Esempio n. 1
        private string ProcessNode(EntitySetQueryNode entitySet)
            var entitySetType = _map.GetUriForType(entitySet.EntitySet.ElementType.FullName());

            if (entitySetType == null)
                // Throw exception
            var instancesVariable = _sparqlModel.NextVariable();

                new TriplePattern(
                    new VariablePatternItem(instancesVariable),
                    new UriPatternItem(""),
                    new UriPatternItem(entitySetType)
            _sparqlModel.AddSelectVariable(instancesVariable, entitySet.ItemType.FullName(), true);
            _sparqlModel.IsDescribe = true;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds a root path segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segmentToken">The segment to bind.</param>
        /// <returns>The bound node.</returns>
        private QueryNode BindRootSegment(SegmentQueryToken segmentToken)
            Debug.Assert(segmentToken != null, "segmentToken != null");
            Debug.Assert(segmentToken.Parent == null, "Only root segments should be allowed here.");
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(segmentToken.Name), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(segmentToken.Name)");

            //// This is a metadata-only version of the RequestUriProcessor.CreateFirstSegment.

            if (segmentToken.Name == UriQueryConstants.MetadataSegment)
                // TODO: $metadata segment parsing - no key values are allowed.
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (segmentToken.Name == UriQueryConstants.BatchSegment)
                // TODO: $batch segment parsing - no key values are allowed.
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // TODO: WCF DS checks for $count here first and fails. But not for the other $ segments.
            // which means other $segments get to SO resolution. On the other hand the WCF DS would eventually fail if an SO started with $.

            // Look for a service operation
            IEdmFunctionImport serviceOperation = this.model.TryResolveServiceOperation(segmentToken.Name);
            if (serviceOperation != null)
                return this.BindServiceOperation(segmentToken, serviceOperation);

            // TODO: Content-ID reference resolution. Do we actually do anything here or do we perform this through extending the metadata binder?

            // Look for an entity set.
            IEdmEntitySet entitySet = this.model.TryResolveEntitySet(segmentToken.Name);
            if (entitySet == null)
                throw new ODataException(Strings.MetadataBinder_RootSegmentResourceNotFound(segmentToken.Name));

            EntitySetQueryNode entitySetQueryNode = new EntitySetQueryNode()
                EntitySet = entitySet

            if (segmentToken.NamedValues != null)
                return this.BindKeyValues(entitySetQueryNode, segmentToken.NamedValues);

            return entitySetQueryNode;
 /// <summary>
 /// Translates an entity set node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entitySetNode">The entity set query node to translate.</param>
 /// <returns>Expression which evaluates to IQueryable&lt;T&gt; where T is the InstanceType of the type of the entity set.</returns>
 protected abstract Expression TranslateEntitySet(EntitySetQueryNode entitySetNode);
Esempio n. 4
 private string ProcessNode(EntitySetQueryNode entitySet)
     var entitySetType = _map.GetUriForType(entitySet.EntitySet.ElementType.FullName());
     if (entitySetType == null)
         // Throw exception
     var instancesVariable = _sparqlModel.NextVariable();
         new TriplePattern(
             new VariablePatternItem(instancesVariable),
             new UriPatternItem(""),
             new UriPatternItem(entitySetType)
     _sparqlModel.AddSelectVariable(instancesVariable, entitySet.ItemType.FullName(), true);
     _sparqlModel.IsDescribe = true;
     return instancesVariable;