Esempio n. 1
    void Start()
        mDistance      = CurrentCameraProfile.Distance;
        mDownViewAngle = CurrentCameraProfile.ViewAngle;

        mPlayer = GetComponentInParent <Entity_Player>();
    public override void Equip(Entity_Player targetPlayer)
        base.Equip(targetPlayer);       //Call base equip function

        if (armSide == Direction.Left)  //Equip as LEFT ARM...
            if (player.leftArm != null) //If this arm is REPLACING another...
            player.leftArm = this;                   //Establish connecction on playercontroller side
            if (player.rightArm != null)             //If player has another arm...
                otherArm          = player.rightArm; //Get controller from other arm
                otherArm.otherArm = this;            //Establish connection on other arm side
        else if (armSide == Direction.Right) //Equip as RIGHT ARM...
            if (player.rightArm != null)     //If this arm is REPLACING another...
            player.rightArm = this;                 //Establish connection on playercontroller side
            if (player.leftArm != null)             //If player has another arm...
                otherArm          = player.leftArm; //Get controller from other arm
                otherArm.otherArm = this;           //Establish connection on other arm side
Esempio n. 3
 public void OnPlayerInteract(Entity_Player Player)
     if (mPickupCooldown == 0 && Player.mInventory.TryGive(ref mItem))
Esempio n. 4
    void OnTriggerExit(Collider collider)
        Entity_Player player = collider.GetComponent <Entity_Player>();

        if (player != null)
Esempio n. 5
    /// <summary>
    /// World update tick called from world update thread
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Tick">The current tick number for this update</param>
    public void WorldUpdate(uint Tick)
        // Attempt to load chunks around player
        HashSet <ChunkID> loadArea = new HashSet <ChunkID>();

        // Populate load are near player
        Entity_Player player = Entity_Player.Main;

        if (player == null)

        const int radius = 3;
        ChunkID   c      = player.mChunkID;

        for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; ++x)
            for (int z = -radius; z <= radius; ++z)
                loadArea.Add(new ChunkID(c.X + x, c.Z + z));

        // Update or unload chunks near player
        VoxelChunk[] activeChunks = mCurrentTerrain.GetActiveChunks();
        foreach (VoxelChunk chunk in activeChunks)
            // In view, so update and remove from load area check
            if (loadArea.Contains(chunk.mChunkID))

            // Request that this chunk is unload
                mCurrentTerrain.RequestChunkUnload(chunk.mChunkID.X, chunk.mChunkID.Z);

        // Load all remaining areas in load area
        foreach (ChunkID id in loadArea)
            mCurrentTerrain.RequestChunkLoad(id.X, id.Z);
Esempio n. 6
    public override void CreateMenu(RectTransform Parent)
        Entity_Player player     = Entity_Player.Main;
        Vector2       startPoint = new Vector2(0, -Parent.rect.height * 0.5f);

        // Add callback
        mInventory = player.mInventory;
        mInventory.mChangeEvent += OnInventoryChange;

        // Create player hotbar
        uint  width     = Entity_Player.InventoryWidth;
        uint  height    = Entity_Player.InventoryHeight;
        float halfWidth = width * 0.5f;

        mInventorySlots = new InventorySlotUI[width, height];

        for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
            for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                // Inventory slot
                InventorySlotUI slot = Instantiate(InventorySlotUI.DefaultSlot, Parent);
       = "Slot " + x + "," + y;
                slot.Construct(mInventory, x, y);

                // Make sure inventory is in order from top-left to bottom-right
                int displayY = y;
                if (y != 0)
                    displayY = (int)height - y;

                RectTransform slotRect = slot.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                slotRect.localPosition = startPoint + new Vector2(slotRect.rect.width * (x - halfWidth + 0.5f), slotRect.rect.height * (displayY + 0.5f));

                // Set hotbar different colour
                if (y != 0)

                // Set contents
                slot.SetItem(player.mInventory.Get(x, y));

                mInventorySlots[x, y] = slot;
Esempio n. 7
    public virtual void Equip(Entity_Player targetPlayer)
        //EQUIP: Attaches this piece of equipment to player and fulfills all necessary contingencies

        //Initialization & Validation:
        if (targetPlayer == null)                                     //If given playerController is not valid or present...
            Debug.LogError(name + " failed Equip, no player given."); //Log error
            return;                                                   //End equip function

        //Establish Initial Connections:
        player = targetPlayer; //Record given player script

        //Additional Cleanup:
        equipped = true; //Indicate that this arm is now equipped
Esempio n. 8
//==|CORE EQUIPMENT FUNCTIONS|==-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public virtual void Initialize()
        //INITIALIZE: Fully Initializes this equipment in scene based on current parent

        //Find Equipment Parent:
        player = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Entity_Player>(); //Try to find player script in parent

        //Initialization Variants:
        if (player != null) //PLAYER INIT: If equipment is attached to player...
            Equip(player);  //Equip this arm to player
        else //UNSUCCESSFUL INIT: If equipment init state has not been accounted for...
            Debug.LogError(name + " could not be initialized. Is parent missing?"); //Log error
Esempio n. 9
//==|CORE FUNCTIONS|==---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public override void Initialize()
        //Description: Validates all objects specific to this controller (in addition to initial validation phase)

        base.Initialize(); //Call base initialization method

        //Attempt to Get Components:
        player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Entity_Player>(); //Attempt to locate player object and script in scene

        if (player == null)                                                       //If player could not be found...
            Debug.LogError(name + " could not identify player.");                 //Log error
        if (interceptField == null)                                               //If enemy does not have an intercept field...
            Debug.LogError(name + " does not have an intercept field assigned."); //Log error
Esempio n. 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Called when this item attempts to be used by some entity
    /// </summary>
    public override bool Use(Entity User, ref ItemStack Source)
        Entity_Player player = Entity_Player.Main;

        // Ignore if not used by player
        if (User != player)

        VoxelHitInfo hit;
        // Ignore liquids
        int mask = ~(1 << (int)VoxelType.Liquid);

        if (player.mTerrain.PerformRayCast(player.InteractionRay, out hit, 100, false, mask))
            return(player.mTerrain.DestroyVoxel(hit.X, hit.Y, hit.Z));

    /// <summary>
    /// Called when this item attempts to be used by some entity
    /// </summary>
    public override bool Use(Entity User, ref ItemStack Source)
        Entity_Player player = Entity_Player.Main;

        // Ignore if not used by player
        if (User != player)

        VoxelHitInfo hit;
        // Ignore liquids
        int mask = ~(1 << (int)VoxelType.Liquid);

        if (player.mTerrain.PerformRayCast(player.InteractionRay, out hit, 100, false, mask))
            Point p = new Point(
                Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.X + hit.Normal.x),
                Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.Y + hit.Normal.y),
                Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.Z + hit.Normal.z)

            bool placed = player.mTerrain.PlaceVoxel(p.x, p.y, p.z, mVoxelMaterial, ushort.MaxValue, ~mask);

            if (placed)
                if (Source.mItemCount == 0)
                    Source = new ItemStack(0);

Esempio n. 12
    void Start()
        if (Main == null)
            Main = this;
            Debug.Log("World Manager created.");

            // Make sure library is initialized
            mWorker = GetComponent <WorldWorker>();

            mCurrentTerrain = VoxelTerrain.New(-1);

            Entity_Player player = Resources.Load <Entity_Player>("Entities/Human/Player/Player Prefab");
            Debug.LogError("Cannot have multiple world managers active at once.");
Esempio n. 13
 void Start()
     mMovement     = GetComponent <HumanMovement>();
     mPlayer       = GetComponent <Entity_Player>();
     mPlayerCamera = GetComponentInChildren <PlayerCamera>();
Esempio n. 14
    void Update()
        if (mPickupCooldown > 0)
            mPickupCooldown -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (mPickupCooldown < 0)
                mPickupCooldown = 0;

        bool invOpen = MenuController.Main.bIsInventoryOpen;

        // If different state, update visibility
        if (invOpen != bIsInventoryOpen)
            bIsInventoryOpen        = invOpen;
            mItemDisplay.bIsVisible = bIsInventoryOpen;

        // Move cursor to mouse position
        if (bIsInventoryOpen)
            transform.position = Input.mousePosition;

            Entity_Player player = Entity_Player.Main;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
                if (CurrentSlot != null)

                // Drop whole stack
                    if (mCurrentItem.mType != ItemType.None)
                        // Throw item
                            new Vector3(200 * (player.mMovement.bIsFacingRight ? 1 : -1), 100, Random.Range(-50, 50))

                        mCurrentItem = new ItemStack(0);

            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse1))
                if (mPickupCooldown == 0)
                    // Increase the pickup speed steadily
                    mPickupCooldown        = mPickupCooldownAmount;
                    mPickupCooldownAmount -= 0.7f * Time.deltaTime;
                    if (mPickupCooldownAmount < 0.005f)
                        mPickupCooldownAmount = 0.005f;

                    if (CurrentSlot != null)

                    // Drop 1 item
                        ItemStack item = mCurrentItem;

                        if (item.mType != ItemType.None)
                            // Throw item
                                new ItemStack(item.mItemID, 1),
                                new Vector3(200 * (player.mMovement.bIsFacingRight ? 1 : -1), 100, Random.Range(-50, 50))

                            // If empty, replace hand with nothing
                            if (--item.mItemCount == 0)
                                item = new ItemStack(0);

                            mCurrentItem = item;
                mPickupCooldownAmount = 0.15f;