private void RunProcessor(API.Request request, Processor processor, string processorName)
     API.Response response = null;
         // Threadpooling
         response = processor.process(request);
     catch (Exception e)
         Logger.Error("Failed to process message with processor " + processor.GetType() + " : " + e.Message, e);
             Type responseType = Type.GetType("Gwupe.Cloud.Messaging.Response." + processorName + "Rs");
             response              = (API.Response)responseType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(new object[] {});
             response.error        = "UNKNOWN_ERROR";
             response.errorMessage = e.Message;
         catch (Exception exception)
             Logger.Error("Failed to determine return type for " + processorName);
             response = new ErrorRs
                 errorMessage = "Failed to determine return type for " + processorName,
                 error        = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"
         SendResponse(response, request);
    public void processRequest(API.Request request)
        String resquestType  = request.GetType().Name;
        String processorName = resquestType.Substring(0, resquestType.Length - 2);

        API.Response response = null;

        string processorName = "Process" + processorName;

        if (ProcessHandlers.ContainsKey(processorName))
            System.Delegate myDelegate = ProcessHandlers[processorName];
            response = (API.Response)myDelegate.DynamicInvoke(request);
            logger.Warn("Failed to find a processor for " + processorName);
            response = new ErrorRs(, "Failed to find a processor for " + processorName);

        sendResponse(response, request);