/// <summary> /// DeleteRpt /// </summary> #region void DeleteRpt() { vo = GetRowObject(); if (vo.rptId <= 0) { return; } else { vo.status = -1; using (ProxyAdverseEvent proxy = new ProxyAdverseEvent()) { if (proxy.Service.ComfirmRpt(vo) > 0) { DialogBox.Msg("删除成功"); vo = null; } else { DialogBox.Msg("删除失败"); vo = null; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 审核 /// </summary> /// <param name="vo"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal int ComfirmRpt(EntityInfectionus vo) { int affectRows = 0; string Sql = string.Empty; SqlHelper svc = null; try { #region Sql svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); Sql = @"update rptinfectionus set status = ? where rptid = ?"; IDataParameter[] parm = svc.CreateParm(2); parm[0].Value = vo.status; parm[1].Value = vo.rptId; #endregion affectRows = svc.ExecSql(Sql, parm); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); affectRows = -1; } finally { svc = null; } return(affectRows); }
/// <summary> /// 审核 /// </summary> /// <param name="EntityInfectionus"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int ComfirmRpt(EntityInfectionus vo) { using (bizAdverseInfectionus biz = new bizAdverseInfectionus()) { return(biz.ComfirmRpt(vo)); } }
/// <summary> /// ConfirmRpt /// </summary> /// <param name="flg">1 审核通过 2 审核未通过 0 反审核</param> #region void ConfirmRpt(int flg) { vo = GetRowObject(); if (vo.rptId <= 0) { return; } if ((flg == 1 && vo.status == 1) || (flg == 2 && vo.status == 2)) { DialogBox.Msg("已审核"); } else { vo.status = flg; using (ProxyAdverseEvent proxy = new ProxyAdverseEvent()) { if (proxy.Service.ComfirmRpt(vo) > 0) { if (flg == 1) { if (this.gvReport.FocusedRowHandle > 0) { this.gvReport.Appearance.SelectedRow.ForeColor = Color.Green; } DialogBox.Msg("审核成功"); } else if (flg == 2) { if (this.gvReport.FocusedRowHandle > 0) { this.gvReport.Appearance.SelectedRow.ForeColor = Color.Red; } DialogBox.Msg("审核成功"); } else { if (this.gvReport.FocusedRowHandle > 0) { this.gvReport.Appearance.SelectedRow.ForeColor = Color.Black; } DialogBox.Msg("反审核成功"); } vo = null; } else { if (flg == 1) { DialogBox.Msg("审核失败"); } else { DialogBox.Msg("反审核失败"); } vo = null; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 保存不良事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="EntityInfectionus"></param> /// <param name="EntityPathogeny"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveInfectionus(EntityInfectionus infectionusVo, List <EntityPathogeny> lstPathogenyVo) { using (bizAdverseInfectionus biz = new bizAdverseInfectionus()) { return(biz.SaveInfectionus(infectionusVo, lstPathogenyVo)); } }
/// <summary> /// EditRpt /// </summary> #region void EditRpt() { EntityPatientInfo pat = new EntityPatientInfo(); vo = GetRowObject(); decimal rptId = vo.rptId; using (ProxyAdverseEvent proxy = new ProxyAdverseEvent()) { this.gvSampleBindingSource.DataSource = proxy.Service.GetPathogeny(rptId); } this.txtAge.Text = vo.patAge; this.txtBedNo.Text = vo.bedNo; this.txtInpatid.Text = vo.inpatNo; this.txtIpNo.Text = vo.inpatNo; this.cboPatDept.Text = vo.deptName; this.cboPatDept.Properties.Items.Clear(); this.txtName.Text = vo.patName; this.txtSex.Text = vo.patSex; this.dteInDate.Text = vo.dateIn.ToString(); this.mmtDiagnose.Text = vo.inDiagnosis; if (vo.incisionType == 1) { this.chk01.Checked = true; } if (vo.incisionType == 2) { this.chk02.Checked = true; } if (vo.incisionType == 3) { this.chk03.Checked = true; } if (vo.incisionType == 4) { this.chk04.Checked = true; } this.cboInfectionSite01.Text = vo.infectionSite01; this.cboInfectionSite01.Properties.Items.Clear(); this.cboInfectionSite02.Text = vo.infectionSite02; this.cboInfectionSite02.Properties.Items.Clear(); this.dteInfection01.Text = vo.infectionDate01.ToString(); this.dteInfection02.Text = vo.infectionDate02.ToString(); this.cboCausation.Text = vo.infectionReason; this.cboCausation.Properties.Items.Clear(); this.txtDoctor.Text = vo.doctName; this.dteOperationDate.Text = vo.operationDate.ToString(); this.txtOperationName.Text = vo.operationName; this.txtName.Tag = pat; }
/// <summary> /// 审核 /// </summary> public override void Confirm() { vo = GetRowObject(); //frmInfectionusConfirm frm = new frmInfectionusConfirm(vo); //frm.ShowDialog(); if (DialogBox.Msg("审核通过请点“是”,未通过请点“否”!", MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { ConfirmRpt(1); } else { ConfirmRpt(2); } this.Query(); }
private void gvReport_RowStyle(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowStyleEventArgs e) { int hand = e.RowHandle; if (hand < 0) { return; } EntityInfectionus vo = this.gvReport.GetRow(hand) as EntityInfectionus; if (vo.status == 1) { e.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Green;// 改变行字体颜色 } if (vo.status == 2) { e.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Red;// 改变行字体颜色 } vo = null; }
/// <summary> /// getInfectionusValue /// </summary> #region void GetInfectionusValue(ref EntityInfectionus vo, EntityPatientInfo pat) { vo.patName = pat.name; vo.inpatNo = pat.ipNo; vo.patSex = pat.sex; vo.patAge = pat.age; vo.deptCode = pat.deptCode; vo.birthDay = Function.Datetime((Function.Datetime(pat.birth)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); vo.doctId = pat.doctCode; vo.dateIn = Function.Datetime(pat.inDate); vo.doctName = this.txtDoctor.Text; vo.inDiagnosis = this.mmtDiagnose.Text; if (this.chk01.Checked == true) { vo.incisionType = 1; } if (this.chk02.Checked == true) { vo.incisionType = 2; } if (this.chk03.Checked == true) { vo.incisionType = 3; } if (this.chk04.Checked == true) { vo.incisionType = 4; } vo.infectionSite01 = this.cboInfectionSite01.Text; vo.infectionSite02 = this.cboInfectionSite02.Text; vo.infectionDate01 = this.dteInfection01.Text; vo.infectionDate02 = this.dteInfection02.Text; vo.infectionReason = this.cboCausation.Text; vo.operationName = this.txtOperationName.Text; vo.operationDate = this.dteOperationDate.Text; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="rptId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <EntityInfectionus> GetXrDataSource(decimal rptId) { string Sql = string.Empty; string Sql1 = string.Empty; List <EntityInfectionus> data = new List <EntityInfectionus>(); SqlHelper svc = null; try { #region Sql Sql = @"select t.rptid, t.reporttime, t.inpatno, t.patname, t.patsex, t.patage, t.bedno, t.datein, t.recorddate, t.deptcode, t.indiagnosis, t.incisiontype, t.infectionsite01, t.infectionsite02, t.infectiondate01, t.infectiondate02, t.infectionreason, t.reportername, t.reporterid, t.status, b.deptname_vchr as deptname, e.lastname_vchr as doctname, t.operationdate, t.operationname from rptinfectionus t left join t_bse_deptdesc b on t.deptcode = b.CODE_VCHR left join t_bse_employee e on e.empno_chr = t.doctid where t.rptid = ? "; Sql1 = @"select sampleName, checkDate, pathogenyName, drugName from rptpathogeny where rptid = ? "; svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); IDataParameter[] parm = null; IDataParameter[] parm1 = null; parm = svc.CreateParm(1); parm[0].Value = rptId; parm1 = svc.CreateParm(1); parm1[0].Value = rptId; DataTable dt = svc.GetDataTable(Sql, parm); DataTable dt1 = svc.GetDataTable(Sql1, parm1); EntityInfectionus vo = null; #endregion #region 赋值 if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt1 != null && dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt1.Rows) { vo = new EntityInfectionus(); vo.rptId = Function.Int(dt.Rows[0]["rptid"].ToString()); vo.reportTime = dt.Rows[0]["reporttime"].ToString(); vo.reporterName = dt.Rows[0]["reportername"].ToString(); vo.inpatNo = dt.Rows[0]["inpatno"].ToString(); vo.patName = dt.Rows[0]["patname"].ToString(); vo.patSex = dt.Rows[0]["patsex"].ToString() == "1" ? "男" : "女"; vo.patAge = dt.Rows[0]["patage"].ToString(); vo.deptName = dt.Rows[0]["deptname"].ToString(); vo.dateIn = Function.Datetime(dt.Rows[0]["datein"].ToString()); vo.incisionType = Function.Int(dt.Rows[0]["incisiontype"].ToString()); if (vo.incisionType == 1) { vo.incisionType01 = 1; } if (vo.incisionType == 2) { vo.incisionType02 = 1; } if (vo.incisionType == 3) { vo.incisionType03 = 1; } if (vo.incisionType == 4) { vo.incisionType04 = 1; } vo.infectionDate01 = dt.Rows[0]["infectiondate01"].ToString(); vo.infectionDate02 = dt.Rows[0]["infectiondate02"].ToString(); vo.infectionSite01 = dt.Rows[0]["infectionsite01"].ToString(); vo.infectionSite02 = dt.Rows[0]["infectionsite02"].ToString(); vo.infectionReason = dt.Rows[0]["infectionreason"].ToString(); vo.operationName = dt.Rows[0]["operationname"].ToString(); vo.operationDate = dt.Rows[0]["operationdate"].ToString(); vo.doctName = dt.Rows[0]["doctname"].ToString(); vo.reporterName = dt.Rows[0]["reportername"].ToString(); vo.reporterId = dt.Rows[0]["reporterid"].ToString(); vo.status = Function.Int(dt.Rows[0]["status"].ToString()); vo.inDiagnosis = dt.Rows[0]["indiagnosis"].ToString(); vo.operationName = dt.Rows[0]["operationname"].ToString(); vo.operationDate = dt.Rows[0]["operationdate"].ToString(); vo.sampleName = dr["sampleName"].ToString(); vo.checkDate = dr["checkDate"].ToString(); vo.pathogenyName = dr["pathogenyName"].ToString(); vo.drugName = dr["drugName"].ToString(); data.Add(vo); } } else { vo = new EntityInfectionus(); vo.rptId = Function.Int(dt.Rows[0]["rptid"].ToString()); vo.reportTime = dt.Rows[0]["reporttime"].ToString(); vo.reporterName = dt.Rows[0]["reportername"].ToString(); vo.inpatNo = dt.Rows[0]["inpatno"].ToString(); vo.patName = dt.Rows[0]["patname"].ToString(); //vo.patSex = dt.Rows[0]["patsex"].ToString() == "1" ? "男" : "女"; if (dt.Rows[0]["patsex"].ToString() == "1") { vo.patSex = "男"; } else if (dt.Rows[0]["patsex"].ToString() == "2") { vo.patSex = "女"; } else { vo.patSex = "\\"; } vo.patAge = dt.Rows[0]["patage"].ToString(); vo.deptName = dt.Rows[0]["deptname"].ToString(); vo.dateIn = Function.Datetime(dt.Rows[0]["datein"].ToString()); vo.incisionType = Function.Int(dt.Rows[0]["incisiontype"].ToString()); if (vo.incisionType == 1) { vo.incisionType01 = 1; } if (vo.incisionType == 2) { vo.incisionType02 = 1; } if (vo.incisionType == 3) { vo.incisionType03 = 1; } if (vo.incisionType == 4) { vo.incisionType04 = 1; } vo.infectionDate01 = dt.Rows[0]["infectiondate01"].ToString(); vo.infectionDate02 = dt.Rows[0]["infectiondate02"].ToString(); vo.infectionSite01 = dt.Rows[0]["infectionsite01"].ToString(); vo.infectionSite02 = dt.Rows[0]["infectionsite02"].ToString(); vo.infectionReason = dt.Rows[0]["infectionreason"].ToString(); vo.operationName = dt.Rows[0]["operationname"].ToString(); vo.operationDate = dt.Rows[0]["operationdate"].ToString(); vo.doctName = dt.Rows[0]["doctname"].ToString(); vo.reporterName = dt.Rows[0]["reportername"].ToString(); vo.reporterId = dt.Rows[0]["reporterid"].ToString(); vo.status = Function.Int(dt.Rows[0]["status"].ToString()); vo.inDiagnosis = dt.Rows[0]["indiagnosis"].ToString(); vo.operationName = dt.Rows[0]["operationname"].ToString(); vo.operationDate = dt.Rows[0]["operationdate"].ToString(); data.Add(vo); } } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); } finally { svc = null; } return(data); }
/// <summary> /// 获取感染报告列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="dicParm"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal List <EntityInfectionus> GetInfectionusList(List <EntityParm> dicParm) { string Sql = string.Empty; string Sql1 = string.Empty; List <EntityInfectionus> data = new List <EntityInfectionus>(); SqlHelper svc = null; try { #region Sql svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); Sql = @"select t.rptid, t.reporttime, t.inpatno, t.patname, t.patsex, t.patage, t.bedno, t.datein, t.recorddate, t.deptcode, t.indiagnosis, t.incisiontype, t.infectionsite01, t.infectionsite02, t.infectiondate01, t.infectiondate02, t.infectionreason, t.reportername, t.reporterid, t.status, b.deptname_vchr as deptname, e.lastname_vchr as doctname, t.operationdate, t.operationname from rptinfectionus t left join t_bse_deptdesc b on t.deptcode = b.CODE_VCHR left join t_bse_employee e on e.empno_chr = t.doctid where t.status in (0,1,2)"; #endregion #region 条件 string strSub = string.Empty; List <IDataParameter> lstParm = new List <IDataParameter>(); // 默认参数 IDataParameter parm = null; foreach (EntityParm po in dicParm) { parm = svc.CreateParm(); string keyValue = po.value; parm.Value = keyValue; switch (po.key) { case "reportDate": IDataParameter parm1 = svc.CreateParm(); parm1.Value = keyValue.Split('|')[0] + " 00:00:00"; lstParm.Add(parm1); IDataParameter parm2 = svc.CreateParm(); parm2.Value = keyValue.Split('|')[1] + " 23:59:59"; lstParm.Add(parm2); strSub += " and (t.reporttime between ? and ?)"; break; case "deptCode": if (keyValue.IndexOf("','") > 0) { strSub += " and (t.deptcode in (" + keyValue + "))"; } else { parm.Value = parm.Value.ToString().Replace("'", ""); lstParm.Add(parm); strSub += " and (t.deptcode = ?)"; } break; case "cardNo": lstParm.Add(parm); strSub += " and (t.inpatno = ?)"; break; case "patName": Sql = Sql1; parm.Value = "%" + keyValue + "%"; lstParm.Add(parm); strSub += " and (t.patname like ?)"; break; case "areaStr": strSub += " and (t.deptcode in (" + keyValue + ")"; break; case "selfId": strSub += " or t.reporterid = '" + keyValue + "')"; break; case "limitId": strSub += " and (t.reporterid in (" + keyValue + "))"; break; default: break; } } #endregion #region 赋值 // 组合条件 Sql += strSub; Sql += " order by t.reporttime"; DataTable dt = svc.GetDataTable(Sql, lstParm.ToArray()); if (dt != null) { EntityInfectionus vo = null; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { vo = new EntityInfectionus(); //vo.rptIdStr = dr["rptId"].ToString(); vo.rptId = Function.Int(dr["rptid"].ToString()); vo.reportTime = dr["reporttime"].ToString(); vo.reporterName = dr["reportername"].ToString(); vo.inpatNo = dr["inpatno"].ToString(); vo.patName = dr["patname"].ToString(); //vo.patSex = dr["patsex"].ToString() == "1" ? "男" : "女"; if (dr["patSex"].ToString() == "1") { vo.patSex = "男"; } else if (dr["patSex"].ToString() == "2") { vo.patSex = "女"; } else { vo.patSex = "\\"; } vo.patAge = dr["patage"].ToString(); vo.deptName = dr["deptname"].ToString(); vo.dateIn = Function.Datetime(dr["datein"].ToString()); vo.incisionType = Function.Int(dr["incisiontype"].ToString()); vo.infectionDate01 = dr["infectiondate01"].ToString(); vo.infectionDate02 = dr["infectiondate02"].ToString(); vo.infectionSite01 = dr["infectionsite01"].ToString(); vo.infectionSite02 = dr["infectionsite02"].ToString(); vo.infectionReason = dr["infectionreason"].ToString(); vo.operationName = dr["operationname"].ToString(); vo.operationDate = dr["operationdate"].ToString(); vo.doctName = dr["doctname"].ToString(); vo.reporterName = dr["reportername"].ToString(); vo.reporterId = dr["reporterid"].ToString(); vo.status = Function.Int(dr["status"].ToString()); vo.inDiagnosis = dr["indiagnosis"].ToString(); vo.operationName = dr["operationname"].ToString(); vo.operationDate = dr["operationdate"].ToString(); if (vo.status == 1) { vo.isPass = "******"; } else if (vo.status == 2) { vo.isPass = "******"; } else { vo.isPass = ""; } data.Add(vo); } } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); } finally { svc = null; } return(data); }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="vo"></param> /// <param name="lstPathogenyVo"></param> /// <param name="rptId"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal int SaveInfectionus(EntityInfectionus vo, List <EntityPathogeny> lstPathogenyVo) { int affectRows = 0; decimal rptId = 0; decimal serNo = 0; string Sql = string.Empty; SqlHelper svc = null; try { List <DacParm> lstParm = new List <DacParm>(); svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); if (vo.rptId <= 0) // new { rptId = Function.Dec(GetNextID(svc, "rptinfectionus").ToString()); vo.rptId = rptId; lstParm.Add(svc.GetInsertParm(vo)); foreach (EntityPathogeny item in lstPathogenyVo) { serNo = Function.Dec(GetNextID(svc, "rptpathogeny").ToString()); item.serNo = serNo; item.rptId = rptId; } if (lstPathogenyVo.Count > 0) { lstParm.Add(svc.GetInsertParm(lstPathogenyVo.ToArray())); } affectRows = svc.Commit(lstParm); } else // edit { #region Sql svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); Sql = @"update rptinfectionus set reportTime = ?, inDiagnosis = ?, incisionType = ?, infectionSite01 = ?, infectionSite02 = ?, infectionDate01 = ?, infectionDate02 = ?, infectionreason = ?, operationName = ?, operationDate = ?,recordDate = ?, status = ? where rptid = ?"; IDataParameter[] parm = svc.CreateParm(13); parm[0].Value = vo.reportTime; parm[1].Value = vo.inDiagnosis; parm[2].Value = vo.incisionType; parm[3].Value = vo.infectionSite01; parm[4].Value = vo.infectionSite02; parm[5].Value = vo.infectionDate01; parm[6].Value = vo.infectionDate02; parm[7].Value = vo.infectionReason; parm[8].Value = vo.operationName; parm[9].Value = vo.operationDate; parm[10].Value = vo.recordDate; parm[11].Value = vo.status; parm[12].Value = vo.rptId; #endregion //lstParm.Add(svc.ExecSql(Sql, parm)); lstParm.Add(svc.GetDacParm(EnumExecType.ExecSql, Sql, parm)); Sql = @"delete from rptPathogeny where rptId = ?"; parm = svc.CreateParm(1); parm[0].Value = vo.rptId; //lstParm.Add(svc.ExecSql(Sql, parm)); lstParm.Add(svc.GetDacParm(EnumExecType.ExecSql, Sql, parm)); foreach (EntityPathogeny item in lstPathogenyVo) { serNo = Function.Dec(GetNextID(svc, "rptpathogeny").ToString()); item.serNo = serNo; item.rptId = vo.rptId; } if (lstPathogenyVo.Count > 0) { lstParm.Add(svc.GetInsertParm(lstPathogenyVo.ToArray())); } affectRows = svc.Commit(lstParm); } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); affectRows = -1; } finally { svc = null; } return(affectRows); }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> #region public override void Save() { EntityPatientInfo patVo = this.txtName.Tag as EntityPatientInfo; if (this.txtName.Tag == null) { DialogBox.Msg("请先调出患者信息。"); return; } if (vo != null && vo.rptId > 0 && vo.status == 1) { DialogBox.Msg("已审核不可修改,请先反审核"); return; } this.gvSample.CloseEditor(); this.gvSample.UpdateCurrentRow(); if (vo == null) { vo = new EntityInfectionus(); } DateTime dtmNow = Utils.ServerTime(); GetInfectionusValue(ref vo, patVo); if (vo.rptId <= 0) { vo.reportTime = dtmNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); vo.reporterId = GlobalLogin.objLogin.EmpNo; vo.reporterName = GlobalLogin.objLogin.EmpName; } vo.recordDate = dtmNow; List <EntityPathogeny> data = new List <EntityPathogeny>(); for (int i = this.gvSample.RowCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.gvSample.GetRowCellValue(i, "sampleName") != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.gvSample.GetRowCellValue(i, "sampleName").ToString())) { EntityPathogeny pathogenyVo = new EntityPathogeny(); pathogenyVo.sampleName = this.gvSample.GetRowCellValue(i, "sampleName").ToString(); pathogenyVo.checkDate = Function.Datetime(this.gvSample.GetRowCellValue(i, "checkDate").ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); pathogenyVo.pathogenyName = this.gvSample.GetRowCellValue(i, "pathogenyName").ToString(); pathogenyVo.drugName = this.gvSample.GetRowCellValue(i, "drugName").ToString(); data.Add(pathogenyVo); } else { this.gvSample.DeleteRow(i); } } using (ProxyAdverseEvent proxy = new ProxyAdverseEvent()) { if (proxy.Service.SaveInfectionus(vo, data) >= 0) { DialogBox.Msg("保存成功"); vo = null; } else { DialogBox.Msg("保存失败"); vo = null; } } this.txtName.Tag = null; this.Query(); }