public void EntOneProp_KString_VBool()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            // create an entity template to instantiate
            EntityTempl templComputer = core.EditorTempl.CreateEntityTempl("TemplComputer");

            // add property
            core.EditorTempl.CreatePropTempl(templComputer, "Count", true);

            //====Instanciate the template, create an entity, under the root folder
            EntityTemplToInst templToInst = core.ProcessTempl.CreateEntity(templComputer);

            //====check that the execution finishes with success
            Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstState.Success, templToInst.State, "the state should be sucess");
            Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstStep.Ends, templToInst.NextStep, "the next step should be ends");

            // check, get the key property: Count
            PropertyBase propBase = core.Searcher.FindPropertyByKey(templToInst.Entity, templToInst.Entity.PropertyRoot, "Count", false);
            Property     prop     = propBase as Property;

            //----check the prop key, is: Count
            PropertyKeyString propKeyString = prop.Key as PropertyKeyString;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propKeyString, "the prop key string Type should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual("Count", propKeyString.Key, "the key should be Count");

            // check the prop value
            ValBool propValueBool = prop.Value as ValBool;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propValueBool, "the prop key bool Count should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, propValueBool.Value, "the value should be 12.0");
        public void Create_1000_Entities_Empty()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //==== creates entities, with prop
            //----create entities
            Entity entity;
            int    count = 1000;

            // Create new stopwatch.
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            // Begin timing.

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                entity = core.Editor.CreateEntity();

            // Stop timing.

            // check the entities count
            int countFound = core.Editor.GetRootFolder().ListChildId.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(count, countFound, "Missing some entities!");

            // should takes around 7-8 sec
            Assert.IsTrue(stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 12, "Takes too many times!");
Esempio n. 3
        public void ChangeCurrentLang_GetTextLocal_ok()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //----Define languages in the current catalog
            core.Editor.DefineLanguage(LanguageCode.en);    // ->becomes the default language

            // create textCode and translation
            TextCode       tcName     = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");
            TextLocalModel tl_en_Name = core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(LanguageCode.en, tcName, "Name");
            TextLocalModel tl_fr_Name = core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(, tcName, "Nom");

            // create textCode and translation
            TextCode tcNameToshiba = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("NameToshiba");

            core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(LanguageCode.en, tcNameToshiba, "Laptop Toshiba Core i7 RAM 8Go HD 1To Win10");
            core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(, tcNameToshiba, "Ordinateur portable Toshiba Core i7 RAM 8Go DD 1To Win10");

            // change the current language from en to fr

            // get localized text
            TextLocal tlNameFound = core.Editor.GenerateTextLocal(tcName);

            // should be in french
            Assert.AreEqual(tl_fr_Name.Id, tlNameFound.TextLocalModelId, "the TextLocal Language should be 'en'");
Esempio n. 4
        public void CreateEntity_Prop_KeyTextCode_ValTextCode()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            TextCode tcName    = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");
            TextCode tcToshiba = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Toshiba");

            // create an ent
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity();

            // Add a property to an object: key - value
            Property propName = core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, tcName, tcToshiba);

            // check the property key (type and value)
            PropertyKeyTextCode propKeyTextCode = propName.Key as PropertyKeyTextCode;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propKeyTextCode, "the key should be a TextCode");
            Assert.AreEqual(tcName.Id, propKeyTextCode.TextCodeId, "the key should be 'Name'");

            // check the property value (type and value)
            ValTextCodeId propValueTextCode = propName.Value as ValTextCodeId;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propValueTextCode, "the value should be a TextCode");
            Assert.AreEqual(tcToshiba.Id, propValueTextCode.TextCodeId, "the key should be 'Toshiba'");
Esempio n. 5
        public void SearchEntities_PropKeyEqualsName()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //==== creates entities, with prop
            //----create entities
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity();

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            //==== define the search: from the root folder, select all entities having a key prop called 'Name'
            SearchEntity searchEntities = core.Searcher.CreateSearchEntity(SearchFolderScope.All);

            //--Add single criteria: property key text equals to 'Name'
            SearchPropCriterionKeyText criterion = core.Searcher.AddCritPropKeyText(searchEntities, "Name");

            criterion.PropKeyTextType = CritOptionPropKeyTextType.AllKeyType;
            criterion.TextSensitive   = CritOptionTextSensitive.No;
            criterion.TextMatch       = CritOptionTextMatch.TextMatchExact;

            //==== execute the search, get the result: list of found entities
            SearchEntityResult result = core.Searcher.ExecSearchEntity(searchEntities);

            // check found entities
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.ListEntityId.Count, "One found entities expected");

            bool found;

            found = result.ListEntityId.Contains(toshibaCoreI7.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(found, "The entity id toshibaCoreI7 should be selected");
Esempio n. 6
        public void SearchTwoEntityInFolder()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            //==== creates entities, with prop
            //----create entities
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            // Add a property to an object: key - value, both are textCode (will be displayed translated, depending on the language)
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            Entity dellCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            // Add a property to an object: key - value, both are textCode (will be displayed translated depending on the language)
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "Name", "Dell Inspiron 15-5570-sku6");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Dell");

            //---check, find the entities
            Entity toshibaCoreI7Found = core.Searcher.FindEntityById(toshibaCoreI7.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull(toshibaCoreI7Found, "The entity should exists");

            Entity dellCoreI7Found = core.Searcher.FindEntityById(dellCoreI7.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull(dellCoreI7Found, "The entity dellCoreI7 should exists");
        public void SearchEntities_DefinedFolders_2_OnePropKeyEqualsName_E_F1_2E_F2_2E()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //==== creates entities, with prop
            //----create entities
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity();

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            Entity dellCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "Name", "Dell Inspiron 15-5570-sku6");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Dell");

            Entity HPCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "Nom", "HP Core i7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "TradeMark", "HP");

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldOthers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "others");

            Entity asusCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldOthers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(asusCoreI7, "Name", "Asus Core i7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(asusCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Asus");

            //==== define the search: from the root folder, select all entities having a key prop called 'Name'
            SearchEntity searchEntities = core.Searcher.CreateSearchEntity(SearchFolderScope.Defined);

            //--Add sources folders, set option: go inside folders childs
            core.Searcher.AddSourceFolder(searchEntities, foldComputers, true);

            // add a second source folder
            core.Searcher.AddSourceFolder(searchEntities, foldOthers, true);

            //--Add single criteria: property key text equals to 'Name'
            SearchPropCriterionKeyText criterion = core.Searcher.AddCritPropKeyText(searchEntities, "Name");

            criterion.TextMatch       = CritOptionTextMatch.TextMatchExact;
            criterion.PropKeyTextType = CritOptionPropKeyTextType.AllKeyType;

            //==== execute the search, get the result: list of found entities
            SearchEntityResult result = core.Searcher.ExecSearchEntity(searchEntities);

            // check found entities
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.ListEntityId.Count, "2 found entity expected");

            bool found;

            found = result.ListEntityId.Contains(dellCoreI7.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(found, "The entity id dellCoreI7 should be selected");
            found = result.ListEntityId.Contains(asusCoreI7.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(found, "The entity id asusCoreI7 should be selected");
Esempio n. 8
        public void CreateEntityPropGroup()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            // create an ent
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity();

            // add a properties group (folder inside object) in the object
            PropertyGroup propGrpProc = core.Editor.CreatePropertyGroup(toshibaCoreI7, "Processor");

            Assert.IsNotNull(propGrpProc, " The PG Processor should exists");

            // get the prop group
            PropertyGroup propGrpProcGet = toshibaCoreI7.PropertyRoot.ListProperty[0] as PropertyGroup;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propGrpProcGet, " The PG Processor should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual("Processor", Common.GetPropertyKeyContent(propGrpProcGet.Key), "The Processor key text is wrong");

            PropertyGroup propGrpProc2 = core.Editor.CreatePropertyGroup(toshibaCoreI7, "Processor");

            Assert.IsNull(propGrpProc2, " This second PG Processor should not exists");

            // create prop childs into the prop group
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, propGrpProc, "Constructor", "Intel");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, propGrpProc.ListProperty.Count, "The prop group should have one prop childs");
            Property propContructorIntel = propGrpProc.ListProperty[0] as Property;

            Assert.AreEqual("Constructor", Common.GetPropertyKeyContent(propContructorIntel.Key), "the prop child key should be: Constructor");
            Assert.AreEqual("Intel", Common.GetPropertyValueContent(propContructorIntel.Value), "the prop child key should be: Constructor");

            // create another prop childs into the prop group
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, propGrpProc, "Model", "i7");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, propGrpProc.ListProperty.Count, "The prop group should have 2 prop childs");
        public void Ent_PropGroup_Prop_KString_VString()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCoreInMemory();

            // create an entity template to instantiate
            EntityTempl templComputer = core.EditorTempl.CreateEntityTempl("TemplComputer");

            // create the group Core
            PropGroupTempl propGroupTemplCore = core.EditorTempl.CreatePropGroupTempl(templComputer, "Core");

            // under the propGroup Core, create the prop Type=Intel
            PropTempl propTemplType = core.EditorTempl.CreatePropTempl(templComputer, propGroupTemplCore, "Type", "Intel");

            EntityTemplToInst templToInst = core.ProcessTempl.CreateEntity(templComputer);

            // check that the execution finishes with success
            Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstState.Success, templToInst.State, "the state should be sucess");
            Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstStep.Ends, templToInst.NextStep, "the next step should be ends");

            //=====Check the creation

            //----check the prop group: Core
            PropertyBase  propBase  = core.Searcher.FindPropertyByKey(templToInst.Entity, templToInst.Entity.PropertyRoot, "Core", false);
            PropertyGroup propGroup = propBase as PropertyGroup;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propGroup, "the propgroup Core should exists");

            // Check the prop group key
            PropertyKeyString propGroupKey = propGroup.Key as PropertyKeyString;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propGroupKey, "the propgroup key Core should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual("Core", propGroupKey.Key, "the key should be Core");

            //----check the property child: Type=Computer
            propBase = core.Searcher.FindPropertyByKey(templToInst.Entity, propGroup, "Type", false);
            Property prop = propBase as Property;

            Assert.IsNotNull(prop, "the prop child Type should exists");

            // find the prop Intel (inside the group Core) from the root property
            PropertyBase propBaseTypeIntel = core.Searcher.FindPropertyByKey(templToInst.Entity, "Type", true);
            Property     propTypeIntel     = propBaseTypeIntel as Property;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propTypeIntel, "the prop child Type should exists (find from the root)");

            // check the prop key: Type, find the prop from the parent
            PropertyKeyString propKeyString = prop.Key as PropertyKeyString;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propKeyString, "the prop key string Type should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual("Type", propKeyString.Key, "the key should be Type");

            // check the prop value
            //PropertyValueString propValueString = prop.Value as PropertyValueString;
            ValString propValueString = prop.Value as ValString;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propValueString, "the prop key string Type should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual("Intel", propValueString.Value, "the value should be Intel");
        public void CreateTextCode_codeNull_Failed()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            TextCode tcName = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("");

            Assert.IsNull(tcName, "can't be created");
        public void CreateTextCode()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            TextCode tcName = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            Assert.IsNotNull(tcName.Id, "id should be set");
Esempio n. 12
        public void NoLangDefinedNoCurrentLang()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            // get the current/default language: the first one defined
            Language lang = core.Searcher.GetCurrentLanguage();

            Assert.IsNull(lang, "Lang should NOT exists");
        public void CreateTextCode_Find_Ok()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            TextCode tcName = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            TextCode tcNameFind = core.Searcher.FindTextCodeById(tcName.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual(tcName.Code, tcNameFind.Code, "Both Code should match");
Esempio n. 14
        public void CreateTextLocal_NoLanguageDefined_Failed()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            TextCode tcName = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            TextLocalModel tlmName = core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(LanguageCode.en, tcName, "Name");

            Assert.IsNull(tlmName, "should be null, lang is not defined");
Esempio n. 15
        // TODO: gérer trad finale absente -> selectionne la mainLang
        // exp: pas de texte en fr_FR mais existe en fr, prend ce dernier.

        /// <summary>
        ///  select entities having a property key='Name'
        ///     computers\
        ///         Ent: Name=Toshiba   Ok, selected
        ///         Ent: Name=Dell      Ok, selected
        ///         Ent: Company=HP     --NOT selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        static void TestSearchEntity(EtagairCore core)
            Console.WriteLine("====>TestSearchEntity: ");

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            //==== creates entities, with prop

            //----create entity
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            //----create entity
            Entity dellCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "Name", "Dell Inspiron 15-5570-sku6");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Dell");

            //----create entity
            Entity HPCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "Company", "HP Core i7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "TradeMark", "HP");

            //==== define the search: from the root folder, select all entities having a key prop called 'Name'
            SearchEntity searchEntities = core.Searcher.CreateSearchEntity(SearchFolderScope.Defined);

            //--Add sources folders, set option: go inside folders childs
            core.Searcher.AddSourceFolder(searchEntities, foldComputers, true);

            //--Add criteria: (a boolean expression)
            SearchPropCriterionKeyText criterion = core.Searcher.AddCritPropKeyText(searchEntities, "Name");

            criterion.PropKeyTextType = CritOptionPropKeyTextType.AllKeyType;
            criterion.TextMatch       = CritOptionTextMatch.TextMatchExact;

            //--set options
            // TODO: lesquelles?

            //==== execute the search, get the result: list of found entities
            SearchEntityResult result = core.Searcher.ExecSearchEntity(searchEntities);

            // displays found entities
            Console.WriteLine("-Search result: nb=" + result.ListEntityId.Count);
            foreach (string entityId in result.ListEntityId)
                // load the entity

                Console.WriteLine("Ent, id: " + entityId);
        public void CreateEntTempl()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            // create an entity template to instantiate
            EntityTempl entityTempl = core.EditorTempl.CreateEntityTempl("entityTempl");

            Assert.IsNotNull(entityTempl.Id, "the id should be set");
            Assert.AreEqual("entityTempl", entityTempl.Name, "the name is wrong");
            Assert.IsNotNull(entityTempl.ParentFolderId, "the parent folder id should exists, its the root folder)");
Esempio n. 17
        public void FindEntityById()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //---- create an entity, under the root
            Entity entity = core.Editor.CreateEntity(null);

            Entity entityFound = core.Searcher.FindEntityById(entity.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull(entityFound, "The entity should exists");
Esempio n. 18
        public void FindFolderById()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            Folder foldComputersFound = core.Searcher.FindFolderById(foldComputers.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull(foldComputersFound, "The folder should exists");
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// entity with property:
        /// TextCode key
        /// Property group
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        static void BuildContent(EtagairCore core)
            //----set defined (activate) language codes in the current catalog

            TextCode tcName = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            // should failed
            TextCode tcNameErr = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            // create localized text for main languages managed in the application
            // en -> en_uk, en_us,....
            core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(LanguageCode.en, tcName, "Name");
            core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(, tcName, "Nom");

            TextCode tcNameToshiba = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("NameToshiba");

            core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(LanguageCode.en, tcNameToshiba, "Laptop Toshiba Core i7 RAM 8Go HD 1To Win10");
            core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(, tcNameToshiba, "Ordinateur portable Toshiba Core i7 RAM 8Go DD 1To Win10");

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            //----create entities
            // create a computer object from scratch (not from a template), under the "computers" folder
            //Object toshibaCoreI7= core.Editor.CreateObject("Toshiba Core i7 RAM 8Go DD 1To Win10")	<- pas de nom de var non? (par propriété nom)
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            // Add a property to an object: key - value, both are textCode (will be displayed translated depending on the language)
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, tcName, tcNameToshiba);

            // --test: can't create a property with an existing name/key, in the same group properties
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, tcName, tcNameToshiba);

            // create property: RAM: 8 Go(Gb)
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "RAM", "8");

            // should failed
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "RAM", "8");

            // add a properties group (folder inside object) in the object
            PropertyGroup propGrpProc  = core.Editor.CreatePropertyGroup(toshibaCoreI7, "Processor");
            PropertyGroup propGrpProc2 = core.Editor.CreatePropertyGroup(toshibaCoreI7, "Processor");

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, propGrpProc, "Constructor", "Intel");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, propGrpProc, "Model", "i7");

            // Create a prop: string, imageCode
        public void CreateTextCode_2times_failed()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            TextCode tcName = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            Assert.IsNotNull(tcName.Id, "id should be set");

            TextCode tcName2 = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            Assert.IsNull(tcName2, "can't be created");
Esempio n. 21
        public void CreateTextLocal_Failed()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //----set defined (activate) language codes in the current catalog

            TextCode tcName = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            TextLocalModel tlmName = core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(LanguageCode.en_GB, tcName, "Name");

            Assert.IsNull(tlmName, "Can't be created");
Esempio n. 22
        // ==== Create entity with prop childs!!
        // group

        // Templ Entity, CreatePropertyGroupTempl( key)
        // Add properties childs
        // set rule for childs: One, Several, 0..N,...

        static void TestCore()
            //IEtagairReposit reposit= CreateRepository_InMemory();
            IEtagairReposit reposit = CreateRepository_LiteDB(true);

            EtagairCore core = CreateCore(reposit);

            // Dev the language and text data model.


Esempio n. 23
        public void DefineLangBecomesCurrent()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //----set defined (activate) language codes in the current catalog

            // get the current/default language: the first one defined
            Language lang = core.Searcher.GetCurrentLanguage();

            Assert.IsNotNull(lang, "Lang should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual(lang.LanguageCode, LanguageCode.en, "The current languageCode should be 'en'");
Esempio n. 24
        public static EtagairCore CreateCore(IEtagairReposit reposit)
            // create the core configurator, inject the concrete repository
            EtagairCore core = new EtagairCore();

            //----init the core: create the catalog, becomes the current catalog
            if (!core.Init(reposit))

            // configure the catalog

Esempio n. 25
        public void CreateEntity()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            // create an ent
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity();

            Assert.IsNotNull(toshibaCoreI7.Id, "id should be set");
            Assert.IsNotNull(toshibaCoreI7.PropertyRoot, "the prop root should exists");
            Assert.IsNotNull(toshibaCoreI7.ParentFolderId, "the parent folder should exists (its the root folder)");

            Assert.IsNull(toshibaCoreI7.EntityTemplId, "no entity template id is expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(BuildFrom.Scratch, toshibaCoreI7.BuildFrom, "build from scratch, not from a template");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, toshibaCoreI7.BuildFromScratchFinishedAuto, "BuildFromScratchFinishedAuto should be true");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, toshibaCoreI7.BuildFinished, "BuildFinished should be true");
Esempio n. 26
        static EtagairCore CreateCore(IEtagairReposit reposit)
            // create the core configurator, inject the concrete repository
            EtagairCore core = new EtagairCore();

            //----init the core: create the catalog, becomes the current catalog
            if (!core.Init(reposit))
                Console.WriteLine("Error, Init failed, can't create the catalog, already exists.");

            // configure the catalog

Esempio n. 27
        public void CreateTextLocal_Ok()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //----set defined (activate) language codes in the current catalog

            TextCode tcName = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Name");

            // create localized text for main languages managed in the application
            // en -> en_uk, en_us,....
            TextLocalModel tlmName = core.Editor.CreateTextLocalModel(LanguageCode.en, tcName, "Name");

            Assert.IsNotNull(tlmName.Id, "id should be set");
            Assert.AreEqual(tcName.Id, tlmName.TextCodeId, "textCode id should match");
            Assert.AreEqual("Name", tlmName.Text, "text should be set");
Esempio n. 28
        public void CreateEntityInFolder()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            //==== creates entities, with prop
            //----create entities
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            // Add a property to an object: key - value, both are textCode (will be displayed translated, depending on the language)
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            //---check that the folder has an entity child
            Assert.AreEqual(1, foldComputers.ListChildId.Count, "The folder should have one entity child");
            Assert.IsTrue(foldComputers.ListChildId.ContainsKey(toshibaCoreI7.Id), "The folder should have the defined entity child");
Esempio n. 29
        public void DefineLangChangeCurrent_Ok()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //----set defined (activate) language codes in the current catalog

            bool res = core.Searcher.SetCurrentLanguage(;

            Assert.IsTrue(res, "the setCurrentLanguage should succeded");

            // get the current/default language: the first one defined
            Language lang = core.Searcher.GetCurrentLanguage();

            Assert.IsNotNull(lang, "Lang should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual(lang.LanguageCode,, "The current languageCode should be 'fr'");
        public void EntOneProp_KTextCode_VTextCode()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            TextCode tcKeyType   = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Type");
            TextCode tcValueType = core.Editor.CreateTextCode("Computer");

            // create an entity template to instantiate
            EntityTempl templComputer = core.EditorTempl.CreateEntityTempl("TemplComputer");

            // add property
            core.EditorTempl.CreatePropTempl(templComputer, tcKeyType, tcValueType);

            //====Instanciate the template, create an entity, under the root folder
            EntityTemplToInst templToInst = core.ProcessTempl.CreateEntity(templComputer);

            // check that the execution finishes with success
            Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstState.Success, templToInst.State, "the state should be sucess");
            Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstStep.Ends, templToInst.NextStep, "the next step should be ends");

            // check, get the property: Type=Computer
            PropertyBase propBase = core.Searcher.FindPropertyByKey(templToInst.Entity, templToInst.Entity.PropertyRoot, "Type", false);

            Assert.IsNotNull(propBase, "the propBase Type=Computer should exists");
            Property prop = propBase as Property;

            Assert.IsNotNull(prop, "the prop Type=Computer should exists");

            //----check the prop key
            PropertyKeyTextCode propKeyTextCode = prop.Key as PropertyKeyTextCode;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propKeyTextCode, "the prop key string Type should exists");
            Assert.AreEqual(tcKeyType.Id, propKeyTextCode.TextCodeId, "the prop value should be the textCode id of the text Name");

            //----check the prop value
            ValTextCodeId propValueTextCode = prop.Value as ValTextCodeId;

            Assert.IsNotNull(propValueTextCode, "the prop key string Typeshould exists");
            Assert.AreEqual(tcValueType.Id, propValueTextCode.TextCodeId, "the prop value should be the textCode id of text Toshiba");