Esempio n. 1
 public List <decimal[]> Estimate_Matrix_Profit(AppTypes.TimeRanges timeRange, string timeScaleCode,
                                                string[] stockCodeList, string[] strategyList,
                                                EstimateOptions option)
     return(application.Strategy.Libs.Estimate_Matrix_Profit(timeRange, AppTypes.TimeScaleFromCode(timeScaleCode),
                                                             common.system.List2Collection(strategyList), option));
Esempio n. 2
        private void DoBackTesting()
            this.myValueType = ValueTypes.Amount;
            this.Amount2PercentDenominator = Settings.sysStockTotalCapAmt;
            StringCollection strategyList  = strategyClb.myCheckedValues;
            StringCollection stockCodeList = codeSelectLb.myValues;

            //Analysis cached data so we MUST reset to clear cache to ensure the system run correctly
            EstimateOptions estimateOption = new EstimateOptions();

            DataTable retsultTbl = CreateEstimateTbl(strategyList);

            SetDataGrid(resultDataGrid, retsultTbl);

            progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.Minimum = 0; progressBar.Maximum = stockCodeList.Count;
            AppTypes.TimeRanges timeRange = periodicityEd.myTimeRange;
            string timeScaleCode          = periodicityEd.myTimeScale.Code;

            string[] strategy = common.system.Collection2List(strategyList);

            this.ShowReccount(progressBar.Value.ToString() + "/" + progressBar.Maximum.ToString());

            int codeStartIdx = 0, codeEndIdx = 0;

            while (codeStartIdx < stockCodeList.Count)
                codeEndIdx += Settings.sysNumberOfItemsInBatchProcess;
                if (codeEndIdx >= stockCodeList.Count)
                    codeEndIdx = stockCodeList.Count - 1;

                string[]    stocks  = common.system.Collection2List(stockCodeList, codeStartIdx, codeEndIdx);
                decimal[][] retList = DataAccess.Libs.Estimate_Matrix_Profit(timeRange, timeScaleCode, stocks, strategy, estimateOption);
                for (int idx = 0; idx < retList.Length; idx++)
                    DataRow row = retsultTbl.Rows.Add(stockCodeList[idx + codeStartIdx]);
                    for (int colId = 0; colId < retList[idx].Length; colId++)
                        row[colId + 1] = retList[idx][colId];
                codeStartIdx      = codeEndIdx + 1;
                progressBar.Value = codeEndIdx + 1;
                this.ShowReccount(progressBar.Value.ToString() + "/" + progressBar.Maximum.ToString());
            SetDataGrid(resultDataGrid, retsultTbl);

Esempio n. 3
        private void DoRankingDB()
            this.myValueType = ValueTypes.Amount;
            this.Amount2PercentDenominator = Settings.sysStockTotalCapAmt;

            StringCollection stockCodeList = codeListLb.myValues;
            StringCollection timeRangeList = timeRangeLb.myCheckedValues;

            string[] strategyList = common.system.Collection2List(strategyClb.myCheckedValues);
            progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.Minimum = 0; progressBar.Maximum = stockCodeList.Count * timeRangeList.Count;

            EstimateOptions estimateOption = new EstimateOptions();

            for (int stockCodeId = 0; stockCodeId < stockCodeList.Count; stockCodeId++)
                string    stockCode      = stockCodeList[stockCodeId].ToString();
                DataTable testRetsultTbl = CreateDataTable(timeRangeList, strategyList);
                common.controls.baseDataGridView resultGrid = CreateResultGrid(stockCode, testRetsultTbl);

                for (int colId = 0; colId < timeRangeList.Count; colId++)
                        this.ShowReccount(progressBar.Value.ToString() + "/" + progressBar.Maximum.ToString());

                        AppTypes.TimeRanges      timeRange    = AppTypes.TimeRangeFromCode(timeRangeList[colId]);
                        application.AnalysisData analysisData = new application.AnalysisData(timeRange, timeScaleCb.myValue, stockCode,
                        for (int rowId = 0; rowId < strategyList.Length; rowId++)
                            testRetsultTbl.Rows[rowId][colId + 1] = 0;
                            //Analysis cached data so we MUST clear cache to ensure the system run correctly
                            application.Strategy.Data.TradePoints advices = application.Strategy.Libs.Analysis(analysisData, strategyList[rowId]);
                            if (advices != null)
                                testRetsultTbl.Rows[rowId][colId + 1] =
                                    application.Strategy.Libs.EstimateTrading_Profit(analysisData, application.Strategy.Libs.ToTradePointInfo(advices), estimateOption);
                    catch (Exception er)
                        this.WriteError(stockCodeList[stockCodeId] + " : " + timeRangeList[colId] + " : " + strategyList[colId], er.Message);
Esempio n. 4
        private void DoBackTestUseDB()
            this.myValueType = ValueTypes.Amount;
            this.Amount2PercentDenominator = Settings.sysStockTotalCapAmt;
            StringCollection strategyList   = strategyClb.myCheckedValues;
            StringCollection stockCodeList  = codeSelectLb.myValues;
            DataTable        testRetsultTbl = CreateEstimateTbl(strategyList);

            SetDataGrid(resultDataGrid, testRetsultTbl);

            progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.Minimum = 0; progressBar.Maximum = stockCodeList.Count;

            EstimateOptions estOptions = new EstimateOptions();

            for (int rowId = 0; rowId < stockCodeList.Count; rowId++)
                application.AnalysisData analysisData = new application.AnalysisData(periodicityEd.myTimeRange, periodicityEd.myTimeScale,
                                                                                     stockCodeList[rowId], commonClass.DataAccessMode.WebService);
                DataRow row = testRetsultTbl.Rows.Add(stockCodeList[rowId]);
                for (int colId = 0; colId < strategyList.Count; colId++)
                        //Analysis cached data so we MUST clear cache to ensure the system run correctly
                        application.Strategy.Data.TradePoints advices = application.Strategy.Libs.Analysis(analysisData, strategyList[colId]);
                        if (advices != null)
                            row[colId + 1] = application.Strategy.Libs.EstimateTrading_Profit(analysisData, application.Strategy.Libs.ToTradePointInfo(advices), estOptions);
                            row[colId + 1] = 0;
                    catch (Exception er)
                        this.WriteError(stockCodeList[rowId] + " : " + strategyList[colId], er.Message);
                this.ShowReccount(progressBar.Value.ToString() + "/" + progressBar.Maximum.ToString());
Esempio n. 5
        public void PlotStrategyTradepoints(application.Strategy.Meta meta, bool showEstimation)
            EstimateOptions estOption = new EstimateOptions();

            data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable tbl = new data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable();
            TradePointInfo[] tradePoints          = DataAccess.Libs.GetTradePointWithEstimationDetail(myData.DataTimeRange, myData.DataTimeScale.Code, myData.DataStockCode, meta.Code,
                                                                                                      estOption, out tbl);
            /// Estimate trade points and set tradepoint's [isValid] property to mark whether a tradepoint is valid or not.
            for (int idx = 0; idx < tradePoints.Length; idx++)
                tradePoints[idx].isValid = !tbl[idx].ignored;
            PlotStrategyTradepoints(application.Strategy.Libs.ToTradePoints(tradePoints), pricePanel);

            //Call estimation handler if any.
            if (showEstimation && myEstimateTradePoints != null)
                myEstimateTradePoints(this, meta.Code, estOption, tbl);
Esempio n. 6
        public TradePointInfo[] GetTradePointWithEstimationDetail(AppTypes.TimeRanges timeRange, string timeScaleCode,
                                                                  string stockCode, string strategyCode, EstimateOptions options,
                                                                  out data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable toTbl)
            string dataKey = LoadAnalysisData(timeRange, timeScaleCode, stockCode, false);

            TradePointInfo[] tradePoints = Analysis(dataKey, strategyCode);
            toTbl = application.Strategy.Libs.EstimateTrading_Details(sysDataCache.Find(dataKey) as AnalysisData, tradePoints, options);
Esempio n. 7
 public static TradePointInfo[] GetTradePointWithEstimationDetail(AppTypes.TimeRanges timeRange, string timeScaleCode,
                                                                  string stockCode, string strategyCode, EstimateOptions options,
                                                                  out data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable toTbl)
     return(myClient.GetTradePointWithEstimationDetail(out toTbl, timeRange, timeScaleCode, stockCode, strategyCode, options));
Esempio n. 8
 public static decimal[][] Estimate_Matrix_Profit(AppTypes.TimeRanges timeRange, string timeScaleCode,
                                                  string[] stocks, string[] strategyList, EstimateOptions option)
     return(myClient.Estimate_Matrix_Profit(timeRange, timeScaleCode, stocks, strategyList, option));
Esempio n. 9
 public Estimate GetEstimate(Service service, int unitCount, EstimateOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public Estimate GetEstimate(Service service, int unitCount, EstimateOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 11
        public static List <decimal[]> Estimate_Matrix_Profit(AppTypes.TimeRanges timeRange, AppTypes.TimeScale timeScale,
                                                              StringCollection stockCodeList, StringCollection strategyList, EstimateOptions option)
            List <decimal[]> retList = new List <decimal[]>();

            for (int rowId = 0; rowId < stockCodeList.Count; rowId++)
                AnalysisData analysisData = new AnalysisData(timeRange, timeScale, stockCodeList[rowId], DataAccessMode.Local);
                decimal[]    rowRetList   = new decimal[strategyList.Count];
                for (int colId = 0; colId < strategyList.Count; colId++)
                    Data.TradePoints advices = Analysis(analysisData, strategyList[colId]);
                    if (advices != null)
                        rowRetList[colId] = EstimateTrading_Profit(analysisData, ToTradePointInfo(advices), option);
                        rowRetList[colId] = 0;
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the estimation detail from adviced trade point
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="tradePoints"></param>
 /// <param name="options"></param>
 /// <param name="toTbl"> Table of assumed transactions. Each row procides detail information of a transcation and it's profit</param>
 public static data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable EstimateTrading_Details(AnalysisData data, TradePointInfo[] tradePoints, EstimateOptions options)
     data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable toTbl = new data.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable();
     EstimateTrading(data, tradePoints, options, toTbl, AfterEachEstimation_AddToTable, null);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get estimated profit from adviced trade point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="tradePoints"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static decimal EstimateTrading_Profit(AnalysisData data, TradePointInfo[] tradePoints, EstimateOptions options)
            EstimateSum myEstimateSum = new EstimateSum();

            EstimateTrading(data, tradePoints, options, myEstimateSum, null, AfterEstimation_GetProfit);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimate the profit from advices produced by analysis process.
        /// The function will produce a list of "transactions" assuming to be done from analysis advices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> Data used for analysis </param>
        /// <param name="tradePoints">Trade point list generated by analysis process</param>
        /// <param name="options">User- specific options : captital, max Buy...</param>
        /// <param name="returnObj">Returned object </param>
        /// <param name="afterEachEstimationFunc">Call-back function at the end of each tradepoind estimation</param>
        /// <param name="afterEstimationFunc">Call-back function at the end of estimation process</param>
        public static void EstimateTrading(AnalysisData data, TradePointInfo[] tradePoints, EstimateOptions options,
                                           object returnObj, AfterEachEstimationFunc afterEachEstimationFunc, AfterEstimationFunc afterEstimationFunc)
            EstimationData myEstimationData = new EstimationData();

            global::data.baseDS.stockExchangeRow marketRow = application.AppLibs.GetStockExchange(data.DataStockCode);
            decimal initCapAmt       = options.TotalCapAmt * options.MaxBuyAmtPerc / 100;
            decimal priceWeight      = marketRow.priceRatio;
            decimal feePerc          = marketRow.tranFeePerc / 100;
            short   buy2SellInterval = marketRow.minBuySellDay;

            data.baseDS.stockCodeRow stockCodeRow = application.SysLibs.FindAndCache_StockCode(data.DataStockCode);
            if (stockCodeRow == null)

            int     adviceDataIdx, lastBuyId = -1;
            decimal stockQty = 0, qty;
            decimal maxBuyQty = (decimal)(stockCodeRow.noOutstandingStock * options.MaxBuyQtyPerc / 100);
            decimal stockAmt = 0, stockPrice = 0, amt, feeAmt, totalFeeAmt = 0;
            decimal cashAmt = initCapAmt;

            DateTime transDate = common.Consts.constNullDate;;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < tradePoints.Length; idx++)
                adviceDataIdx            = tradePoints[idx].DataIdx;
                qty                      = 0; amt = 0;
                myEstimationData.ignored = false;
                AppTypes.TradeActions action = tradePoints[idx].TradeAction;

                stockPrice = (decimal)data.Close[adviceDataIdx];
                transDate  = DateTime.FromOADate(data.DateTime[adviceDataIdx]);
                switch (action)
                case AppTypes.TradeActions.Buy:
                    //Assume that we can only buy if we have money
                    qty = (stockPrice == 0 ? 0 : Math.Floor(cashAmt / ((stockPrice * priceWeight) * (1 + feePerc))));
                    if (qty > maxBuyQty)
                        qty = maxBuyQty;
                    if (qty != 0)
                        amt          = qty * stockPrice * priceWeight;
                        stockAmt    += amt;
                        stockQty    += qty;
                        feeAmt       = Math.Round(amt * feePerc, 0);
                        cashAmt     -= amt + feeAmt;
                        totalFeeAmt += feeAmt;
                        lastBuyId    = adviceDataIdx;
                        myEstimationData.ignored = true;

                case AppTypes.TradeActions.Sell:
                    //Can sell if own some stock
                    if (stockQty <= 0)
                        myEstimationData.ignored = true;
                    // Not applicable to sell
                    if (lastBuyId < 0)
                        myEstimationData.ignored = true;

                    // T+4 contrainst ?
                    if (common.dateTimeLibs.DateDiffInDays(DateTime.FromOADate(data.DateTime[lastBuyId]).Date,
                                                           DateTime.FromOADate(data.DateTime[adviceDataIdx]).Date) < buy2SellInterval)
                        // Keep inapplicable Sells ??
                        if (commonClass.Settings.sysKeepInApplicableSell)
                            int      transDataIdx     = -1;
                            DateTime minAllowSellDate = DateTime.FromOADate(data.DateTime[lastBuyId]).Date.AddDays(buy2SellInterval);
                            //If it is the last trade point, find the next applicable date
                            if (idx >= tradePoints.Length - 1)
                                transDataIdx = FindDateIdx(data, tradePoints[idx].DataIdx + 1, data.DateTime.Count - 1, minAllowSellDate);
                                //If the next trade point is before or at [minAllowSellDate], ignore this
                                if (DateTime.FromOADate(data.DateTime.Values[tradePoints[idx + 1].DataIdx]).Date <= minAllowSellDate)
                                    myEstimationData.ignored = true;
                                    //Find the next applicable date after this point and before next point
                                    transDataIdx = FindDateIdx(data, tradePoints[idx].DataIdx + 1, tradePoints[idx + 1].DataIdx - 1, minAllowSellDate);
                            if (transDataIdx < 0)
                                myEstimationData.ignored = true;
                                stockPrice = (decimal)data.Close[transDataIdx];
                                transDate  = DateTime.FromOADate(data.DateTime[transDataIdx]).Date;
                            myEstimationData.ignored = true;
                    //Ok, sell it
                    if (!myEstimationData.ignored)
                        qty          = stockQty;
                        amt          = qty * stockPrice * priceWeight;
                        stockQty     = 0; stockAmt = 0;
                        feeAmt       = Math.Round(amt * feePerc, 0);
                        cashAmt     += amt - feeAmt;
                        totalFeeAmt += feeAmt;
                myEstimationData.tradeAction = action.ToString();
                myEstimationData.onDate      = transDate;
                myEstimationData.price       = stockPrice;
                myEstimationData.qty         = qty;
                myEstimationData.amt         = amt;
                myEstimationData.feeAmt      = totalFeeAmt;
                myEstimationData.ownedQty    = stockQty;
                myEstimationData.ownedAmt    = stockAmt;
                myEstimationData.cashAmt     = cashAmt;
                myEstimationData.profitAmt   = cashAmt + stockAmt - initCapAmt;
                if (afterEachEstimationFunc != null)
                    afterEachEstimationFunc(myEstimationData, returnObj);
            if (afterEstimationFunc != null)
                afterEstimationFunc(myEstimationData, returnObj);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Thuc hien viec sap xep chien luoc
        /// </summary>
        private void DoRanking()

            this.myValueType = ValueTypes.Amount;
            this.Amount2PercentDenominator = Settings.sysStockTotalCapAmt;

            StringCollection stockCodeList = codeListLb.myValues;
            StringCollection timeRangeList = timeRangeLb.myCheckedValues;

            string[] strategyList = common.system.Collection2List(strategyClb.myCheckedValues);
            progressBar.Value = 0; progressBar.Minimum = 0; progressBar.Maximum = stockCodeList.Count;

            string          timeScaleCode  = timeScaleCb.myValue.Code;
            EstimateOptions estimateOption = new EstimateOptions();


            ArrayList resulTblList = new ArrayList();

            this.ShowReccount(progressBar.Value.ToString() + "/" + progressBar.Maximum.ToString());
            int codeStartIdx = 0, codeEndIdx = 0;

            while (codeStartIdx < stockCodeList.Count)
                codeEndIdx += Settings.sysNumberOfItemsInBatchProcess;
                if (codeEndIdx >= stockCodeList.Count)
                    codeEndIdx = stockCodeList.Count - 1;

                //Create Tab and grid for each code
                string[] processCodeList = new string[codeEndIdx - codeStartIdx + 1];
                for (int idx1 = codeStartIdx, idx2 = 0; idx1 <= codeEndIdx; idx1++, idx2++)
                    resulTblList.Add(CreateDataTable(timeRangeList, strategyList));
                    CreateResultGrid(stockCodeList[idx1], resulTblList[idx2] as DataTable);
                    processCodeList[idx2] = stockCodeList[idx1];

                for (int colId = 0; colId < timeRangeList.Count; colId++)
                    AppTypes.TimeRanges timeRange  = AppTypes.TimeRangeFromCode(timeRangeList[colId]);
                    decimal[][]         profitList = DataAccess.Libs.Estimate_Matrix_Profit(timeRange, timeScaleCode, processCodeList, strategyList, estimateOption);
                    for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < profitList.Length; idx1++)
                        DataTable tbl = resulTblList[idx1] as DataTable;
                        for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < profitList[idx1].Length; idx2++)
                            tbl.Rows[idx2][colId + 1] = profitList[idx1][idx2];
                progressBar.Value = codeEndIdx + 1;
                this.ShowReccount(progressBar.Value.ToString() + "/" + progressBar.Maximum.ToString());
                codeStartIdx = codeEndIdx + 1;
Esempio n. 16
        public void PlotStrategyTradepoints(application.Strategy.StrategyMeta meta, bool showEstimation, EstimateTradePointFunc estimateFunc)
            int idx;

            EstimateOptions estOption = new EstimateOptions();

            databases.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable tbl        = new databases.tmpDS.tradeEstimateDataTable();
            application.StrategyStatistics         statistics = new StrategyStatistics();
            tradePoints = DataAccess.Libs.GetTradePointWithEstimationDetail(myData.myDataParam, myData.DataStockCode, meta.Code,
                                                                            estOption, out tbl, out statistics);
            /// Estimate trade points and set tradepoint's [isValid] property to mark whether a tradepoint is valid or not.
            for (idx = 0; idx < tradePoints.Length; idx++)
                tradePoints[idx].isValid = !tbl[idx].ignored;

            for (idx = tradePoints.Length - 1; idx > 0; idx--)
                if (tradePoints[idx].isValid)

            TradePointInfo tpiTradePointInfo = (TradePointInfo)tradePoints[idx];
            BusinessInfo   biLastTrade       = tpiTradePointInfo.BusinessInfo;
            BusinessInfo   biLastPoint       = tradePoints[tradePoints.Length - 1].BusinessInfo;

            double price = myData.Close[myData.Close.Count - 1];
            double risk  = (biLastPoint.Short_Resistance - price) / (price - biLastPoint.Short_Support);

            //string sResult = "Close price=" + price+
            //                 "Target="+biLastTrade.Short_Target+
            //                 "Resistance=" + biLastPoint.Short_Resistance +
            //                 " Support=" + biLastPoint.Short_Support +
            //                 " Risk return=" +risk+
            //                 " Winning Percentage:"+ String.Format("{0:P2}",statistics.dWinningPercentagePerTrade)+
            //                 " Max %Win Per Trade:" +  String.Format("{0:P2}",statistics.dMaxWinningPercentage)+
            //                 " Max %Lose Per Trade" + String.Format("{0:P2}", statistics.dMaxLosingPercentage)+
            //                 " Average %Win Per Trade" + String.Format("{0:P2}", statistics.dAverageWinningPercentage)+
            //                 " Average %Lose Per Trade" + String.Format("{0:P2}", statistics.dAverageLosingPercentage); ;

            PlotStrategyTradepoints(application.Strategy.StrategyLibs.ToTradePoints(tradePoints), pricePanel);

            //Show form
            Tools.Forms.TradeStatistics formStatistic = new Tools.Forms.TradeStatistics();
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Close price", price);
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Target", biLastTrade.Short_Target);
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Resistance", biLastPoint.Short_Resistance);
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Support", biLastPoint.Short_Support);
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Risk return", risk);
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Winning Percentage", String.Format("{0:P2}", statistics.dWinningPercentagePerTrade));
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Max %Win Per Trade", String.Format("{0:P2}", statistics.dMaxWinningPercentage));
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Max %Lose Per Trade", String.Format("{0:P2}", statistics.dMaxLosingPercentage));
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Average %Win Per Trade", String.Format("{0:P2}", statistics.dAverageWinningPercentage));
            formStatistic.AddStatisticInfo("Average %Lose Per Trade", String.Format("{0:P2}", statistics.dAverageLosingPercentage));

            formStatistic.Show(this.DockPanel, DockState.DockRightAutoHide);

            //Call estimation handler if any.
            if (showEstimation && estimateFunc != null)
                estimateFunc(this, meta.Code, estOption, tbl);
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimate the profit from advices produced by analysis process.
        /// The function will produce a list of "transactions" assuming to be done from analysis advices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"> Data used for analysis </param>
        /// <param name="tradePoints">Trade point list generated by analysis process</param>
        /// <param name="options">User- specific options : captital, max Buy...</param>
        /// <param name="returnObj">Returned object </param>
        /// <param name="afterEachEstimationFunc">Call-back function at the end of each tradepoind estimation</param>
        /// <param name="afterEstimationFunc">Call-back function at the end of estimation process</param>
        public static void EstimateTrading(AnalysisData data, TradePointInfo[] tradePoints, EstimateOptions options,
                                           object returnObj, AfterEachEstimationFunc afterEachEstimationFunc, AfterEstimationFunc afterEstimationFunc)
            EstimationData myEstimationData = new EstimationData();

            global::databases.baseDS.stockExchangeRow marketRow = databases.DbAccess.GetStockExchange(data.DataStockCode);
            decimal initCapAmt       = options.TotalCapAmt * options.MaxBuyAmtPerc / 100;
            decimal priceWeight      = marketRow.priceRatio;
            decimal feePerc          = marketRow.tranFeePerc / 100;
            short   buy2SellInterval = marketRow.minBuySellDay;

            databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow stockCodeRow = application.SysLibs.FindAndCache_StockCode(data.DataStockCode);
            if (stockCodeRow == null)

            int     transDataIdx, lastBuyId = -1;
            decimal stockQty = 0, qty;
            decimal maxBuyQty = (decimal)(stockCodeRow.noOutstandingStock * options.MaxBuyQtyPerc / 100);
            decimal stockAmt = 0, stockPrice = 0, amt, feeAmt, totalFeeAmt = 0;
            decimal cashAmt = initCapAmt;

            //DateTime transDate = common.Consts.constNullDate; ;
            for (int idx = 0; idx < tradePoints.Length; idx++)
                transDataIdx             = tradePoints[idx].DataIdx;
                qty                      = 0; amt = 0;
                myEstimationData.ignored = false;

                stockPrice = (decimal)data.Close[transDataIdx];
                switch (tradePoints[idx].TradeAction)
                case AppTypes.TradeActions.Buy:
                    //Assume that we can only buy if we have money
                    qty = (stockPrice == 0 ? 0 : Math.Floor(cashAmt / ((stockPrice * priceWeight) * (1 + feePerc))));
                    if (qty > maxBuyQty)
                        qty = maxBuyQty;
                    if (qty != 0)
                        amt          = qty * stockPrice * priceWeight;
                        stockAmt    += amt;
                        stockQty    += qty;
                        feeAmt       = Math.Round(amt * feePerc, 0);
                        cashAmt     -= amt + feeAmt;
                        totalFeeAmt += feeAmt;
                        lastBuyId    = transDataIdx;
                        myEstimationData.ignored = true;

                case AppTypes.TradeActions.Sell:
                    //Can sell if own some stock
                    if (stockQty <= 0)
                        myEstimationData.ignored = true;
                    // Not applicable to sell
                    if (lastBuyId < 0)
                        myEstimationData.ignored = true;
                    // Check T+4 contrainst
                    int minAllowSellPointIdx = lastBuyId + buy2SellInterval;

                    // [minAllowSellPoint] is out of data bound , ignore it.
                    if (minAllowSellPointIdx >= data.DateTime.Count)
                        myEstimationData.ignored = true;

                    // Violate T4 contrainst ?
                    if (!myEstimationData.ignored && tradePoints[idx].DataIdx < minAllowSellPointIdx)
                        // Keep inapplicable Sells ??
                        if (Settings.sysKeepInApplicableSell)
                            //If it is the last trade point, make transaction (sell) at [minAllowSellPoint]
                            if (idx >= tradePoints.Length - 1)
                                transDataIdx = minAllowSellPointIdx;
                                //If there is some trade point between it and [minAllowSellPoint], ignore it
                                if (tradePoints[idx + 1].DataIdx < minAllowSellPointIdx)
                                    myEstimationData.ignored = true;
                                    transDataIdx = minAllowSellPointIdx;
                            myEstimationData.ignored = true;
                    //Ok, sell it
                    if (myEstimationData.ignored != true)
                        stockPrice   = (decimal)data.Close[transDataIdx];
                        qty          = stockQty;
                        amt          = qty * stockPrice * priceWeight;
                        stockQty     = 0; stockAmt = 0;
                        feeAmt       = Math.Round(amt * feePerc, 0);
                        cashAmt     += amt - feeAmt;
                        totalFeeAmt += feeAmt;

                        //Adjust trade point to refresh chages by T4 constrainst
                        tradePoints[idx].DataIdx = transDataIdx;
                        tradePoints[idx].isValid = false;
                myEstimationData.tradeAction = tradePoints[idx].TradeAction;
                myEstimationData.onDate      = DateTime.FromOADate(data.DateTime[transDataIdx]);
                myEstimationData.price       = stockPrice;
                myEstimationData.qty         = qty;
                myEstimationData.amt         = amt;
                myEstimationData.feeAmt      = totalFeeAmt;
                myEstimationData.ownedQty    = stockQty;
                myEstimationData.ownedAmt    = stockAmt;
                myEstimationData.cashAmt     = cashAmt;
                myEstimationData.profitAmt   = cashAmt + stockAmt - initCapAmt;
                if (afterEachEstimationFunc != null)
                    afterEachEstimationFunc(myEstimationData, returnObj);
            if (afterEstimationFunc != null)
                afterEstimationFunc(myEstimationData, returnObj);