Esempio n. 1
        public void Test_EntityRepo_AttachDetach()
            var dbService = new TestDatabaseService();
            var repository = new EntityRepository(dms, dbService, new SequenceProvider(dbService));
            using (var ctx = dbService.GetDatabaseContext(true))
                #region prepare data
                var jordan = new Author()
                    FirstName = "Robert",
                    LastName = "Jordan",
                    IsAlive = false,
                    Born = new DateTime(1948, 10, 17),
                    Rating = 10.0m

                var feist = new Author()
                    FirstName = "Raymond",
                    LastName = "Feist",
                    IsAlive = true,
                    Born = new DateTime(1963, 2, 14),
                    Rating = 6.7m

                var fb1 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Apprentice",
                    Price = 19.90m

                var fb2 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Magician",
                    Price = 17.10m



                repository.Attach(feist, new Relation("author", fb1));
                var rel2 = new Relation("author", fb2);
                var writtenOn = new DateTime(1996, 4, 25);
                rel2.SetData<DateTime>("WrittenOn", writtenOn);
                repository.Attach(feist, rel2);

                var q = new EntityQuery2("author", feist.Id);
                q.AddProperties("FirstName", "lastname", "isalive", "born", "rating");
                q.Include("book", "author");
                var e = repository.Read(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, e.GetManyRelations("book", "author").Count());

                var bq = new EntityQuery2("book");
                bq.Include("author", "author");
                var bes = repository.Search(bq);
                foreach (var be in bes)
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, be.RelationsData.Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(feist.Id, be.GetSingleRelation("author", "author").Entity.Id);
                    if (be.Id == fb2.Id)
                        Assert.AreEqual(writtenOn, be.GetSingleRelation("author", "author").GetData<DateTime>("writtenon"));

                repository.Detach(feist, new Relation("author", fb1));
                e = repository.Read(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, e.GetManyRelations("book", "author").Count());

                repository.Attach(fb1, new Relation("author", feist));
                e = repository.Read(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, e.GetManyRelations("book", "author").Count());
                repository.Detach(fb1, new Relation("author", feist));
                e = repository.Read(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, e.GetManyRelations("book", "author").Count());

                bool ex = false;
                try { repository.Attach(fb2, new Relation("author", jordan)); }
                catch (Exception) { ex = true; }
                Assert.IsTrue(ex, "Exception not thrown when attaching two authors to single book");
Esempio n. 2
        public void Test_EntityRepo_Count()
            var dbService = new TestDatabaseService();
            var repository = new EntityRepository(dms, dbService, new SequenceProvider(dbService));
            using (var ctx = dbService.GetDatabaseContext(true))
                #region prepare data
                var jordan = new Author()
                    FirstName = "Robert",
                    LastName = "Jordan",
                    IsAlive = false,
                    Born = new DateTime(1948, 10, 17),
                    Rating = 10.0m

                var feist = new Author()
                    FirstName = "Raymond",
                    LastName = "Feist",
                    IsAlive = true,
                    Born = new DateTime(1963, 2, 14),
                    Rating = 6.7m

                var fb1 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Apprentice",
                    Price = 19.90m

                var fb2 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Magician",
                    Price = 17.10m

                var jb1 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Shadow is Rising",
                    Price = 21.15m
                var jb2 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Eye of the World",
                    Price = 25.80m

                repository.Attach(feist, new Relation("author", fb1));
                repository.Attach(feist, new Relation("author", fb2));
                repository.Attach(jordan, new Relation("author", jb1));
                repository.Attach(jordan, new Relation("author", jb2));

                var query = new EntityQuery2("author");
                query.AddProperties("firstname", "lastname", "born");
                var res = repository.Search(query);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, res.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(2, repository.Count(query));

                //greater then
                EntityQuery2 q = new EntityQuery2("book");
                q.WhereGreaterThen("price", 19.0m);
                Assert.AreEqual(3, repository.Search(q).Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(3, repository.Count(q));

                //less then
                q = new EntityQuery2("book");
                q.WhereLessThen("price", 20.0m);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, repository.Search(q).Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(2, repository.Count(q));

                //is boolean
                q = new EntityQuery2("author");
                q.WhereIs("isalive", false);
                var r = repository.Search(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, repository.Count(q));

                //is string (ignore case)
                q = new EntityQuery2("author");
                q.WhereIs("lastname", "jordan");
                r = repository.Search(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, repository.Count(q));

                //starts with
                q = new EntityQuery2("author");
                q.WhereStartsWith("firstname", "ra");
                r = repository.Search(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, repository.Count(q));

                //ends with
                q = new EntityQuery2("book");
                q.WhereEndsWith("title", "world");
                r = repository.Search(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, repository.Count(q));

                //less then
                q = new EntityQuery2("book");
                q.WhereAnyOf("id", new object[] { fb1.Id, jb1.Id, jb2.Id });
                Assert.AreEqual(3, repository.Search(q).Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(3, repository.Count(q));

                //between decimal
                q = new EntityQuery2("book");
                q.WhereBetween("price", 19.0m, 22.0m);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, repository.Search(q).Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(2, repository.Count(q));

                //between datetime
                q = new EntityQuery2("author");
                q.WhereBetween("born", new DateTime(1948, 1, 1), new DateTime(1949, 1, 1));
                r = repository.Search(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, repository.Count(q));

                q = new EntityQuery2("author");
                q.WhereBetween("born", new DateTime(1948, 1, 1), new DateTime(1949, 1, 1));
                q.WhereIs("isalive", true);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repository.Search(q).Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repository.Count(q));

                q = new EntityQuery2("author");
                q.WhereBetween("born", new DateTime(1960, 1, 1), new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
                q.WhereIs("isalive", true);
                q.WhereStartsWith("firstname", "ra");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, repository.Search(q).Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, repository.Count(q));
Esempio n. 3
        public void Test_EntityOperation_Update()
            var dbService = new TestDatabaseService();
            var repo = new EntityRepository(dms, dbService, new SequenceProvider(dbService));
            IEntityOperationService svc = new EntityOperationService(repo, dbService, new IEntityOperationInspector[] { new Inspector() }, new IEntityQueryInspector[] { new Inspector() }, new IEntityOperationLogic[] { new Logic() });
            EntityUpdate update = new EntityUpdate("Author");
            update.Set("FirstName", "John");
            update.Set("LastName", "Tolkin");
            update.Set("Numberofawards", 2);
            update.Set("IsAlive", false);

            EntityUpdate book = new EntityUpdate("book");
            book.Set("Title", "The Eye of the World");
            book.Set("genre", Genre.Fantasy);

            update.Attach("Book", "author", book.Id.Value);

            var result = svc.Update(update);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, result.Success);

            EntityQuery2 query = new EntityQuery2("Author");
            query.AddProperties("FirstName", "LastName", "IsAlive", "CreatedOn");
            query.Include("book", "author");
            var res = repo.Search(query);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Count());
            var a = res.Single();
            Assert.AreEqual("John", a.GetData<string>("Firstname"));
            Assert.AreEqual("Tolkin", a.GetData<string>("LastName"));
            var created = a.GetData<DateTime>("createdon");
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.Date, created.Date);
            var books = a.GetManyRelations("book", "author");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, books.Count());
            var b = books.Single().Entity;
            Assert.AreEqual("The Eye of the World", b.GetData<string>("title"));
            Assert.AreEqual(Genre.Fantasy, b.GetData<Genre>("genre"));
            created = b.GetData<DateTime>("createdon");
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.Date, created.Date);

            repo.Delete(a, true);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Test_EntityRepo_SearchWithRels()
            var dbService = new TestDatabaseService();
            var repository = new EntityRepository(dms, dbService, new SequenceProvider(dbService));
            using (var ctx = dbService.GetDatabaseContext(true))
                var jordan = new Author()
                    FirstName = "Robert",
                    LastName = "Jordan",
                    IsAlive = false,
                    Born = new DateTime(1948, 10, 17),
                    Rating = 10.0m

                var feist = new Author()
                    FirstName = "Raymond",
                    LastName = "Feist",
                    IsAlive = true,
                    Born = new DateTime(1963, 2, 14),
                    Rating = 6.7m

                var fb1 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Apprentice",
                    Price = 19.90m

                var fb2 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Magician",
                    Price = 17.10m

                repository.Attach(feist, new Relation("author", fb1));
                repository.Attach(feist, new Relation("author", fb2));

                var query = new EntityQuery2("author");
                query.AddProperties("firstname", "lastname", "born");
                query.Include("book", "author");
                var res = repository.Search(query);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, res.Count());
                var rf = res.Single(e => e.Id == feist.Id);
                var rj = res.Single(e => e.Id == jordan.Id);

                Assert.AreEqual(1, rf.RelationsData.Count);
                var books = rf.GetManyRelations("book", "author");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, books.Count());
                foreach (var r in books)
                    var orig = r.Entity.Id == fb1.Id ? fb1 : fb2;
                    foreach (var pm in dms.Domain.Entities["book"].Properties)
                        if (orig.Data.ContainsKey(pm.Name))
                            Assert.AreEqual(orig.Data[pm.Name], r.Entity.Data[pm.Name]);

                Assert.AreEqual(0, rj.RelationsData.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, rj.GetManyRelations("book", "author").Count());

                //TODO: rules!

Esempio n. 5
        public void Test_EntityRepo_SearchRelated()
            var dbService = new TestDatabaseService();
            var repository = new EntityRepository(dms, dbService, new SequenceProvider(dbService));
            using (var ctx = dbService.GetDatabaseContext(true))
                #region prepare data
                var jordan = new Author()
                    FirstName = "Robert",
                    LastName = "Jordan",
                    IsAlive = false,
                    Born = new DateTime(1948, 10, 17),
                    Rating = 10.0m

                var feist = new Author()
                    FirstName = "Raymond",
                    LastName = "Feist",
                    IsAlive = true,
                    Born = new DateTime(1963, 2, 14),
                    Rating = 6.7m

                var fb1 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Apprentice",
                    Price = 19.90m

                var fb2 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Magician",
                    Price = 17.10m

                var jb1 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Shadow is Rising",
                    Price = 21.15m
                var jb2 = new Book()
                    Title = "The Eye of the World",
                    Price = 25.80m

                repository.Attach(feist, new Relation("author", fb1));
                repository.Attach(feist, new Relation("author", fb2));
                repository.Attach(jordan, new Relation("author", jb1));
                repository.Attach(jordan, new Relation("author", jb2));

                EntityQuery2 query = new EntityQuery2("book");
                query.AllProperties = true;
                var fq = new RelationQuery("author", "author", feist.Id);
                var res = repository.Search(query);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, res.Count());
                Assert.IsNotNull(res.First(b => b.GetData<string>("title") == fb1.Title));
                Assert.IsNotNull(res.First(b => b.GetData<string>("title") == fb2.Title));

                query.Include("author", "author");
                res = repository.Search(query);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, res.Count());
                Assert.IsNotNull(res.First(b => b.GetData<string>("title") == fb1.Title));
                Assert.IsNotNull(res.First(b => b.GetData<string>("title") == fb2.Title));
Esempio n. 6
        public void Test_EntityRepo_Perf()
            var r = new Random();
            var dbService = new TestDatabaseService();
            var repository = new EntityRepository(dms, dbService, new SequenceProvider(dbService));
            using (var ctx = dbService.GetDatabaseContext(true))
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    EntityUpdate update = new EntityUpdate("author");
                    update.Set("firstname", "Robert" + i);
                    update.Set("lastname", "Jordan");
                    update.Set("isalive", false);
                    update.Set("Born", new DateTime(1948, 10, 17));
                    update.Set("Rating", 5.5m + r.Next(4));
                    var id = repository.Create(update.ToEntity());
                    Assert.IsTrue(id > 0);

                    EntityQuery2 q = new EntityQuery2("author", id);
                    q.AddProperties("FirstName", "lastname", "isalive", "born", "rating");
                    var e = repository.Read(q);
                    foreach (var pu in update.PropertyUpdates)
                        Assert.AreEqual(pu.Value, e.Data[pu.Key]);

                    EntityUpdate update2 = new EntityUpdate(e.Name, e.Id);
                    update2.Set("rating", 5.5m + r.Next(4));
                    update2.Set("lastname", e.Data["lastname"] + "_EDIT");

                    e = repository.Read(q);
                    foreach (var pu in update2.PropertyUpdates)
                        Assert.AreEqual(pu.Value, e.Data[pu.Key]);
                    foreach (var pu in update.PropertyUpdates)
                        if (!pu.Key.Equals("rating", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !pu.Key.Equals("lastname", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            Assert.AreEqual(pu.Value, e.Data[pu.Key]);



            using (var ctx = dbService.GetDatabaseContext(true))
                var qAll = new EntityQuery2("Author");
                var all = repository.Search(qAll);
                Assert.AreEqual(1000, all.Count());
                foreach (var a in all)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, repository.Search(qAll).Count());
Esempio n. 7
        public void Test_EntityRepo_Paging()
            var dbService = new TestDatabaseService();
            var repository = new EntityRepository(dms, dbService, new SequenceProvider(dbService));
            using (var ctx = dbService.GetDatabaseContext(true))
                #region prepare data

                int aCnt = 20;
                int bCnt = 3;
                for (int i = 0; i < aCnt; i++)
                    var a = new Author()
                        FirstName = "Fname" + i,
                        LastName = "Lname" + i,
                        Born = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20).AddDays(i),
                        NumberOfAwards = i / 3
                    for (int j = 0; j < bCnt; j++)
                        var b = new Book()
                            Title = string.Format("Book_{0}_{1}", i, j),
                            Genre = Genre.SciFi,
                            Price = 10.0m + j,
                            ISBN = string.Format("{0}_{1}", a.LastName, j)
                        repository.Attach(b, new Relation("author", a));

                Assert.AreEqual(aCnt, repository.Search(new EntityQuery2("author")).Count());
                Assert.AreEqual(aCnt * bCnt, repository.Search(new EntityQuery2("book")).Count());


                var query = new EntityQuery2("Author");
                query.AddProperties("FirstName", "LastName");
                query.Include("book", "author");
                query.Paging = new Paging(1, 10);
                var res = repository.Search(query);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, res.Count());
                int idx = 0;
                foreach (var r in res)
                    Assert.AreEqual("Fname" + idx, r.GetData<string>("firstname"));
                    var books = r.GetManyRelations("book", "author");
                    int bidx = 0;
                    foreach (var b in books)
                        Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("Book_{0}_{1}", idx, bidx++), b.Entity.GetData<string>("title"));

                //assert second page
                res = repository.Search(query);
                Assert.AreEqual(10, res.Count());
                foreach (var r in res)
                    Assert.AreEqual("Fname" + idx, r.GetData<string>("firstname"));
                    var books = r.GetManyRelations("book", "author");
                    int bidx = 0;
                    foreach (var b in books)
                        Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("Book_{0}_{1}", idx, bidx++), b.Entity.GetData<string>("title"));