private List <BaseEntity> ExtractEnumeration(XElement constantElement, String name, String summary, String declaration)
            declaration = declaration.Trim(';');

            // Default values
            String type   = "NOTYPE";
            String values = String.Empty;

            // Match the enumeration definition
            bool result = this.SplitEnumeration(declaration, ref name, ref type, ref values);

            if (!result)

            if (type == "NOTYPE")
                type = RefineEnumBaseType(values);

            // Create the enumeration
            EnumerationEntity enumerationEntity = new EnumerationEntity();

            enumerationEntity.Name      = name;
            enumerationEntity.BaseType  = type;
            enumerationEntity.Namespace = "MISSING";

            // Parse the values
            var pairs = values.Split(new [] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            foreach (string immutablePair in pairs)
                String key;
                String value = String.Empty;
                String pair  = immutablePair.Replace(",", "");

                // Handle value assignment
                if (pair.IndexOf('=') != -1)
                    string[] parts = pair.Split(new [] { '=' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    key   = parts [0].Trim();
                    value = parts [1].Trim();
                    key = pair.Trim();

                // Add a new value
                EnumerationValueEntity enumerationValueEntity = new EnumerationValueEntity();
                enumerationValueEntity.Name = key;

                if (value.Length == 6 && value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'"))
                    String v = value.Trim('\'');
                    enumerationValueEntity.Value = "0x" + FourCharToInt(v).ToString("X8");
                    enumerationValueEntity.Value = value;

                // Convert number qualifiers from native to managed
                enumerationValueEntity.Value = ConvertNumericQualifier(enumerationValueEntity.Value);


            // Get the definitions
            XElement termList = (from el in constantElement.ElementsAfterSelf("dl")
                                 where (String)el.Attribute("class") == "termdef"
                                 select el).FirstOrDefault();

            if (termList != null)
                IEnumerable <XElement> dtList = termList.Elements("dt");
                IEnumerable <XElement> ddList = termList.Elements("dd");

                if (dtList.Count() == ddList.Count())
                    // Iterate over definitions
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtList.Count(); i++)
                        String term = dtList.ElementAt(i).Value.TrimAll();
                        IEnumerable <String> summaries = ddList.ElementAt(i).Elements("p").Select(p => p.Value.TrimAll());

                        // Find the enumeration value
                        EnumerationValueEntity enumerationValueEntity = enumerationEntity.Values.Find(v => v.Name == term);
                        if (enumerationValueEntity != null)
                            foreach (string sum in summaries)
                                if (CommentHelper.IsAvailability(sum))
                                    enumerationValueEntity.MinAvailability = CommentHelper.ExtractAvailability(sum);
                            this.Logger.WriteLine("Term with no match '" + term + "'");
                    this.Logger.WriteLine("MISMATCH in terms");

            // Make sure availability is ok

            return(new List <BaseEntity> {
        public EnumerationEntity Parse(TypedEntity typedEntity, XElement enumerationElement)
            EnumerationEntity enumerationEntity = new EnumerationEntity();

            String name = enumerationElement.Element("name").TrimAll();

            enumerationEntity.Name      = name.Trim('_');
            enumerationEntity.BaseType  = "MISSING";
            enumerationEntity.Namespace = "MISSING";

            // Elements for brief description
            IEnumerable <XElement> abstractElements = enumerationElement.Element("briefdescription").Elements("para");

            // Extract for detailed description
            IEnumerable <XElement> detailsElements = (from el in enumerationElement.Element("detaileddescription").Elements("para")
                                                      where !el.Elements("simplesect").Any() &&
                                                      el.Elements("parameterlist").Any() &&
                                                      select el);

            // Elements for values
            IEnumerable <XElement> enumerationValueElements = enumerationElement.Elements("enumvalue");

            // Add brief description
            foreach (XElement paragraph in abstractElements)
            foreach (XElement paragraph in detailsElements)

            // Add each value
            foreach (XElement enumerationValueElement in enumerationValueElements)
                String key = enumerationValueElement.Element("name").TrimAll();
                String value;
                if (enumerationValueElement.Element("initializer") != null)
                    value = enumerationValueElement.Element("initializer").Value;
                    value = value.Replace("=", String.Empty);
                    value = value.TrimAll();
                    value = String.Empty;

                // Add a new value
                EnumerationValueEntity enumerationValueEntity = new EnumerationValueEntity();
                enumerationValueEntity.Name  = key;
                enumerationValueEntity.Value = value;

                // Elements for brief description
                abstractElements = enumerationValueElement.Element("briefdescription").Elements("para");

                // Add brief description
                foreach (XElement paragraph in abstractElements)

             * // Get the availability
             * if (availabilityElement != null)
             * {
             *  enumerationEntity.MinAvailability = CommentHelper.ExtractAvailability(availabilityElement.TrimAll());
             * }

        public EnumerationEntity Parse(TypedEntity typedEntity, String name, IEnumerable <XElement> elements)
            EnumerationEntity enumerationEntity = new EnumerationEntity();

            XElement declarationElement = (from el in elements
                                           where el.Name == "div" &&
                                           el.Attribute("class") != null &&
                                           el.Attribute("class").Value == "declaration_indent"
                                           select el).FirstOrDefault();

            XElement parameterElement = (from el in elements
                                         where el.Name == "div" &&
                                         el.Attribute("class") != null &&
                                         el.Attribute("class").Value == "param_indent"
                                         select el).FirstOrDefault();

            //XElement discussionElement = (from el in elements
            //                              where el.Name == "h5" && el.Value.Trim() == "Discussion"
            //                              select el).FirstOrDefault();

            XElement availabilityElement = (from el in elements
                                            let term = el.Descendants("dt").FirstOrDefault()
                                                       let definition = el.Descendants("dd").FirstOrDefault()
                                                                        where el.Name == "dl" &&
                                                                        term != null &&
                                                                        term.Value.Trim() == "Availability"
                                                                        select definition).FirstOrDefault();

            String declaration = declarationElement.TrimAll();
            String type        = "NOTYPE";
            String values      = String.Empty;

            bool result = this.SplitEnumeration(declaration, ref name, ref type, ref values);

            if (!result)

            enumerationEntity.Name      = name;
            enumerationEntity.BaseType  = type;
            enumerationEntity.Namespace = "MISSING";

            // Extract abstract
            IEnumerable <XElement> abstractElements = elements.SkipWhile(el => el.Name != "p").TakeWhile(el => el.Name == "p");

            foreach (XElement element in abstractElements)
                String line = element.TrimAll();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line))

            //// Extract discussion
            //if (discussionElement != null)
            //    IEnumerable<XElement> discussionElements = discussionElement.ElementsAfterSelf().TakeWhile(el => el.Name == "p");
            //    foreach (XElement element in discussionElements)
            //    {
            //        String line = element.TrimAll();
            //        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
            //        {
            //            enumerationEntity.Summary.Add(line);
            //        }
            //    }

            // Parse the values
            string[] pairs = values.Split(new [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string pair in pairs)
                if (String.Equals(pair.TrimAll(), String.Empty))

                String key;
                String value = String.Empty;
                if (pair.IndexOf('=') != -1)
                    string[] parts = pair.Split(new [] { '=' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    key   = parts [0].Trim();
                    value = parts [1].Trim();
                    key = pair.Trim();

                // Add a new value
                EnumerationValueEntity enumerationValueEntity = new EnumerationValueEntity();
                enumerationValueEntity.Name = key;

                if (value.Length == 6 && value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'"))
                    String v = value.Trim('\'');
                    enumerationValueEntity.Value = "0x" + FourCharToInt(v).ToString("X8");
                    enumerationValueEntity.Value = value;


            XElement termList = parameterElement != null?parameterElement.Descendants("dl").FirstOrDefault() : null;

            if (termList != null)
                IEnumerable <XElement> dtList = from el in termList.Elements("dt") select el;
                IEnumerable <XElement> ddList = from el in termList.Elements("dd") select el;

                if (dtList.Count() == ddList.Count())
                    // Iterate over definitions
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtList.Count(); i++)
                        String term = dtList.ElementAt(i).TrimAll();
                        //String summary = ddList.ElementAt(i).TrimAll();
                        IEnumerable <String> summaries = ddList.ElementAt(i).Elements("p").Select(p => p.Value.TrimAll());

                        // Find the parameter
                        EnumerationValueEntity enumerationValueEntity = enumerationEntity.Values.Find(p => String.Equals(p.Name, term));
                        if (enumerationValueEntity != null)
                            foreach (string sum in summaries)

            // Get the availability
            if (availabilityElement != null)
                enumerationEntity.MinAvailability = CommentHelper.ExtractAvailability(availabilityElement.TrimAll());

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Parses the specified entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name = "reader">The reader.</param>
        public override void Parse(BaseEntity entity, TextReader reader)
            EnumerationEntity enumerationEntity = (EnumerationEntity)entity;

            if (enumerationEntity == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("EnumerationEntity expected", "entity");

            IParser parser = ParserFactory.CreateParser(SupportedLanguage.CSharp, reader);


            // Extract the special nodes (comment, etc)
            List <ISpecial> specials = parser.Lexer.SpecialTracker.RetrieveSpecials();

            this.CodeDomSpecialParser = new CodeDomSpecialParser(specials);

            // Parse the compilation unit
            CompilationUnit cu = parser.CompilationUnit;

            foreach (INode child1 in cu.Children)
                NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDeclaration = child1 as NamespaceDeclaration;
                if (namespaceDeclaration == null)
                foreach (INode child2 in child1.Children)
                    TypeDeclaration declaration = child2 as TypeDeclaration;
                    if (declaration == null)
                    if (declaration.Type != ClassType.Enum)

                    // Extract basic informations
                    enumerationEntity.BaseType = declaration.BaseTypes.Count > 0 ? declaration.BaseTypes [0].Type : "int";

                    // Extract attributes
                    Attribute attribute = FindAttribute(declaration, "Flags");
                    enumerationEntity.Flags = (attribute != null);

                    IEnumerable <Comment> comments = this.GetDocumentationCommentsBefore(declaration);
                    AppendComment(entity, comments);

                    // Append each values
                    foreach (INode child3 in declaration.Children)
                        FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = child3 as FieldDeclaration;
                        if (fieldDeclaration == null)

                        EnumerationValueEntity valueEntity = new EnumerationValueEntity();
                        valueEntity.Name = fieldDeclaration.Fields [0].Name;
                        Expression expression = fieldDeclaration.Fields [0].Initializer;
                        if (expression != null)
                            CodeDomExpressionPrinter printer = new CodeDomExpressionPrinter();
                            expression.AcceptVisitor(printer, null);
                            valueEntity.Value = printer.ToString();

                        comments = this.GetDocumentationCommentsBefore(fieldDeclaration);
                        AppendComment(valueEntity, comments);


            // Ensure that availability is set on entity.