public void Copy(Model.Campeonatos.Grupo entry) { _nome = entry._nome; _descricao = entry._descricao; _campeonato = entry._campeonato; _timesCollection = entry._timesCollection; }
/// <summary> /// Logs an error to the application memory. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If the log is full then the oldest error entry is removed. /// </remarks> public override void Log(Error error) { if (error == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("error"); } // // Make a copy of the error to log since the source is mutable. // Assign a new GUID and create an entry for the error. // error = (Error)((ICloneable)error).Clone(); error.ApplicationName = this.ApplicationName; Guid newId = Guid.NewGuid(); ErrorLogEntry entry = new ErrorLogEntry(this, newId.ToString(), error); _lock.AcquireWriterLock(Timeout.Infinite); try { if (_entries == null) { _entries = new EntryCollection(_size); } _entries.Add(newId, entry); } finally { _lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } }
public static CategoryListViewModel Create(EntryCollection entries, IDasBlogSettings dasBlogSettings, string categoryName = "") { var viewModel = new CategoryListViewModel(); foreach (var entry in entries) { string[] categories = null; if (categoryName == string.Empty) { categories = entry.GetSplitCategories(); } else { categories = new string[] { categoryName }; } foreach (var category in categories) { var archiveItem = CategoryPostItem.CreateFromEntry(entry, dasBlogSettings); archiveItem.Category = category; if (viewModel.Categories.ContainsKey(category)) { viewModel.Categories[category].Add(archiveItem); continue; } viewModel.Categories[category] = new List <CategoryPostItem> { archiveItem }; } } return(viewModel); }
public Entry(Guid id, TableOfContentsModel toc, SlideModel slide) : base(toc) { this.m_Id = id; this.m_Children = new EntryCollection(this, "Entries"); this.m_TOC = toc; this.m_Slide = slide; }
public void ResponseObjectExpirationTest(int world_id, int map_id, Guid?event_id, bool ignoreCache, int expiresAfter, int nowOffset) { EntryCollection <EventEntry> expected = GwApi.GetEvents(world_id, map_id, event_id, true); expected.CacheStrategy = new AgeCacheStrategy(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(expiresAfter)); expected.LastUpdated = expected.LastUpdated.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(nowOffset)); ResponseCache.Cache.Add(expected); Assert.IsFalse(expected.FromCache); var actual = GwApi.GetEvents(world_id, map_id, event_id, ignoreCache); if (ignoreCache || nowOffset >= expiresAfter) { // forced update, or has expired Assert.LessOrEqual(expected.LastUpdated, actual.LastUpdated); Assert.Greater(expected.Age, actual.Age); Assert.IsFalse(actual.Expired); // If it was just updated, it shouldn't expire so soon Assert.IsFalse(actual.FromCache); // must always be false if cache was ignored } else { // Not expired and therefore from cache Assert.AreEqual(expected.LastUpdated, actual.LastUpdated); Assert.AreEqual(expected.Age, actual.Age); Assert.IsFalse(actual.Expired); Assert.IsTrue(actual.FromCache); } }
public void EntryCollections_FilteringPublicEntries_CountsShouldDifferAfterFiltering() { var entry1 = CreateEntry("public 2007", true, new DateTime(2007, 2, 2)); var entry2 = CreateEntry("public 2006", true, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); var entry3 = CreateEntry("not public 2006", false, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); var collection = new EntryCollection(new Entry[] { entry1, entry2, entry3 }); Predicate <Entry> filter = null; Predicate <Entry> isPublic = delegate(Entry e) { return(e.IsPublic); }; filter += isPublic; Predicate <Entry> is2006Published = delegate(Entry e) { return(e.CreatedLocalTime.Year == 2006); }; filter += is2006Published; var classic = EntryCollectionFilter.FindAll(collection, filter); var generic = collection.FindAll(filter); Assert.NotEqual(classic.Count, generic.Count); }
public EntryCollection GetCategoryEntries(string categoryName) { CategoryCache cache = new CategoryCache(); cache.Ensure(data); EntryCollection entryList = new EntryCollection(); foreach (CategoryCacheEntry catEntry in cache.Entries) { if (catEntry.Name.ToUpper() == categoryName) { foreach (CategoryCacheEntryDetail detail in catEntry.EntryDetails) { foreach (DayEntry day in data.Days) { if (day.Date == detail.DayDate) { day.Load(); foreach (Entry entry in day.Entries) { if (entry.EntryId == detail.EntryId) { entryList.Add(entry); } } } } } } } entryList.Sort(new EntrySorter()); return(entryList); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { resmgr = ApplicationResourceTable.Get(); requestPage = Page as SharedBasePage; if (Request.QueryString["q"] != null && Page.IsPostBack == false) { string searchQuery = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["q"]); EntryCollection entries = SearchEntries(searchQuery); requestPage.WeblogEntries.AddRange(entries); foreach (Entry entry in requestPage.WeblogEntries) { requestPage.ProcessItemTemplate(entry, contentPlaceHolder); } } else { requestPage.WeblogEntries.AddRange(new EntryCollection()); } labelSearchQuery.Text = String.Format("{0}: {1}", resmgr.GetString("text_search_query_title"), Request.QueryString["q"]); DataBind(); }
public void RegisterEntry(EntryCollection entries, int insertIndex, bool overrideRegistry, out bool activated) { if (IsEmpty) { if (overrideRegistry) { Entry e = entries[insertIndex]; e.PreviousUsedIndexInBucket = -1; e.NextUsedIndexInBucket = -1; } OldestUsedEntryIndex = insertIndex; LatestUsedEntryIndex = insertIndex; activated = true; } else { entries[LatestUsedEntryIndex].NextUsedIndexInBucket = insertIndex; Entry e = entries[insertIndex]; e.PreviousUsedIndexInBucket = LatestUsedEntryIndex; if (overrideRegistry) { e.NextUsedIndexInBucket = -1; } LatestUsedEntryIndex = insertIndex; activated = false; } UsedCount++; }
private static EntryCollection <ItemDefence> LoadArmors() { try { String inputPath = DataResources.Items.ArmorsFile; if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"[ff9armor] Cannot load armors because a file does not exist: [{inputPath}].", inputPath); } ItemDefence[] items = CsvReader.Read <ItemDefence>(inputPath); if (items.Length < 136) { throw new NotSupportedException($"You must set at least 136 armors, but there {items.Length}. Any number of items will be available after a game stabilization."); } return(EntryCollection.CreateWithDefaultElement(items, i => i.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "[ff9armor] Load armors failed."); UIManager.Input.ConfirmQuit(); return(null); } }
public MoveableType.PostTitle[] mt_getRecentPostTitles(string blogid, string username, string password, int numberOfPosts) { if (!_dasBlogSettings.SiteConfiguration.EnableBloggerApi) { throw new ServiceDisabledException(); } UserToken token = _siteSecurity.Login(username, password); if (token == null) { throw new SecurityException(); } EntryCollection entries = _dataService.GetEntriesForDay(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone, null, _dasBlogSettings.SiteConfiguration.RssDayCount, numberOfPosts, null); List <MoveableType.PostTitle> arrayList = new List <MoveableType.PostTitle>(); foreach (Entry entry in entries) { MoveableType.PostTitle post = new MoveableType.PostTitle(); post.title = NoNull(entry.Title); post.dateCreated = entry.CreatedUtc; post.postid = NoNull(entry.EntryId); post.userid = username; arrayList.Add(post); } return(arrayList.ToArray()); }
public void GetEntriesForDay() { IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(createEntries.FullName, null); // this will create an entry for each hour of the day in local time for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { Entry entry = TestEntry.CreateEntry(String.Format("Test Entry {0}", i), 5, 2); entry.CreatedUtc = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, i, 0, 0).ToUniversalTime(); dataService.SaveEntry(entry, null); } EntryCollection entries = dataService.GetEntriesForDay(DateTime.Now, TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone, String.Empty, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, String.Empty); Assert.AreEqual(24, entries.Count); foreach (Entry entry in entries) { // this test will make sure that the entries are all in the right day Entry lookup = dataService.GetEntry(entry.EntryId); Assert.IsNotNull(lookup); Assert.AreEqual(0, lookup.CompareTo(entry)); Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.Date, entry.CreatedLocalTime.Date); } }
public Blogger.Post[] blogger_getRecentPosts(string appKey, string blogid, string username, string password, int numberOfPosts) { if (!_dasBlogSettings.SiteConfiguration.EnableBloggerApi) { throw new ServiceDisabledException(); } UserToken token = _siteSecurity.Login(username, password); if (token == null) { throw new SecurityException(); } EntryCollection entries = _dataService.GetEntriesForDay(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), _dasBlogSettings.GetConfiguredTimeZone(), null, _dasBlogSettings.SiteConfiguration.RssDayCount, numberOfPosts, null); List <Blogger.Post> arrayList = new List <Blogger.Post>(); foreach (Entry entry in entries) { Blogger.Post post = new Blogger.Post(); FillBloggerPostFromEntry(entry, ref post); arrayList.Add(post); } return(arrayList.ToArray()); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext()); try { IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService); SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig(); string languageFilter = context.Request.Headers["Accept-Language"]; if (SiteSecurity.IsInRole("admin")) { languageFilter = ""; } EntryCollection entries = dataService.GetEntriesForDay(DateTime.UtcNow, siteConfig.GetConfiguredTimeZone(), languageFilter, 1, 1, String.Empty); if (entries != null && entries.Count > 0) { Entry e = entries[0]; context.Response.Write(e.Title); } } catch (Exception ex) { logService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.Error, "Error generating Microsummary: " + ex.ToString(), String.Empty)); } }
private static EntryCollection <ItemStats> LoadStats() { try { String inputPath = DataResources.Items.StatsFile; if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"[{nameof(ff9equip)}] Cannot load items stats because a file does not exist: [{inputPath}].", inputPath); } ItemStats[] items = CsvReader.Read <ItemStats>(inputPath); if (items.Length < 88) { throw new NotSupportedException($"[{nameof(ff9equip)}] You must set at least 176 item stats, but there {items.Length}. Any number of items will be available after a game stabilization."); } return(EntryCollection.CreateWithDefaultElement(items, i => i.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"[{nameof(ff9equip)}] Load weapons failed."); UIManager.Input.ConfirmQuit(); return(null); } }
public void FilterTest() { Entry entry1 = CreateEntry("public 2007", true, new DateTime(2007, 2, 2)); Entry entry2 = CreateEntry("public 2006", true, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); Entry entry3 = CreateEntry("not public 2006", false, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); EntryCollection collection = new EntryCollection(new Entry[] { entry1, entry2, entry3 }); Predicate <Entry> filter = null; Predicate <Entry> isPublic = delegate(Entry e) { return(e.IsPublic); }; filter += isPublic; Predicate <Entry> is2006Published = delegate(Entry e) { return(e.CreatedLocalTime.Year == 2006); }; filter += is2006Published; EntryCollection classic = EntryCollectionFilter.FindAll(collection, filter); List <Entry> generic = collection.FindAll(filter); Assert.AreNotEqual(classic.Count, generic.Count, "Number of items doesn't match."); }
public void UnregisterEntry(EntryCollection entries, int index, out bool deactivated) { Entry e = entries[index]; if (e.PreviousUsedIndexInBucket != -1) { entries[e.PreviousUsedIndexInBucket].NextUsedIndexInBucket = e.NextUsedIndexInBucket; } if (e.NextUsedIndexInBucket != -1) { entries[e.NextUsedIndexInBucket].PreviousUsedIndexInBucket = e.PreviousUsedIndexInBucket; } UsedCount--; if (index == LatestUsedEntryIndex) { LatestUsedEntryIndex = e.PreviousUsedIndexInBucket; } if (IsEmpty) { deactivated = true; } else { deactivated = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Logs an error to the application memory. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If the log is full then the oldest error entry is removed. /// </remarks> public override string Log(Error error) { if (error == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("error"); } // // Make a copy of the error to log since the source is mutable. // Assign a new GUID and create an entry for the error. // error = error.CloneObject(); error.ApplicationName = ApplicationName; var newId = Guid.NewGuid(); var entry = new ErrorLogEntry(this, newId.ToString(), error); _lock.EnterWriteLock(); try { var entries = _entries ?? (_entries = new EntryCollection(_size)); entries.Add(entry); } finally { _lock.ExitWriteLock(); } return(newId.ToString()); }
protected override EntryCollection LoadEntries() { if (WeblogEntryId.Length == 0) { Response.StatusCode = 404; Response.SuppressContent = true; Response.End(); return(null); //save us all the time } EntryCollection entryCollection = new EntryCollection(); Entry entry = DataService.GetEntry(WeblogEntryId); ILoggingDataService logService = this.LoggingService; if (entry != null) { entryCollection.Add(entry); if (NotModified(entryCollection)) { Response.End(); return(null); } } return(entryCollection); }
public void TestTrackbackCreation() { EntryCollection entries = new EntryCollection(); entries = blogService.GetEntriesForDay(DateTime.MaxValue.AddDays(-2), TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone, String.Empty, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, String.Empty); int numberOfTrackings = 3; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTrackings; i++) { Tracking t = new Tracking(); t.PermaLink = "" + i; t.RefererBlogName = "Trackback " + i; t.RefererExcerpt = ""; t.RefererTitle = "Trackback " + i; t.TargetEntryId = entries[0].EntryId; t.TargetTitle = entries[0].Title; t.TrackingType = TrackingType.Trackback; blogService.AddTracking( t ); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); TrackingCollection trackingCollection = blogService.GetTrackingsFor(entries[0].EntryId); Assert.IsTrue(trackingCollection.Count == numberOfTrackings); }
private static EntryCollection <FF9MIX_DATA> LoadSynthesis() { try { String inputPath = DataResources.Items.SynthesisFile; if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"[ff9mix] Cannot load synthesis info because a file does not exist: [{inputPath}].", inputPath); } FF9MIX_DATA[] items = CsvReader.Read <FF9MIX_DATA>(inputPath); if (items.Length < 64) { throw new NotSupportedException($"You must set at least 64 synthesis info, but there {items.Length}. Any number of items will be available after a game stabilization."); } return(EntryCollection.CreateWithDefaultElement(items, i => i.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "[ff9mix] Load synthesis info failed."); UIManager.Input.ConfirmQuit(); return(null); } }
internal void AddValue(ParseResult result, KeyValuesFlags flags) { if (result.Parser.ElementName.EndsWith(".String")) { _value = ReadString(result, flags); return; } AssertParser(result, ".Definition.List"); if (result.Length == 0) { return; } if (_subEntries == null) { _subEntries = new Dictionary <string, EntryCollection>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } foreach (var def in result) { var key = ReadString(def[0], flags); if (!_subEntries.TryGetValue(key, out var existing)) { _subEntries.Add(key, existing = new EntryCollection()); } existing.AddValue(def[1], flags); } }
public void EntryCollections_FilterAndMaxResults_OnlyReturnsOneEntry() { var entry1 = CreateEntry("public 2007.1", true, new DateTime(2007, 2, 2)); var entry2 = CreateEntry("public 2006.1", true, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); var entry3 = CreateEntry("not public 2006.1", false, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); var entry4 = CreateEntry("public 2007.2", true, new DateTime(2007, 2, 2)); var entry5 = CreateEntry("public 2006.2", true, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); var entry6 = CreateEntry("not public 2006.2", false, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); var collection = new EntryCollection(new Entry[] { entry1, entry2, entry3, entry4, entry5, entry6 }); Predicate <Entry> filter = null; Predicate <Entry> isPublic = delegate(Entry e) { return(e.IsPublic); }; filter += isPublic; Predicate <Entry> is2006Published = delegate(Entry e) { return(e.CreatedLocalTime.Year == 2006); }; filter += is2006Published; // 2 items match the criteria (2,5), we only want 1 returned var filtered = EntryCollectionFilter.FindAll(collection, filter, 1); Assert.Single(filtered); }
public void TestTrackbackCreation() { EntryCollection entries = new EntryCollection(); entries = blogService.GetEntriesForDay(DateTime.MaxValue.AddDays(-2), DateTimeZone.Utc, String.Empty, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, String.Empty); int numberOfTrackings = 3; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTrackings; i++) { Tracking t = new Tracking(); t.PermaLink = "" + i; t.RefererBlogName = "Trackback " + i; t.RefererExcerpt = ""; t.RefererTitle = "Trackback " + i; t.TargetEntryId = entries[0].EntryId; t.TargetTitle = entries[0].Title; t.TrackingType = TrackingType.Trackback; blogService.AddTracking(t); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); TrackingCollection trackingCollection = blogService.GetTrackingsFor(entries[0].EntryId); Assert.IsTrue(trackingCollection.Count == numberOfTrackings); }
public IActionResult ArchiveAll() { var entries = new EntryCollection(); var languageFilter = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Accept-Language"]; var listofyears = archiveManager.GetDaysWithEntries().Select(i => i.Year).Distinct(); foreach (var year in listofyears) { entries.AddRange( archiveManager.GetEntriesForYear(new DateTime(year, 1, 1), languageFilter).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedUtc)); } var alvm = new ArchiveListViewModel(); foreach (var i in entries.ToList().Select(entry => mapper.Map <PostViewModel>(entry)).ToList()) { var index = int.Parse(string.Format("{0}{1}", i.CreatedDateTime.Year, string.Format("{0:00}", i.CreatedDateTime.Month))); if (alvm.MonthEntries.ContainsKey(index)) { alvm.MonthEntries[index].Add(i); } else { var list = new List <PostViewModel>() { i }; alvm.MonthEntries.Add(index, list); } } return(View(alvm)); }
public static string CreateAMPSeoMetaInformation(EntryCollection weblogEntries, IBlogDataService dataService) { string metaTags = "\r\n"; string blogPostDescription; string postImage = string.Empty; if (weblogEntries.Count >= 1) { Entry entry = weblogEntries[0]; metaTags += string.Format(CanonicalLinkPattern, SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(entry)); blogPostDescription = entry.Content; try { postImage = FindFirstImage(blogPostDescription); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Exception looking for Images and Video: " + ex.ToString()); postImage = string.Empty; } metaTags += MetaSchemeOpenScript; metaTags += MetaSchemeContext; metaTags += MetaSchemeNewsType; metaTags += string.Format(MetaSchemeHeadline, entry.Title); metaTags += string.Format(MetaSchemeDatePublished, entry.CreatedUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); metaTags += string.Format(MetaSchemeImage, postImage); metaTags += MetaSchemeCloseScript; } return(metaTags); }
private static EntryCollection <AA_DATA> LoadActions() { try { String inputPath = DataResources.Battle.ActionsFile; if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"File with character actions not found: [{inputPath}]"); } BattleActionEntry[] statusSets = CsvReader.Read <BattleActionEntry>(inputPath); if (statusSets.Length < BattleStatusEntry.SetsCount) { throw new NotSupportedException($"You must set {BattleStatusEntry.SetsCount} status sets, but there {statusSets.Length}."); } return(EntryCollection.CreateWithDefaultElement(statusSets, e => e.Id, e => e.ActionData)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "[ff9level] Load base stats of characters failed."); UIManager.Input.ConfirmQuit(); return(null); } }
public void FilterTest() { Entry entry1 = CreateEntry("public 2007", true, new DateTime(2007, 2, 2)); Entry entry2 = CreateEntry("public 2006", true, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); Entry entry3 = CreateEntry("not public 2006", false, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); EntryCollection collection = new EntryCollection(new Entry[] { entry1, entry2, entry3 }); Predicate<Entry> filter = null; Predicate<Entry> isPublic = delegate(Entry e) { return e.IsPublic; }; filter += isPublic; Predicate<Entry> is2006Published = delegate(Entry e) { return e.CreatedLocalTime.Year == 2006; }; filter += is2006Published; EntryCollection classic = EntryCollectionFilter.FindAll(collection, filter); List<Entry> generic = collection.FindAll(filter); Assert.AreNotEqual(classic.Count, generic.Count, "Number of items doesn't match."); }
protected void Submit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Validate the data coming in if (Page.IsValid) { string firstName = FirstName.Text; string lastName = LastName.Text; string address1 = StreetAddress1.Text; string address2 = StreetAddress2.Text; string city = City.Text; string province = Province.Text; string postalCode = PostalCode.Text; string eMail = EmailAddress.Text; //Validate the user checking the terms if (Terms.Checked) { //If yes: Create and load an entry, add to List, display List nCollection.Add(new NewCollection(firstName, lastName, address1, address2, city, province, postalCode, eMail)); EntryCollection.DataSource = nCollection; EntryCollection.DataBind(); } else { //If no: Message Message.Text = "Please agree to the terms of this contest"; } } }
private static EntryCollection <ShopItems> LoadShopItems() { try { String inputPath = DataResources.Items.ShopItems; if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"File with shop items not found: [{inputPath}]"); } ShopItems[] shopItems = CsvReader.Read <ShopItems>(inputPath); if (shopItems.Length < FF9BUY_SHOP_MAX) { throw new NotSupportedException($"You must set an assortment for {FF9BUY_SHOP_MAX} shops, but there {shopItems.Length}."); } return(EntryCollection.CreateWithDefaultElement(shopItems, e => e.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "[ff9buy] Load shop items failed."); UIManager.Input.ConfirmQuit(); return(null); } }
public static CategoryListViewModel Create(EntryCollection entries, string categoryName = "") { var viewModel = new CategoryListViewModel(); foreach (var entry in entries) { var categories = entry.GetSplitCategories(); foreach (var category in categories) { var archiveItem = CategoryPostItem.CreateFromEntry(entry); archiveItem.Category = category; if (viewModel.Categories.ContainsKey(category)) { viewModel.Categories[category].Add(archiveItem); continue; } viewModel.Categories[category] = new List <CategoryPostItem> { archiveItem }; } } return(viewModel); }
private static EntryCollection <IdMap> LoadBattleCommandTitles() { try { String inputPath = DataResources.Characters.CommandTitlesFile; if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"[BattleHUD] Cannot load character command titles because a file does not exist: [{inputPath}].", inputPath); } IdMap[] maps = CsvReader.Read <IdMap>(inputPath); if (maps.Length < 192) { throw new NotSupportedException($"You must set titles for 192 battle commands, but there {maps.Length}."); } return(EntryCollection.CreateWithDefaultElement(maps, g => g.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "[BattleHUD] Load character command titles failed."); UIManager.Input.ConfirmQuit(); return(null); } }
public void CreateApp() { EntryCollection entries = new EntryCollection(); DayEntryCollection days = new DayEntryCollection(); entries = blogService.GetEntriesForDay(DateTime.MaxValue.AddDays(-2), TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone, String.Empty, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, String.Empty); Assert.IsNotNull(entries); }
public static IEntryCollection Wrap(this SearchResultCollection wrapped) { var result = new EntryCollection(); if(wrapped != null) { foreach(SearchResult searchResult in wrapped) { result.Add(searchResult.Wrap()); } } return result; }
public Account(string number, string description, IEnumerable<Entry> entries) { this.number = number; this.description = description; this.entries = new EntryCollection(); foreach (var entry in entries) { this.AddEntry(entry); } }
public void VerifyContains() { Entry entry1, entry2; entry1 = BlogDataService.GetEntry("ebd3060-b3b0-4ab1-baea-cd12ae34a575"); EntryCollection entries = new EntryCollection(); entries.Add(entry1); Assert.IsTrue(entries.Contains(entry1), "Unexpectedly the entry did not exist."); entry2 = BlogDataService.GetEntry("ebd3060-b3b0-4ab1-baea-cd12ae34a575"); // The entries returned are identical (ReferenceEquals) Assert.AreSame(entry1, entry2, "Unexpectedly and entirely different entry instance was returned."); Assert.IsTrue(entries.Contains(entry2), "Unexpectedly the entry did not exist."); }
public static string CreateSeoMetaInformation(EntryCollection weblogEntries, IBlogDataService dataService) { string metaTags = "\r\n"; string currentUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; if (currentUrl.IndexOf("categoryview.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 || currentUrl.IndexOf("default.aspx?month=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1) { metaTags += MetaNoindexFollowPattern; } else if (currentUrl.IndexOf("permalink.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1) { if (weblogEntries.Count >= 1) { Entry entry = weblogEntries[0]; metaTags = GetMetaTags(metaTags, entry); } } else if (currentUrl.IndexOf("commentview.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["guid"])) { Entry entry = dataService.GetEntry(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["guid"]); if (entry != null) { metaTags = GetMetaTags(metaTags, entry); } } else if (currentUrl.IndexOf("commentview.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["title"])) { Entry entry = dataService.GetEntry(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["title"]); if (entry != null) { metaTags = GetMetaTags(metaTags, entry); } } else if (currentUrl.IndexOf("default.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1) { var smt = new SeoMetaTags(); smt = smt.GetMetaTags(); if (smt != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smt.MetaDescription)) { metaTags += string.Format(MetaDescriptionTagPattern, smt.MetaDescription); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smt.MetaKeywords)) { metaTags += string.Format(MetaKeywordTagPattern, smt.MetaKeywords); } } metaTags += string.Format(CanonicalLinkPattern, SiteUtilities.GetBaseUrl()); } return metaTags; }
public void MaxResultsTest() { Entry entry1 = CreateEntry("public 2007.1", true, new DateTime(2007, 2, 2)); Entry entry2 = CreateEntry("public 2006.1", true, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); Entry entry3 = CreateEntry("not public 2006.1", false, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); Entry entry4 = CreateEntry("public 2007.2", true, new DateTime(2007, 2, 2)); Entry entry5 = CreateEntry("public 2006.2", true, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); Entry entry6 = CreateEntry("not public 2006.2", false, new DateTime(2006, 2, 2)); EntryCollection collection = new EntryCollection(new Entry[] { entry1, entry2, entry3, entry4, entry5, entry6 }); Predicate<Entry> filter = null; Predicate<Entry> isPublic = delegate(Entry e) { return e.IsPublic; }; filter += isPublic; Predicate<Entry> is2006Published = delegate(Entry e) { return e.CreatedLocalTime.Year == 2006; }; filter += is2006Published; // 2 items match the criteria (2,5), we only want 1 returned EntryCollection filtered = EntryCollectionFilter.FindAll(collection, filter,1); Assert.AreEqual(1, filtered.Count, "Number of results doesn't match."); // no predicate so all results should be returend but we only want 4 EntryCollection maxResults = EntryCollectionFilter.FindAll(collection, null, 4); Assert.AreEqual(4, maxResults.Count, "Number of results doesn't match."); }
internal void Load(DataManager data) { if ( Loaded ) { return; } lock(entriesLock) { if ( Loaded ) //SDH: standard thread-safe double check { return; } string fullPath = data.ResolvePath(FileName); FileStream fileStream = FileUtils.OpenForRead(fullPath); if ( fileStream != null ) { try { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DayEntry),Data.NamespaceURI); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream)) { //XmlNamespaceUpgradeReader upg = new XmlNamespaceUpgradeReader( reader, "", Data.NamespaceURI ); DayEntry e = (DayEntry)ser.Deserialize(reader); Entries = e.Entries; } } catch(Exception e) { ErrorTrace.Trace(System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Error,e); } finally { fileStream.Close(); } } Entries.Sort((left,right) => right.CreatedUtc.CompareTo(left.CreatedUtc)); Loaded = true; } }
protected override EntryCollection LoadEntries() { if (WeblogEntryId.Length == 0) { Response.StatusCode = 404; Response.SuppressContent = true; Response.End(); return null; //save us all the time } EntryCollection entryCollection = new EntryCollection(); Entry entry = DataService.GetEntry(WeblogEntryId); ILoggingDataService logService = this.LoggingService; if (entry != null) { entryCollection.Add(entry); if (NotModified(entryCollection)) { Response.End(); return null; } } return entryCollection; }
public void GetAllUserEntries_GetSecondPageWithTenUsersWithVirtualListViewSupportEnabled_ReturnsSeracherWithVirtualListViewRangeSetToLoadElventhEntyPlusNineAfterThat() { var searcher = A.Fake<IDirectorySearcher>(); var entryCollection = new EntryCollection(A.CollectionOfFake<IEntry>(1)); A.CallTo(() => searcherFactory.CreateSearcher(A<IEntry>.Ignored, SearchScope.Subtree, ldapConfig.Users)).Returns(searcher); A.CallTo(() => searcher.FindAll()).Returns(entryCollection); A.CallTo(() => ldapConfig.Server.VirtualListViewSupport).Returns(true); int totalRecords; adapter.GetAllUserEntries(1, 10, out totalRecords); Assert.AreEqual(0, searcher.VirtualListView.BeforeCount); Assert.AreEqual(9, searcher.VirtualListView.AfterCount); Assert.AreEqual(11, searcher.VirtualListView.Offset); }
EntryCollection IBlogDataService.GetEntriesForUser(string user) { Predicate<Entry> entryCriteria = null; EntryCollection entries = new EntryCollection(); entryCriteria += EntryCollectionFilter.DefaultFilters.IsFromUser(user); DayEntryCollection dayEntries = InternalGetDayEntries(null, int.MaxValue); foreach (DayEntry dayEntry in dayEntries) { foreach (Entry entry in dayEntry.GetEntries(entryCriteria)) entries.Add(entry); } return entries; }
public void GetAllUserEntries_GetTheSecondPageOfTenInACollectionOfHundred_ReturnsCorrectRange() { var searcher = A.Fake<IDirectorySearcher>(); var entryCollection = new EntryCollection(A.CollectionOfFake<IEntry>(100)); A.CallTo(() => searcherFactory.CreateSearcher(A<IEntry>.Ignored, SearchScope.Subtree, ldapConfig.Users)).Returns(searcher); A.CallTo(() => searcher.FindAll()).Returns(entryCollection); int totalRecords; var result = adapter.GetAllUserEntries(1, 10, out totalRecords); Assert.AreSame(entryCollection.ElementAt(10), result.First()); Assert.AreSame(entryCollection.ElementAt(19), result.Last()); }
/// <summary> /// Logs an error to the application memory. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If the log is full then the oldest error entry is removed. /// </remarks> public override string Log(Error error) { if (error == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("error"); // // Make a copy of the error to log since the source is mutable. // Assign a new GUID and create an entry for the error. // error = (Error) ((ICloneable) error).Clone(); error.ApplicationName = this.ApplicationName; Guid newId = Guid.NewGuid(); ErrorLogEntry entry = new ErrorLogEntry(this, newId.ToString(), error); _lock.AcquireWriterLock(Timeout.Infinite); try { if (_entries == null) { _entries = new EntryCollection(_size); } _entries.Add(entry); } finally { _lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } return newId.ToString(); }
public void GetAllRoles_AddTwoRolesThatWillBeReturnedFromAdapter_ReturnsRoleSortedAlphabetical() { var roleEntries = new EntryCollection(); var roleEntry1 = A.Fake<IEntry>(); var roleEntry2 = A.Fake<IEntry>(); A.CallTo(() => roleEntry1.Name).Returns("role z"); A.CallTo(() => roleEntry2.Name).Returns("role a"); roleEntries.Add(roleEntry1); roleEntries.Add(roleEntry2); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetAllRoleEntries()).Returns(roleEntries); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupName(A<IEntry>.Ignored)).ReturnsLazily(c => c.GetArgument<IEntry>(0).Name); var result = provider.GetAllRoles(); Assert.AreEqual("role a", result[0]); Assert.AreEqual("role z", result[1]); }
public void GetRolesForUser_UsersMembershipAttributeIsNotConfigured_RetrunsRolesFromAllRolesComparedToUsersRoles() { var roleEntries = new EntryCollection(); var roleEntry = A.Fake<IEntry>(); A.CallTo(() => roleEntry.Name).Returns("role"); roleEntries.Add(roleEntry); A.CallTo(() => providerConfig.LdapConfig.Groups.MembershipAttribute).Returns("rdnattribute"); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupsWithEntryAsMemebership(A<IEntry>.Ignored)).Returns(roleEntries); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupEntry("role", true)).Returns(roleEntry); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupName(A<IEntry>.Ignored)).ReturnsLazily(c => c.GetArgument<IEntry>(0).Name); A.CallTo(() => container.UserEntryAdapter.GetUsersFromEntry(roleEntry, "rdnattribute")).Returns(new[]{ "username" }); var result = provider.GetRolesForUser("username"); Assert.AreEqual("role", result[0]); }
private bool Build(DataManager data) { EntryCollection entriesCacheCopy = new EntryCollection(); Dictionary<string, DateTime> entryIdToDateCopy = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); Dictionary<string, DateTime> compressedTitleToDateCopy = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); try { foreach (DayEntry day in data.Days) { day.Load(data); foreach (Entry entry in day.Entries) { // create a lite entry for faster searching Entry copy = entry.Clone(); copy.Content = ""; copy.Description = ""; copy.AttachmentsArray = null; copy.CrosspostArray = null; entriesCacheCopy.Add(copy); entryIdToDateCopy.Add(copy.EntryId, copy.CreatedUtc.Date); //SDH: Only the first title is kept, in case of duplicates // TODO: should be able to fix this, but it's a bunch of work. string compressedTitle = copy.CompressedTitle; compressedTitle = compressedTitle.Replace("+", ""); if (compressedTitleToDateCopy.ContainsKey(compressedTitle) == false) { compressedTitleToDateCopy.Add(compressedTitle, copy.CreatedUtc.Date); } } } } //TODO: SDH: Temporary, as sometimes we get collection was modified from the EntryCollection...why does this happen? "Database" corruption? // Misaligned Entries? catch (InvalidOperationException) //something wrong enumerating the entries? { //set flags to start over to prevent getting stuck... booting = true; changeNumber = 0; throw; } //try to be a little more "Atomic" as others have been enumerating this list... entryIDToDate.Clear(); entryIDToDate = entryIdToDateCopy; compressedTitleToDate.Clear(); compressedTitleToDate = compressedTitleToDateCopy; entriesCache = entriesCacheCopy; changeNumber = data.CurrentEntryChangeCount; return true; }
public static DateTime GetLatestModifedEntryDateTime(IBlogDataService dataService, EntryCollection entries) { // Check to see if we should send a HTTP 304 letting the RSS client // know that they have the latest version of the feed DateTime latest = DateTime.MinValue; // need to check to see if the last entry value doesn't exist // if it doesn't loop through posts to get the latest date if (dataService.GetLastEntryUpdate() == DateTime.MinValue) { foreach (Entry entry in entries) { DateTime created = entry.ModifiedLocalTime; if (created > latest) latest = created; } } else { latest = dataService.GetLastEntryUpdate().ToLocalTime(); } // we need to check to see if a comment entry has occured // after the last entry update. If it has don't return 304 DateTime latestComment = dataService.GetLastCommentUpdate(); if ( ( latestComment != DateTime.MinValue ) && ( latest < latestComment.ToLocalTime() ) ) latest = latestComment.ToLocalTime(); return new DateTime(latest.Year, latest.Month, latest.Day, latest.Hour, latest.Minute, latest.Second); }
public static DateTime GetLatestModifedEntryDateTime(IBlogDataService dataService, EntryCollection entries) { return SiteUtilities.GetLatestModifedEntryDateTime(dataService, entries); }
public void MapEntryCollection() { var domainEntry1 = new Entry( account: "account number 1", amountIn: 1m, amountOut: 2m, bookingDate: new DateTime(2012, 1, 1), currency: "EUR", description: "my description", payee: "the payee", valueDate: new DateTime(2012, 1, 16)) { IsNew = true }; var domainEntry2 = new Entry( account: "account number 2", amountIn: 3m, amountOut: 4m, bookingDate: new DateTime(2012, 1, 3), currency: "USD", description: "my other description", payee: "the other payee", valueDate: new DateTime(2012, 1, 17)) { IsNew = true }; var collection = new EntryCollection { domainEntry1, domainEntry2 }; Gateways.Xml.XmlEntryCollection xmlCollection = this.mapper.MapToXml(collection); Assert.AreEqual(2, xmlCollection.Count); Assert.AreEqual("account number 1", xmlCollection[0].Account); Assert.AreEqual("account number 2", xmlCollection[1].Account); }
// TODO: Consider refactoring to use InternalGetDayEntries that takes delegates. It is slightly more // complicated because this method uses CategoryCache(). EntryCollection IBlogDataService.GetEntriesForCategory(string categoryName, string acceptLanguages) { CategoryCache cache = new CategoryCache(); cache.Ensure(data); EntryCollection entryList = new EntryCollection(); Entry entry; if (cache.UrlSafeCategories.ContainsKey(categoryName)) { categoryName = cache.UrlSafeCategories[categoryName]; } CategoryCacheEntry catEntry = cache.Entries[categoryName]; if (catEntry != null) { foreach (CategoryCacheEntryDetail detail in catEntry.EntryDetails) { DayEntry day = data.Days[detail.DayDateUtc]; if (day != null) { Predicate<Entry> entryCriteria = null; if (acceptLanguages != null && acceptLanguages.Length > 0) { entryCriteria += EntryCollectionFilter.DefaultFilters.IsInAcceptedLanguagesOrMultiLingual(acceptLanguages); } day.Load(data); entry = day.GetEntries(entryCriteria)[detail.EntryId]; if (entry != null) { entryList.Add(entry); } } } } entryList.Sort((left, right) => right.CreatedUtc.CompareTo(left.CreatedUtc)); return entryList; }
public void GetAllUserEntries_GetSecondPageWithTenUsersWithVirtualListViewSupportEnabled_ReturnsUnmodifedListFromSearcher() { var searcher = A.Fake<IDirectorySearcher>(); var entryCollection = new EntryCollection(A.CollectionOfFake<IEntry>(100)); A.CallTo(() => searcherFactory.CreateSearcher(A<IEntry>.Ignored, SearchScope.Subtree, ldapConfig.Users)).Returns(searcher); A.CallTo(() => searcher.FindAll()).Returns(entryCollection); A.CallTo(() => ldapConfig.Server.VirtualListViewSupport).Returns(true); int totalRecords; var result = adapter.GetAllUserEntries(1, 10, out totalRecords); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(entryCollection, result); }
public void GetAllUserEntries_PageSizeLessThanOne_ArgumentOutOfRangeException() { var searcher = A.Fake<IDirectorySearcher>(); var entryCollection = new EntryCollection(A.CollectionOfFake<IEntry>(1)); A.CallTo(() => searcherFactory.CreateSearcher(A<IEntry>.Ignored, SearchScope.Subtree, ldapConfig.Users)).Returns(searcher); A.CallTo(() => searcher.FindAll()).Returns(entryCollection); int totalRecords; Assert.Throws( Is.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>().And.Property("ParamName").EqualTo("pageSize"), () => adapter.GetAllUserEntries(0, 0, out totalRecords)); }
public void GetAllRoles_GetOneRoleEntriyFromAdapter_ReturnsRoleWithSameNameAsInAdapter() { var roleEntries = new EntryCollection(); var roleEntry = A.Fake<IEntry>(); A.CallTo(() => roleEntry.Name).Returns("role"); roleEntries.Add(roleEntry); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetAllRoleEntries()).Returns(roleEntries); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupName(A<IEntry>.Ignored)).ReturnsLazily(c => c.GetArgument<IEntry>(0).Name); var result = provider.GetAllRoles(); Assert.AreEqual("role", result[0]); }
public void GetAllUserEntries_SearcherReturnsNoEntries_ReturnsEmptyArray() { var searcher = A.Fake<IDirectorySearcher>(); var entryCollection = new EntryCollection(); A.CallTo(() => searcherFactory.CreateSearcher(A<IEntry>.Ignored, SearchScope.Subtree, ldapConfig.Users)).Returns(searcher); A.CallTo(() => searcher.FindAll()).Returns(entryCollection); int totalRecords; var result = adapter.GetAllUserEntries(0, 1, out totalRecords); CollectionAssert.IsEmpty(result); }
public void GetUsersInRole_NoRangeRetrievalSupportSoGetUserEntriesFromGroupMembershipAttribute_ReturnUserInRole() { var roleEntries = new EntryCollection(); var roleEntry = A.Fake<IEntry>(); A.CallTo(() => roleEntry.Name).Returns("role"); roleEntries.Add(roleEntry); A.CallTo(() => providerConfig.LdapConfig.Groups.MembershipAttribute).Returns("rdnattribute"); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupEntry("role", true)).Returns(roleEntry); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupName(A<IEntry>.Ignored)).ReturnsLazily(c => c.GetArgument<IEntry>(0).Name); A.CallTo(() => container.UserEntryAdapter.GetUsersFromEntry(roleEntry, "rdnattribute")).Returns(new[]{ "username" }); var result = provider.GetUsersInRole("role"); Assert.AreEqual("username", result[0]); }
public void GetAllUserEntries_GetACollectionOfHundred_ReturnsHundredTotalRecors() { var searcher = A.Fake<IDirectorySearcher>(); var entryCollection = new EntryCollection(A.CollectionOfFake<IEntry>(100)); A.CallTo(() => searcherFactory.CreateSearcher(A<IEntry>.Ignored, SearchScope.Subtree, ldapConfig.Users)).Returns(searcher); A.CallTo(() => searcher.FindAll()).Returns(entryCollection); int totalRecords; adapter.GetAllUserEntries(0, 1, out totalRecords); Assert.AreEqual(100, totalRecords); }
public void GetRolesForUser_AddTwoRoles_ReturnRolesSortedAlphabetial() { var roleEntries = new EntryCollection(); var roleEntry1 = A.Fake<IEntry>(); var roleEntry2 = A.Fake<IEntry>(); A.CallTo(() => roleEntry1.Name).Returns("role z"); A.CallTo(() => roleEntry2.Name).Returns("role a"); roleEntries.Add(roleEntry1); roleEntries.Add(roleEntry2); A.CallTo(() => providerConfig.LdapConfig.Groups.MembershipAttribute).Returns("rdnattribute"); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupsWithEntryAsMemebership(A<IEntry>.Ignored)).Returns(roleEntries); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupEntry("role z", true)).Returns(roleEntry1); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupEntry("role a", true)).Returns(roleEntry2); A.CallTo(() => container.GroupEntryAdapter.GetGroupName(A<IEntry>.Ignored)).ReturnsLazily(c => c.GetArgument<IEntry>(0).Name); A.CallTo(() => container.UserEntryAdapter.GetUsersFromEntry(A<IEntry>.Ignored, "rdnattribute")).Returns(new[]{ "username" }); var result = provider.GetRolesForUser("username"); Assert.AreEqual("role a", result[0]); Assert.AreEqual("role z", result[1]); }
public void GetAllUserEntries_GetAllUsersWithVirtualListViewSupportEnabled_ReturnsTotalRecordsFromVirtualListView() { var searcher = A.Fake<IDirectorySearcher>(); var entryCollection = new EntryCollection(A.CollectionOfFake<IEntry>(1)); A.CallTo(() => searcherFactory.CreateSearcher(A<IEntry>.Ignored, SearchScope.Subtree, ldapConfig.Users)).Returns(searcher); A.CallTo(() => searcher.FindAll()).Returns(entryCollection); A.CallTo(() => ldapConfig.Server.VirtualListViewSupport).Returns(true); adapter.VirtualListViewTotalCount = 100; int totalRecords; adapter.GetAllUserEntries(1, 10, out totalRecords); Assert.AreEqual(100, totalRecords); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an EntryCollection whose entries all fit the criteria /// specified by include. /// </summary> /// <param name="dayEntryCriteria">A delegate that specifies which days should be included.</param> /// <param name="entryCriteria">A delegate that specifies which entries should be included.</param> /// <param name="maxDays">The maximum number of days to include.</param> /// <param name="maxEntries">The maximum number of entries to return.</param> /// <returns></returns> public EntryCollection /*IBlogDataService*/ GetEntries( Predicate<DayEntry> dayEntryCriteria, Predicate<Entry> entryCriteria, int maxDays, int maxEntries) { EntryCollection entries = new EntryCollection(); DayEntryCollection days = this.InternalGetDayEntries(dayEntryCriteria, maxDays); int entryCount = 0; foreach (DayEntry day in days) { day.Load(data); foreach (Entry entry in day.GetEntries(entryCriteria)) { if (entryCount < maxEntries) { entries.Add(entry); entryCount++; } else { break; } } if (entryCount >= maxEntries) { break; } } return entries; }