Esempio n. 1
        internal static Type CheckReflectedMethod(ErrorCollector collector, AstNode where, List <MethodInfo> methods, List <expression> arguments, Type return_type, ref bool success)
            /* If there are no candidate methods, don't bother checking the types. */
            if (methods.Count == 0)
            /* Find all the methods that match the needed type. */
            var candidate_methods = from method in methods
                                    where (TypeFromClrType(method.ReturnType) & return_type) != 0
                                    select method;

            Type candiate_return = 0;

            foreach (var method in !candidate_methods.Any() ? methods : candidate_methods)
                candiate_return |= TypeFromClrType(method.ReturnType);
            /* Produce an error for the union of all the types. */
            if (!candidate_methods.Any())
                collector.ReportExpressionTypeError(where, return_type, candiate_return);
            /* Check that the arguments match the union of the parameters of all the methods. This means that we might still not have a valid method, but we can check again during codegen. */
            for (var it = 0; it < arguments.Count; it++)
                Type candidate_parameter_type = 0;
                foreach (var method in methods)
                    var param_type = method.IsStatic ? method.GetParameters()[it].ParameterType : (it == 0 ? method.ReflectedType : method.GetParameters()[it - 1].ParameterType);
                    candidate_parameter_type |= TypeFromClrType(param_type);
                arguments[it].EnsureType(collector, candidate_parameter_type, ref success, true);
Esempio n. 2
 internal Type EnsureIntrinsic(ErrorCollector collector, AstNode node, Type type, bool must_unbox, ref bool success)
     if (Intrinsics.ContainsKey(node))
         var intrinsic     = Intrinsics[node];
         var original_type = intrinsic.Item1;
         var result        = original_type & type;
         if (result == 0)
             success = false;
             collector.ReportExpressionTypeError(node, original_type, type);
             Intrinsics[node] = new Tuple <Type, bool>(result, intrinsic.Item2 & must_unbox);
         Intrinsics[node] = new Tuple <Type, bool>(type, must_unbox);