists() { //repeat interval for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { ddlRepeatInterval.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); } //assigned consultants and the user load in to the calendar //IEnumerable<User> list = new Users().GetConsultantsAndPa(LoginUser.GetLoggedInUserId(), true); //ddlAllocatedTo.Items.Clear(); //foreach (User item in list) //{ // ddlAllocatedTo.Items.Add(new ListItem(item.Forename + " " + item.Surname, item.UserId.ToString())); //} ddlAllocatedTo.FillData(Bindings.Type.USER, true, false); //event types var eventTypes = new Events().GetEventTypes(); ddlEventType.Items.Clear(); foreach (var type in eventTypes) { ddlEventType.Items.Add(new ListItem(type.EventTypeText, type.EventTypeId.ToString())); } }
public static EventBase LookupEvent(Events evt) { EventBase returnEvent; switch(evt) { case Events.TriggerEventEnter: returnEvent = new TriggerEventEnter(); break; case Events.TriggerEventExit: returnEvent = new TriggerEventExit(); break; case Events.TriggerEventStay: returnEvent = new TriggerEventStay(); break; default: returnEvent = null; break; } return returnEvent; }
private List<Events> GetEvents() { List<Events> eventList = new List<Events>(); Events newEvent = new Events{ id = "1", title = "Event 1", start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("s"), end = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("s"), allDay = false }; eventList.Add(newEvent); newEvent = new Events { id = "1", title = "Event 3", start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).ToString("s"), end = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3).ToString("s"), allDay = false }; eventList.Add(newEvent); return eventList; }
public void KeysPressed(Events.Notification notification) { string key = (string); if (key == "Back") LoadNewLevel("MainMenu", 1); OpenInfoBox("Returning to Menu...", 3, 0.25f); }
public void Damaged() { // Play sound Events.PlayFX(explosionSound); }
internal new void OnDeserializingMethod(StreamingContext context) { Events.Add("OnDeserializing_Derived_Derived"); }
private void ReadTraceData(SqlConnection conn, ReadIteration currentIteration) { string sqlReadTrace = @" SELECT EventSequence ,Error ,TextData ,BinaryData ,DatabaseID ,HostName ,ApplicationName ,LoginName ,SPID ,Duration ,StartTime ,EndTime ,Reads ,Writes ,CPU ,EventClass ,DatabaseName FROM fn_trace_gettable(@path, @number_files) "; if (currentIteration.StartSequence > 0) { sqlReadTrace += "WHERE EventSequence > @event_offset"; } logger.Debug("Reading Trace data..."); TraceEventParser parser = new TraceEventParser(); using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = sqlReadTrace; var paramPath = cmd.Parameters.Add("@path", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 260); paramPath.Value = currentIteration.StartFileName; var paramNumberFiles = cmd.Parameters.Add("@number_files", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); paramNumberFiles.Value = currentIteration.Files; var paramInitialSequence = cmd.Parameters.Add("@event_offset", System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt); paramInitialSequence.Value = currentIteration.StartOffset; // don't pass initial file name and offset // read directly from the initial file // until we have some rows read already if ( EventCount == 0 || currentIteration.StartOffset <= 0 || currentIteration.StartOffset == currentIteration.MinOffset ) { paramPath.Value = currentIteration.StartFileName; paramNumberFiles.Value = 0; paramInitialSequence.Value = 0; } logger.Debug($"paramPath : {paramPath.Value}"); logger.Debug($"paramNumberFiles : {paramNumberFiles.Value}"); logger.Debug($"paramInitialSequence: {paramInitialSequence.Value}"); SqlTransformer transformer = new SqlTransformer(); try { using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { int skippedRows = 0; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader["EventSequence"] != DBNull.Value) { currentIteration.EndSequence = (long)reader["EventSequence"]; } // read the event from the sqldatareader var evt = parser.ParseEvent(reader); // skip invalid events if (evt.Type == WorkloadEvent.EventType.Unknown) { continue; } // skip to the correct event in case we're reading again // from the same file and we have a reference sequence if ((currentIteration.RowsRead == 0) && (currentIteration.StartSequence > 0)) { // skip rows until we encounter the reference event_sequence if (evt.EventSequence != currentIteration.StartSequence) { skippedRows++; continue; } else { // skip one more row... skippedRows++; currentIteration.RowsRead++; continue; } } // this is only to print out a message, so consider // getting rid of it if (skippedRows > 0) { logger.Debug($"Skipped rows: {skippedRows}"); skippedRows = 0; } // now we have an event, no matter if good or bad => increment rows read currentIteration.RowsRead++; if (evt.EventSequence != null) { currentIteration.EndSequence = (long)evt.EventSequence; } if (evt.Type <= WorkloadEvent.EventType.BatchCompleted) { if (transformer.Skip(evt.Text)) { continue; } if (!Filter.Evaluate(evt)) { continue; } evt.Text = transformer.Transform(evt.Text); } // it's a "good" event: add it to the queue Events.Enqueue(evt); EventCount++; } logger.Debug($"currentIteration.EndSequence : {currentIteration.EndSequence}"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } // Wait before querying the events file again if (currentIteration.RowsRead < ReadIteration.DEFAULT_TRACE_ROWS_SLEEP_THRESHOLD && currentIteration.StartFileName == currentIteration.EndFileName) { Thread.Sleep(ReadIteration.DEFAULT_TRACE_INTERVAL_SECONDS * 1000); } } }
internal new void OnSerializedMethod(StreamingContext context) { Events.Add("OnSerialized_Derived_Derived"); }
public static void RegisterFunc(Events eventname, Action funky) { EventFuncs[eventname].Add(funky); }
private static void AddEvent(string aEvent) { Events.Add(aEvent); }
public void FireEvent(Events myEvent) { MyCanvas canvasScript = DialogueBox.GetComponent <MyCanvas>(); canvasScript.StartEvent(myEvent); }
public static void DeleteFunc(Events eventname, Action funky) { EventFuncs[eventname].Remove(funky); }
public void SkipEventSequence(long eventSequence) { var events = Events.ToList(); events.RemoveAll(e => e.Sequence == eventSequence); Events = events; }
public Lexer(string compiledCode) { Func currentFunc = null; Block currentBlock = null; int blockNumber = 0; Stack <Block> blockstack = new Stack <Block>(); foreach (string line in compiledCode.Replace(((char)13).ToString(), "").Split('\n')) { if (line.StartsWith(":")) { string op = line.Substring(1); if (currentFunc == null) { currentFunc = new Func(op, Code.buffer.Count); } else { Code.Write(Opcodes.ret); Funcs.Add(currentFunc); currentFunc = new Func(op, Code.buffer.Count); } } else if (line.StartsWith("e:")) { string op = line.Substring(2); if (currentFunc == null) { currentFunc = new Func(op, Code.buffer.Count); } else { Code.Write(Opcodes.ret); Funcs.Add(currentFunc); currentFunc = new Func(op, Code.buffer.Count); } Events.Add(currentFunc); } else if (line.StartsWith(".")) { string name = line.Substring(1); Label l = new Label(name, Code.buffer.Count()); currentFunc.labels.Add(l); } else if (line.StartsWith($"{nameof(Opcodes.pushInt)} ")) { int value = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(8)); Code.Write(Opcodes.pushInt); Code.Write(value); _pushVarValue = value.ToString(); } else if (line.StartsWith($"{nameof(Opcodes.pushString)} ")) { string temp = line.Substring(11); string value = temp.Substring(temp.IndexOf("\"") + 1, temp.LastIndexOf("\"") - 1); Code.Write(Opcodes.pushString); Code.Write(value); _pushVarValue = value; } else if (line.StartsWith($"{nameof(Opcodes.pushVar)} ")) { string name = line.Substring(8); Code.Write(Opcodes.pushVar); Code.Write(name); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.pop))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.pop); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.popa))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.popa); } else if (line.StartsWith($"{nameof(Opcodes.decVar)} ")) { string name = line.Substring(7); Code.Write(Opcodes.decVar); Code.Write(name); } else if (line.StartsWith($"{nameof(Opcodes.setGlobalVar)} ")) { string name = line.Substring(13); Code.Write(Opcodes.setGlobalVar); Code.Write(name); if (_pushVarValue != null) { GlobalVars.Add(new Var(name, _pushVarValue)); } } else if (line.StartsWith($"{nameof(Opcodes.setVar)} ")) { string name = line.Substring(7); Code.Write(Opcodes.setVar); Code.Write(name); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.add))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.add); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.sub))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.sub); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.mul))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.mul); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.div))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.div); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.clear))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.clear); } else if (line.StartsWith("if")) { string op = line.Substring(2); if (currentBlock != null) { blockstack.Push(currentBlock); } currentBlock = new IfBlock(blockNumber); if (op.Equals("e")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.ife); } else if (op.Equals("n")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.ifn); } else if (op.Equals("gt")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.ifgt); } else if (op.Equals("gte")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.ifgte); } else if (op.Equals("lt")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.iflt); } else if (op.Equals("lte")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.iflte); } Code.Write(blockNumber); blockNumber++; } else if (line.StartsWith("elseif")) { string op = line.Substring(6); if (currentBlock != null) { blockstack.Push(currentBlock); } currentBlock = new ElseIfBlock(blockNumber); if (op.Equals("e")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.elseife); } else if (op.Equals("n")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.elseifn); } else if (op.Equals("gt")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.elseifgt); } else if (op.Equals("gte")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.elseifgte); } else if (op.Equals("lt")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.elseiflt); } else if (op.Equals("lte")) { Code.Write(Opcodes.elseiflte); } Code.Write(blockNumber); blockNumber++; } else if (line.Equals("else")) { if (currentBlock != null) { blockstack.Push(currentBlock); } currentBlock = new ElseBlock(blockNumber); Code.Write(Opcodes.els); Code.Write(blockNumber); blockNumber++; } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.endif))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.endif); currentBlock.endBlock = Code.buffer.Count(); Blocks.Add(currentBlock); if (blockstack.Count > 0) { currentBlock = blockstack.Pop(); } else { currentBlock = null; } } else if (line.StartsWith($"{nameof(} ")) { string name = line.Substring(5); Code.Write(; Code.Write(name); } else if (line.StartsWith("goto ")) { string name = line.Substring(6); Code.Write(; Code.Write(name); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.print))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.print); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.printLine))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.printLine); } else if (line.Equals(nameof( { Code.Write(; } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.readLine))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.readLine); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.delay))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.delay); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.captureScreen))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.captureScreen); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.getClipboard))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.getClipboard); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.setClipboard))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.setClipboard); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.write))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.write); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.exit))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.exit); } else if (line.StartsWith(nameof(Opcodes.msg))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.msg); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.inputInt32))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.inputInt32); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.inputString))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.inputString); } else if (line.Equals(nameof(Opcodes.ret))) { Code.Write(Opcodes.ret); } } Code.Write(Opcodes.ret); Funcs.Add(currentFunc); }