Esempio n. 1
 protected void RaiseCustomEditSize(EventArgsEditCustomSize e)
     if (CustomEditSize != null)
         CustomEditSize(this, e);
Esempio n. 2
        protected virtual void OnPaintEditItem(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs pevent)
            Graphics g = pevent.Graphics;
            //Rectangle rc = pevent.ClipRectangle;
            Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;

            // if control not shown to user then change text centering
            int yPos = ClientRectangle.Y + (ClientRectangle.Height - m_editbox.Height) / 2;

            if (m_bOwnValuePaint == true)
                yPos = ClientRectangle.Y + 2;

            int xPos    = ClientRectangle.X + 2;
            int iWidth  = ClientRectangle.Width - 20;
            int iHeight = ClientRectangle.Height - 4;

            EventArgsEditCustomSize ev = new EventArgsEditCustomSize(xPos, yPos, iWidth, iHeight);


            m_editbox.Location = new Point(ev.xPos, ev.yPos);
            m_editbox.Size     = new Size(ev.Width, ev.Height);

            if (m_bOwnValuePaint == true)
                Rectangle  rcOut = new Rectangle(ev.xPos, ev.yPos, ev.Width, ev.Height);
                SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(ForeColor);
                g.DrawString(Value, Font, brush, rcOut, m_strFormat);
 protected void RaiseCustomEditSize( EventArgsEditCustomSize e )
     if( CustomEditSize != null )
     CustomEditSize( this, e );
        protected virtual void OnPaintEditItem( System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs pevent )
            Graphics g = pevent.Graphics;
              //Rectangle rc = pevent.ClipRectangle;
              Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;

              // if control not shown to user then change text centering
              int yPos = ClientRectangle.Y + ( ClientRectangle.Height - m_editbox.Height ) / 2;
              if( m_bOwnValuePaint == true ) yPos = ClientRectangle.Y + 2;

              int xPos = ClientRectangle.X + 2;
              int iWidth = ClientRectangle.Width - 20;
              int iHeight = ClientRectangle.Height - 4;

              EventArgsEditCustomSize ev = new EventArgsEditCustomSize( xPos, yPos, iWidth, iHeight );
              RaiseCustomEditSize( ev );

              m_editbox.Location = new Point( ev.xPos, ev.yPos );
              m_editbox.Size = new Size( ev.Width, ev.Height );

              if( m_bOwnValuePaint == true )
            Rectangle rcOut = new Rectangle( ev.xPos, ev.yPos, ev.Width, ev.Height );
            SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush( ( Enabled ) ? ForeColor : SystemColors.GrayText );
            g.DrawString( Value, Font, brush, rcOut, m_strFormat );