Esempio n. 1
        private DateTime GetDate(SqlDataReader reader, EntityEnum.ReportTypeEnum reportType)
            if (reportType == EntityEnum.ReportTypeEnum.ByDay)
            else if (reportType == EntityEnum.ReportTypeEnum.ByMonth)
                int year  = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Year"]);
                int month = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Month"]);
                return(new DateTime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));

            throw new ArgumentException();
Esempio n. 2
        private SalesReportModelItem GetReportByDate(DateTime date,
                                                     EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum docType, EntityEnum.ReportTypeEnum reportType, int employeeId)
            var    result = new SalesReportModelItem();
            string datePartFrom = "", datePartTo = "";

            if (reportType == EntityEnum.ReportTypeEnum.ByMonth)
                DateTime dateTo = date.AddMonths(1);
                datePartTo = SqlHelper.GetDateString(dateTo.Month, dateTo.Year);
            else if (reportType == EntityEnum.ReportTypeEnum.ByDay)
                DateTime dateTo = date.AddDays(1);
                datePartTo = SqlHelper.GetDateString(dateTo.Day, dateTo.Month, dateTo.Year);
            datePartFrom = SqlHelper.GetDateString(date.Day, date.Month, date.Year);
            result       = GetTotalReport(null, datePartFrom, datePartTo, docType, employeeId);

Esempio n. 3
        public SalesReportDataModel GetSalesReport(int yearFromNumber, int yearToNumber,
                                                   int monthFromNumber, int monthToNumber,
                                                   EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum docType, EntityEnum.ReportTypeEnum reportType, int employeeId)
            var result = new List <SalesReportModel>();
            var data   = new SalesReportDataModel();
            List <SalesReportPeriodModel> periods = new List <SalesReportPeriodModel>();

            if (monthFromNumber > 12 || monthToNumber > 12 || monthToNumber < 1 || monthFromNumber < 1 ||
                yearFromNumber < 1901 || yearToNumber < 1901)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            string yearMonthFrom = SqlHelper.GetDateString(monthFromNumber, yearFromNumber);
            string yearMonthTo   = SqlHelper.GetDateString(monthToNumber, yearToNumber);

            using (SqlConnection connection = SqlHelper.GetConnection(ConnectionString))
                string datePartInSelect = " ", datePartInGroupBy = " ", datePartInOrderBy = " ",
                       datePartCreatedOf = ",  [CreatedOf] " /*, employeeStr = ""*/;

                if (reportType == EntityEnum.ReportTypeEnum.ByMonth)
                    datePartInSelect  = " DATEPART(Year, CreatedOf) Year, DATEPART(Month, CreatedOf) Month, ";
                    datePartInGroupBy = " DATEPART(Year, CreatedOf), DATEPART(Month, CreatedOf), ";
                    datePartInOrderBy = ", Year, Month ";
                    datePartCreatedOf = " ";

                using (SqlCommand command = connection.GetCommand(" " +
                                                                  "SELECT " + datePartInSelect + " [Document].[ContractorId] AS DocumentContractorId, " +
                                                                  "[Contractor].Code AS ContractorCode " + datePartCreatedOf + ", SUM([Sum]) AS PurchaseSum, " +
                                                                  "SUM([SaleSum]) AS SaleSum " +
                                                                  "FROM [Document] " +
                                                                  "INNER JOIN Contractor on Document.ContractorId = Contractor.ContractorId " +
                                                                  "WHERE DocumentTypeId = " + (int)docType + " AND IsCommitted = 1 " + GetEmployeeIdWhereString(employeeId) +
                                                                  "AND CreatedOf >= '" + yearMonthFrom + "' AND CreatedOf < '" + yearMonthTo + "' " +
                                                                  "GROUP BY " + datePartInGroupBy + " [Contractor].Code " + datePartCreatedOf + ",[Document].[ContractorId] " +
                                                                  "ORDER BY [Document].[ContractorId] ASC " + datePartInOrderBy + " " + datePartCreatedOf
                                                                  , CommandType.Text))
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        SalesReportModel item = null;

                        while (reader.Read())
                            DateTime createdOf = GetDate(reader, reportType);

                            decimal purchaseSum    = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["PurchaseSum"]);
                            decimal saleSum        = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["SaleSum"]);
                            int     contractorId   = Int32.Parse(reader["DocumentContractorId"].ToString());
                            string  contractorCode = reader["ContractorCode"].ToString();

                            if (periods.Where(x => x.Period == createdOf).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                    new SalesReportPeriodModel
                                    Period     = createdOf,
                                    ReportItem = GetReportByDate(createdOf, docType, reportType, employeeId),

                            if (item == null)
                                item = new SalesReportModel {
                                    ContractorModel = new ContractorCodeIdModel {
                                        ContractorCode = contractorCode,
                                        ContractorId   = contractorId,
                                    Refunds  = GetTotalReport(contractorId, yearMonthFrom, yearMonthTo, EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Refunds, employeeId),
                                    SubTotal = GetTotalReport(contractorId, yearMonthFrom, yearMonthTo, EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Shipment, employeeId),
                            if (item.ContractorModel.ContractorId != contractorId)
                                item = new SalesReportModel
                                    ContractorModel = new ContractorCodeIdModel
                                        ContractorCode = contractorCode,
                                        ContractorId   = contractorId
                                    Refunds     = GetTotalReport(contractorId, yearMonthFrom, yearMonthTo, EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Refunds, employeeId),
                                    SubTotal    = GetTotalReport(contractorId, yearMonthFrom, yearMonthTo, EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Shipment, employeeId),
                                    ReportItems = new List <SalesReportModelItem>()

                            if (item.ReportItems == null)
                                item.ReportItems = new List <SalesReportModelItem>();

                            item.ReportItems.Add(new SalesReportModelItem
                                CreatedOf   = createdOf,
                                PurchaseSum = purchaseSum,
                                SaleSum     = saleSum
                        // Check if contractor already exists


             * string yearMonthFrom = SqlHelper.GetDateString(monthFromNumber,yearFromNumber);
             * string yearMonthTo = SqlHelper.GetDateString(monthToNumber, yearToNumber);
            data.RefundsGrandTotal = GetTotalReport(null, yearMonthFrom, yearMonthTo, EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Refunds, employeeId);
            data.GrandTotal        = GetTotalReport(null, yearMonthFrom, yearMonthTo, EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Shipment, employeeId);

            data.ReportModel = result;
            //List<DateTime> datesList = dates.ToList();
            data.Periods = periods.OrderBy(x => x.Period).ToList();