Esempio n. 1
        void DumpEnumDescriptor(FileDescriptorProto source, EnumDescriptorProto field, StringBuilder sb, int level, ref bool marker)
            var levelspace = new string( '\t', level );

            AppendHeadingSpace(sb, ref marker);
            sb.AppendLine($"{levelspace}enum {} {{");

            foreach (var option in DumpOptions(source, field.options))
                sb.AppendLine($"{levelspace}\toption {option.Key} = {option.Value};");

            foreach (var enumValue in field.value)
                var options = DumpOptions(source, enumValue.options);

                var parameters = string.Empty;
                if (options.Count > 0)
                    parameters = $" [{string.Join( ", ", options.Select( kvp => $"{kvp.Key} = {kvp.Value}" ) )}]";

                sb.AppendLine($"{levelspace}\t{} = {enumValue.number}{parameters};");

            marker = true;
Esempio n. 2
        private void DumpEnumDescriptor(EnumDescriptorProto field, StringBuilder sb, int level)

            var levelspace = new string('\t', level);

            sb.AppendLine($"{levelspace}enum {} {{");

            foreach (var option in DumpOptions(field.options))
                sb.AppendLine($"{levelspace}\toption {option.Key} = {option.Value};");

            foreach (var enumValue in field.value)
                var options = DumpOptions(enumValue.options);

                var parameters = string.Empty;
                if (options.Count > 0)
                    parameters = $" [{string.Join(", ", options.Select(kvp => $"{kvp.Key} = {kvp.Value}"))}]";

                sb.AppendLine($"{levelspace}\t{} = {enumValue.number}{parameters};");

Esempio n. 3
        private void DumpEnumDescriptor(EnumDescriptorProto field, StringBuilder sb, int level)

            string levelspace = new String('\t', level);

            sb.AppendLine(levelspace + "enum " + + " {");

            foreach (var option in DumpOptions(field.options))
                sb.AppendLine(levelspace + "\toption " + option.Key + " = " + option.Value + ";");

            foreach (EnumValueDescriptorProto enumValue in field.value)
                Dictionary <string, string> options = DumpOptions(enumValue.options);

                string parameters = String.Empty;
                if (options.Count > 0)
                    parameters = " [" + String.Join(", ", options.Select(kvp => String.Format("{0} = {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value))) + "]";

                sb.AppendLine(levelspace + "\t" + + " = " + enumValue.number + parameters + ";");

            sb.AppendLine(levelspace + "}");
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Start an enum
        /// </summary>
        protected override void WriteEnumHeader(GeneratorContext ctx, EnumDescriptorProto obj, ref object state)
            //var name = ctx.NameNormalizer.GetName(obj);
            string name = obj.Name;
            var    tw   = ctx.Output;

            WriteOptions(ctx, obj.Options);
            ctx.WriteLine($"{GetAccess(GetAccess(obj))} enum {Escape(name)}").WriteLine("{").Indent();
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Suggest a normalized identifier
        /// </summary>
        public virtual string GetName(EnumDescriptorProto definition)
            var name = definition?.Options?.GetOptions()?.Name;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
            return(GetName(definition.Parent as DescriptorProto, GetName(definition.Name), definition.Name, false));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit code representing an enum type
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void WriteEnum(GeneratorContext ctx, EnumDescriptorProto obj)
            object state = null;

            WriteEnumHeader(ctx, obj, ref state);
            foreach (var inner in obj.Values)
                WriteEnumValue(ctx, inner, ref state);
            WriteEnumFooter(ctx, obj, ref state);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Start an enum
        /// </summary>
        protected override void WriteEnumHeader(GeneratorContext ctx, EnumDescriptorProto obj, ref object state)
            var name = ctx.NameNormalizer.GetName(obj);
            var tw   = ctx.Write($@"<Global.ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(");

            if (name != obj.Name)
                tw.Write($@"Name := ""{obj.Name}""");
            tw.WriteLine(")> _");
            WriteOptions(ctx, obj.Options);
            ctx.WriteLine($"{GetAccess(GetAccess(obj))} Enum {Escape(name)}").Indent();
        /// <summary>
        /// Start an enum
        /// </summary>
        protected override void WriteEnumHeader(GeneratorContext ctx, EnumDescriptorProto @enum, ref object state)
            var name = ctx.NameNormalizer.GetName(@enum);
            var tw   = ctx.Write("[global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(");

            if (name != @enum.Name)
                tw.Write($@"Name = @""{@enum.Name}""");
            WriteOptions(ctx, @enum.Options);
            ctx.WriteLine($"{GetAccess(GetAccess(@enum))} enum {Escape(name)}").WriteLine("{").Indent();
Esempio n. 9
    public EnumDescriptor(DescriptorPool pool, ProtoBase parent, EnumDescriptorProto def)
        Define = def;

        base.Init(pool, parent);

        for (int i = 0; i < def.value.Count; i++)
            var fieldDef = def.value[i];

            var fieldD = new EnumValueDescriptor(this, fieldDef);

            _fieldByName.Add(, fieldD);
            _fieldByNumber.Add(fieldDef.number, fieldD);
Esempio n. 10
        public static ZEnum From(this EnumDescriptorProto proto, string scope)
            // can't use Pascalize because enums are SCREAMING_CASE, and when they're formatted
            // as "SUCH", Pascalize will return "SUCH". so, we tolower it so Pascalize will
            // return "Such".

            var name = proto.Name;

            var values = new List <ZEnumValue>();

            foreach (var value in proto.Values)

            return(new ZEnum(name, values, scope + name));
Esempio n. 11
        internal EnumDescriptor(EnumDescriptorProto proto, FileDescriptor file, MessageDescriptor parent, int index, Type clrType)
            : base(file, file.ComputeFullName(parent, proto.Name), index)
            this.proto     = proto;
            this.clrType   = clrType;
            containingType = parent;

            if (proto.Value.Count == 0)
                // We cannot allow enums with no values because this would mean there
                // would be no valid default value for fields of this type.
                throw new DescriptorValidationException(this, "Enums must contain at least one value.");

            values = DescriptorUtil.ConvertAndMakeReadOnly(proto.Value,
                                                           (value, i) => new EnumValueDescriptor(value, file, this, i));

Esempio n. 12
        internal EnumDescriptor(EnumDescriptorProto proto, FileDescriptor file, MessageDescriptor parent, int index, Type generatedType)
            : base(file, file.ComputeFullName(parent, proto.Name), index)
            this.proto = proto;
            this.generatedType = generatedType;
            containingType = parent;

            if (proto.Value.Count == 0)
                // We cannot allow enums with no values because this would mean there
                // would be no valid default value for fields of this type.
                throw new DescriptorValidationException(this, "Enums must contain at least one value.");

            values = DescriptorUtil.ConvertAndMakeReadOnly(proto.Value,
                                                           (value, i) => new EnumValueDescriptor(value, file, this, i));

Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>Helper: Serialize into a MemoryStream and return its byte array</summary>
 public static byte[] SerializeToBytes(EnumDescriptorProto instance)
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
         Serialize(ms, instance);
         return ms.ToArray();
 /// <summary>Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into</summary>
 public static EnumDescriptorProto Deserialize(Stream stream)
     var instance = new EnumDescriptorProto();
     Deserialize(stream, instance);
     return instance;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>Serialize the instance into the stream</summary>
        public static void Serialize(Stream stream, EnumDescriptorProto instance)
            if (instance.Name != null)
                // Key for field: 1, LengthDelimited
                global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteBytes(stream, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(instance.Name));
            if (instance.Value != null)
                foreach (var i2 in instance.Value)
                    // Key for field: 2, LengthDelimited
                    using (var ms2 = new MemoryStream())
                        Google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.Serialize(ms2, i2);
                        // Length delimited byte array
                        uint ms2Length = (uint)ms2.Length;
                        global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(stream, ms2Length);
                        stream.Write(ms2.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)ms2Length);

            if (instance.Options != null)
                // Key for field: 3, LengthDelimited
                using (var ms3 = new MemoryStream())
                    Google.protobuf.EnumOptions.Serialize(ms3, instance.Options);
                    // Length delimited byte array
                    uint ms3Length = (uint)ms3.Length;
                    global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(stream, ms3Length);
                    stream.Write(ms3.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)ms3Length);

Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>Helper: Serialize with a varint length prefix</summary>
 public static void SerializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream, EnumDescriptorProto instance)
     var data = SerializeToBytes(instance);
     global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(stream, (uint)data.Length);
     stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into</summary>
 public static EnumDescriptorProto DeserializeLength(Stream stream, int length)
     EnumDescriptorProto instance = new EnumDescriptorProto();
     DeserializeLength(stream, length, instance);
     return instance;
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into</summary>
 public static EnumDescriptorProto DeserializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream)
     EnumDescriptorProto instance = new EnumDescriptorProto();
     DeserializeLengthDelimited(stream, instance);
     return instance;
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream and create a new instance to deserializing into</summary>
 public static EnumDescriptorProto Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
     EnumDescriptorProto instance = new EnumDescriptorProto();
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))
         Deserialize(ms, instance);
     return instance;
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtain the access of an item, accounting for the model's hierarchy
 /// </summary>
 protected Access GetAccess(EnumDescriptorProto obj)
 => NullIfInherit(obj?.Options?.GetOptions()?.Access)
 ?? GetAccess(obj?.Parent) ?? Access.Public;
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Emit code following a set of enum values
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void WriteEnumFooter(GeneratorContext ctx, EnumDescriptorProto obj, ref object state);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs Delphi source code representing a protobuf enum.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="enum">Protobuf enum to generate code for</param>
 /// <param name="schema">Protobuf schema definition that this enum is part of</param>
 /// <param name="containerType">Representation of the message type that this enum is nested in, absent if this is not a nested enum</param>
 public EnumSourceCode(EnumDescriptorProto @enum, SchemaSourceCode schema, MessageTypeSourceCode?containerType) : base(schema, containerType) => Enum = @enum;
        /// <summary>
        /// End an enum
        /// </summary>

        protected override void WriteEnumFooter(GeneratorContext ctx, EnumDescriptorProto @enum, ref object state)
        /// <summary>Serialize the instance into the stream</summary>
        public static void Serialize(Stream stream, EnumDescriptorProto instance)
            var msField = global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.Stack.Pop();
            if (instance.Name != null)
                // Key for field: 1, LengthDelimited
                global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteBytes(stream, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(instance.Name));
            if (instance.Value != null)
                foreach (var i2 in instance.Value)
                    // Key for field: 2, LengthDelimited
                    Google.Protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.Serialize(msField, i2);
                    // Length delimited byte array
                    uint length2 = (uint)msField.Length;
                    global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(stream, length2);

            if (instance.Options != null)
                // Key for field: 3, LengthDelimited
                Google.Protobuf.EnumOptions.Serialize(msField, instance.Options);
                // Length delimited byte array
                uint length3 = (uint)msField.Length;
                global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(stream, length3);

Esempio n. 25
 protected override void WriteEnumFooter(GeneratorContext ctx, EnumDescriptorProto obj, ref object state)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 26
 private void AddEnumDescriptorLookup(EnumDescriptorProto enumdesc)
     enumLookup[GetDescriptorName(]      = enumdesc;
     enumLookupCount[GetDescriptorName(] = enumdesc.value.Count;
Esempio n. 27
 private void AddEnum(EnumDescriptorProto enumDescriptor)
     _filesBySymbol[enumDescriptor.FullyQualifiedName] = enumDescriptor.GetFile();