Esempio n. 1
        public string UpdateChanges(EntityRecord entityRecord, IDictionary<string, object> existingRecord)
            var updateProperties = entityRecord.Values
                .Where(x => x.Raw is ValueBehavior == false)
                .Where(value => value.Property.IsKey == false)

            if (updateProperties.Any() == false)
                return "No changes";

            var changeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var propertyValue in updateProperties)
                var columnName = propertyValue.Property.Column.Undecorate();
                if (existingRecord.ContainsKey(columnName))
                    var oldValue = existingRecord[columnName];
                        "{0} ({1} => {2})",

            return changeBuilder.ToString();
Esempio n. 2
        public bool Validate(EntityRecord entityRecord)
            var instance = entityRecord.CreateInstance();
            var context = new ValidationContext(instance);
            var isValid = true;
            foreach (var propertyValue in entityRecord.Values.WhereIsNotSkipped())
                if (propertyValue.Property.TypeInfo.IsFile)
                    var result = _fileValidator.Validate(propertyValue);
                    if (result == false)
                        isValid = false;

                context.DisplayName = propertyValue.Property.Display;
                foreach (var validator in propertyValue.Property.Validators)
                        validator.Validate(propertyValue.Raw, context);
                    catch (ValidationException ex)
                        isValid = false;
                        _notificator.AddModelError(propertyValue.Property.Name, ex.Message);
                    catch (Exception ex)
            return isValid;
Esempio n. 3
        private DbCommand CreateCommand(EntityRecord entityRecord)
            var cmd = CreateBaseCommand(entityRecord);
            AddForeignsUpdate(cmd, entityRecord);
            AddManyToManyForeignsUpdate(cmd, entityRecord);

            return cmd;
Esempio n. 4
        private DbCommand CreateCommand(EntityRecord entityRecord)
            var cmd = CreateBaseCommand(entityRecord);
            if (entityRecord.Key.Count() == 1)
                AddForeignsUpdate(cmd, entityRecord);

            return cmd;
 public bool UpdateUserLastLoginTime(Guid userId)
     RecordManager recMan = new RecordManager(service);
     var record = new EntityRecord();
     record["id"] = userId;
     record["last_logged_in"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
     var response = recMan.UpdateRecord("user", record);
     return response.Success;
 private static IEnumerable<PropertyValue> GetPropertiesValuesToFill(
     EntityRecord entityRecord)
     return entityRecord.Values
         .Where(value =>
             value.Raw != null &&
             (value.Raw is ValueBehavior) == false &&
             !value.Property.IsForeignKey ||
             (value.Property.IsForeignKey && value.Property.TypeInfo.IsSystemType));
Esempio n. 7
        private DbCommand CreateCommand(
            EntityRecord entityRecord,
            IDictionary<string, PropertyDeleteOption> options)
            var cmd = CreateBaseCommand(entityRecord);
            if (entityRecord.Entity.SoftDeleteEnabled == false)
                AddForeignsSql(cmd, entityRecord, options);

            return cmd;
Esempio n. 8
 public string DeleteChanges(EntityRecord entityRecord, IDictionary<string, object> existingRecord)
     var display = entityRecord.ToString();
     var joinedKeyValue = "#" + entityRecord.JoinedKeysValues;
     if (display != joinedKeyValue)
         display += " ({0})".Fill(joinedKeyValue);
     return "Deleted " + display;
Esempio n. 9
 public string CreateChanges(EntityRecord entityRecord)
     var display = entityRecord.ToString();
     var joinedKeyValue = "#" + entityRecord.JoinedKeysValues;
     if (display != joinedKeyValue)
         display += " ({0})".Fill(joinedKeyValue);
     return "Created " + display;
Esempio n. 10
        private DbCommand CreateCommand(
            EntityRecord entityRecord,
            object concurrencyCheckValue = null)
            var cmd = CreateBaseCommand(entityRecord);
            AddConcurrencyCheck(cmd, entityRecord, concurrencyCheckValue);
            AddForeignsUpdate(cmd, entityRecord);
            AddManyToManyForeignsUpdate(cmd, entityRecord);

            return cmd;
Esempio n. 11
        public static EntityRecord ConvertToEntityRecord(object inputRecord)
            EntityRecord record = new EntityRecord();

            foreach (var prop in inputRecord.GetType().GetProperties())
                record[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(inputRecord);

            return record;
Esempio n. 12
        public IActionResult CreateEntityRecord(string entityName, [FromBody]EntityRecord postObj)
            if (postObj == null)
                postObj = new EntityRecord();

            if (!postObj.GetProperties().Any(x => x.Key == "id"))
                postObj["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(postObj["id"] as string))
                postObj["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();

            QueryResponse result = recMan.CreateRecord(entityName, postObj);
            return DoResponse(result);
Esempio n. 13
        public IEnumerable<BaseFilter> BuildFilters(EntityRecord entityRecord)
            var filters = GetAllFilters();

            foreach (var propertyValue in entityRecord.Values)
                var filterType = GetMatchingFilter(propertyValue.Property, filters);
                if (filterType == null)

                yield return CreateInstance(filterType, propertyValue);
Esempio n. 14
 private static void FillPropertiesValues(object instance, EntityRecord entityRecord)
     foreach (var propertyValue in GetPropertiesValuesToFill(entityRecord))
         var value = propertyValue.AsObject;
         if (IsFile(propertyValue))
             value = (value as HttpPostedFileWrapper).FileName;
         var propertyInfo = entityRecord.Entity.Type
         propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, value);
Esempio n. 15
        public static List<EntityRecord> AsRecordList(this DataTable table)
            List<EntityRecord> result = new List<EntityRecord>();

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                EntityRecord record = new EntityRecord();
                foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
                    record[column.ColumnName] = row[column.ColumnName];
            return result;
Esempio n. 16
        private DbCommand CreateBaseCommand(EntityRecord entityRecord)
            var cmd = DB.CreateCommand(_admin.ConnectionStringName);
            var whereParts = new List<string>();
            var counter = 0;
            foreach (var key in entityRecord.Keys)
                key.SqlParameterName = (counter++).ToString();
                whereParts.Add("{0} = @{1}".Fill(key.Property.Column, key.SqlParameterName));
            var constraintsSeparator = Environment.NewLine + "   AND ";
            var constraints = string.Join(constraintsSeparator, whereParts);
            var joinedKeySqlParamName = (counter++).ToString();
            var table = entityRecord.Entity.Table;

            if (entityRecord.Entity.SoftDeleteEnabled)
                var setsList = new List<string>();
                foreach (var property in entityRecord.Entity.Properties.
                    Where(x => x.OnDeleteDefaultValue != null))
                    AddParam(cmd, property);
                    var column = property.Column;
                    var parameterName = (counter++).ToString();
                    setsList.Add($"{column} = @{parameterName}");
                var setSeparator = "," + Environment.NewLine + "       ";
                var sets = string.Join(setSeparator, setsList);
                cmd.CommandText =
$@"UPDATE {table}
   SET {sets}
 WHERE {constraints};

SELECT @{joinedKeySqlParamName};";
                cmd.CommandText =
$@"DELETE {table}
 WHERE {constraints};

SELECT @{joinedKeySqlParamName};";

            return cmd;
Esempio n. 17
        protected virtual DbCommand CreateBaseCommand(EntityRecord entityRecord)
            var cmd = DB.CreateCommand(_admin.ConnectionStringName);
            var counter = 0;
            var updateProperties = entityRecord.Values
                .Where(value => value.Property.IsKey == false)
            if (updateProperties.Any())
                var setsList = new List<string>();

                foreach (var propertyValue in updateProperties)
                    AddParam(cmd, propertyValue);
                    var column = propertyValue.Property.Column;
                    var parameterName = (counter++).ToString();
                    setsList.Add($"{column} = @{parameterName}");
                cmd.AddParams(entityRecord.Key.Select(value => value.Raw).ToArray());
                var setsSeparator = "," + Environment.NewLine + "       ";
                var sets = string.Join(setsSeparator, setsList);
                var whereParts = new List<string>();
                foreach (var key in entityRecord.Key)
                    var column = key.Property.Column;
                    var parameterName = (counter++).ToString();
                    whereParts.Add($"{key.Property.Column} = @{parameterName}");
                var constraintSeparator = Environment.NewLine + "   AND ";
                var constraints = string.Join(constraintSeparator, whereParts);
                var table = entityRecord.Entity.Table;
                cmd.CommandText = $@"-- update record
UPDATE {table}
   SET {sets} 
 WHERE {constraints};
            var joinedKeyValueParameterName = counter.ToString();
            cmd.CommandText += $@"-- return record id
SELECT @{joinedKeyValueParameterName};
-- update foreign entities records";

            return cmd;
Esempio n. 18
        public object ExecuteWithChanges(
            DbCommand cmd,
            EntityRecord entityRecord,
            EntityChangeType changeType,
            Func<string> changeDescriber = null)
            _log.DebugFormat("Executing command: \r\n {0}", cmd.CommandText);
            object result;
            using (var conn = DB.OpenConnection(_admin.ConnectionStringName))
            using (var tx = conn.BeginTransaction())
                    cmd.Connection = conn;
                    cmd.Transaction = tx;
                    result = cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                    if (result != null)
                        if (_admin.IsChangesEnabled)
                            var changeCmd = CreateChangeCommand(entityRecord, changeType, result.ToString(), changeDescriber);
                            _log.DebugFormat("Executing change command: \r\n {0}", changeCmd.CommandText);
                            changeCmd.Connection = conn;
                            changeCmd.Transaction = tx;

                        _log.Debug("Commit transaction");
                catch (Exception ex)

            return result;
Esempio n. 19
        public void SkipNotChangedProperties(
            EntityRecord entityRecord, 
            IDictionary<string, object> existingRecord)
            foreach (var property in entityRecord.Values
                .Where(value => value.Property.IsKey == false))
                if (existingRecord.ContainsKey(property.Property.Column.Undecorate()))
                    var oldValue = existingRecord[property.Property.Column.Undecorate()];
                    var equals = Equals(property.Raw, oldValue);

                    if (equals)
                        property.DataBehavior = DataBehavior.Skip;
Esempio n. 20
        public EntityRecord GetEntityRecord(Entity entity, params string[] key)
            var keys = new object[key.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < key.Length; i++)
                keys[i] = new PropertyValue(entity.Key[i]).ToObject(key[i]);
            var item = GetRecord(entity, keys);
            if (item == null)
                return null;

            var entityRecord = new EntityRecord(entity);

            return entityRecord;
        public RecordHierarchy GetRecordHierarchy(
            EntityRecord entityRecord,
            IList<PropertyDeleteOption> deleteOptions = null)
                "Getting record hierarchy for entity record ({0}#{1})",

            var hierarchy = GetEntityHierarchy(entityRecord.Entity, deleteOptions);
            var sql = GenerateHierarchySql(hierarchy);
            _log.Debug($"Sql hierarchy: \r\n {sql}");
            var model = new DynamicModel(_admin.ConnectionStringName);
            var records = model.Query(sql, entityRecord.Key.Select(x => x.Raw).ToArray()).ToList();

            var recordHierarchy = GetHierarchyRecords(records, hierarchy);

            return recordHierarchy;
Esempio n. 22
        public string Create(EntityRecord entityRecord, Func<string> changeDescriber = null)
                var cmd = CreateCommand(entityRecord);

                var result = _executor.ExecuteWithChanges(

                return result.ToStringSafe();
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 23
        private DbCommand CreateBaseCommand(EntityRecord entityRecord)
            var sbColumns = new StringBuilder();
            var sbValues = new StringBuilder();

            var cmd = DB.CreateCommand(_admin.ConnectionStringName);
            var counter = 0;
            foreach (var propertyValue in entityRecord.Values
                .DistinctBy(x => x.Property.Column)
                .Where(x => x.Property.IsAutoKey == false))
                sbColumns.AppendFormat("{0},", propertyValue.Property.Column);
                sbValues.AppendFormat("@{0},", counter);
                AddParam(cmd, propertyValue);
            var columns = sbColumns.ToString().Substring(0, sbColumns.Length - 1);
            var values = sbValues.ToString().Substring(0, sbValues.Length - 1);
            var idType = "int";
            var insertedId = "SCOPE_IDENTITY()";
            if (entityRecord.Keys.Count > 1 || entityRecord.Keys.FirstOrDefault().Property.TypeInfo.IsString)
                idType = "nvarchar(max)";
                insertedId = "@" + counter;
            var table = entityRecord.Entity.Table;

            cmd.CommandText =
$@"-- insert record
INSERT INTO {table} ({columns}) 
VALUES ({values});
-- return record id
DECLARE @newID {idType} = {insertedId};
-- update foreign entities records";

            return cmd;
Esempio n. 24
        private DbCommand CreateChangeCommand(
            EntityRecord entityRecord,
            EntityChangeType changeType,
            string keyValue,
            Func<string> changeDescriber = null)
            if(changeType == EntityChangeType.Insert)

            var cmd = DB.CreateCommand(_admin.ConnectionStringName);

            var changeEntity = _admin.ChangeEntity;
            var table = changeEntity.Table;
            var entityNameColumn = changeEntity["EntityName"].Column;
            var entityKeyColumn = changeEntity["EntityKey"].Column;
            var changeTypeColumn = changeEntity["ChangeType"].Column;
            var recordDisplayColumn = changeEntity["RecordDisplayName"].Column;
            var descriptionColumn = changeEntity["Description"].Column;
            var changedOnColumn = changeEntity["ChangedOn"].Column;
            var changedByColumn = changeEntity["ChangedBy"].Column;

            var sql =
$@"INSERT INTO {table} ({entityNameColumn}, {entityKeyColumn}, {changeTypeColumn}, {recordDisplayColumn}, {descriptionColumn}, {changedOnColumn}, {changedByColumn})
VALUES (@0,@1,@2,@3,@4,@5,@6);";

            cmd.AddParam(changeDescriber == null ? null : changeDescriber());

            cmd.CommandText = sql;

            return cmd;
Esempio n. 25
        public bool Delete(
            EntityRecord entityRecord,
            IDictionary<string, PropertyDeleteOption> options,
            Func<string> changeDescriber = null)
                var cmd = CreateCommand(entityRecord, options);

                var result = _executor.ExecuteWithChanges(

                return result != null;
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 26
        protected virtual void VerifyModifiedValues(EntityRecord record)
            var rights = record.UserPermissions;

            if (rights == null)
            var members = record.EntityInfo.Members;

            for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++)
                var member = members[i];
                if (member.Kind != MemberKind.Column)
                if (record.Modified(member) && !rights.UpdateStrict.Allowed(member))
                    //value was modified but update is not allowed for this member
                    AccessDenied(AccessType.UpdateStrict, record, member);
Esempio n. 27
        private EntityRecord ConvertJObjectToEntityRecord(JObject jObj, List <EqlFieldMeta> fieldMeta)
            EntityRecord record = new EntityRecord();

            foreach (EqlFieldMeta meta in fieldMeta)
                if (meta.Field != null)
                    record[meta.Field.Name] = DbRecordRepository.ExtractFieldValue(jObj[meta.Field.Name], meta.Field);
                else if (meta.Relation != null)
                    List <EntityRecord> relRecords = new List <EntityRecord>();
                    JArray relatedJsonRecords      = jObj[meta.Name].Value <JArray>();
                    foreach (JObject relatedObj in relatedJsonRecords)
                        relRecords.Add(ConvertJObjectToEntityRecord(relatedObj, meta.Children));

                    record[meta.Name] = relRecords;
Esempio n. 28
        // identity/output parameters handling ===========================================================================
        // called only non-batch mode
        public bool CheckReferencesNewIdentity(EntityRecord rec, SqlColumnValuePlaceHolder cph, out string idParamName)
            idParamName = null;
            if (!ReferencesNewIdentity(rec, cph.Column, out EntityRecord targetRec))
            var targetCmdData = targetRec.DbCommandData;

            Util.Check(targetCmdData != null, "Fatal error: the target record of FK column {0} does not have {1} field set. " +
                       "Fault in record sequencing.", cph.Column.ColumnName, nameof(EntityRecord.DbCommandData));
            var idPrmInfo = targetCmdData.OutputParameters.First(op => op.Column.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity));

            Util.Check(idPrmInfo != null, "Fatal error: the identity parameter is not found in referenced target record. " +
                       "Fault in record sequencing.");

            // Batch mode: check if identity parameter belongs to the same data command - the case for very large batches that contaim multiple
            // DbCommands (each containing mltiple update SQLs). It may happen that parameter returning identity is in different (prior)
            // DbCommand. Note: parameters cannot be reused accross DB commands
            if (targetRec.DbCommandData.DbCommand == this._dbCommand)
                // use the same parameter
                idParamName = idPrmInfo.Parameter.ParameterName;
            // different batch command. Create new parameter and copy action
            var newPrm = AddParameter(cph, 0, rec);

            idParamName    = newPrm.ParameterName;
            _paramCopyList = _paramCopyList ?? new List <BatchParamCopy>();
            _paramCopyList.Add(new BatchParamCopy()
                From = idPrmInfo.Parameter, To = newPrm
Esempio n. 29
        public string FormatColumnValuePlaceHolder(SqlColumnValuePlaceHolder cph, EntityRecord rec)
            object memberValue = null;
            object colValue    = null;

            // If it is output, it must be parameters
            if (cph.ParamDirection != ParameterDirection.Input)
                if (cph.ParamDirection == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) //do we need initial value
                    memberValue = rec.GetValueDirect(cph.Column.Member);
                    memberValue = cph.Column.Member.DefaultValue; //this is important to setup prm.DbType for output parameter
                colValue = cph.Column.Converter.PropertyToColumn(memberValue);
                return(AddParameter(cph, colValue, rec).ParameterName);
            // special case: column references new identity value for record inserted in the same transaction
            if (_batchMode && CheckReferencesNewIdentity(rec, cph, out string prmName))
            // get value and check if we can use literal
            memberValue = rec.GetValueDirect(cph.Column.Member);
            colValue    = cph.Column.Converter.PropertyToColumn(memberValue);
            if (ShouldUseLiteral(memberValue, cph.Column))
                return(FormatAsLiteral(cph, colValue));
                return(AddParameter(cph, colValue, rec).ParameterName);
Esempio n. 30
        public override object RecordGetMemberValue(EntityRecord record, EntityMemberInfo member)
            if (record.Status == EntityStatus.Loading || ReadUnrestricted || !record.AccessCheckEnabled)
                return(base.RecordGetMemberValue(record, member));
            //Not elevated
            if (!CheckRecordAccess(record, _demandReadAccessType))
            var rights  = record.UserPermissions;
            var allowed = _demandReadAccessLevel == ReadAccessLevel.Peek ?
                          rights.Peek.Allowed(member) : rights.Peek.Allowed(member);

            if (allowed)
                return(base.RecordGetMemberValue(record, member));
            //Access denied
            AccessDenied(_demandReadAccessType, record, member);
            // if AccessDenied did not throw, return default value
Esempio n. 31

        //Copies PK values into corresponding FK
        public static void CopyPrimaryKeyToForeign(EntityRecord record, EntityMemberInfo entityRefMember, EntityRecord refTarget)
            var refInfo   = entityRefMember.ReferenceInfo;
            var fkMembers = refInfo.FromKey.ExpandedKeyMembers;

            //If target is null, set all to DbNull
            if (refTarget == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < fkMembers.Count; i++)
                    record.SetValueDirect(fkMembers[i].Member, DBNull.Value);
            //refTarget is not null
            var pkMembers = refInfo.ToKey.ExpandedKeyMembers;

            for (int i = 0; i < pkMembers.Count; i++)
                //copy value from PK to FK member
                var value = refTarget.GetValueDirect(pkMembers[i].Member);
                record.SetValueDirect(fkMembers[i].Member, value);
Esempio n. 32
        public bool Update(
            EntityRecord entityRecord,
            object concurrencyCheckValue = null,
            Func<string> changeDescriber = null)
                var cmd = CreateCommand(entityRecord, concurrencyCheckValue);

                var previewSql = cmd.PreviewCommandText();

                var result = _executor.ExecuteWithChanges(

                if (result == null)
                    return false;
                if (result.Is(Const.ConcurrencyCheckError_ReturnValue))
                    throw new ConcurrencyCheckException(IlaroAdminResources.ConcurrencyCheckError);

                return true;
            catch (ConcurrencyCheckException ex)
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 33
        public void SetSidebarSize(Guid userId, string size)
            var currentUser = new SecurityManager().GetUser(userId);

            if (currentUser == null)
                throw new Exception("Unknown user");

            var currentPref = currentUser.Preferences;

            currentPref.SidebarSize = size;

            var updateRecord = new EntityRecord();

            updateRecord["id"]          = currentUser.Id;
            updateRecord["preferences"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentPref);
            var updateResponse = new RecordManager().UpdateRecord("user", updateRecord);

            if (!updateResponse.Success)
                throw new Exception(updateResponse.Message);
Esempio n. 34
        private static Email EntityRecordToEmailConvert(EntityRecord rec)
            if (rec == null)

            Email model = new Email();

            model.Id           = (Guid)rec["id"];
            model.ServiceId    = (Guid)rec["service_id"];
            model.Sender       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EmailAddress>((string)rec["sender"]);
            model.Recipients   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <EmailAddress> >((string)rec["recipients"]);
            model.ReplyToEmail = (string)rec["reply_to_email"];
            model.Subject      = (string)rec["subject"];
            model.ContentText  = (string)rec["content_text"];
            model.ContentHtml  = (string)rec["content_html"];
            model.CreatedOn    = (DateTime)rec["created_on"];
            model.SentOn       = (DateTime?)rec["sent_on"];
            model.Status       = (EmailStatus)(int.Parse((string)rec["status"]));
            model.Priority     = (EmailPriority)(int.Parse((string)rec["priority"]));
            model.ServerError  = (string)rec["server_error"];
            model.ScheduledOn  = (DateTime?)rec["scheduled_on"];
            model.RetriesCount = (int)((decimal)rec["retries_count"]);
            model.XSearch      = (string)rec["x_search"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)rec["attachments"]))
                model.Attachments = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >((string)rec["attachments"]);
                model.Attachments = new List <string>();

Esempio n. 35
 private void CreateContact(
     IEnumerable <ContactRecord> contacts,
     EntityRecord entity,
     ContactType type,
     string title,
     string value)
     if (!contacts.Any(cont =>
                       cont.Type == (int)type &&
                       cont.Title == title &&
                       cont.Contact == value))
         var contact = new ContactRecord
             EntityRecord = entity,
             Type         = (byte)type,
             Title        = title.TrimIt(),
             Contact      = value.TrimIt()
         _log.Add(string.Format("{0} contact created", contact.Contact));
Esempio n. 36
        public EntityRecord GetComponentData(Guid userId, string componentFullName)
            var currentUser = new SecurityManager().GetUser(userId);

            if (currentUser == null)
                throw new Exception("Unknown user");

            var currentPref = currentUser.Preferences;

            var componentFullNameLowerCase = componentFullName.ToLowerInvariant();

            var componentDataDictionary = currentPref.ComponentDataDictionary;

            if (!componentDataDictionary.Properties.ContainsKey(componentFullNameLowerCase))

            EntityRecord record = ((JObject)componentDataDictionary[componentFullNameLowerCase]).ToObject <EntityRecord>();

Esempio n. 37
        private static EntityRecord ErpPageToEntityRecordConvert(ErpPage data)
            if (data == null)

            EntityRecord model = new EntityRecord();

            model["id"]            = data.Id;
            model["name"]          = data.Name;
            model["label"]         = data.Label;
            model["system"]        = data.System;
            model["type"]          = data.Type;
            model["icon_class"]    = data.IconClass;
            model["weight"]        = data.Weight;
            model["app_id"]        = data.AppId;
            model["entity_id"]     = data.EntityId;
            model["node_id"]       = data.NodeId;
            model["area_id"]       = data.AreaId;
            model["is_razor_body"] = data.IsRazorBody;
            model["layout"]        = data.Layout;
Esempio n. 38
        private static IReference[] GetEntityReferences(EntityRecord record, IEnumerable <string> storages)
            var result = new[]
                new Reference
                    Id      = record.Id,
                    Storage = StorageKeys.SmartWalk
                storages != null
                        ? record.EntityMappingRecords
                .Where(emr => storages.ContainsIgnoreCase(emr.StorageRecord.StorageKey))
                .Select(emr => new Reference
                Id      = emr.ExternalEntityId,
                Storage = emr.StorageRecord.StorageKey,
                Type    = emr.Type
                        : Enumerable.Empty <IReference>())

Esempio n. 39
 //this overload saves us some cycles when we know already entity type access and there's no record-level access
 private bool CheckRecordAccess(EntityRecord record, AccessType accessType, UserEntityTypePermission typePermissions)
     if (this.ReadUnrestricted)
     if (Context.User.Kind == UserKind.System)
         record.UserPermissions = UserRecordPermission.AllowAll;
     if (typePermissions.HasFilter)
         return(CheckRecordAccess(record, accessType));
     //Otherwise, assume record rights are the same as type access
     record.UserPermissions = typePermissions;
     if (typePermissions.AccessTypes.IsSet(accessType))
     AccessDenied(accessType, record);
Esempio n. 40
        private void SetRecordServiceInformation(EntityRecord record, bool newRecord = true)
            if (record == null)

            if (newRecord)
                record["created_on"]       = DateTime.UtcNow;
                record["last_modified_on"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (SecurityContext.CurrentUser != null)
                    record["created_by"]       = SecurityContext.CurrentUser.Id;
                    record["last_modified_by"] = SecurityContext.CurrentUser.Id;
                    record["created_by"]       = null;
                    record["last_modified_by"] = null;
                record["last_modified_on"] = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (SecurityContext.CurrentUser != null)
                    record["last_modified_by"] = SecurityContext.CurrentUser.Id;
                    record["last_modified_by"] = null;
Esempio n. 41
        public ActionResult DeleteTimelog([FromBody] EntityRecord record)
            var response = new ResponseModel();

            #region << Init >>

            Guid recordId = Guid.Empty;
            if (!record.Properties.ContainsKey("id") || record["id"] == null)
                throw new Exception("id is required");
            if (Guid.TryParse((string)record["id"], out Guid outGuid))
                recordId = outGuid;
                throw new Exception("id is invalid Guid");


                new TimeLogService().Delete(recordId);
            catch (Exception)
            response.Success = true;
            response.Message = "Comment successfully deleted";

Esempio n. 42
        private static EntityRecord SmtpServiceToEntityRecordConvert(SmtpService model)
            if (model == null)

            EntityRecord rec = new EntityRecord();

            rec["id"]                     = model.Id;
            rec["name"]                   = model.Name;
            rec["server"]                 = model.Server;
            rec["port"]                   = model.Port;
            rec["username"]               = model.Username;
            rec["password"]               = model.Password;
            rec["default_from_email"]     = model.DefaultFromEmail;
            rec["default_from_name"]      = model.DefaultFromName;
            rec["default_reply_to_email"] = model.DefaultReplyToEmail;
            rec["max_retries_count"]      = (decimal)((int)model.MaxRetriesCount);
            rec["retry_wait_minutes"]     = (decimal)((int)model.RetryWaitMinutes);
            rec["is_default"]             = model.IsDefault;
            rec["connection_security"]    = ((int)model.ConnectionSecurity).ToString();
Esempio n. 43
        public string Create(
            Entity entity,
            FormCollection collection,
            HttpFileCollectionBase files)
            var entityRecord = new EntityRecord(entity);
            entityRecord.Fill(collection, files, x => x.OnCreateDefaultValue);
            if (_validator.Validate(entityRecord) == false)
                return null;
            var existingRecord = _source.GetRecord(
                entityRecord.Key.Select(value => value.AsObject).ToArray());
            if (existingRecord != null)
                return null;

            var propertiesWithUploadedFiles = _filesHandler.Upload(
                x => x.OnCreateDefaultValue);

            var id = _creator.Create(
                () => _changeDescriber.CreateChanges(entityRecord));

            if (id.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false)

            return id;
Esempio n. 44
        private static SmtpService EntityRecordToSmtpServiceConvert(EntityRecord rec)
            if (rec == null)

            SmtpService model = new SmtpService();

            model.Id                  = (Guid)rec["id"];
            model.Name                = (string)rec["name"];
            model.Server              = (string)rec["server"];
            model.Port                = (int)((decimal)rec["port"]);
            model.Username            = (string)rec["username"];
            model.Password            = (string)rec["password"];
            model.DefaultFromEmail    = (string)rec["default_from_email"];
            model.DefaultFromName     = (string)rec["default_from_name"];
            model.DefaultReplyToEmail = (string)rec["default_reply_to_email"];
            model.MaxRetriesCount     = (int)((decimal)rec["max_retries_count"]);
            model.RetryWaitMinutes    = (int)((decimal)rec["retry_wait_minutes"]);
            model.IsDefault           = (bool)rec["is_default"];
            model.ConnectionSecurity  = (SecureSocketOptions)(int.Parse((string)rec["connection_security"]));
Esempio n. 45
        public IActionResult OnGet(BaseErpPageModel pageModel)
            var page = (ErpPage)pageModel.DataModel.GetProperty("Page");

            if (page != null && page.Id == CREATE_TASK_PAGE_ID)
                EntityRecord record = (EntityRecord)pageModel.DataModel.GetProperty("Record");

                #region << Init fields >>
                if (record == null)
                    record = new EntityRecord();

                //Preselect owner
                ErpUser currentUser = (ErpUser)pageModel.DataModel.GetProperty("CurrentUser");
                if (currentUser != null)
                    record["owner_id"] = currentUser.Id;

                //Preselect project
                if (pageModel.HttpContext.Request.Query.ContainsKey("projectId"))
                    var projectQueryId = pageModel.HttpContext.Request.Query["projectId"].ToString();
                    if (Guid.TryParse(projectQueryId, out Guid outGuid))
                        record["project_id"] = outGuid;

Esempio n. 46
        public void PostCreateApiHookLogic(string entityName, EntityRecord record)
            //Update key and search fields
            Guid   projectId      = Guid.Empty;
            Guid?  projectOwnerId = null;
            string taskSubject    = "";
            var    patchRecord    = new TaskService().SetCalculationFields((Guid)record["id"], subject: out taskSubject, projectId: out projectId, projectOwnerId: out projectOwnerId);
            var    updateResponse = new RecordManager(executeHooks: false).UpdateRecord("task", patchRecord);

            if (!updateResponse.Success)
                throw new Exception(updateResponse.Message);

            //Set the initial watchers list - project lead, creator, owner
            var watchers = new List <Guid>();

                var fieldName = "owner_id";
                if (record.Properties.ContainsKey(fieldName) && record[fieldName] != null)
                    var userId = (Guid)record[fieldName];
                    if (!watchers.Contains(userId))
                var fieldName = "created_by";
                if (record.Properties.ContainsKey(fieldName) && record[fieldName] != null)
                    var userId = (Guid)record[fieldName];
                    if (!watchers.Contains(userId))
            if (projectOwnerId != null)
                if (!watchers.Contains(projectOwnerId.Value))

            //Create relations
            var watchRelation = new EntityRelationManager().Read("user_nn_task_watchers").Object;

            if (watchRelation == null)
                throw new Exception("Watch relation not found");

            foreach (var userId in watchers)
                var createRelResponse = new RecordManager().CreateRelationManyToManyRecord(watchRelation.Id, userId, (Guid)record["id"]);
                if (!createRelResponse.Success)
                    throw new Exception(createRelResponse.Message);

            //Add activity log
            var subject        = $"created <a href=\"/projects/tasks/tasks/r/{patchRecord["id"]}/details\">[{patchRecord["key"]}] {taskSubject}</a>";
            var relatedRecords = new List <string>()
                patchRecord["id"].ToString(), projectId.ToString()
            var scope = new List <string>()

            //Add watchers as scope
            foreach (var userId in watchers)
            var taskSnippet = new Web.Services.RenderService().GetSnippetFromHtml((string)record["body"]);

            new FeedItemService().Create(id: Guid.NewGuid(), createdBy: SecurityContext.CurrentUser.Id, subject: subject,
                                         body: taskSnippet, relatedRecords: relatedRecords, scope: scope, type: "task");
Esempio n. 47
        public void PostPreUpdateApiHookLogic(string entityName, EntityRecord record, List <ErrorModel> errors)
            var eqlResult = new EqlCommand("SELECT id,number, $, $project_nn_task.abbr, $ FROM task WHERE id = @taskId", new EqlParameter("taskId", (Guid)record["id"])).Execute();

            if (eqlResult.Count > 0)
                var  oldRecord         = eqlResult[0];
                Guid?oldProjectId      = null;
                Guid?newProjectId      = null;
                var  taskWatcherIdList = new List <Guid>();
                var  projectAbbr       = "";
                if (oldRecord.Properties.ContainsKey("$project_nn_task") && oldRecord["$project_nn_task"] is List <EntityRecord> )
                    var projectRecords = (List <EntityRecord>)oldRecord["$project_nn_task"];
                    if (projectRecords.Any())
                        if (projectRecords[0].Properties.ContainsKey("id"))
                            oldProjectId = (Guid)projectRecords[0]["id"];
                        if (projectRecords[0].Properties.ContainsKey("abbr"))
                            projectAbbr = (string)projectRecords[0]["abbr"];

                if (record.Properties.ContainsKey("$") && record["$"] != null)
                    if (record["$"] is Guid)
                        newProjectId = (Guid)record["$"];
                    if (record["$"] is string)
                        newProjectId = new Guid(record["$"].ToString());

                if (oldRecord.Properties.ContainsKey("$user_nn_task_watchers") && oldRecord["$user_nn_task_watchers"] is List <EntityRecord> )
                    var watcherRecords = (List <EntityRecord>)oldRecord["$user_nn_task_watchers"];
                    foreach (var watcherRecord in watcherRecords)

                if (oldProjectId != null && newProjectId != null && oldProjectId != newProjectId)
                    var recMan         = new RecordManager();
                    var relations      = new EntityRelationManager().Read().Object;
                    var projectTaskRel = relations.First(x => x.Name == "project_nn_task");
                    if (projectTaskRel == null)
                        throw new Exception("project_nn_task relation not found");

                    //Remove all NN relation
                    var removeRelResponse = recMan.RemoveRelationManyToManyRecord(projectTaskRel.Id, oldProjectId, (Guid)record["id"]);
                    if (!removeRelResponse.Success)
                        throw new Exception(removeRelResponse.Message);

                    //Create new NN relation
                    var addRelResponse = recMan.RemoveRelationManyToManyRecord(projectTaskRel.Id, newProjectId, (Guid)record["id"]);
                    if (!addRelResponse.Success)
                        throw new Exception(addRelResponse.Message);

                    //change key
                    record["key"] = projectAbbr + "-" + ((decimal)oldRecord["number"]).ToString("N0");

                    var projectEqlResult = new EqlCommand("SELECT id,owner_id FROM project WHERE id = @projectId",
                                                          new EqlParameter("projectId", newProjectId)).Execute();
                    Guid?projectOwnerId = null;
                    if (projectEqlResult != null && ((List <EntityRecord>)projectEqlResult).Any())
                        var newProjectRecord = ((List <EntityRecord>)projectEqlResult).First();
                        if (newProjectRecord.Properties.ContainsKey("owner_id") && newProjectRecord["owner_id"] != null)
                            if (newProjectRecord["owner_id"] is Guid)
                                projectOwnerId = (Guid)newProjectRecord["owner_id"];
                            if (newProjectRecord["owner_id"] is string)
                                projectOwnerId = new Guid(newProjectRecord["owner_id"].ToString());
                    //check if the new project owner is in the watcher list and add it if not
                    if (projectOwnerId != null && !taskWatcherIdList.Contains(projectOwnerId.Value))
                        var watcherTaskRel = relations.First(x => x.Name == "user_nn_task_watchers");
                        if (watcherTaskRel == null)
                            throw new Exception("user_nn_task_watchers relation not found");

                        //Create new NN relation
                        var addWatcherRelResponse = recMan.RemoveRelationManyToManyRecord(watcherTaskRel.Id, projectOwnerId, (Guid)record["id"]);
                        if (!addWatcherRelResponse.Success)
                            throw new Exception(addWatcherRelResponse.Message);
Esempio n. 48
        private static EntityRecord create_filter_record(
            Entity entity,
            NameValueCollection request)
            var filterRecord = new EntityRecord(entity);
            if (request != null)

            return filterRecord;
Esempio n. 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the key and x_search contents and updates the task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        public EntityRecord SetCalculationFields(Guid taskId, out string subject, out Guid projectId, out Guid?projectOwnerId)
            subject        = "";
            projectId      = Guid.Empty;
            projectOwnerId = null;

            EntityRecord patchRecord = new EntityRecord();

            var getTaskResponse = new RecordManager().Find(new EntityQuery("task", "*,$task_type_1n_task.label,$task_status_1n_task.label,$project_nn_task.abbr,$, $project_nn_task.owner_id", EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", taskId)));

            if (!getTaskResponse.Success)
                throw new Exception(getTaskResponse.Message);
            if (!getTaskResponse.Object.Data.Any())
                throw new Exception("Task with this Id was not found");

            var taskRecord = getTaskResponse.Object.Data.First();

            subject = (string)taskRecord["subject"];
            var projectAbbr = "";
            var status      = "";
            var type        = "";

            if (((List <EntityRecord>)taskRecord["$project_nn_task"]).Any())
                var projectRecord = ((List <EntityRecord>)taskRecord["$project_nn_task"]).First();
                if (projectRecord != null && projectRecord.Properties.ContainsKey("abbr"))
                    projectAbbr = (string)projectRecord["abbr"];
                if (projectRecord != null)
                    projectId      = (Guid)projectRecord["id"];
                    projectOwnerId = (Guid?)projectRecord["owner_id"];
            if (((List <EntityRecord>)taskRecord["$task_status_1n_task"]).Any())
                var statusRecord = ((List <EntityRecord>)taskRecord["$task_status_1n_task"]).First();
                if (statusRecord != null && statusRecord.Properties.ContainsKey("label"))
                    status = (string)statusRecord["label"];
            if (((List <EntityRecord>)taskRecord["$task_type_1n_task"]).Any())
                var typeRecord = ((List <EntityRecord>)taskRecord["$task_type_1n_task"]).First();
                if (typeRecord != null && typeRecord.Properties.ContainsKey("label"))
                    type = (string)typeRecord["label"];

            patchRecord["id"]  = taskId;
            patchRecord["key"] = projectAbbr + "-" + ((decimal)taskRecord["number"]).ToString("N0");;

Esempio n. 50
        public IActionResult CreateTask([FromBody] JObject submitObj, Guid?projectId = null)
            var response = new ResponseModel();
            var task     = new EntityRecord();

            task["id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
            if (projectId != null)
                task["project_id"] = projectId;
            #region << ConvertObject >>

                foreach (var prop in submitObj.Properties())
                    switch (prop.Name.ToLower())
                    case "subject":
                        task["subject"] = (string)prop.Value;

                    case "description":
                        task["description"] = (string)prop.Value;

                    case "$":
                        task["project_id"] = (Guid)prop.Value;

                    case "start_date":
                        task["start_date"] = ((DateTime)prop.Value).ToUniversalTime();

                    case "end_date":
                        task["end_date"] = ((DateTime)prop.Value).ToUniversalTime();

                    case "priority":
                        task["priority"] = (string)prop.Value;

                    case "status":
                        task["status"] = (string)prop.Value;

                    case "owner_id":
                        //will be init in the below
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Success   = false;
                response.Errors    = new List <ErrorModel>();
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message   = "Validation error : " + ex.Message;
                response.Object    = null;

            #region << Validation >>
            var validationErrors = new List <ErrorModel>();
            var validationError  = new ErrorModel();
            if (!task.Properties.ContainsKey("subject") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)task["subject"]))
                validationError         = new ErrorModel();
                validationError.Key     = "subject";
                validationError.Message = "subject is required";
                validationError.Value   = "";

            if (!task.Properties.ContainsKey("project_id") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)task["project_id"]))
                validationError         = new ErrorModel();
                validationError.Key     = "project_id";
                validationError.Message = "project_id is required";
                validationError.Value   = "";

            if (!task.Properties.ContainsKey("status") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)task["status"]))
                validationError         = new ErrorModel();
                validationError.Key     = "status";
                validationError.Message = "status is required";
                validationError.Value   = "";

            if (!task.Properties.ContainsKey("priority") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)task["priority"]))
                validationError         = new ErrorModel();
                validationError.Key     = "priority";
                validationError.Message = "priority is required";
                validationError.Value   = "";

            if (validationErrors.Count > 0)
                response.Success   = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Errors    = validationErrors;
                response.Message   = "Validation error occurred!";
                response.Object    = null;


            #region << Get project owner and set as ticket owner >>
            EntityRecord projectObject = null;
                var filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", (Guid)task["project_id"]);
                var query     = new EntityQuery("wv_project", "*", filterObj, null, null, null);
                var result    = recMan.Find(query);
                if (!result.Success)
                    response.Success   = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message   = "Error getting the project: " + result.Message;
                    response.Object    = null;
                else if (result.Object == null || result.Object.Data == null || !result.Object.Data.Any())
                    response.Success   = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message   = "Project not found";
                    response.Object    = null;
                projectObject    = result.Object.Data[0];
                task["owner_id"] = (Guid)result.Object.Data[0]["owner_id"];

            //Create transaction
            using (var connection = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())
                    //Update project tasks counters
                        var patchObject = new EntityRecord();
                        patchObject["id"] = (Guid)projectObject["id"];
                        switch ((string)task["status"])
                        case "not started":
                            patchObject["x_tasks_not_started"] = (decimal)projectObject["x_tasks_not_started"] + 1;

                        case "in progress":
                            patchObject["x_tasks_in_progress"] = (decimal)projectObject["x_tasks_in_progress"] + 1;

                        case "completed":
                            patchObject["x_tasks_completed"] = (decimal)projectObject["x_tasks_completed"] + 1;
                        var updateResponse = recMan.UpdateRecord("wv_project", patchObject);
                        if (!updateResponse.Success)
                            throw new Exception(updateResponse.Message);
                    //Create task
                        var createResponse = recMan.CreateRecord("wv_task", task);
                        if (!createResponse.Success)
                            throw new Exception(createResponse.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    response.Success   = false;
                    response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    response.Message   = "Error saving the task: " + ex.Message;
                    response.Object    = null;
            response.Success   = true;
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            response.Message   = "My projects successfully read";
            response.Object    = null;

Esempio n. 51
 public void OnPostUpdateRecord(string entityName, EntityRecord record)
     new SearchService().RegenSearchField(entityName, record, Configuration.CaseSearchIndexFields);
Esempio n. 52
        public IActionResult ProjectMilestones(string listName = null, string entityName = null, int page = 0)
            var response = new ResponseModel();

            #region << Can user read projects >>
            //Get current user
            ErpUser user = SecurityContext.CurrentUser;
            //Get entity meta
            var entity = entityManager.ReadEntity(entityName).Object;
            //Get list meta
            var list = entityManager.ReadRecordList(entity.Name, listName).Object;
            //check if user role has permissions
            var canRead   = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canCreate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canUpdate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canDelete = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

            if (!canRead)
                response.Success   = false;
                response.Message   = "You do not have permission to read the projects in this system";
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                return(Json(response));                //return empty object

            #region << Get the project id >>
            var queryString   = HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString();
            var queryKeyValue = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(queryString);
            var projectId     = new Guid();
            if (queryKeyValue.ContainsKey("recordId") && Guid.TryParse(queryKeyValue["recordId"], out projectId))
                response.Success   = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message   = "Project Id either not found or not a GUID";
                response.Object    = null;

            #region << Get milestone data >>
            var requestedFields = "id,name,start_date,end_date,x_tasks_not_started,x_tasks_in_progress,x_tasks_completed,x_bugs_opened,x_bugs_reopened,x_bugs_closed";

            QueryObject filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("project_id", projectId);

            var sortList = new List <QuerySortObject>();
            sortList.Add(new QuerySortObject("end_date", QuerySortType.Descending));
            EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_milestone", requestedFields, filterObj, sortList.ToArray(), null, null, null);

            QueryResponse result = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
            if (!result.Success)
                response.Success   = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message   = result.Message;
                response.Object    = null;
            var resultRecordsList = new List <EntityRecord>();
            foreach (var record in result.Object.Data)
                var recordObj = new EntityRecord();
                recordObj["id"]         = record["id"];
                recordObj["name"]       = record["name"];
                recordObj["start_date"] = record["start_date"];
                recordObj["end_date"]   = record["end_date"];

                #region << tasks Count "not started" vs "in progress" vs "completed" >>
                var tasksNotStarted = (decimal)record["x_tasks_not_started"];
                var tasksInProgress = (decimal)record["x_tasks_in_progress"];
                var tasksCompleted  = (decimal)record["x_tasks_completed"];

                recordObj["tasks_not_started_count"] = tasksNotStarted;
                recordObj["tasks_in_progress_count"] = tasksInProgress;
                recordObj["tasks_completed_count"]   = tasksCompleted;
                if (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted > 0)
                    recordObj["tasks_not_started_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(tasksNotStarted * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                    recordObj["tasks_in_progress_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(tasksInProgress * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                    recordObj["tasks_completed_percentage"]   = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(tasksNotStarted * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted)) - Math.Round((decimal)(tasksInProgress * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                    recordObj["tasks_not_started_percentage"] = 0;
                    recordObj["tasks_in_progress_percentage"] = 0;
                    recordObj["tasks_completed_percentage"]   = 0;

                #region << bugs Count "opened" & "reopened" vs "closed" >>
                var bugsOpened   = (decimal)record["x_bugs_opened"];
                var bugsReOpened = (decimal)record["x_bugs_reopened"];
                var bugsClosed   = (decimal)record["x_bugs_closed"];

                recordObj["bugs_opened_count"]   = bugsOpened;
                recordObj["bugs_reopened_count"] = bugsReOpened;
                recordObj["bugs_closed_count"]   = bugsClosed;
                if (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed > 0)
                    recordObj["bugs_opened_percentage"]   = Math.Round((decimal)(bugsOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                    recordObj["bugs_reopened_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(bugsReOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                    recordObj["bugs_closed_percentage"]   = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(bugsOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed)) - Math.Round((decimal)(bugsReOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                    recordObj["bugs_opened_percentage"]   = 0;
                    recordObj["bugs_reopened_percentage"] = 0;
                    recordObj["bugs_closed_percentage"]   = 0;


            response.Success   = true;
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            response.Message   = "My projects successfully read";
            response.Object    = resultRecordsList;

Esempio n. 53
        public IActionResult MyProjects(string listName = null, string entityName = null, int page = 0)
            var response = new ResponseModel();

            //var queryString = HttpContext.Request.QueryString;
            #region << Can user read projects >>
            //Get current user
            ErpUser user = SecurityContext.CurrentUser;
            //Get entity meta
            var entity = entityManager.ReadEntity(entityName).Object;
            //Get list meta
            var list = entityManager.ReadRecordList(entity.Name, listName).Object;
            //check if user role has permissions
            var canRead   = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canCreate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canUpdate = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate.Any(z => z == x.Id));
            var canDelete = user.Roles.Any(x => entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete.Any(z => z == x.Id));

            if (!canRead)
                response.Success   = false;
                response.Message   = "You do not have permission to read the projects in this system";
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                return(Json(response));                //return empty object

            #region << Init fields >>
            var requestedFields = "id,name,start_date,end_date," +
                                  "x_milestones_opened,x_milestones_completed,x_tasks_not_started,x_tasks_in_progress,x_tasks_completed,x_bugs_opened,x_bugs_reopened,x_bugs_closed," +
                                  "$,$user_1_n_project_owner.image,$user_1_n_project_owner.username," +

            #region << Query builder >>
            //QueryObject filterObj = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("id", recordId);
            QueryObject filterObj   = null;
            EntityQuery resultQuery = new EntityQuery("wv_project", requestedFields, filterObj, null, null, null, null);

            #region << Sort >>


            #region << Execute >>
            QueryResponse result            = recMan.Find(resultQuery);
            var           resultRecordsList = new List <EntityRecord>();
            if (!result.Success)
                response.Success   = false;
                response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.Message   = result.Message;
                response.Object    = null;
            foreach (var record in result.Object.Data)
                //Check if user can view the object
                var userIsPM       = false;
                var userIsStaff    = false;
                var userIsCustomer = false;
                #region << Check user roles >>
                foreach (var userRole in user.Roles)
                    userIsPM       = ((List <EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == user.Id);
                    userIsStaff    = ((List <EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_team"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);
                    userIsCustomer = ((List <EntityRecord>)record["$role_n_n_project_customer"]).Any(z => (Guid)z["id"] == userRole.Id);

                if (userIsPM || userIsStaff || userIsCustomer)
                    var recordObj = new EntityRecord();
                    recordObj["id"]             = record["id"];
                    recordObj["name"]           = record["name"];
                    recordObj["start_date"]     = record["start_date"];
                    recordObj["end_date"]       = record["end_date"];
                    recordObj["owner_image"]    = ((List <EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"])[0]["image"];
                    recordObj["owner_username"] = ((List <EntityRecord>)record["$user_1_n_project_owner"])[0]["username"];

                    #region << milestones Count "opened" vs "completed" >>
                    var milestonesOpened    = (decimal)record["x_milestones_opened"];
                    var milestonesCompleted = (decimal)record["x_milestones_completed"];
                    recordObj["milestones_opened_count"]    = milestonesOpened;
                    recordObj["milestones_completed_count"] = milestonesCompleted;
                    if (milestonesOpened + milestonesCompleted > 0)
                        recordObj["milestones_opened_percentage"]    = Math.Round((decimal)(milestonesOpened * 100) / (milestonesOpened + milestonesCompleted));
                        recordObj["milestones_completed_percentage"] = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(milestonesOpened * 100) / (milestonesOpened + milestonesCompleted));
                        recordObj["milestones_opened_percentage"]    = 0;
                        recordObj["milestones_completed_percentage"] = 0;


                    #region << tasks Count "not started" vs "in progress" vs "completed" >>
                    var tasksNotStarted = (decimal)record["x_tasks_not_started"];
                    var tasksInProgress = (decimal)record["x_tasks_in_progress"];
                    var tasksCompleted  = (decimal)record["x_tasks_completed"];

                    recordObj["tasks_not_started_count"] = tasksNotStarted;
                    recordObj["tasks_in_progress_count"] = tasksInProgress;
                    recordObj["tasks_completed_count"]   = tasksCompleted;
                    if (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted > 0)
                        recordObj["tasks_not_started_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(tasksNotStarted * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                        recordObj["tasks_in_progress_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(tasksInProgress * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                        recordObj["tasks_completed_percentage"]   = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(tasksNotStarted * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted)) - Math.Round((decimal)(tasksInProgress * 100) / (tasksNotStarted + tasksInProgress + tasksCompleted));
                        recordObj["tasks_not_started_percentage"] = 0;
                        recordObj["tasks_in_progress_percentage"] = 0;
                        recordObj["tasks_completed_percentage"]   = 0;

                    #region << bugs Count "opened" & "reopened" vs "closed" >>
                    var bugsOpened   = (decimal)record["x_bugs_opened"];
                    var bugsReOpened = (decimal)record["x_bugs_reopened"];
                    var bugsClosed   = (decimal)record["x_bugs_closed"];

                    recordObj["bugs_opened_count"]   = bugsOpened;
                    recordObj["bugs_reopened_count"] = bugsReOpened;
                    recordObj["bugs_closed_count"]   = bugsClosed;
                    if (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed > 0)
                        recordObj["bugs_opened_percentage"]   = Math.Round((decimal)(bugsOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                        recordObj["bugs_reopened_percentage"] = Math.Round((decimal)(bugsReOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                        recordObj["bugs_closed_percentage"]   = 100 - Math.Round((decimal)(bugsOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed)) - Math.Round((decimal)(bugsReOpened * 100) / (bugsOpened + bugsReOpened + bugsClosed));
                        recordObj["bugs_opened_percentage"]   = 0;
                        recordObj["bugs_reopened_percentage"] = 0;
                        recordObj["bugs_closed_percentage"]   = 0;

            var skipRecords = list.PageSize * (page - 1);
            if (page != 0)
                resultRecordsList = resultRecordsList.Skip(skipRecords).Take(page).ToList();

            response.Success   = true;
            response.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            response.Message   = "My projects successfully read";
            response.Object    = resultRecordsList;

Esempio n. 54
        public IActionResult UpdateSitemapNode([FromBody] SitemapNodeSubmit node, [FromQuery] Guid?appId = null, [FromQuery] Guid?areaId = null)
            var response = new ResponseModel();

            response.Message = "Success";
            response.Success = true;

            if (node == null)
                response.Message = "Wrong object model submitted. Could not restore!";
                response.Success = false;
            if (appId == null)
                response.Message = "Application Id needs to be submitted as 'appId' query string";
                response.Success = false;

            if (areaId == null)
                response.Message = "Area Id needs to be submitted as 'areaId' query string";
                response.Success = false;

            if (node.Id == null || node.Id == Guid.Empty)
                response.Message = "Node Id needs to be submitted";
                response.Success = false;

            var appSrv  = new AppService();
            var pageSrv = new PageService();

                appSrv.UpdateAreaNode(node.Id, areaId ?? Guid.Empty, node.Name, node.Label, node.LabelTranslations,
                                      node.IconClass, node.Url, (int)node.Type, node.EntityId, node.Weight, node.Access, node.EntityListPages, node.EntityCreatePages, node.EntityDetailsPages, node.EntityManagePages);

                var allAppPages = pageSrv.GetAppControlledPages(appId ?? Guid.Empty);

                var currentAttachedNodePages    = allAppPages.FindAll(x => x.NodeId == node.Id).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                var currentAttachedPagesHashSet = new HashSet <Guid>();
                foreach (var pageId in currentAttachedNodePages)

                //Process submitted page Ids
                if (node.Pages == null)
                    node.Pages = new List <Guid>();
                foreach (var pageId in node.Pages)
                    var page = pageSrv.GetPage(pageId);
                    if (page == null)
                        throw new Exception("Page not found");
                    if (page.NodeId == null)
                        pageSrv.UpdatePage(page.Id, page.Name, page.Label, page.LabelTranslations, page.IconClass, page.System, page.Weight,
                                           page.Type, page.AppId, page.EntityId, node.Id, areaId, page.IsRazorBody, page.RazorBody, page.Layout);
                    else if (page.NodeId == node.Id)

                //Detach pages that were not submitted
                foreach (var pageId in currentAttachedPagesHashSet)
                    var page = pageSrv.GetPage(pageId);
                    if (page == null)
                        throw new Exception("Page not found");
                    pageSrv.UpdatePage(page.Id, page.Name, page.Label, page.LabelTranslations, page.IconClass, page.System, page.Weight,
                                       page.Type, page.AppId, page.EntityId, null, null, page.IsRazorBody, page.RazorBody, page.Layout);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Message = ex.Message;
                response.Success = false;

            var newSitemap = appSrv.GetApplication(appId ?? Guid.Empty).Sitemap;
            var initData   = new EntityRecord();

            initData["sitemap"]        = appSrv.OrderSitemap(newSitemap);
            initData["node_page_dict"] = PageUtils.GetNodePageDictionary(appId);
            response.Object            = initData;

Esempio n. 55
        public IActionResult GetNodeAuxData([FromQuery] Guid?appId = null)
            var response = new ResponseModel();

            response.Message = "Success";
            response.Success = true;

            if (appId == null)
                response.Message = "Application Id needs to be submitted as 'appId' query string";
                response.Success = false;

                var responseObject        = new EntityRecord();
                var entitiesSelectOptions = new List <SelectOption>();
                var appPageRecords        = new List <EntityRecord>();
                var allEntityPageRecords  = new List <EntityRecord>();
                var typesSelectOptions    = new List <SelectOption>();
                var entities = new EntityManager().ReadEntities().Object;
                foreach (var entity in entities)
                    var selectOption = new SelectOption()
                        Value = entity.Id.ToString(),
                        Label = entity.Name
                entitiesSelectOptions = entitiesSelectOptions.OrderBy(x => x.Label).ToList();

                entitiesSelectOptions.Insert(0, new SelectOption()
                    Value = "", Label = "not attached"
                responseObject["all_entities"] = entitiesSelectOptions;

                foreach (var typeEnum in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SitemapNodeType)).Cast <SitemapNodeType>())
                    var selectOption = new SelectOption()
                        Value = ((int)typeEnum).ToString(),
                        Label = typeEnum.GetLabel()
                responseObject["node_types"] = typesSelectOptions.OrderBy(x => x.Label).ToList();

                var pageService = new PageService();
                //Get App pages
                var appPages = pageService.GetAppControlledPages(appId.Value);
                var allAppPagesWithoutNodes = appPages.FindAll(x => x.NodeId == null && x.Type == PageType.Application).OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
                foreach (var page in allAppPagesWithoutNodes)
                    var selectOption = new EntityRecord();
                    selectOption["page_id"]   = page.Id.ToString();
                    selectOption["page_name"] = page.Name;
                    selectOption["node_id"]   = page.NodeId != null ? (page.NodeId ?? Guid.Empty).ToString() : "";
                responseObject["app_pages"] = appPageRecords.OrderBy(x => (string)x["page_name"]).ToList();

                //Get EntityPages
                var allEntityPages = pageService.GetAll();
                foreach (var page in allEntityPages)
                    if (page.EntityId != null && page.AppId == appId.Value)
                        var selectOption = new EntityRecord();
                        selectOption["page_id"]   = page.Id.ToString();
                        selectOption["page_name"] = page.Name;
                        selectOption["entity_id"] = page.EntityId;
                        selectOption["type"]      = ((int)page.Type).ToString();
                        selectOption["node_id"]   = page.NodeId != null ? (page.NodeId ?? Guid.Empty).ToString() : "";
                responseObject["all_entity_pages"] = allEntityPageRecords.OrderBy(x => (string)x["page_name"]).ToList();

                response.Object = responseObject;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Message = ex.Message;
                response.Success = false;

Esempio n. 56
        public IActionResult CreateSitemapNode([FromBody] SitemapNodeSubmit node, [FromQuery] Guid?appId = null, [FromQuery] Guid?areaId = null)
            var response = new ResponseModel();

            response.Message = "Success";
            response.Success = true;

            if (node == null)
                response.Message = "Wrong object model submitted. Could not restore!";
                response.Success = false;
            if (appId == null)
                response.Message = "Application Id needs to be submitted as 'appId' query string";
                response.Success = false;
            if (areaId == null)
                response.Message = "Area Id needs to be submitted as 'areaId' query string";
                response.Success = false;

            if (node.Id == Guid.Empty)
                node.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            var appSrv  = new AppService();
            var pageSrv = new PageService();

                appSrv.CreateAreaNode(node.Id, areaId ?? Guid.Empty, node.Name, node.Label, node.LabelTranslations,
                                      node.IconClass, node.Url, (int)node.Type, node.EntityId, node.Weight, node.Access, node.EntityListPages, node.EntityCreatePages, node.EntityDetailsPages, node.EntityManagePages);
                if (node.Pages == null)
                    node.Pages = new List <Guid>();
                foreach (var pageId in node.Pages)
                    var page = pageSrv.GetPage(pageId);
                    if (page == null)
                        throw new Exception("Page not found");
                    pageSrv.UpdatePage(page.Id, page.Name, page.Label, page.LabelTranslations, page.IconClass, page.System, page.Weight,
                                       page.Type, page.AppId, page.EntityId, node.Id, areaId, page.IsRazorBody, page.RazorBody, page.Layout);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Message = ex.Message;
                response.Success = false;

            var newSitemap = appSrv.GetApplication(appId ?? Guid.Empty).Sitemap;
            var initData   = new EntityRecord();

            initData["sitemap"]        = appSrv.OrderSitemap(newSitemap);
            initData["node_page_dict"] = PageUtils.GetNodePageDictionary(appId);
            response.Object            = initData;

Esempio n. 57
        public void Start(PluginStartArguments pluginStartArgs)
            //initialize static context
            StaticContext.Initialize(pluginStartArgs.Plugin, pluginStartArgs.ServiceProvider);

            var entMan = new EntityManager();
            var relMan = new EntityRelationManager();
            var recMan = new RecordManager();
            var storeSystemSettings = DbContext.Current.SettingsRepository.Read();
            var systemSettings      = new SystemSettings(storeSystemSettings);

            using (SecurityContext.OpenSystemScope())
                //Create transaction
                using (var connection = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())

                        //Here we need to initialize or update the environment based on the plugin requirements.
                        //The default place for the plugin data is the "plugin_data" entity -> the "data" text field, which is used to store stringified JSON
                        //containing the plugin settings or version

                        #region << 1.Get the current ERP database version and checks for other plugin dependencies >>
                        if (systemSettings.Version > 0)
                            //Do something if database version is not what you expect

                        //This plugin needs the webvella-crm plugin to be installed, so we will check this here
                        var installedPlugins = new PluginService().Plugins;
                        var crmPluginFound   = false;
                        foreach (var plugin in installedPlugins)
                            switch (plugin.Name)
                            case "webvella-crm":
                                crmPluginFound = true;


                        if (!crmPluginFound)
                            throw new Exception("'webvella-crm' plugin is required for the 'webvella-project' to operate");


                        #region << 2.Get the current plugin settings from the database >>
                        var         currentPluginSettings   = new PluginSettings();
                        QueryObject pluginDataQueryObject   = EntityQuery.QueryEQ("name", WEBVELLA_PROJECT_PLUGIN_NAME);
                        var         pluginDataQuery         = new EntityQuery("plugin_data", "*", pluginDataQueryObject);
                        var         pluginDataQueryResponse = recMan.Find(pluginDataQuery);
                        if (!pluginDataQueryResponse.Success)
                            throw new Exception("plugin 'webvella-project' failed to get its settings due to: " + pluginDataQueryResponse.Message);

                        if (pluginDataQueryResponse.Object == null || !pluginDataQueryResponse.Object.Data.Any() || pluginDataQueryResponse.Object.Data[0]["data"] == DBNull.Value)
                            //plugin was not installed
                            currentPluginSettings.Version = 20160429;
                                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentPluginSettings);
                                var    settingsEntityRecord = new EntityRecord();
                                settingsEntityRecord["id"]   = WEBVELLA_PROJECT_PLUGIN_ID;
                                settingsEntityRecord["name"] = WEBVELLA_PROJECT_PLUGIN_NAME;
                                settingsEntityRecord["data"] = json;
                                var settingsSaveReponse = recMan.CreateRecord("plugin_data", settingsEntityRecord);
                                if (!settingsSaveReponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("plugin 'webvella-project' failed to save its settings in the database due to: " + pluginDataQueryResponse.Message);
                            string json = (string)((List <EntityRecord>)pluginDataQueryResponse.Object.Data)[0]["data"];
                            currentPluginSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PluginSettings>(json);

                        #region << 3. Run methods based on the current installed version of the plugin >>
                        if (currentPluginSettings.Version < 20160430)
                                currentPluginSettings.Version = 20160430;
                                Patch160430(entMan, relMan, recMan, createSampleRecords);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var exception = ex;
                                throw ex;

                        if (currentPluginSettings.Version < 20160610)
                                currentPluginSettings.Version = 20160610;
                                Patch160610(entMan, relMan, recMan, createSampleRecords);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var exception = ex;
                                throw ex;

                        if (currentPluginSettings.Version < 20160613)
                                currentPluginSettings.Version = 20160613;
                                Patch160613(entMan, relMan, recMan, createSampleRecords);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var exception = ex;
                                throw ex;

                        if (currentPluginSettings.Version < 20160627)
                                currentPluginSettings.Version = 20160627;
                                Patch160627(entMan, relMan, recMan, createSampleRecords);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var exception = ex;
                                throw ex;

                        if (currentPluginSettings.Version < 20160707)
                                currentPluginSettings.Version = 20160707;
                                Patch160707(entMan, relMan, recMan, createSampleRecords);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var exception = ex;
                                throw ex;

                        if (currentPluginSettings.Version < 20161118)
                                currentPluginSettings.Version = 20161118;
                                Patch161118(entMan, relMan, recMan, createSampleRecords);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var exception = ex;
                                throw ex;

                        if (currentPluginSettings.Version < 20161119)
                                currentPluginSettings.Version = 20161119;
                                Patch161119(entMan, relMan, recMan, createSampleRecords);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var exception = ex;
                                throw ex;

                        if (currentPluginSettings.Version < 20170119)
                                currentPluginSettings.Version = 20170119;
                                Patch170119(entMan, relMan, recMan, createSampleRecords);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var exception = ex;
                                throw ex;


                        #region << 4. Save needed changes to the plugin setting data >>
                            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentPluginSettings);
                            var    settingsEntityRecord = new EntityRecord();
                            settingsEntityRecord["id"]   = WEBVELLA_PROJECT_PLUGIN_ID;
                            settingsEntityRecord["name"] = WEBVELLA_PROJECT_PLUGIN_NAME;
                            settingsEntityRecord["data"] = json;
                            var settingsUpdateReponse = recMan.UpdateRecord("plugin_data", settingsEntityRecord);
                            if (!settingsUpdateReponse.Success)
                                throw new Exception("plugin 'webvella-project' failed to update its settings in the database due to: " + pluginDataQueryResponse.Message);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;
        string getValue(int i, string VALUE_FIELD_NAME, string DATASOURCE_NAME, PageDataModel pageModel, EntityRecord record)
            string value = "";

            if (VALUE_FIELD_NAME.Contains("$"))
                value = pageModel.GetProperty(DATASOURCE_NAME + "[" + i + "]." + VALUE_FIELD_NAME).ToString();
                value = record[VALUE_FIELD_NAME].ToString();
Esempio n. 59
        public void InitializeSystemEntities()
            EntityResponse response = null;
            FieldResponse fieldResponse = null;
            EntityManager entMan = new EntityManager();
            EntityRelationManager rm = new EntityRelationManager();
            RecordManager recMan = new RecordManager(true);

            using (var connection = DbContext.Current.CreateConnection())
                //setup necessary extensions



                    DbSystemSettings storeSystemSettings = DbContext.Current.SettingsRepository.Read();

                    Guid systemSettingsId = new Guid("F3223177-B2FF-43F5-9A4B-FF16FC67D186");
                    SystemSettings systemSettings = new SystemSettings();
                    systemSettings.Id = systemSettingsId;

                    int currentVersion = 0;
                    if (storeSystemSettings != null)
                        systemSettings = new SystemSettings(storeSystemSettings);
                        currentVersion = systemSettings.Version;

                    //tmp code - during debug only
                    //currentVersion = 0;

                    if (currentVersion < 150508)
                        systemSettings.Version = 150508;

                        List<Guid> allowedRoles = new List<Guid>();

                        #region << create user entity >>

                            InputEntity userEntity = new InputEntity();
                            userEntity.Id = SystemIds.UserEntityId;
                            userEntity.Name = "user";
                            userEntity.Label = "User";
                            userEntity.LabelPlural = "Users";
                            userEntity.System = true;
                            userEntity.RecordPermissions = new RecordPermissions();
                            userEntity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate = new List<Guid>();
                            userEntity.RecordPermissions.CanRead = new List<Guid>();
                            userEntity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate = new List<Guid>();
                            userEntity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete = new List<Guid>();
                            var systemItemIdDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Guid>();
                            systemItemIdDictionary["id"] = new Guid("8e438549-fd30-4766-95a9-061008cee48e");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["created_on"] = new Guid("6fda5e6b-80e6-4d8a-9e2a-d983c3694e96");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["created_by"] = new Guid("825e8367-3be1-4022-ba66-6494859d70d9");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["last_modified_on"] = new Guid("5a975d33-47c6-4ba6-83c8-c24034206879");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["last_modified_by"] = new Guid("cafc8cda-1a1d-43e4-9406-6acf8ba8fa8d");
                            response = entMan.CreateEntity(userEntity, false, false, systemItemIdDictionary);

                            InputTextField firstName = new InputTextField();

                            firstName.Id = new Guid("DF211549-41CC-4D11-BB43-DACA4C164411");
                            firstName.Name = "first_name";
                            firstName.Label = "First Name";
                            firstName.PlaceholderText = "";
                            firstName.Description = "First name of the user";
                            firstName.HelpText = "";
                            firstName.Required = false;
                            firstName.Unique = false;
                            firstName.Searchable = false;
                            firstName.Auditable = false;
                            firstName.System = true;
                            firstName.DefaultValue = "";

                            firstName.MaxLength = 200;

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(userEntity.Id.Value, firstName, false);

                            InputTextField lastName = new InputTextField();

                            lastName.Id = new Guid("63E685B1-B2C6-4961-B393-2B6723EBD1BF");
                            lastName.Name = "last_name";
                            lastName.Label = "Last Name";
                            lastName.PlaceholderText = "";
                            lastName.Description = "Last name of the user";
                            lastName.HelpText = "";
                            lastName.Required = false;
                            lastName.Unique = false;
                            lastName.Searchable = false;
                            lastName.Auditable = false;
                            lastName.System = true;
                            lastName.DefaultValue = "";

                            lastName.MaxLength = 200;

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(userEntity.Id.Value, lastName, false);

                            InputTextField userName = new InputTextField();
                            userName.Id = new Guid("263c0b21-88c1-4c2b-80b4-db7402b0d2e2");
                            userName.Name = "username";
                            userName.Label = "User Name";
                            userName.PlaceholderText = "";
                            userName.Description = "screen name for the user";
                            userName.HelpText = "";
                            userName.Required = true;
                            userName.Unique = true;
                            userName.Searchable = true;
                            userName.Auditable = false;
                            userName.System = true;
                            userName.DefaultValue = string.Empty;
                            userName.MaxLength = 200;
                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(userEntity.Id.Value, userName, false);

                            InputEmailField email = new InputEmailField();

                            email.Id = new Guid("9FC75C8F-CE80-4A64-81D7-E2BEFA5E4815");
                            email.Name = "email";
                            email.Label = "Email";
                            email.PlaceholderText = "";
                            email.Description = "Email address of the user";
                            email.HelpText = "";
                            email.Required = true;
                            email.Unique = true;
                            email.Searchable = true;
                            email.Auditable = false;
                            email.System = true;
                            email.DefaultValue = string.Empty;

                            email.MaxLength = 255;

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(userEntity.Id.Value, email, false);

                            InputPasswordField password = new InputPasswordField();

                            password.Id = new Guid("4EDE88D9-217A-4462-9300-EA0D6AFCDCEA");
                            password.Name = "password";
                            password.Label = "Password";
                            password.PlaceholderText = "";
                            password.Description = "Password for the user account";
                            password.HelpText = "";
                            password.Required = true;
                            password.Unique = false;
                            password.Searchable = false;
                            password.Auditable = false;
                            password.System = true;
                            password.MinLength = 6;
                            password.MaxLength = 24;
                            password.Encrypted = true;

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(userEntity.Id.Value, password, false);

                            InputDateTimeField lastLoggedIn = new InputDateTimeField();

                            lastLoggedIn.Id = new Guid("3C85CCEC-D526-4E47-887F-EE169D1F508D");
                            lastLoggedIn.Name = "last_logged_in";
                            lastLoggedIn.Label = "Last Logged In";
                            lastLoggedIn.PlaceholderText = "";
                            lastLoggedIn.Description = "";
                            lastLoggedIn.HelpText = "";
                            lastLoggedIn.Required = false;
                            lastLoggedIn.Unique = false;
                            lastLoggedIn.Searchable = false;
                            lastLoggedIn.Auditable = true;
                            lastLoggedIn.System = true;
                            lastLoggedIn.DefaultValue = null;

                            lastLoggedIn.Format = "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss";
                            lastLoggedIn.UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = true;

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(userEntity.Id.Value, lastLoggedIn, false);

                            InputCheckboxField enabledField = new InputCheckboxField();

                            enabledField.Id = new Guid("C0C63650-7572-4252-8E4B-4E25C94897A6");
                            enabledField.Name = "enabled";
                            enabledField.Label = "Enabled";
                            enabledField.PlaceholderText = "";
                            enabledField.Description = "Shows if the user account is enabled";
                            enabledField.HelpText = "";
                            enabledField.Required = true;
                            enabledField.Unique = false;
                            enabledField.Searchable = false;
                            enabledField.Auditable = false;
                            enabledField.System = true;
                            enabledField.DefaultValue = false;

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(userEntity.Id.Value, enabledField, false);

                            InputCheckboxField verifiedUserField = new InputCheckboxField();

                            verifiedUserField.Id = new Guid("F1BA5069-8CC9-4E66-BCC3-60E33C79C265");
                            verifiedUserField.Name = "verified";
                            verifiedUserField.Label = "Verified";
                            verifiedUserField.PlaceholderText = "";
                            verifiedUserField.Description = "Shows if the user email is verified";
                            verifiedUserField.HelpText = "";
                            verifiedUserField.Required = true;
                            verifiedUserField.Unique = false;
                            verifiedUserField.Searchable = false;
                            verifiedUserField.Auditable = false;
                            verifiedUserField.System = true;
                            verifiedUserField.DefaultValue = false;

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(userEntity.Id.Value, verifiedUserField, false);

                            #region << image >>
                                InputImageField imageField = new InputImageField();
                                imageField.Id = new Guid("bf199b74-4448-4f58-93f5-6b86d888843b");
                                imageField.Name = "image";
                                imageField.Label = "Image";
                                imageField.PlaceholderText = "";
                                imageField.Description = "";
                                imageField.HelpText = "";
                                imageField.Required = false;
                                imageField.Unique = false;
                                imageField.Searchable = false;
                                imageField.Auditable = false;
                                imageField.System = true;
                                imageField.DefaultValue = string.Empty;
                                imageField.EnableSecurity = false;
                                    var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.UserEntityId, imageField, false);
                                    if (!createResponse.Success)
                                        throw new Exception("System error 10060. Entity: user. Field: image" + " Message:" + createResponse.Message);


                        #region << create role entity >>

                            InputEntity roleEntity = new InputEntity();
                            roleEntity.Id = SystemIds.RoleEntityId;
                            roleEntity.Name = "role";
                            roleEntity.Label = "Role";
                            roleEntity.LabelPlural = "Roles";
                            roleEntity.System = true;
                            roleEntity.RecordPermissions = new RecordPermissions();
                            roleEntity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate = new List<Guid>();
                            roleEntity.RecordPermissions.CanRead = new List<Guid>();
                            roleEntity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate = new List<Guid>();
                            roleEntity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete = new List<Guid>();
                            var systemItemIdDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Guid>();
                            systemItemIdDictionary["id"] = new Guid("37fd9c4f-5413-4f3a-aa2f-d831cc106d03");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["created_on"] = new Guid("64047bab-dc73-4175-a744-e5d565e8adbb");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["created_by"] = new Guid("0ccd806b-715c-42d4-a580-f3f11f55d937");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["last_modified_on"] = new Guid("c4522433-1c67-44f9-b461-e85d4d363b70");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["last_modified_by"] = new Guid("a4489db4-9d76-4d5a-8940-6ef2da562c25");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["user_role_created_by"] = new Guid("c6151e80-9dce-4c0b-ae5f-4798e14cff4c");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["user_role_modified_by"] = new Guid("f3efaefe-32d2-4840-ac06-bc5723e323d0");
                            response = entMan.CreateEntity(roleEntity, false, false, systemItemIdDictionary);

                            InputTextField nameRoleField = new InputTextField();

                            nameRoleField.Id = new Guid("36F91EBD-5A02-4032-8498-B7F716F6A349");
                            nameRoleField.Name = "name";
                            nameRoleField.Label = "Name";
                            nameRoleField.PlaceholderText = "";
                            nameRoleField.Description = "The name of the role";
                            nameRoleField.HelpText = "";
                            nameRoleField.Required = true;
                            nameRoleField.Unique = false;
                            nameRoleField.Searchable = false;
                            nameRoleField.Auditable = false;
                            nameRoleField.System = true;
                            nameRoleField.DefaultValue = "";
                            nameRoleField.MaxLength = 200;
                            nameRoleField.EnableSecurity = true;
                            nameRoleField.Permissions = new FieldPermissions();
                            nameRoleField.Permissions.CanRead = new List<Guid>();
                            nameRoleField.Permissions.CanUpdate = new List<Guid>();

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(roleEntity.Id.Value, nameRoleField, false);

                            InputTextField descriptionRoleField = new InputTextField();

                            descriptionRoleField.Id = new Guid("4A8B9E0A-1C36-40C6-972B-B19E2B5D265B");
                            descriptionRoleField.Name = "description";
                            descriptionRoleField.Label = "Description";
                            descriptionRoleField.PlaceholderText = "";
                            descriptionRoleField.Description = "";
                            descriptionRoleField.HelpText = "";
                            descriptionRoleField.Required = true;
                            descriptionRoleField.Unique = false;
                            descriptionRoleField.Searchable = false;
                            descriptionRoleField.Auditable = false;
                            descriptionRoleField.System = true;
                            descriptionRoleField.DefaultValue = "";

                            descriptionRoleField.MaxLength = 200;

                            fieldResponse = entMan.CreateField(roleEntity.Id.Value, descriptionRoleField, false);


                        #region << create user - role relation >>
                            var userEntity = entMan.ReadEntity(SystemIds.UserEntityId).Object;
                            var roleEntity = entMan.ReadEntity(SystemIds.RoleEntityId).Object;

                            EntityRelation userRoleRelation = new EntityRelation();
                            userRoleRelation.Id = SystemIds.UserRoleRelationId;
                            userRoleRelation.Name = "user_role";
                            userRoleRelation.Label = "User-Role";
                            userRoleRelation.System = true;
                            userRoleRelation.RelationType = EntityRelationType.ManyToMany;
                            userRoleRelation.TargetEntityId = userEntity.Id;
                            userRoleRelation.TargetFieldId = userEntity.Fields.Single(x => x.Name == "id").Id;
                            userRoleRelation.OriginEntityId = roleEntity.Id;
                            userRoleRelation.OriginFieldId = roleEntity.Fields.Single(x => x.Name == "id").Id;
                                var result = rm.Create(userRoleRelation);
                                if (!result.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("CREATE USER-ROLE RELATION:" + result.Message);

                        #region << create system records >>

                            EntityRecord user = new EntityRecord();
                            user["id"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            user["first_name"] = "Local";
                            user["last_name"] = "System";
                            user["password"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            user["email"] = "*****@*****.**";
                            user["username"] = "******";
                            user["created_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            user["last_modified_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            user["created_on"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            user["enabled"] = true;

                            QueryResponse result = recMan.CreateRecord("user", user);
                            if (!result.Success)
                                throw new Exception("CREATE SYSTEM USER RECORD:" + result.Message);

                            EntityRecord user = new EntityRecord();
                            user["id"] = SystemIds.FirstUserId;
                            user["first_name"] = "WebVella";
                            user["last_name"] = "Erp";
                            user["password"] = "******";
                            user["email"] = "*****@*****.**";
                            user["username"] = "******";
                            user["created_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            user["last_modified_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            user["created_on"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            user["enabled"] = true;

                            QueryResponse result = recMan.CreateRecord("user", user);
                            if (!result.Success)
                                throw new Exception("CREATE FIRST USER RECORD:" + result.Message);

                            EntityRecord adminRole = new EntityRecord();
                            adminRole["id"] = SystemIds.AdministratorRoleId;
                            adminRole["name"] = "administrator";
                            adminRole["description"] = "";
                            adminRole["created_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            adminRole["last_modified_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            adminRole["created_on"] = DateTime.UtcNow;

                            QueryResponse result = recMan.CreateRecord("role", adminRole);
                            if (!result.Success)
                                throw new Exception("CREATE ADMINITRATOR ROLE RECORD:" + result.Message);

                            EntityRecord regularRole = new EntityRecord();
                            regularRole["id"] = SystemIds.RegularRoleId;
                            regularRole["name"] = "regular";
                            regularRole["description"] = "";
                            regularRole["created_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            regularRole["last_modified_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            regularRole["created_on"] = DateTime.UtcNow;

                            QueryResponse result = recMan.CreateRecord("role", regularRole);
                            if (!result.Success)
                                throw new Exception("CREATE REGULAR ROLE RECORD:" + result.Message);

                            EntityRecord guestRole = new EntityRecord();
                            guestRole["id"] = SystemIds.GuestRoleId;
                            guestRole["name"] = "guest";
                            guestRole["description"] = "";
                            guestRole["created_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            guestRole["last_modified_by"] = SystemIds.SystemUserId;
                            guestRole["created_on"] = DateTime.UtcNow;

                            QueryResponse result = recMan.CreateRecord("role", guestRole);
                            if (!result.Success)
                                throw new Exception("CREATE GUEST ROLE RECORD:" + result.Message);

                            QueryResponse result = recMan.CreateRelationManyToManyRecord(SystemIds.UserRoleRelationId, SystemIds.AdministratorRoleId, SystemIds.SystemUserId);
                            if (!result.Success)
                                throw new Exception("CREATE SYSTEM-USER <-> ADMINISTRATOR ROLE RELATION RECORD:" + result.Message);


                            QueryResponse result = recMan.CreateRelationManyToManyRecord(SystemIds.UserRoleRelationId, SystemIds.AdministratorRoleId, SystemIds.FirstUserId);
                            if (!result.Success)
                                throw new Exception("CREATE FIRST-USER <-> ADMINISTRATOR ROLE RELATION RECORD:" + result.Message);

                            result = recMan.CreateRelationManyToManyRecord(SystemIds.UserRoleRelationId, SystemIds.RegularRoleId, SystemIds.FirstUserId);
                            if (!result.Success)
                                throw new Exception("CREATE FIRST-USER <-> REGULAR ROLE RELATION RECORD:" + result.Message);



                        #region << create Area entity >>
                            InputEntity areaEntity = new InputEntity();
                            areaEntity.Id = SystemIds.AreaEntityId;
                            areaEntity.Name = "area";
                            areaEntity.Label = "Area";
                            areaEntity.LabelPlural = "areas";
                            areaEntity.System = true;
                            areaEntity.IconName = "folder";
                            areaEntity.Weight = 10;
                            areaEntity.RecordPermissions = new RecordPermissions();
                            areaEntity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate = new List<Guid>();
                            areaEntity.RecordPermissions.CanRead = new List<Guid>();
                            areaEntity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate = new List<Guid>();
                            areaEntity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete = new List<Guid>();

                            var systemItemIdDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Guid>();
                            systemItemIdDictionary["id"] = new Guid("19f16bdb-56e6-46bf-8310-2b42fd78be2a");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["created_on"] = new Guid("3e6be69e-8f25-40e4-9f21-86b0d1404230");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["created_by"] = new Guid("16fbba6c-6282-4828-9873-86b8fef745d4");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["last_modified_on"] = new Guid("5f076d8b-e587-4201-9481-67e19789ff6c");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["last_modified_by"] = new Guid("721b27b3-741d-4414-8783-a0245a4eec58");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["user_area_created_by"] = new Guid("5fe5fdc4-ee10-4661-93e7-25ea2a61e710");
                            systemItemIdDictionary["user_area_modified_by"] = new Guid("bb52122c-a354-4668-9423-71dfdc3d9f36");
                                var createResponse = entMan.CreateEntity(areaEntity, false, false, systemItemIdDictionary);
                                if (!createResponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("System error 10330. Message:" + createResponse.Message);

                            InputTextField color = new InputTextField();
                            color.Id = new Guid("2B4AACD9-3C34-4C44-B3A3-8AFF1520CFF6");
                            color.Name = "color";
                            color.Label = "Color";
                            color.PlaceholderText = "";
                            color.Description = "";
                            color.HelpText = "";
                            color.Required = true;
                            color.Unique = false;
                            color.Searchable = false;
                            color.Auditable = false;
                            color.System = true;
                            color.DefaultValue = "teal";
                            color.MaxLength = null;
                                var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.AreaEntityId, color, false);
                                if (!createResponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("System error 10340. Message:" + createResponse.Message);

                            InputTextField label = new InputTextField();
                            label.Id = new Guid("F050E7A1-AFB7-4346-B57B-1F12B2BD5AE5");
                            label.Name = "label";
                            label.Label = "Label";
                            label.PlaceholderText = "";
                            label.Description = "";
                            label.HelpText = "";
                            label.Required = true;
                            label.Unique = false;
                            label.Searchable = false;
                            label.Auditable = false;
                            label.System = true;
                            label.DefaultValue = "Default";
                            label.MaxLength = null;
                                var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.AreaEntityId, label, false);
                                if (!createResponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("System error 10340. Message:" + createResponse.Message);

                            InputTextField iconName = new InputTextField();
                            iconName.Id = new Guid("5EA0C872-D219-4D94-9EFA-C5DA978D316B");
                            iconName.Name = "icon_name";
                            iconName.Label = "Icon Name";
                            iconName.PlaceholderText = "";
                            iconName.Description = "";
                            iconName.HelpText = "";
                            iconName.Required = true;
                            iconName.Unique = false;
                            iconName.Searchable = false;
                            iconName.Auditable = false;
                            iconName.System = true;
                            iconName.DefaultValue = "database";
                            iconName.MaxLength = null;
                                var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.AreaEntityId, iconName, false);
                                if (!createResponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("System error 10340. Message:" + createResponse.Message);

                            InputNumberField weight = new InputNumberField();
                            weight.Id = new Guid("9B169431-6C31-4141-80EB-5844B8333E63");
                            weight.Name = "weight";
                            weight.Label = "Weight";
                            weight.PlaceholderText = "";
                            weight.Description = "";
                            weight.HelpText = "";
                            weight.Required = true;
                            weight.Unique = false;
                            weight.Searchable = false;
                            weight.Auditable = false;
                            weight.System = true;
                            weight.DefaultValue = 10;
                            weight.MinValue = 0;
                            weight.DecimalPlaces = 2;
                                var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.AreaEntityId, weight, false);
                                if (!createResponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("System error 10340. Message:" + createResponse.Message);

                            InputTextField attachments = new InputTextField();
                            attachments.Id = new Guid("288EA657-C12C-4AC1-B701-81D6F9F39363");
                            attachments.Name = "attachments";
                            attachments.Label = "Attachments JSON String";
                            attachments.PlaceholderText = "";
                            attachments.Description = "Stringified Array of attached objects";
                            attachments.HelpText = "";
                            attachments.Required = false;
                            attachments.Unique = false;
                            attachments.Searchable = false;
                            attachments.Auditable = false;
                            attachments.System = true;
                            attachments.DefaultValue = null;
                            attachments.MaxLength = null;
                                var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.AreaEntityId, attachments, false);
                                if (!createResponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("System error 10340. Message:" + createResponse.Message);

                            InputTextField name = new InputTextField();
                            name.Id = new Guid("F297577B-073E-4D18-81F3-675C1AFB466D");
                            name.Name = "name";
                            name.Label = "Name";
                            name.PlaceholderText = "";
                            name.Description = "";
                            name.HelpText = "";
                            name.Required = true;
                            name.Unique = false;
                            name.Searchable = false;
                            name.Auditable = false;
                            name.System = true;
                            name.DefaultValue = "default";
                            name.MaxLength = null;
                                var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.AreaEntityId, name, false);
                                if (!createResponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("System error 10340. Message:" + createResponse.Message);

                            InputTextField roles = new InputTextField();
                            roles.Id = new Guid("8E486F76-D0C1-4D0E-8617-9EF868BF1C55");
                            roles.Name = "roles";
                            roles.Label = "Roles JSON String";
                            roles.PlaceholderText = "";
                            roles.Description = "Stringified Array of roles that have access to this area";
                            roles.HelpText = "";
                            roles.Required = false;
                            roles.Unique = false;
                            roles.Searchable = false;
                            roles.Auditable = false;
                            roles.System = true;
                            roles.DefaultValue = null;
                            roles.MaxLength = null;
                                var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.AreaEntityId, roles, false);
                                if (!createResponse.Success)
                                    throw new Exception("System error 10340. Message:" + createResponse.Message);

                            #region << folder >>
                                InputTextField textboxField = new InputTextField();
                                textboxField.Id = new Guid("6a0fdf14-2d2b-4c6c-b2f1-4d846c7d5ab8");
                                textboxField.Name = "folder";
                                textboxField.Label = "folder";
                                textboxField.PlaceholderText = "";
                                textboxField.Description = "";
                                textboxField.HelpText = "";
                                textboxField.Required = false;
                                textboxField.Unique = false;
                                textboxField.Searchable = false;
                                textboxField.Auditable = false;
                                textboxField.System = true;
                                textboxField.DefaultValue = string.Empty;
                                textboxField.MaxLength = null;
                                textboxField.EnableSecurity = true;
                                textboxField.Permissions = new FieldPermissions();
                                textboxField.Permissions.CanRead = new List<Guid>();
                                textboxField.Permissions.CanUpdate = new List<Guid>();
                                    var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(SystemIds.AreaEntityId, textboxField, false);
                                    if (!createResponse.Success)
                                        throw new Exception("System error 10060. Entity: area Field: folder" + " Message:" + response.Message);


                    if (currentVersion < 20160430)
                        systemSettings.Version = 20160430;

                        #region << plugin_data >>
                        var PLUGIN_DATA_ID = new Guid("d928d031-c8b1-4359-be3e-39bceb58f268");
                        var PLUGIN_DATA_NAME = "plugin_data";
                            #region << entity >>
                                InputEntity entity = new InputEntity();
                                entity.Id = PLUGIN_DATA_ID;
                                entity.Name = PLUGIN_DATA_NAME;
                                entity.Label = "Plugin Data";
                                entity.LabelPlural = "Plugin Data";
                                entity.System = true;
                                entity.IconName = "database";
                                entity.Weight = 99;
                                entity.RecordPermissions = new RecordPermissions();
                                entity.RecordPermissions.CanCreate = new List<Guid>();
                                entity.RecordPermissions.CanRead = new List<Guid>();
                                entity.RecordPermissions.CanUpdate = new List<Guid>();
                                entity.RecordPermissions.CanDelete = new List<Guid>();

                                var systemItemIdDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Guid>();
                                systemItemIdDictionary["id"] = new Guid("bdb47d11-b8ee-42e9-8cd1-56e43246656b");
                                systemItemIdDictionary["created_on"] = new Guid("00f172b1-393b-4674-b6cd-32669dfb0924");
                                systemItemIdDictionary["created_by"] = new Guid("89379dbe-98ea-40b0-a794-a7cbf36201af");
                                systemItemIdDictionary["last_modified_on"] = new Guid("aaee0db8-d131-4273-b06a-a788757e24c3");
                                systemItemIdDictionary["last_modified_by"] = new Guid("eb0d2a71-4172-4293-87d7-d238a2153abf");
                                systemItemIdDictionary["user_plugin_data_created_by"] = new Guid("00e3f673-9dbc-4b57-b6d8-38d75e7d165a");
                                systemItemIdDictionary["user_plugin_data_modified_by"] = new Guid("c228125d-066c-415b-8c2a-a43ba2774411");
                                    var createResponse = entMan.CreateEntity(entity, false, false, systemItemIdDictionary);
                                    if (!createResponse.Success)
                                        throw new Exception("System error 10050. Entity: " + PLUGIN_DATA_NAME + " Field: entity creation" + " Message:" + response.Message);

                            #region << name >>
                                InputTextField textboxField = new InputTextField();
                                textboxField.Id = new Guid("ab81aec7-da90-4ba8-8ac7-378faa01763f");
                                textboxField.Name = "name";
                                textboxField.Label = "Name";
                                textboxField.PlaceholderText = "";
                                textboxField.Description = "";
                                textboxField.HelpText = "";
                                textboxField.Required = true;
                                textboxField.Unique = true;
                                textboxField.Searchable = false;
                                textboxField.Auditable = false;
                                textboxField.System = true;
                                textboxField.DefaultValue = string.Empty;
                                textboxField.MaxLength = null;
                                textboxField.EnableSecurity = true;
                                textboxField.Permissions = new FieldPermissions();
                                textboxField.Permissions.CanRead = new List<Guid>();
                                textboxField.Permissions.CanUpdate = new List<Guid>();
                                    var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(PLUGIN_DATA_ID, textboxField, false);
                                    if (!createResponse.Success)
                                        throw new Exception("System error 10060. Entity: " + PLUGIN_DATA_NAME + " Field: field_name" + " Message:" + response.Message);

                            #region << data >>
                                InputTextField textboxField = new InputTextField();
                                textboxField.Id = new Guid("52a799ad-80a3-404b-99b5-1f58ce437982");
                                textboxField.Name = "data";
                                textboxField.Label = "Data";
                                textboxField.PlaceholderText = "";
                                textboxField.Description = "";
                                textboxField.HelpText = "";
                                textboxField.Required = false;
                                textboxField.Unique = false;
                                textboxField.Searchable = false;
                                textboxField.Auditable = false;
                                textboxField.System = true;
                                textboxField.DefaultValue = string.Empty;
                                textboxField.MaxLength = null;
                                textboxField.EnableSecurity = true;
                                textboxField.Permissions = new FieldPermissions();
                                textboxField.Permissions.CanRead = new List<Guid>();
                                textboxField.Permissions.CanUpdate = new List<Guid>();
                                    var createResponse = entMan.CreateField(PLUGIN_DATA_ID, textboxField, false);
                                    if (!createResponse.Success)
                                        throw new Exception("System error 10060. Entity: " + PLUGIN_DATA_NAME + " Field: field_name" + " Message:" + response.Message);



                    new DbSystemSettingsRepository().Save(new DbSystemSettings { Id = systemSettings.Id, Version = systemSettings.Version });

                catch (Exception ex)
                    var exception = ex;


Esempio n. 60
        private void AddForeignsUpdate(DbCommand cmd, EntityRecord entityRecord)
            var sbUpdates = new StringBuilder();
            var paramIndex = cmd.Parameters.Count;
            foreach (var propertyValue in entityRecord.Values
                .Where(value => value.Values.IsNullOrEmpty() == false))
                var values =
                        x => x.ToStringSafe().Split(Const.KeyColSeparator).Select(y => y.Trim()).ToList()).ToList();
                var whereParts = new List<string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < propertyValue.Property.ForeignEntity.Key.Count; i++)
                    var key = propertyValue.Property.ForeignEntity.Key[i];
                    var joinedValues = string.Join(",", values.Select(x => "@" + paramIndex++));
                    whereParts.Add("{0} In ({1})".Fill(key.Column, joinedValues));
                    cmd.AddParams(values.Select(x => x[i]).OfType<object>().ToArray());
                var constraintSeparator = Environment.NewLine + "   AND ";
                var constraints = string.Join(constraintSeparator, whereParts);

                var table = propertyValue.Property.ForeignEntity.Table;
                var foreignKey = entityRecord.Entity.Key.FirstOrDefault().Column;

                sbUpdates.Append($@"UPDATE {table}
   SET {foreignKey} = @newID 
 WHERE {constraints};");

            cmd.CommandText += sbUpdates.ToString();