Esempio n. 1
        public static SymbolTable AddStandardFP(this SymbolTable t)
            // Functions that operate on the focus, without null propagation
            t.Add("empty", (IEnumerable <object> f) => !f.Any());
            t.Add("exists", (IEnumerable <object> f) => f.Any());

            t.Add("count", (IEnumerable <object> f) => f.Count());
            t.Add("trace", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, string name, EvaluationContext ctx)
                  => f.Trace(name, ctx));

            t.Add("allTrue", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.All(e => e.Value as bool? == true));
            t.Add("anyTrue", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Any(e => e.Value as bool? == true));
            t.Add("allFalse", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.All(e => e.Value as bool? == false));
            t.Add("anyFalse", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Any(e => e.Value as bool? == false));
            t.Add("combine", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> l, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> r) => l.Concat(r));
            t.Add("binary.|", (object _, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> l, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> r) => l.DistinctUnion(r));
            t.Add("union", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> l, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> r) => l.DistinctUnion(r));
            t.Add("binary.contains", (object _, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a, ITypedElement b) => a.Contains(b));
            t.Add("", (object _, ITypedElement a, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> b) => b.Contains(a));
            t.Add("distinct", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Distinct());
            t.Add("isDistinct", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.IsDistinct());
            t.Add("subsetOf", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a) => f.SubsetOf(a));
            t.Add("supersetOf", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a) => a.SubsetOf(f));
            t.Add("intersect", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a) => f.Intersect(a));
            t.Add("exclude", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a) => f.Exclude(a));

            t.Add("today", (object _) => P.Date.Today());
            t.Add("now", (object _) => P.DateTime.Now());
            t.Add("timeOfDay", (object _) => P.Time.Now());

            t.Add("binary.&", (object _, string a, string b) => (a ?? "") + (b ?? ""));

            t.Add(new CallSignature("iif", typeof(IEnumerable <ITypedElement>), typeof(object), typeof(bool?), typeof(Invokee), typeof(Invokee)), runIif);
            t.Add(new CallSignature("iif", typeof(IEnumerable <ITypedElement>), typeof(object), typeof(bool?), typeof(Invokee)), runIif);

            // Functions that use normal null propagation and work with the focus (buy may ignore it)
            t.Add("not", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Not(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("builtin.children", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, string a) => f.Navigate(a), doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("children", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Children(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("descendants", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Descendants(), doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("binary.=", (object f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> b) => a.IsEqualTo(b), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.!=", (object f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> b) => !a.IsEqualTo(b), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.~", (object f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> b) => a.IsEquivalentTo(b), doNullProp: false);
            t.Add("binary.!~", (object f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> a, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> b) => !a.IsEquivalentTo(b), doNullProp: false);

            t.Add("unary.-", (object f, int a) => - a, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("unary.-", (object f, long a) => - a, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("unary.-", (object f, decimal a) => - a, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("unary.-", (object f, P.Quantity a) => new P.Quantity(-a.Value, a.Unit), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("unary.+", (object f, int a) => a, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("unary.+", (object f, long a) => a, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("unary.+", (object f, decimal a) => a, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("unary.+", (object f, P.Quantity a) => a, doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("binary.*", (object f, int a, int b) => a * b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.*", (object f, long a, long b) => a * b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.*", (object f, decimal a, decimal b) => a * b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.*", (object f, P.Quantity a, P.Quantity b) => a * b, doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("binary./", (object f, decimal a, decimal b) => b != 0 ? a / b : (decimal?)null, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary./", (object f, P.Quantity a, P.Quantity b) => a / b, doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("binary.+", (object f, int a, int b) => a + b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.+", (object f, long a, long b) => a + b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.+", (object f, decimal a, decimal b) => a + b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.+", (object f, string a, string b) => a + b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.+", (object f, P.Quantity a, P.Quantity b) => a + b, doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("binary.-", (object f, int a, int b) => a - b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.-", (object f, long a, long b) => a - b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.-", (object f, decimal a, decimal b) => a - b, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.-", (object f, P.Quantity a, P.Quantity b) => a - b, doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("binary.div", (object f, int a, int b) => b != 0 ? a / b : (int?)null, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.div", (object f, long a, long b) => b != 0 ? a / b : (long?)null, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.div", (object f, decimal a, decimal b) => b != 0 ? (long?)Math.Truncate(a / b) : null, doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("binary.mod", (object f, int a, int b) => b != 0 ? a % b : (int?)null, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.mod", (object f, long a, long b) => b != 0 ? a % b : (long?)null, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.mod", (object f, decimal a, decimal b) => b != 0 ? a % b : (decimal?)null, doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("binary.>", (object f, P.Any a, P.Any b) => EqualityOperators.Compare(a, b, ">"), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.<", (object f, P.Any a, P.Any b) => EqualityOperators.Compare(a, b, "<"), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.<=", (object f, P.Any a, P.Any b) => EqualityOperators.Compare(a, b, "<="), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("binary.>=", (object f, P.Any a, P.Any b) => EqualityOperators.Compare(a, b, ">="), doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("single", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Single(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("skip", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, long a) => f.Skip((int)a), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("first", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.First(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("last", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Last(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("tail", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f) => f.Tail(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("take", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, long a) => f.Take((int)a), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("builtin.item", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, long a) => f.Item((int)a), doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("toBoolean", (P.Any f) => f.ToBoolean(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToBoolean", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToBoolean(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toInteger", (P.Any f) => f.ToInteger(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToInteger", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToInteger(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toLong", (P.Any f) => f.ToLong(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToLong", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToLong(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toDecimal", (P.Any f) => f.ToDecimal(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToDecimal", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToDecimal(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toQuantity", (P.Any f) => f.ToQuantity(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToQuantity", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToQuantity(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toString", (P.Any f) => f.ToStringRepresentation(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToString", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToString(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toDate", (P.Any f) => f.ToDate(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToDate", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToDate(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toDateTime", (P.Any f) => f.ToDateTime(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToDateTime", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToDateTime(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toTime", (P.Any f) => f.ToTime(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("convertsToTime", (P.Any f) => f.ConvertsToTime(), doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("upper", (string f) => f.ToUpper(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("lower", (string f) => f.ToLower(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("toChars", (string f) => f.ToChars(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("substring", (string f, int a) => f.FpSubstring(a, null), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("trim", (string f) => f.Trim(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("encode", (string f, string enc) => f.FpEncode(enc), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("decode", (string f, string enc) => f.FpDecode(enc), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("escape", (string f, string enc) => f.FpEscape(enc), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("unescape", (string f, string enc) => f.FpUnescape(enc), doNullProp: true);

            //special case: only focus should be Null propagated:
            t.Add(new CallSignature("substring", typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(int?)),
                  InvokeeFactory.WrapWithPropNullForFocus((string f, int a, int?b) => f.FpSubstring(a, b)));
            t.Add("startsWith", (string f, string fragment) => f.StartsWith(fragment), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("endsWith", (string f, string fragment) => f.EndsWith(fragment), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("matches", (string f, string regex) => Regex.IsMatch(f, regex), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("indexOf", (string f, string fragment) => f.FpIndexOf(fragment), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("contains", (string f, string fragment) => f.Contains(fragment), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("replaceMatches", (string f, string regex, string subst) => Regex.Replace(f, regex, subst), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("replace", (string f, string regex, string subst) => f.FpReplace(regex, subst), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("length", (string f) => f.Length, doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("split", (string f, string seperator) => f.FpSplit(seperator), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("join", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, string separator) => f.FpJoin(separator), doNullProp: true);

            // Math functions
            t.Add("abs", (decimal f) => Math.Abs(f), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("abs", (P.Quantity f) => new P.Quantity(Math.Abs(f.Value), f.Unit), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("ceiling", (decimal f) => Math.Ceiling(f), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("exp", (decimal f) => Math.Exp((double)f), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("floor", (decimal f) => Math.Floor(f), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("ln", (decimal f) => Math.Log((double)f), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("log", (decimal f, decimal @base) => Math.Log((double)f, (double)@base), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("power", (decimal f, decimal exponent) => f.Power(exponent), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("round", (decimal f, long precision) => Math.Round(f, (int)precision), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("round", (decimal f) => Math.Round(f), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("sqrt", (decimal f) => f.Sqrt(), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("truncate", (decimal f) => Math.Truncate((double)f), doNullProp: true);

            // The next two functions existed pre-normative, so we have kept them.
            t.Add("is", (ITypedElement f, string name) => f.Is(name), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("as", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, string name) => f.FilterType(name), doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("ofType", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, string name) => f.FilterType(name), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("", (object f, ITypedElement left, string name) => left.Is(name), doNullProp: true);
            t.Add("", (object f, ITypedElement left, string name) => left.CastAs(name), doNullProp: true);

            // Kept for backwards compatibility, but no longer part of the spec
            t.Add("", (object f, IEnumerable <ITypedElement> left, string name) => left.FilterType(name), doNullProp: true);

            t.Add("extension", (IEnumerable <ITypedElement> f, string url) => f.Extension(url), doNullProp: true);

            // Logic operators do not use null propagation and may do short-cut eval
            t.AddLogic("binary.and", (a, b) => a.And(b));
            t.AddLogic("binary.or", (a, b) => a.Or(b));
            t.AddLogic("binary.xor", (a, b) => a.XOr(b));
            t.AddLogic("binary.implies", (a, b) => a.Implies(b));

            // Special late-bound functions
            t.Add(new CallSignature("where", typeof(IEnumerable <ITypedElement>), typeof(object), typeof(Invokee)), runWhere);
            t.Add(new CallSignature("select", typeof(IEnumerable <ITypedElement>), typeof(object), typeof(Invokee)), runSelect);
            t.Add(new CallSignature("all", typeof(bool), typeof(object), typeof(Invokee)), runAll);
            t.Add(new CallSignature("any", typeof(bool), typeof(object), typeof(Invokee)), runAny);
            t.Add(new CallSignature("exists", typeof(bool), typeof(object), typeof(Invokee)), runAny);
            t.Add(new CallSignature("repeat", typeof(IEnumerable <ITypedElement>), typeof(object), typeof(Invokee)), runRepeat);
            t.Add(new CallSignature("trace", typeof(IEnumerable <ITypedElement>), typeof(string), typeof(object), typeof(Invokee)), Trace);

            t.AddVar("sct", "");
            t.AddVar("loinc", "");
            t.AddVar("ucum", "");

            t.Add("builtin.coreexturl", (object f, string id) => getCoreExtensionUrl(id));
            t.Add("builtin.corevsurl", (object f, string id) => getCoreValueSetUrl(id));
