private void EvaluateTileAndNeighborsHeat( EnvironmentTileControl_3d mTileControl, List <EnvironmentTileControl_3d> neighbors ) { // TODO }
private void EvaluateTileAndNeighbors( EnvironmentTileControl_3d mTileControl, List <EnvironmentTileControl_3d> neighbors ) { // water EvaluateTileAndNeighborsWater(mTileControl, neighbors); // TODO: heat // EvaluateTileAndNeighborsHeat(mTileControl, neighbors); }
private void SetTileNeighbors(GameObject tile) { EnvironmentTileControl_3d tileControl = tile.GetComponent <EnvironmentTileControl_3d>(); int[] tileCoord = { (int)tile.transform.position.x, (int)tile.transform.position.z }; int[] upCoord = { tileCoord[0], tileCoord[1] + 1 }; tileControl.neighborUp = GetTileAtCoordinate(upCoord); int[] rightCoord = { tileCoord[0] + 1, tileCoord[1] }; tileControl.neighborRight = GetTileAtCoordinate(rightCoord); int[] downCoord = { tileCoord[0], tileCoord[1] - 1 }; tileControl.neighborDown = GetTileAtCoordinate(downCoord); int[] leftCoord = { tileCoord[0] - 1, tileCoord[1] }; tileControl.neighborLeft = GetTileAtCoordinate(leftCoord); }
public void EvaluateEnvironmentTiles() { foreach (GameObject tile in environmentTiles) { EnvironmentTileControl_3d tileControl = tile.GetComponent <EnvironmentTileControl_3d>(); // evaluate current tile and neighbors EvaluateTileAndNeighbors( tileControl, tileControl.GetTileNeighborsAsList() ); } foreach (GameObject tile in environmentTiles) { EnvironmentTileControl_3d tileControl = tile.GetComponent <EnvironmentTileControl_3d>(); tileControl.ApplyUpdateFromTempValues(); tileControl.SetAppearanceFromState(); } }
public void UpdateInfo(GameObject tile) { EnvironmentTileControl_3d tileControl = tile.GetComponent <EnvironmentTileControl_3d>(); string tileEarthTypeString = string.Format("Earth Type: {0}", tileControl.earthType); string tileEarthAmountString = string.Format("Earth Amount: {0}",; string tileWaterString = string.Format("Water Amount: {0}", tileControl.water); string tileEarthPlusWaterString = string.Format( "Water Level (Earth + Water): {0}", + tileControl.water ); string tileHeatString = string.Format("Heat: {0}", tileControl.heat); text.text = string.Format( "{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n{4}", tileEarthTypeString, tileEarthAmountString, tileWaterString, tileEarthPlusWaterString, tileHeatString ); }
private void EvaluateTileAndNeighborsWater( EnvironmentTileControl_3d mTileControl, List <EnvironmentTileControl_3d> neighbors ) { float waterFlowCoefficient = mTileControl.GetWaterFlowCoefficient(); float totalWaterDiff = 0; int participatingNeighbors = 0; foreach (EnvironmentTileControl_3d nTileControl in neighbors) { // calculate total water height diff float mWaterHeight = + mTileControl.water; float nWaterHeight = + nTileControl.water; if (mTileControl.water > 0 && mWaterHeight > nWaterHeight) { float waterDiff = mWaterHeight - nWaterHeight; totalWaterDiff += waterDiff; participatingNeighbors += 1; } } // calculate total water available for transfer float waterAvailForTransfer = ((totalWaterDiff / 2) / participatingNeighbors) * waterFlowCoefficient; foreach (EnvironmentTileControl_3d nTileControl in neighbors) { // calculate water trasfer amount and commit transfer float mWaterHeight = + mTileControl.water; float nWaterHeight = + nTileControl.water; if (mTileControl.water > 0 && mWaterHeight > nWaterHeight) { float waterDiff = mWaterHeight - nWaterHeight; float waterToTransfer = (waterDiff / totalWaterDiff) * waterAvailForTransfer; nTileControl.updateWaterAmount += waterToTransfer; mTileControl.updateWaterAmount -= waterToTransfer; // DEBUG: should never see water go below 0 or above limit bool printDebug = false; if (printDebug && (waterToTransfer + nTileControl.water < 0 || waterToTransfer + nTileControl.water > 200)) { Debug.LogFormat( "=====================>" + "\nmain tile x={0} y={1}\nneighbor tile x={2} y={3}" + "\nparticipating neighbors: {4}" + "\ntotal water diff: {5}" + "\nwater available for transfer: {6}" + "\nlocal water diff: {7}" + "\nlocal water to transfer: {8}", mTileControl.gameObject.transform.position.x, mTileControl.gameObject.transform.position.z, nTileControl.gameObject.transform.position.x, nTileControl.gameObject.transform.position.z, participatingNeighbors, totalWaterDiff, waterAvailForTransfer, waterDiff, waterToTransfer ); } } } }