Esempio n. 1
        [AllowAnonymous]       // will check security internally, so assume no requirements
        public void Delete(string contentType, Guid guid, [FromUri] string appPath = null)
            Log.Add($"delete guid:{guid}, type:{contentType}, path:{appPath}");
            // if app-path specified, use that app, otherwise use from context
            var appIdentity = AppFinder.GetAppIdFromPathOrContext(appPath, BlockBuilder);

            var entityApi = new EntityApi(appIdentity.AppId, true, Log);
            var itm       = entityApi.GetOrThrow(contentType == "any" ? null : contentType, guid);

            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsItems(BlockBuilder, appIdentity.AppId, itm, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(Grants.Delete.AsSet(), out var exception))
                throw exception;

            entityApi.Delete(itm.Type.Name, guid);
Esempio n. 2
        internal void Delete(IInstanceContext context, IBlock ctxBlock, string contentType, Guid guid, string appPath)
            Log.Add($"delete guid:{guid}, type:{contentType}, path:{appPath}");
            // if app-path specified, use that app, otherwise use from context
            var appIdentity = AppFinder.GetAppIdFromPathOrContext(appPath, ctxBlock);

            var entityApi = new EntityApi(appIdentity.AppId, true, Log);
            var itm       = entityApi.GetOrThrow(contentType == "any" ? null : contentType, guid);

            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsItems().Init(context, GetApp(appIdentity.AppId, ctxBlock), itm, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(Grants.Delete.AsSet(), out var error))
                throw HttpException.PermissionDenied(error);

            entityApi.Delete(itm.Type.Name, guid);
Esempio n. 3
        [AllowAnonymous]       // will check security internally, so assume no requirements
        public void Delete(string contentType, Guid guid, [FromUri] string appPath = null)
            Log.Add($"delete guid:{guid}, type:{contentType}, path:{appPath}");
            // if app-path specified, use that app, otherwise use from context
            var appIdentity = AppFinder.GetAppIdFromPathOrContext(appPath, SxcInstance);

            var entityApi = new EntityApi(appIdentity.AppId, Log);
            var itm       = entityApi.GetOrThrow(contentType == "any" ? null : contentType, guid);

            var permCheck = new MultiPermissionsItems(SxcInstance, appIdentity.AppId, itm, Log);

            if (!permCheck.EnsureAll(Grants.Delete.AsSet(), out var exception))
                throw exception;
            //2018-09-15 2dm moved/disabled
            //var context = GetContext(SxcInstance, Log);
            //PerformSecurityCheck(appIdentity, itm.Type.Name, Grants.Delete, appPath == null ? context.Dnn.Module : null, itm);

            entityApi.Delete(itm.Type.Name, guid);