private void InvalidCPO_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { const string METHOD_NAME = THIS + ".InvalidCPO_Load()"; const string STARTDATE_COL = "StartDate"; const string DUEDATE_COL = "DueDate"; const string QUANTITY_COL = "Quantity"; const string ERRORCODE_COL = "ErrorCode"; const string ERRORREASON_COL = "ErrorReason"; try { Security objSecurity = new Security(); this.Name = THIS; if (objSecurity.SetRightForUserOnForm(this, SystemProperty.UserName) == 0) { this.Close(); return; } if (m_dtbInvalidWOLineAndCPO != null) { m_dtbInvalidWOLineAndCPO.Columns.Add(ERRORREASON_COL, typeof(string)); foreach (DataRow drow in m_dtbInvalidWOLineAndCPO.Rows) { drow[ERRORREASON_COL] = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(Convert.ToInt32(drow[ERRORCODE_COL])); } DataTable dtbLayout = FormControlComponents.StoreGridLayout(tgridOverCapacityWC); tgridOverCapacityWC.DataSource = m_dtbInvalidWOLineAndCPO; FormControlComponents.RestoreGridLayout(tgridOverCapacityWC, dtbLayout); tgridOverCapacityWC.Columns[STARTDATE_COL].NumberFormat = Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_HOUR; tgridOverCapacityWC.Columns[DUEDATE_COL].NumberFormat = Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT_HOUR; tgridOverCapacityWC.Columns[QUANTITY_COL].NumberFormat = Constants.DECIMAL_NUMBERFORMAT; } } catch (PCSException ex) { PCSMessageBox.Show(ex.mCode, MessageBoxIcon.Error); try { Logger.LogMessage(ex.CauseException, METHOD_NAME, Level.ERROR); } catch { PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.LOG_EXCEPTION, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.OTHER_ERROR, MessageBoxIcon.Error); try { Logger.LogMessage(ex, METHOD_NAME, Level.ERROR); } catch { PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.LOG_EXCEPTION, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
/// <summary> /// Show PCSMessage with parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="pintMessageCode"></param> /// <param name="pobjIcon"></param> /// <param name="pstrParams"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <author>TuanDM 2005 - 14 - 10</author> public static DialogResult Show(int pintMessageCode, MessageBoxIcon pobjIcon, string[] pstrParams) { const string OLD_CHAR = "@"; try { string strMessage = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(pintMessageCode); for (int i = 0; i < pstrParams.Length; i++) { int intIndex = strMessage.IndexOf(OLD_CHAR); strMessage = strMessage.Remove(intIndex, OLD_CHAR.Length); strMessage = strMessage.Insert(intIndex, pstrParams[i]); } return(MessageBox.Show(strMessage, Constants.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, pobjIcon)); } catch { // log message. try { Logger.LogMessage(MESSAGE_SYSTEM_ERROR + SPACE + pintMessageCode, METHOD_NAME, Level.ERROR); } catch { } return(MessageBox.Show(MESSAGE_SYSTEM_ERROR, Constants.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)); } }
public static DialogResult Show(int pintMessageCode, MessageBoxIcon pobjMessageBoxIcon) { try { string strMessage = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(pintMessageCode); return(MessageBox.Show(strMessage, Constants.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, pobjMessageBoxIcon)); } catch { // log message. try { Logger.LogMessage(MESSAGE_SYSTEM_ERROR + SPACE + pintMessageCode, METHOD_NAME, Level.ERROR); } catch { } return(MessageBox.Show(MESSAGE_SYSTEM_ERROR, Constants.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)); } }
public static DialogResult Show(int pintBaseCodeMessage, int pintExtendCodeMessage) { const string OR = " OR "; try { string strBaseCodeMessage = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(pintBaseCodeMessage); string strExtendCodeMessage = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(pintExtendCodeMessage); string strMessage = strBaseCodeMessage.Replace(ICON_REPLACE, strExtendCodeMessage); return(MessageBox.Show(strMessage, Constants.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)); } catch { // log message. try { Logger.LogMessage(MESSAGE_SYSTEM_ERROR + SPACE + pintBaseCodeMessage, METHOD_NAME, Level.ERROR); } catch { } return(MessageBox.Show(MESSAGE_SYSTEM_ERROR, Constants.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)); } }
/// <summary> /// Set all right for a user on form /// </summary> /// <Inputs> /// pForm : the form needs to set /// pstrUserName : contains UserName /// </Inputs> /// <Return> /// void /// </Return> /// <Authors> /// TuanDm /// </Authors> /// <History> /// Friday - January 13 - 2005 /// </History> public int SetRightForUserOnForm(Form pForm, string pstrUserName) { // SetButtonForRight_View(pForm); if (!pForm.Modal) { bool blnIsFound = false; #region Search form which assign security foreach (object t in SystemProperty.ArrayForms) { try { var objInforForm = (FormInfo)t; if (objInforForm.mForm == pForm) { blnIsFound = true; break; } } catch { } } #endregion if (!blnIsFound) { #region // if not found add to Array form to manage var list = (from obj in SystemProperty.TableMenuEntry where (obj.FormLoad == pForm.GetType().FullName&& obj.IsUserCreated == 0) orderby obj.Menu_EntryID ascending select obj).ToList(); FormInfo infoForm = list.Count > 0 ? new FormInfo(pForm, list[0].Prefix, list[0].TransFormat, list[0].TableName, list[0].TransNoFieldName, SystemProperty.UserName) : new FormInfo(pForm, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, SystemProperty.UserName); SystemProperty.ArrayForms.Add(infoForm); #endregion } } var boCommon = new CommonBO(); DataSet dstSecurity = boCommon.GetSecurityInfo(pstrUserName, pForm.GetType().FullName); int intFullPermission = int.Parse(dstSecurity.Tables[Sys_RightTable.TABLE_NAME].Rows[0][0].ToString()); #region // HACK: Added by Tuan TQ update code to manage super admin user if (pstrUserName.Equals(Constants.SUPER_ADMIN_USER)) { // HACK: SONHT HardCode DialogResult result = PCSMessageBox.Show(MessageCreateDataVisibility, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { var frmGroupControl = new GroupControls(pForm); frmGroupControl.Show(); if (pForm.Modal) { pForm.Show(); } } intFullPermission = FullPermission;// (2 exp 5) -1 } #endregion #region // if has no permission if (intFullPermission == 0) { int intCountExisted = int.Parse(dstSecurity.Tables[Sys_Menu_EntryTable.TABLE_NAME].Rows[0][0].ToString()); if (intCountExisted > 0) { return(intFullPermission); } intFullPermission = FullPermission;// (2 exp 5) -1 } #endregion // Set visible control DataTable dtbTable = dstSecurity.Tables[Sys_VisibilityGroup_RoleTable.TABLE_NAME]; // Set other property for form pForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; pForm.KeyPreview = true; Control objControl = pForm; #region // Scan control on form to set default property while (true) { #region // Get next control objControl = pForm.GetNextControl(objControl, true); if (objControl == null) { break; } #endregion #region // Set OnEnter and OnLeave if (objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(TextBox)) || objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(ComboBox)) || objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1Combo)) || objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1DateEdit)) || objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1TextBox)) || objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1NumericEdit)) || objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(NumericUpDown))) { objControl.Enter += FormControlComponents.OnEnterControl; objControl.Leave += FormControlComponents.OnLeaveControl; } if (objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(Button))) { if (objControl.Name == "btnHelp" || objControl.Name == "HelpButton") { objControl.Click += FormControlComponents.OnHelpClick; } } #endregion if (objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(TextBox))) { #region // If it's TextBox var txtBox = (TextBox)objControl; txtBox.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left; //HACK : TUANDM 18 - 10 - 2005 txtBox.Text = txtBox.Text.Trim(); if (txtBox.Text != string.Empty) { var btnSearch = (Button)FindButtonControlByName(pForm, txtBox.Text); if (btnSearch != null) { txtBox.Validating += FormControlComponents.ControlValidating; txtBox.Text = string.Empty; } } #endregion //END: TUANDM 18 - 10 - 2005 } else if (objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1TextBox))) { #region C1TextBox var txtC1Text = (C1TextBox)objControl; txtC1Text.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left; //HACK : TUANDM 18 - 10 - 2005 txtC1Text.Value = txtC1Text.Value.ToString().Trim(); if (txtC1Text.Value.ToString() != string.Empty) { var btnSearch = (Button)FindButtonControlByName(pForm, txtC1Text.Value.ToString()); if (btnSearch != null) { txtC1Text.Validating += FormControlComponents.ControlValidating; txtC1Text.Value = string.Empty; } } #endregion } else if (objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1DateEdit))) { var dtmC1Date = (C1DateEdit)objControl; dtmC1Date.Validated += FormControlComponents.C1DateEdit_Validated; dtmC1Date.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center; dtmC1Date.AcceptsEscape = false; #region // Set default dd-MM-yyyy format if (dtmC1Date.CustomFormat.Trim().Length == 0) { dtmC1Date.CustomFormat = Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT; dtmC1Date.FormatType = FormatTypeEnum.CustomFormat; } string strMsg = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_C1NUMBER_INPUT_VALUE); strMsg = strMsg.Replace(Chara, string.Empty); string strSecondMsg = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_C1NUMBER_OR_MSG); // if it has no Intervals if (dtmC1Date.PostValidation.Intervals.Count == 0) { continue; } strMsg = dtmC1Date.PostValidation.Intervals.Cast <ValueInterval>().Aggregate(strMsg, (current, vlInterval) => current + (Constants.OPEN_SBRACKET + vlInterval.MinValue + Constants.COMMA + Constants.WHITE_SPACE + vlInterval.MaxValue + Constants.CLOSE_SBRACKET + Constants.WHITE_SPACE + strSecondMsg + Constants.WHITE_SPACE)); strMsg = strMsg.Substring(0, strMsg.Length - strSecondMsg.Length - 1); dtmC1Date.ErrorInfo.ShowErrorMessage = true; dtmC1Date.ErrorInfo.ErrorMessageCaption = Constants.APPLICATION_NAME; dtmC1Date.ErrorInfo.ErrorMessage = strMsg; dtmC1Date.ErrorInfo.CanLoseFocus = false; #endregion } else if (objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1NumericEdit))) { #region // if it is C1NumericEdit var dtmC1Num = (C1NumericEdit)objControl; dtmC1Num.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; dtmC1Num.AcceptsEscape = false; // Set default number format if (dtmC1Num.CustomFormat.Trim().Length == 0) { dtmC1Num.CustomFormat = Constants.DECIMAL_NUMBERFORMAT; dtmC1Num.FormatType = FormatTypeEnum.CustomFormat; } string strMsg = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_C1NUMBER_INPUT_VALUE); strMsg = strMsg.Replace(Chara, string.Empty); string strSecondMsg = ErrorMessageBO.GetErrorMessage(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_C1NUMBER_OR_MSG); // if it has no Intervals if (dtmC1Num.PostValidation.Intervals.Count == 0) { continue; } strMsg = dtmC1Num.PostValidation.Intervals.Cast <ValueInterval>().Aggregate(strMsg, (current, vlInterval) => current + (Constants.OPEN_SBRACKET + vlInterval.MinValue + Constants.COMMA + Constants.WHITE_SPACE + vlInterval.MaxValue + Constants.CLOSE_SBRACKET + Constants.WHITE_SPACE + strSecondMsg + Constants.WHITE_SPACE)); strMsg = strMsg.Substring(0, strMsg.Length - strSecondMsg.Length - 1); dtmC1Num.ErrorInfo.ShowErrorMessage = true; dtmC1Num.ErrorInfo.ErrorMessageCaption = Constants.APPLICATION_NAME; dtmC1Num.ErrorInfo.ErrorMessage = strMsg; dtmC1Num.ErrorInfo.CanLoseFocus = false; #endregion } else if (objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1Combo))) { #region // if it is C1Combo var cboC1 = (C1Combo)objControl; cboC1.DropDownWidth = Constants.DEFAULT_C1COMBO_DROPDOWNWIDTH; cboC1.KeyDown += FormControlComponents.C1Combo_KeyDown; cboC1.ComboStyle = ComboStyleEnum.DropdownList; // Enable cboCCN control if (cboC1.Name == Cboccn) { cboC1.Enabled = true; cboC1.EnabledChanged += EnabledChanged; } #endregion } else if (objControl.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1TrueDBGrid))) { #region // if is C1TrueDBGrid control var grid = (C1TrueDBGrid)objControl; grid.RowHeight = Constants.DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT; grid.MarqueeStyle = MarqueeEnum.HighlightCell; grid.HighLightRowStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Constants.BACKGROUND_COLOUR_R, Constants.BACKGROUND_COLOUR_G, Constants.BACKGROUND_COLOUR_B); grid.HighLightRowStyle.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(Constants.FORE_COLOUR_R, Constants.FORE_COLOUR_R, Constants.FORE_COLOUR_R); grid.Style.VerticalAlignment = AlignVertEnum.Center; if (grid.Splits.Count > 0) { // Set default alignment foreach (C1DisplayColumn c1Column in grid.Splits[0].DisplayColumns) { c1Column.HeadingStyle.HorizontalAlignment = AlignHorzEnum.Center; } } // Not allow user change column order grid.AllowColMove = false; grid.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom; // Set Maximize and Resize pForm.MaximizeBox = true; pForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable; #endregion } } #endregion if (!pstrUserName.Equals(Constants.SUPER_ADMIN_USER)) { #region // Scan data from datatable to set visible control if (dtbTable != null) { foreach (DataRow drowData in dtbTable.Rows) { Control objCon = pForm.GetNextControl(pForm, true); while (objCon != null) { // if is C1TrueDBGrid control if (objCon.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1TrueDBGrid))) { var grid = (C1TrueDBGrid)objCon; foreach (C1DisplayColumn objCol in grid.Splits[0].DisplayColumns) { // do not process if col is invisible if (!objCol.Visible) { objCol.AllowSizing = objCol.Visible = false; continue; } if ((objCol.DataColumn.DataField == drowData[Sys_HiddenControlsTable.CONTROLNAME_FLD].ToString().Trim()) && (drowData[Sys_VisibilityItemTable.TYPE_FLD].ToString() == VisibilityItemTypeEnum.ColumnTrueDBGrid.GetHashCode().ToString())) { objCol.AllowSizing = objCol.Visible = false; } } } // If control is C1TabControl else if (objCon.GetType().Equals(typeof(C1DockingTab))) { var c1DockingTab = (C1DockingTab)objCon; for (int k = 0; k < c1DockingTab.TabCount; k++) { if (c1DockingTab.TabPages[k].Name == drowData[Sys_HiddenControlsTable.CONTROLNAME_FLD].ToString().Trim()) { c1DockingTab.TabPages[k].TabVisible = false; } } } // set visible if it is normal control else if (objCon.Name == drowData[Sys_HiddenControlsTable.CONTROLNAME_FLD].ToString().Trim()) { objCon.Visible = false; } // Get next control objCon = pForm.GetNextControl(objCon, true); } } } #endregion } // return full permission return(intFullPermission); }